Install a package to a docker container (managed by dokku) - plugins

I have a hard time understanding where is the right place to place a code that will install the needed packages for the given docker container managed by dokku.
We have a scala application and, unfortunately, we need to have one shell call that is dependent on an environment. I would like to install the given package for the given container using "apt-get install". Right now I am using a custom plugin with a file named "post-release-build". However, I don't have the permission to install anything in that phase.
Basically, my script that should be invoked looks like this (based on a dockerfile that is available online):
apt-get update
apt-get install -y build-essential xorg libssl-dev libxrender-dev wget gdebi
gdebi --n wkhtmltox-
echo "-----> wkhtmltox installed!"
Is there a way how to make it work? I would also prefer to have such a file somewhere in the application so I don't need to setup environment before pushing the app (in the future).
I have found a plugin that should be capable of installing packages using apt-get ( however, I am a little bit unlucky because it downloads a package that is not working properly.

Since just downloading with apt-get will download a package that fails, I investigated deeper into dokku and came out with a new plugin that should install the package for you.
I have created a script, documented how to use it and licenced it over MIT license so feel free to use it. Hopefully it will save you the time I had to spend realizing what is going on.


How to install custom libraries, and use them?

I have been trying to install some libraries, csv and hs-gchart. I know that IHaskell has alternatives for charting but I just wanted to try to install something.
I'm using Gibianski's docker image.
I already tried to do a cabal install in the docker container, but results that docker is not installed so I ssh'd into the container and installed it. Still cannot import any of these libraries.
Then I tried to install with stack build csv hs-gchart, still no luck.
What would be the straightforward/correct way to install a library and use it from an IHaskell notebook?
After talking to Andrew Gibiansky on IHaskell's Gitter, he recommended me to fork/clone the repo, add stack install <library> in the Dockerfile, and then do a docker build -t my-ihaskell /path/to/the/IHaskell/repo. After that just docker run my-ihaskell.
Now the libraries work as expected. (hs-gchart fails, but thats another story)

How should I handle Perl module updates when maintaining docker images?

I'm working on building a docker image to be able to run all of our Perl applications. The applications require hundreds of CPAN modules to be installed. The full build of the docker image takes about an hour to complete.
After doing the initial image, I'm not sure how best to handle ongoing updates.
We could keep a single Dockerfile in git, and then modify this as required, and push new builds up to dockerhub. However if the person doing the build doesn't have all of the intermediate images, then adding a single CPAN module could be an extremely tedious process, and it might take an hour before they even know if the new module installs correctly. Also it would be downloading every CPAN module again, which seems a bit risky, as there might be a breaking change in the new module.
Alternatively, the person doing the build could pull the latest docker-hub image, and then install the cpan module interactively, commit the build and push the new image to dockerhub. However then we only have our dockerhub images, but not master Dockerfile.
Or another option would be to create a Dockerfile for each new build, which references the previous dockerhub image. This seems overly complicated though.
Option 1) seems wrong. I'm fairly sure we don't want to be rebuilding the entire image from the base OS just to install one additional module. However being dependent on images without Dockerfiles seems risky as well.
You could use the standard module installer for your underlying OS on your docker image.
For example, if its RedHat then use yum and only use CPAN when they are not available
FROM centos:centos7
RUN yum -y install cpanm gcc perl perl-App-cpanminus perl-Config-Tiny && yum clean all
RUN cpanm install Some::Module; rm -fr root/.cpanm; exit 0
taken from here and modified
I would try to have a base image which the actual applications use
I would also avoid doing things interactively (e.g. script a dockerfile) as you want to be able to repeat the build when upstream dependencies change, which docker hub does for you.
You can convert perl modules into your own packages using dh-make-perl
You can load these into your own Ubuntu repo using reprepro or a paid solution of Artifactory
These can then be installed using apt-get when you use your repo as a source from within a dockerfile.
When I have tried a similar thing before There are a few problems
Your apps don't work with the latest version of modules
There are far more dependencies than you expected
Some modules wont package
Benefits are
You keep the build tools (gcc, etc) off the app servers
You know much more about your dependencies

Centos - how do I install a specific version of Erlang?

I'm running Centos 6.7 on my server and am trying to install Erlang/Rabbitmq following these instructions:
Erlang Installation
RabbitMQ Installation
The trouble is that at time of writing these install Erlang 19.0 with RabbitMQ 3.6.3, which leads to a pretty major bug as far as my client who occasionally looks at the management interface to monitor queues is concerned.
The guidance in the error ticket is not to use erlang 19 until RabbitMQ 3.6.4 is released. But how can I install a specific version of Erlang?
These steps worked for me:
Go to the download page here:
Select your appropriate package -- you can copy/peek the link then download it using wget.
Install it using rpm.
# Download erlang 19
$ wget
# Install
rpm -Uvh esl-erlang_19.0~centos~7_amd64.rpm
You can always build install from source.
Go to the Downloads page, pick your version from the right side.
From there you can follow the instructions. Although they are for Ubuntu, the commands are the same except for the dependencies part where you can use the command below to install what you need:
sudo yum install g++ openssl-devel unixodbc-devel autoconf ncurses-devel
Another option would be to use kerl, which is similar to rvm in some sense and very (very!) easy to use. It will let you install different Erlang versions and switch between them any time you want.
I prefer this approach instead of looking up packages myself (with possible incompatibilities in the dependencies required) or downloading and compiling everything myself every time I want to try a new Erlang version.

How to build gstreamer ugly plugins from source

I would like to change some code in one element X in gstreamer ugly plugin and rebuild and use it.
How I can do it?
I have gstreamer-0.10 and installed gstreamer-ugly plugin.
I would like to download only gstreamer0-10 ugly plugin code and change it and would like to use the new lib file. How I can do it?
unfortunately gstreamer-ugly depends on a lot of stuff in at least libgstreamer and plugins-base (if you're using linux and your distro provides *-dev packages as debian/ubuntu does).
If you're on debian you could use dpkg-buildpackage after checking out the source using apt-source. The big advantage here is that all the build dependencies can be easily installed.
The manual way will probably need you to first build all the other gstreamer packages have a close look on what ./configure tells you
I'm workin on debian and have already built gstreamer+plugins to backport the recent ones to ubuntu (although I'm not sure if I did it in a best-practice way ;) )
/edit: I'll try to cover the basic steps for ubuntu here:
add the source repositories to apt (check the "source code" checkbox in the ubuntu software center's "software sources" tool
sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev devscripts
sudo apt-get build-dep gst-plugins-ugly0.10
apt-get source gst-plugins-ugly0.10
change to the newly created gst-plugins-base* folder
dpkg-buildpackage (and make sure it works)
change the source to your needs
you can rebuild it any time using dpkg-buildpackage (to simply see if it compiles make might be faster though). This creates a .deb file in the parent folder that you can simply install using dpkg -i
If it's a useful change you might want to get in touch with the gstreamer-devs ;)
On a debian system, run apt-get build-dep gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly to get all the build dependencies for that package. After that you can build the package from git, source tarball or even rebuild the debian package (using dkgp-buildpackage).

How can I trigger a 'yum clean all' from within a yum plugin?

I'm writing a yum plugin that updates the URLs of local repos. When the repo URL changes, I'd like to have yum run a yum clean all to make sure no out-of-date information is cached. I know yum has a hook for running code when yum clean [plugins|all] is requested but is it possible to trigger a clean all from within one of the plugin's other hook functions?
You can do this easily. Yum exposes a library which is consumed by command line program. Here is an example code for yum clean all:
import sys
import cli
ybc = cli.YumBaseCli()
In case you want to do more then "clean all" using function check all the APIs exposed by CLI library methods exposed at /user/share/yum-cli folder :)