What are validators in eclipse IDE? - eclipse

In order to speed up the eclipse, we can disable one or more validators in Eclipse IDE. It actually speeds up the loading of eclipse.
My question is not how to disable those validators. I know how to do that.
My question is What do those validators do? Why do we need them? What is the danger of disabling those validators? If we do not want them, why does eclipse comes with them?
If we use a build tool like ant to build our project, does disabling those validators still have any effect?
Quoting the offcial docs for juno
The validators used depend on the global and project validation settings. When you validate a project manually, the global settings are used unless both of the following are true:
The Allow projects to override these preference settings check box is selected on the global validation preferences page.
The Override validation preferences check box is selected on the project's validation preferences page.
What does that actually mean?

Validators are a feature of the Web Tools component of Eclipse. They provide a mechanism for checking the correctness of various file types (such as HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript).
For file types such as Java the correctness of the file is determined when it is compiled, but there is no compiler for file types such as HTML so a different mechanism is need to check the files are correct. The validators provide this mechanism.
So if you turn of a validator you will longer get some messages about errors in files.


Prevent M2E From Creating Project Specific Settings

We recently decided that we want to share our Eclipse warnings settings so that all developers use the same ones (also save actions and formatter configuration). This of course means we want to remove all project specific settings. We created all the necessary plug-ins from scratch and are now able to display problems with quickfixes whenever project specific settings are still present.
So we now came to know that M2E selects the checkbox "Enable project specific settings" for the preference page "Java Compiler -> Errors / Warnings" on any Maven update (which usually happens quite often).
(Or adds the key value pair org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.forbiddenReference=warning to .settings\org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs.)
I think it's clear that it's absolutely unacceptable for a build tool to create project specific settings of any kind, much less to tinker with the forbidden references.
So how do I prevent M2E from doing just that?

Writing build.gradle in Eclipse

I want to write build.gradle in Eclipse and I need following support for that.
I need to write proper Groovy code to handle the complete build system and to deal with a certain file editing part. I want a support in eclipse which will show me all the methods available in dropdown for a particular class after typing classobject (methods dropdown). I want it to be the way it supports for Java programs.
I tried to add a couple of plugins in Eclipse, but they are not providing me this dropdown support. What plugin would work for this?

Eclipse RCP: how to extend GUI component in a different plugin?

I am adding a plugin to my application to extend functionality of an existing plugin (for advanced reporting). The application already has a preference page in place. I need to "refresh" the reporting of the new plugin when the user changes the preferences for the existing plugin.
My thought is to "extend" the preference page of the existing plugin to add a checkbox to "propagate changes to open reports" and cause a refresh. This refresh is only applicable when the new plugin is in use (it is optional and the existing plugin can be used standalone). How can I extend the preference page to add the checkbox and load THAT preference page instead of the existing one when the new plugin is loaded?
This question also applies to extend views and editors, but I'm unsure how to extend (in the Java definition) GUI components from different plugins. I can only see how to contribute new interfaces.
You can use an OSGi fragment for this. In a nutshell, a fragment is added to the host bundle (i.e. the one which "hosts" the fragment) and it can overwrite anything in the host bundle. If you think in terms of a classpath, then the fragment always comes first and then the host bundle.
That means you can take the existing preferences page, copy this single source file into a fragment, change it as needed and then compile it into a fragment.

disable eclipse validators

I do have a project which includes ZF library. In the problems tab I get all the warnings from the Zend library.
My problem is that I want to hide all that.
I've tried adding Exclude Group settings and rules for HTML for PHP validator and even I've suspended all validators for global settings and as a customized project settings and nothing works.
The strange thing is that most common type of problem is DLTK and I cannot find this particular validator.
Not all things in Eclipse that validate are validators. A lot of validation comes from builders. It is quite easy to disable a builder, but there could be unintended consequences if the builder is supposed to generate artifacts in addition to validation. To disable a builder, go to Project Properties -> Builders and uncheck it.
As an alternative, some tools that include builders allow you to specify that certain types of problems should not be reported. I am not familiar with PHP tools, but I would poke around under preferences.

Eclipse plugins for working with Apache Wicket projects

Are there any widely adopted, currently maintained Eclipse plugins for working with Apache Wicket projects? If so, where are they? Who maintains them? What do they do?
Take a look at Qwickie (eclipse plugin): https://github.com/count-negative/qwickie
The standard used to be wicket bench, but it has been discontinued and you can find a fork named stump.
I don't know stump, but wicket bench mainly had a refactoring listener (if you rename a java class, the HTML is also renamed) and some wizards (create a Panel with associated markup etc).
I haven't used bench in years, as it was rather buggy in newer eclipse versions. But I have made pretty good experiences using a custom set of eclipse HTML templates that you can download from this location: http://www.wicket-praxis.de/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/wicket-template.xml
(German) description on this page: http://www.wicket-praxis.de/blog/download/
You can install these as HTML Code Templates in Eclipse:
Window -> Preferences -> Web -> HTML Files -> Editor -> Templates -> Import...
and that will enable wicket-specific template shortcuts in the HTML editor.
It's too bad you don't use IntelliJ IDEA. It has an excellent plugin called WicketForge.
Not right on the question, but not completely off it, either.
I have released a tool that can be used as an eclipse save action. It generates Java interfaces with constants for ids in wicket templates and resource keys from translation files, so that you don't need to use strings for component ids and translation keys, but can use these generated constants.
It can be integrated in eclipse quite simply as an annotation processor. After a save of a component the interfaces will be generated and built. See its readme:
I'm maintaining it on github (feel free to fork/contribute) and am using it in all of my wicket projects.