Eclipse plugins for working with Apache Wicket projects - eclipse

Are there any widely adopted, currently maintained Eclipse plugins for working with Apache Wicket projects? If so, where are they? Who maintains them? What do they do?

Take a look at Qwickie (eclipse plugin):

The standard used to be wicket bench, but it has been discontinued and you can find a fork named stump.
I don't know stump, but wicket bench mainly had a refactoring listener (if you rename a java class, the HTML is also renamed) and some wizards (create a Panel with associated markup etc).
I haven't used bench in years, as it was rather buggy in newer eclipse versions. But I have made pretty good experiences using a custom set of eclipse HTML templates that you can download from this location:
(German) description on this page:
You can install these as HTML Code Templates in Eclipse:
Window -> Preferences -> Web -> HTML Files -> Editor -> Templates -> Import...
and that will enable wicket-specific template shortcuts in the HTML editor.

It's too bad you don't use IntelliJ IDEA. It has an excellent plugin called WicketForge.

Not right on the question, but not completely off it, either.
I have released a tool that can be used as an eclipse save action. It generates Java interfaces with constants for ids in wicket templates and resource keys from translation files, so that you don't need to use strings for component ids and translation keys, but can use these generated constants.
It can be integrated in eclipse quite simply as an annotation processor. After a save of a component the interfaces will be generated and built. See its readme:
I'm maintaining it on github (feel free to fork/contribute) and am using it in all of my wicket projects.


Are there any non-deprecated Eclipse PDE plugin templates?

I'm learning how to develop plugins for eclipse, and I'm trying to add a menu item to a context menu. That sounds simple enough, and in the "New Plugin Project" wizard, several templates are given, one of which creates a new item in the context menu.
The problem is Eclpse's own templates contain deprecated code. How can I learn how to develop proper code if even the provided templates use deprecated structures? Are there any templates out there which use modern structures like MenuContributions instead of deprecated structures like ActionSet and PopupMenus?
For the record, I am using the latest version of Eclipse SDK, Indigo 4.2.1.
There are no templates for the command/menu API.
A good tutorial on commands is:

Integrating community plugins into a ready Eclipse RCP app?

I already have a standalone Eclipse RCP application. The next task is to integrate the plugins which are widely used in the Eclipse community like CDT or say PyDev to provide the editing and debugging facilities in respective programming languages inside the already developed RCP app. Just wondering how do i go about accomplishing this task. Should i start with playing around the extension points of the plugins and adding it to the MANIFEST.MF ?
What are the various ways of achieving this ? Which one to pick over the other?
The most important thing you should consider (besides the technical) is a conceptional.
Plugins like CDT are making a lot of assumptations about their environment they are integrated into. That means your RCP should have a very similar user-interface and behavior like the normal Eclipse SDK so that the integration of other "IDE-ish" plugins is not a break of the interface principles of your RCP.
If your RCP is not based on a common navigator, projects, files (in general the Workspace) and several editors the integration of Plugins like CDT will be a nightmare for your users and will feel like another application within your RCP.
Make also sure that ui-contributions from third-party-plugins are visible (e.g. if the third-party-plugin is contributing a preference page, make sure that your RCP has the menu-item to open the preference-window)
First you have to load the new features/plugins in your existing RCP application. For this you have to adapt your product definition and load the new feature.xml files. or you enhance your own feature.xml and place the new plugins into.
Afterwards you have to decide, whether the new functions/view/perspectives are contributions to an already existing RCP extension point and whether you use this extension point in your RCP product.
If you want to use the new functions in another way (because the default is not enough) you have to point to specific views/actions in the new plugins and call them by your self. Fot his you have to adapt the MANIFEST.MF of your own plugin and point to the new plugins. If you do it, you can not switch off the added features, because you do have a jard link to these plugins.
Your RCP product already depends on the RCP feature (org.eclipse.rcp) or a subset of its plug-ins. This means, it already includes the plug-ins defining the basic extension points.
To include functionality (extensions) from additional features, just add these features to your product configuration dependencies. For example, you would have to add the feature org.eclipse.cdt for CDT and org.python.pydev.feature for PyDev.
The hard part begins when you need to include only some of the features' plug-ins.
You'll have to isolate the plug-in(s) providing the functionality you require.
For UI contributions, you can use the plug-in selection spy by selecting the required UI part and clicking alt+shift+F1.
For non-UI contributions, information for contributed extensions can be found in the plugin.xml files in the plug-in sources.
These plug-ins, along with their dependencies can be added to a custom feature, which can be included in your product.
Although dated, the article Building a CDT-based editor might also be of help.

how to add my own templates to eclipse in play! framework editor

I've noticed that the play plugin for eclipse adds a play editor,
along with several useful templates
I'd like to add my own ones, but I couldn't find the way to do it
I go to window, preferences, web, html files, templates and I can add
templates to eclipse html editor, but I couldn't find a similar option
for play editor
Check out the source code for the play plugin :
You might want to fork it and add your templates to that file. That is what I would do. But I do not have enough Eclipse development knowledge to help you further than point the direction.
I had a lok at the source, it seems like the template editor tags are defined here
looks like there's no support for creating your own templates thru eclipse...

Generic code snippets or templates in Eclipse

I'm currently evaluating eclipse after using Textmate for all my development for many years. What I miss in Eclipse and what I can't find any solution for are some kind of generic templates:
I'm using PDT for my JavaScript and PHP development, and it supports code-templates. however , in my projects I'm writing large amounts of shell-scripts, yml-configuration-files, xml-files, gnu make scripts, etc., too. I'm writing source-documentation for all these scripts using a generic syntax (similar to robodoc) and you can save much time, when you can insert the doc-blocks using templates. however, besides PDT not all of the editor-plugins support templates.
Is there some generic way of storing code-snippets/templates in eclipse, which will work across all editor-plugins? I think it should be possible to implement such using eclipse monkey -- however, it seems development of monkey was stopped?
I'm using Eclipse 3.4.0.
If you have the web tools (WTP) plugins installed you should have a Snippets view which is an editor-independent place for collecting reusable code snippets. You can create and place your snippets in there and can separate them using 'drawers'. Double clicking or dragging a snippet item will insert it in the active editor.
The web tools user guide has a section about this view.
Why don't you try Snip2Code plugin?
It is a general purpose snippet manager platform that you can add to your Eclipse and will store your snippets on the cloud, so that you don't have to sync them when you reinstall Eclipse or move onto another machine.

Why does one need the Eclipse Snippets View when editor templates already exist?

What are the tradeoffs of the Eclipse Snippets View vs. editor templates? Why were Snippets introduced in the first place?
Snippets appear to be a custom version of templates, with a view in the perspective and GUI dialogs to prompt for variable values in the template.
The only "new" functionality they have is to offer up their functionality through toolbar items in the editors.
Snippets view is sort of an extension proposed by WTP (Web Tool Platform) for template, more oriented to (web) code formatting, whereas templates help the user enter reoccurring patterns into a text editor.
So at the beginning, Eclipse Templates was a standard eclipse feature which could only be applied for java and javadocs.
Snippets are basically the same, but for other kind of files and were introduced by WTP to fill the same need, but for their own type of files (xml, jps, html, ...)
(and this is, right there, "why snippets were introduced in the first place")
Template does not have their own view, but rather an obscure Preference page (Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Templates)
You could at the time however write a small eclipse extension in order to make a Template View.
This has been resolved since eclipse3.4M6 (Templates have their own view)
You can also build some custom advanced snippets view
Additionally, the Snippets view was first conceived during the development time frame between Eclipse 1.0 and 2.0, before the content assist templates were anywhere close to being as capable as they now are. That's why it was created, and it simply came into WTP as part of IBM's initial contribution to the project.