Ember CLI Install Addon - ember-cli

can somebody tell me the difference between using ember install and npm install ... the docs are very slim in describing the exact function of ember install.
Does ember install, actually call npm install?

Essentially, yes, ember install <addon-name> does execute npm install --save-dev <addon-name>.
However, it'll also perform any necessary additional setup required by the "blueprint" or add-on hooks (adding bower dependencies, editing a .jshintrc file, or many other tasks). This might not be applicable to some add-ons, but it is a good idea to use ember install over npm install for add-ons.
Normal npm packages will be installed by using ember install, but they won't contain a blueprint - so basically it'd be the same as using npm install in that case.
From the docs:
ember install <addon-name> - Installs the given addon to your project and saves it to the package.json. It will run the addon’s defaultBlueprint if it provides one.
You can read more about blueprints here.
Hope this helps. I'm not sure this is thoroughly documented anywhere, this is just my understanding of the process from my usage.


Component-preload.js generation

We are about to close a SAPUI5 application, one of the last steps is to make a Component-Preload.js file to improve performance. I read different guides around the web, all of them need Node.js that I have installed. I'm not expert about that package and I can't figure how to make one of that guides work. I'm developing with NetBeans. As far as I see there is not an official tool (am I right?) to generate that file. Can someone with more experience than me suggest a working, well-explained guide to perform that task?
I don't know if this could help, that's my working tree:
There are several main ways of doing it.
You can use SAP Web IDE to generate it. This assumes that you are using WebIDE to develop your application (which is not true based on your question). The regular version of WebIDE generates this file during the "client build" just before application deployment.
The "multi cloud" version of WebIDE can use a grunt build to do it. You can find more info here if you are interested: https://www.sap.com/developer/tutorials/webide-grunt-basic.html.
Use the new UI5 command line tools (https://npmjs.com/package/#ui5/cli):
Run npm i -g #ui5/cli to install the tools globally.
Open the root of your project with your terminal.
Run ui5 build preload to build the preload.
Use the #sap/grunt-sapui5-bestpractice-build pre-configured grunt tasks. The downside is that they are more-or-less black boxes which do not allow that much customisation. You can find an example setup on SAP's GitHub repository jenkins-pipelines. In a nutshell:
You need to define an .npmrc file which adds the #sap npm registry: #sap:registry=https://npm.sap.com.
Run a npm init command such that you generate a package.json file. This file describes your application and your dependencies (runtime dependencies and dev dependencies; you will only have dev dependencies for now, as you just want to build your app). Make sure to mark the package as private. See the npm docu (at the end of the license chapter).
Then you can install grunt and the build configuration: npm i grunt -D and npm i #sap/grunt-sapui5-bestpractice-build -D.
Lastly you need to define a simple Gruntfile (you can then run the build by just running grunt):
module.exports = function (grunt) {
'use strict';
grunt.registerTask('default', [
You can use the official grunt_openui5 plugin to generate the preload file(s). In order to be able to do this, you need to have node installed:
Create a package.json (e.g. through npm init).
Install grunt by writting in the console: npm install grunt-cli --save-dev.
Install the official openui5 grunt plugin: npm install grunt-openui5 --save-dev.
Now you have all the tools necessary, you just need to tell grunt what it has to do. You should create a Gruntfile.js in the root of your project. In this file you should configure the grunt openui5 task as described in the official github page (I linked it above). You can find a similar file here (it has more build steps like minification and copying the result files in a separate directory).
You can then run the grunt build by simply running grunt <task_name> in the console. If you registered your build task as the grunt default task (like in the sample file: grunt.registerTask('default', [...]);) then you just have to write grunt.
I think you should be able to integrate such a command line script (i.e. to run grunt) inside your IDE as an external tool.
You can use the unofficial gulp-openui5 tool to generate it. I would not recommend this if you are not already using gulp for your builds (as it is not a tool built by SAP). The procedure is the same, but using gulp for building the app instead of grunt (so you need to install node, npm init, install gulp, create the Gulpfile, etc).
Note that for most of the above methods, you need nodejs, which you can download and install from here: https://nodejs.org/en/download/.

Extremely confused how to install Babel ES6

I know this might be the wrong place to ask this question but ive been trying so hard to install babel. I just dont understand how this works.
I tried running this: npm install --save-dev babel-cli but it doesnt understand that command. I dont even have an installer or anything. I thought maybe there is an exe or something but I was wrong. I went to the plugins page and the same thing.
Can someone please tell me how the installation works? ...that is in baby steps.
You need to install npm first, but you probably want to install Node.js instead, as npm comes with Node.js. Once you have Node.js installed, you can use npm from the command line, which is Terminal (Mac/Linux) or Command Prompt (Windows).
Once you've done that, using the command line go to the folder/directory you want to use Babel in. (I'm assuming you know how to use the command line. If not, you need to learn that first.) Then, run npm init and fill in the fields with sensible info (or leave them blank).
Then, a sample installation of babel would be npm install --save-dev babel-cli babel-preset-es2015. This installs Babel and the stuff necessary to transform ES6 code. You can then use Babel by running babel foo.js --out-file bar.js --presets es2015. This will compile ES6 code in the file foo.js into ES5 code in bar.js. (ES2015 is another name for ES6). More information about using the Babel CLI (command line interface) is available in the docs.

Install a package to a docker container (managed by dokku)

I have a hard time understanding where is the right place to place a code that will install the needed packages for the given docker container managed by dokku.
We have a scala application and, unfortunately, we need to have one shell call that is dependent on an environment. I would like to install the given package for the given container using "apt-get install". Right now I am using a custom plugin with a file named "post-release-build". However, I don't have the permission to install anything in that phase.
Basically, my script that should be invoked looks like this (based on a dockerfile that is available online):
apt-get update
apt-get install -y build-essential xorg libssl-dev libxrender-dev wget gdebi
wget http://download.gna.org/wkhtmltopdf/0.12/
gdebi --n wkhtmltox-
echo "-----> wkhtmltox installed!"
Is there a way how to make it work? I would also prefer to have such a file somewhere in the application so I don't need to setup environment before pushing the app (in the future).
I have found a plugin that should be capable of installing packages using apt-get (https://github.com/F4-Group/dokku-apt) however, I am a little bit unlucky because it downloads a package that is not working properly.
Since just downloading with apt-get will download a package that fails, I investigated deeper into dokku and came out with a new plugin that should install the package for you.
I have created a script, documented how to use it and licenced it over MIT license so feel free to use it. Hopefully it will save you the time I had to spend realizing what is going on.
URL: https://github.com/mbriskar/dokku-wkhtmltopdf

Why does Yeoman generator not work when installed through npm?

GitHub version: https://github.com/trevordmiller/generator-code-deck
npm version: https://www.npmjs.org/package/generator-code-deck
I have built a Yeoman generator which is working perfectly locally (using npm link after cloning the repo from GitHub). However, when I npm publish the generator to npm and install it via npm install -g generator-code-deck, running the generator throws no such file or directory and cannot find module errors:
These errors don't make sense to me, because 1. the files and folders are obviously there (as shown by the screenshot doodles) and 2. the generator is working via a symbolic link to the local repo; why should the npm package be any different?
I have been searching online to find an answer but I can't find anything. Does anyone know why these errors are happening when trying to install via npm, but not via a symbolic link? Does anyone know how to fix this so that I can release the official npm version of the Yeoman generator? Any help would be much appreciated!
Chances are you're not publishing all files to npm.
This can be caused by a .npmignore file or by the files key of your package.json.

How can I trigger a 'yum clean all' from within a yum plugin?

I'm writing a yum plugin that updates the URLs of local repos. When the repo URL changes, I'd like to have yum run a yum clean all to make sure no out-of-date information is cached. I know yum has a hook for running code when yum clean [plugins|all] is requested but is it possible to trigger a clean all from within one of the plugin's other hook functions?
You can do this easily. Yum exposes a library which is consumed by command line program. Here is an example code for yum clean all:
import sys
import cli
ybc = cli.YumBaseCli()
In case you want to do more then "clean all" using function check all the APIs exposed by CLI library methods exposed at /user/share/yum-cli folder :)