Using Azure Powershell or the xpat cli how do I connect my web site to a github hook - powershell

Using the portal:
Using the portal at this is easy. From a newly created azure web site:
Go to the dashboard
On the quick glance options on the right, click "Set up deployment from source control"
On the "where is your source code?" option, select Github
Authorize, then choose the repo name and branch.
BINGO: now pushes to that branch will trigger a deployment of that branch onto the azure website. Lovely.
Here's the problem:
I cannot for the life of me see how to do this from the command line (using the xpat-cli installed using npm: "npm install azure-cli -g")
It seems like I should be typing something like:
azure site deployment github --verbose --githubusername [username] --githubrepository [username/reponame] [sitename]
Because the help for "azure site deployment github" says it will: "Link a website to a github account for deployment"
Doesn't seem to work though...
If I then type:
azure site show [sitename]
The output says the source control is "LocalGit" instead of github - which is what it says if I do it the portal way above.
Source Control
data: --------------
data: Type: LocalGit
Any ideas?

Depending on your use case the solution will be different.
Assuming you have the same github source but want to deploy to multiple different Azure websites
Potential Solution: Make use of the Deploy to Azure Button See details here:
Assuming you have various repositories that you want to deploy to Azure: Potential Solution: I am assuming that you will be the person deploying it. The workflow will be as follows:
A. Download files from Github to local folder See here
B. Publish your local folder into a new/existing Azure site. See here, or here. There are other github repositories to get some scripts right away
I understand this doesnt directly hook your system to do direct pull, but its one way to do it.
There is also:

Both documents I found describing how to set up continuous deployment from GitHub say that you can configure the repo and branch with an Azure Resource Manager template, but you have to enter your credentials and complete the authorization process in the portal.
The script used in this tutorial will automatically configure
continuous publishing from your GitHub repository. This requires that
your GitHub credentials are already stored in Azure, otherwise the
scripted deployment will fail when attempting to configure source
control settings for the web apps.
To store your GitHub credentials in Azure, create a web app in the
Azure preview portal and configure GitHub deployment. You only need to
do this once.
I'd also suggest posting your xpat-cli problem as an issue on their GitHub repo.


Deploy changes from GitHub to Salesforce

How can I add a custom button on which I could click on in order to deploy changes from the Master branch to a related DEV Org?
What have you tried? Have you seen ?
You can steal sample actions from SF official repo at
You'll need to provide the secret login URL to your target org, there are blog posts how to generate it and store in GitHub variable, for example or
Last but not least - to have action available for manual run (not just automated) read up about "workflow_dispatch"

Deploy to Azure Extension - Only Allows Creation of Github Actions Workflow. Wont Allow GitHub + Azure Pipelines Flow Creation

I am following the steps outlined here. I am using the Deploy to Azure Extension
I have done the following steps.
I have managed to create a simple react app and then got the GitHub + GitHub Actions portion to work no problem.
Now, I want to get GitHub Plus Azure Pipeline to work. So, I deleted the GitHub Actions/Workflow files, and starting over with the CICD setup.
Next, I have enabled Use Azure Pipelines for GitHub in the extension.
Then, as per the steps/pictures outlined in the above microsoft documentation link, I have begun the configure CICD option from the command palette.
Selected the Visual Studio Subscription
Selected the target web app
Now, at this point, as per the linked tutorial, it is supposed to ask me to choose a azure devops organization, so that the azure pipeline YAML file can kick in. This step never happens.
instead, VS Code will proceed to generate a GitHub Actions Workflow just as it did before.
What should I do to the GitHub to Azure Pipeline working from this extension?
Update 1
In case anyone is curious, I have raised a issue on the visual studio community forum. You can find that here
As of now, there is an ongoing discussion but no solution yet.
You can try reinstalling Deploy to Azure Extension and enable Use Azure Pipelines for GitHub, and then configure CI/CD option again. If the issue persists, you can report this issue here.
You can create a pipeline directly in your azure devops project. Check out below tutorial
Build, test, and deploy JavaScript and Node.js apps
You will also need to create an Azure Resource Manager service connection to deploy to your azure resource from azure devops pipeline.
Deploy an Azure Web App (Linux)

GitHub Pages Automation

I'm using GitHub Pages feature to host documentation. I'm working on a CI/CD process to automate the build so that when the source for the documentation is updated it automatically rebuilds the content and deploys to GitHub Pages.
So far, using AWS CodeBuild, I've implemented the following:
Pulls down source from GitHub Repo
Uses MkDocs to build and deploy to the special gh-pages branch using the "mkdocs gh-deploy" command.
This is done with command lines in the CodeBuild Buildspec. The reason I'm using commands is that I want to use GitHub Deploy Keys opposed to creating user account (used as a machine account) that my team would need to manage.
I have it all working except what triggers the build. If the process was using a user account to authenticate then I can use AWS CodePipeline which creates a Webhook within the GitHub repo, and then notifications are sent via the Webhook to say that the master branch was updated, which would trigger a new build.
I'd like to implement a similar process but using the GitHub repo's Deploy Key. Any suggestions?

How do I move an Azure DevOps project to a different organization?

I have got a project in an old org (from VSTS), that I want to move to my new one.
I can't see any options in Azure DevOps on migrating projects, or any information on the interwebs.
Anyone know how to do it?
If you just need to move repos, you can use the built in clone functions:
Go to the Azure Devops source repo -> Files
Click "Clone"
Choose "Generate Git Credentials"
Create the target repo in the target Azure DevOps
Choose "Import a repository"
Use the URL and credentials from Step 3
This is not supported today. But this feature was planned to develop: make it possible to move a Team Project between Team Project Collections
If your Azure Devops project only tracks code versions using a single Git repo, hence no boards, user stories, tasks, pipelines, etc. then you can do the following:
Clone your project repo.
For example with Visual Studio.
You don't need to clone if you already have a local repo.
Destroy the association with the remote.
For this typically, you need to open a command line prompt in the folder that contains the .git database folder, most likely the solution folder of Visual Studio and type git remote rm origin.
Here is an example using git bash showing the content of the solution folder, including the .git database and the *.sln Visual Studio solution file:
Open the solution with Visual Studio if not already done.
It should now show that you have many commits waiting to be pushed to a remote. For illustration purpose, my toy project only have 8 commits in total.
Click the up arrow and choose your new remote, say a brand new Azure DevOps project, in the organization of your choice, then push.
You are now done cloning the project in another organization. If needed, then destroy the project in the old organization to complete the "move" operation.
There are 3 projects that I know of to achieve this.
A paid for option by Ops Hub -
OpsHub Visual Studio Migration Utility
An open source tool that requires making changes to the work item process template - Azure DevOps Migration tools
An lastly an Unofficial but still written by Microsoft tool to create Azure DevOps project templates - Azure DevOps Demo Generator & extractor tool
With the last one (the Demo Generator) you extract the project as a template, then apply it to the new organisation. As it is a tool for demo's there is no support provided and in my experience it works for simple projects but falls over on anything complex.
Expanding on others' answers, this post regards Pipelines.
Azure DevOps API
Migrating nearly all aspects of a project across organizations is doable, but it is a lot of manual work using the Azure DevOps API. The link below shows you all the end points, variables, etc. From there you'll probably want to write a Power Shell script and do a couple test runs to a dummy Organization.
In App options
If you avoid the API, there is no way to migrate pipelines that preserve build or release history, but you can preserve your configurations and processes by going into your Pipelines and selecting View YAML. From here you can either take this away as notes to recreate the GUI steps in your new org/project location, or actually adopt the YAML standard in your git repository.
I do not believe there is a way to migrate pipeline variables outside of the API. However, you can move the variables to Azure Key Vault and change your pipeline settings (YAML) to reference values from key vault. This is not a large amount of effort and is a nice process improvement.
Lastly, if you have any locally installed pipeline agents for releases, you will need to run the Power Shell script for your new organization on the boxes. Very simple 5m step, but right now the Agent Pools are not sharable across organization.
As #Frederic mentioned in his answer, we can actually easily do it with Visual Studio. I have done this without Visual Studio. The steps involved are below.
Add a User to Both Organization
Configure SSH Key
Update the SSH Key in Source DevOps and Clone the Repository
Check out all the Branches and Tags
Update the SSH Key in the Destination DevOps
Remove Old and Add New Origin
Push all the branches
The commands and detailed explanations can be found here.
BTW, if you need to change the entire Devops Organization tied to your personal Tenant (E.g. VS Enterprise Subscription) and move it to new Tenant, you can change the AAD and point it to the new one e.g. your EA Tenant on Azure commercial cloud.
Before you switch your organization directory, make sure the following statements are true:
You're in the Project Collection Administrator group for the
You're a member or a guest in the source Azure AD and a
member in the destination Azure AD
You have 100 or fewer users in
your source organization. Otherwise you will have to open a support ticket.
You may have to add the users back in destination org if they do not exist becuase they will loose access the moment you switch the AAD.
you could just download as a zip file and then download it to the destination repo

GitHub Organization Repo + Jenkins (GitHub Plugin) integration

I have an organization on GitHub with private repositories. I also have Jenkins set up running on port 8080 on a server, with the GitHub plugin installed. I've created an account on GitHub for my jenkins user, which resides in the owners group.
I'm trying to trigger a job on jenkins when a change is pushed to my development branch (or master branch, neither seem to be working).
When I look at the GitHub Hook Logs in Jenkins, it says that Polling has not run yet. When I go to "Manage Jenkins", the GitHub plugin says my account is Verified when I test it.
Any insight on how to configure this? I have multiple repositories I'd like to work with, so deploy keys don't seem like the solution to me.
As Craig Ringer mentions in his answer, you can select Grant READ permissions for /github-webhook in "Configure Jenkins" under the GitHub plugin settings, allowing the webhook to be called without authentication.
Another update: Webhooks are now (Dec. 2014) available for organization: see WebHooks API for orgs.
Note: the issue 4 of the hudson-github-plugin was about:
Last GitHub Push
Polling has not run yet.
And the conclusion was:
Nevermind, the only missing piece was a permission checkbox for the github user which ain't documented anywhere on the internet.
So is this a permission issue regarding your Jenkins users?
The article "Set up Jenkins-CI on Ubuntu for painless Rails3 app CI testing" includes the following process:
To restrict the CI system and give access to your Team members to use or see the build logs, first you’ve to create an account.
Go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System,
Check the Enable Security checkbox
Under Security Realm, choose Jenkins's own user database
Check the Allow users to sign up checkbox
Under Authorization, choose Project-based Matrix Authorization Strategy
Add first user with the name admin and another with GitHub (Note: the username for Admin access has to be admin) For GitHub named user, just choose the Overall Read only permission. We’ll use this user later with the GitHub hook.
Note: The admin and GitHub user that we’ve added in the above step does not create the User. Then you’ve to create a real user with that same name. Ya, I know, its a bit weird with Jenkins UI.
Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Users > Create User. Create both admin and GitHub users.
Hooking with the Github web-hooks
Now to run the build automagically when new commit or branch gets pushed onto Github, we have to setup the repository.
Got to the hooks page for your repository. e.g.<username>/<project_name>/admin/hooks
Under AVAILABLE SERVICE HOOKS > Post-Receive URLs, add
The github:github is the user that we’d created earlier.
Then we have to verify Jenkins with Github. Go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System and under GitHub Web Hook, add your Github username and password and click the Test Credential button to authorize once with Github.
It looks like the accepted answer is no longer necessary with the current version of the GitHub plugin. You can instead check Grant READ permissions for /github-webhook in "Configure Jenkins" under the GitHub plugin settings, allowing the webhook to be called without authentication.
As explained in the help on this option that's quite safe, and frankly no worse than having a user named "github" with password "github" anyway.
There are two ways to achieve automatic builds on Jenkins. What you choose depends on whether GitHub can call the Jenkins server URL you provide. This may not be the case if you are running Jenkins behind a firewall.
If GitHub can reach that URL you can set up the service hook on your repo there.
If not you can set up Jenkins to poll periodically.
You may set up both, but one solution is enough to get it working. I would always go for the first if feasible as it saves resources CPU and traffic wise.
Either way you need the GitHub plugin for Jenkins.
Hope that helps a bit.