how to "propertly" not commit changes on mercurial? - version-control

Accidentally i hg added several binary compiled files from a project along with tons of little changes on several files.
my hg status now show that i have a dozen files modified (correctly) and two dozen files added (mistake).
how do i undo that?
Most answers here tell me to install the MQ extension or to use rollback, but the manual for MQ ext says that i'm not really supposed to use it and that there are (slightly more complicated) ways of doing the same MQ does with mainline hg -- though it fails to show how. and rollback shows warnings about not being supposed to be used because it is deprecated.
So, how do i remove from my upcoming commit the files added by mistake, while keeping the modified files that i want to commit?

When you added (instead of modified) the files accidentially use hg forget FILENAME instead of hg revert FILENAME.

You can revert those files. hg revert fileyouwanttorevert otherfileyouwanttorevert


Deleting tracked file from the file system vs hg remove

I'd like to know if there are any consequences when deleting a tracked file from file system (e.g. via windows explorer) in comparison with when using hg remove to delete it from file system and untrack it.
In both cases, I'll commit afterwards, just in the first case tortoise HG marks the file as missing with exclamation mark, with the second it marks it as clean and ready for removal.
Besides this are there any differences?
If you go the file system path and don't make any other changes to tracked files, hg will give you an error when you try to commit:
nothing changed (1 missing files, see 'hg status')
(This is just a special case of nothing changed.)
If you have changed something else, hg won't complain at that point, but the file's status will continue to show up as missing with hg status. This has the negative effect of cluttering up your (mental) workspace and making it harder to tell at a glance what your working directory's current status is. Moreover, the file remains in the repository and will be restored by hg update for any revisions where it is still being tracked!
hg remove will return an error if the file was already deleted from the filesystem; in this case you should use hg forget to tell Mercurial to stop tracking the file.
If you prefer doing big changes with external utilities (like Windows Explorer), you can use the nifty hg addremove which automatically detects additions and removals. (The downside is that you might remove and untrack accidentally deleted files.)

cvs: updates fail to merge

I've just discovered, a surprising for me behavior of cvs.
I change file1 localy
During this time people change other unrelated parts of the same file, and commit to the repository
I update my local copy from repository
At this point I expect my local copy of file1 to contain all changes made by others to this file, unless the update above reported a conflict. However, when I do now diff with head, I discover lot's of differences coming from changes made by others in parts of the file that I did not touch at all.
Any ideas? Is this just the limited abilities of cvs to merge? Any wrong setting? Something in my workflow?
CVS has very limited merge facilities. Switch to a modern system such as Git (perhaps via git-cvsimport if the repo maintainer is uncooperative) if you want a better merge experience. See also Best practices for using git with CVS
The final solution is :
1. Save your local code to another place manually
2. Revert the files which may has conflict to the HEAD (most latest) version on CVS server.
3. Add back your change to the Reverted file.
The concept for above solution is to CLEAR UP all the possible issue by REVERT and get a 100% clean version from repository then add back our changes.
It can resolve below issues which caused by code out of date / code base messed up.
CVS commit had a conflict and has not been modified
CVS update failed
CVS not sync

VCS: push only source code directory

I work on Java project. How I can push only source directory without temporary files, build files and project files? I use Mercurial.
Mercurial will only push history, which means that it is only things that you have asked it to track (with hg add) and later committed (with hg commit) that will be pushed.
So like Jim says, you should setup .hgignore file. Do this before adding files to your project and double-check that hg status only lists files you want to add. Then run hg add to add them all.
If you've already put the temporary files and build artifacts under version control, then you can either use hg forget to stop tracking them. You'll still carry them around in the history, so if we've talking about tens of megabytes, then you probably want to re-create the repository.
Create an .hgignore file.

Mercurial workflow for updating with uncommitted changes?

So i've made the switch from CVS to mercurial for my website.
The biggest issue I am having is that if i'm working on some files that I don't want to commit, I just save them.. I then have other files I want to push to the server, however if someone else has made changes to the repository, and I pull them down.. It asks me to merge or rebase.. either of these options will cause me to lose my local changes that I have not committed.
I've read that I should clone the repository for each project on my local host and merge it into the live when it's ready to do so. This not only seems tedious, but also takes a long time as it's a large repository.
Are there better solutions to this?
I would have hoped that Mercurial would see that I haven't committed my changes (even though I have changed the file from what's on the server) so it'd just overlook the file.
Any input on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Also, i'm using the hg eclipse plugin to work on my files and push/pull from the server.
hg shelve is your friend here I think.
which comes from the shelve extention (maybe - see below)
from the overview:
The shelve extension provides the
shelve command to lets you choose
which parts of the changes in a
working directory you'd like to set
aside temporarily, at the granularity
of patch hunks. You can later restore
the shelved patch hunks using the
unshelve command.
The shelve extension has been adapted
from Mercurial's RecordExtension.
or maybe its the attic extension
This module deals with a set of
patches in the folder .hg/attic. At
any time you can shelve your current
working copy changes there or unshelve
a patch from the folder.
it seems to have the same syntax as the shelve extension, so I'm not certain which one I've used
I second #Sam's answer. However, if you prefer to use standard Mercurial, a simple workflow is to
save your working dir changes in a temporary file,
sync your working dir with a specific revision, then
push, pull, merge .. whatever you want to do and which requires a clean working copy, and
get back your changes from the temporary file into the working dir.
For instance:
$ hg diff > snapshot.patch # save your uncommited changes
$ hg up -C # get a clean working copy
$ hg pull # do things ..
$ hg merge # .. you need a clean ..
$ hg commit -m "merge" # .. working copy for
$ hg import snapshot.patch # get back your uncommited work
First, are you working from the commandline, or using something like Tortoise?
If you're working from the commandline, and you've done a pull, mercurial will not ask you to do anything, as it merely updates your local repository.
If you then do an hg update and have local changes, it should do what you're used to from CVS. It will update to the tip of the current branch, and attempt to merge your outstanding changes in. There are some caveats to that, so refer to the official docs at
Also, for temporarily storing changes, I would recommend MQ over shelve. Shelve only provides one storage area, whereas MQ provides as many as you need. MQ takes some getting used to, but worth the investment.

What is the difference between hg forget and hg remove?

I want mercurial to remove several files from the current state of the repository. However, I want the files to exist in prior history.
How do forget and remove differ, and can they do what I want?
'hg forget' is just shorthand for 'hg remove -Af'. From the 'hg remove' help:
...and -Af can be used to remove files
from the next revision without
deleting them from the working
Bottom line: 'remove' deletes the file from your working copy on disk (unless you uses -Af) and 'forget' doesn't.
The best way to put is that hg forget is identical to hg remove except that it leaves the files behind in your working copy. The files are left behind as untracked files and can now optionally be ignored with a pattern in .hgignore.
In other words, I cannot tell if you used hg forget or hg remove when I pull from you. A file that you ran hg forget on will be deleted when I update to that changeset — just as if you had used hg remove instead.
From the documentation, you can apparently use either command to keep the file in the project history. Looks like you want remove, since it also deletes the file from the working directory.
From the Mercurial book at
Removing a file does not affect its
history. It is important to
understand that removing a file has
only two effects. It removes the
current version of the file from the
working directory. It stops Mercurial
from tracking changes to the file,
from the time of the next commit.
Removing a file does not in any way
alter the history of the file.
The man page hg(1) says this about forget:
Mark the specified files so they will
no longer be tracked after the next
commit. This only removes files from
the current branch, not from the
entire project history, and it does
not delete them from the working
And this about remove:
Schedule the indicated files for
removal from the repository. This
only removes files from the current
branch, not from the entire project
If you use "hg remove b" against a file with "A" status, which means it has been added but not commited, Mercurial will respond:
not removing b: file has been marked for add (use forget to undo)
This response is a very clear explication of the difference between remove and forget.
My understanding is that "hg forget" is for undoing an added but not committed file so that it is not tracked by version control; while "hg remove" is for taking out a committed file from version control.
This thread has a example for using hg remove against files of 7 different types of status.
A file can be tracked or not, you use hg add to track a file and
hg remove or hg forget to un-track it. Using hg remove without
flags will both delete the file and un-track it, hg forget will
simply un-track it without deleting it.