Facebook. Fan page. Wall. Pictures - facebook

I have some problems with Facebook Graph API and want to ask some short questions.
Firstly. Is there any method to post multiple images in single wall page post using API? Any method? I want take some photos, text description and say to facebook through API: "I need your wall post with this data". After search I did not find any chance to do it.
Secondary. I can add single photo with description to page wall (edge /{pageID}/photos), but I can not edit through API (edge /{photoID}). Interesting fact - facebook answers to API photo edit call with message "success: true", but nothing happens! Image stays unchanged. Maybe anyone knows why?
Thank you for your future advices and your patience.

You can´t post multiple pictures in one API call, at least not right now.
Are you sure you looked at the right spot? Keep in mind that there will be a picture posted with a caption, but there will also be a wall post. Maybe you have only changed the photo caption and it´s not visible on the wall. Take a look at the picture directly.
That being said, according to the API reference, you should get more than just "OK", you should get the post id in the result. i´d file a bug: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/


facebook graph api - get posted images from users on page

I've searched a lot, but I did not get any full information.
I need to get all images which are posted to a specific fb page by users. And do I really ned to get that app reviewed? I only need this application during an exhibition over a weekend.
The fans take a picture at our booth and post it on our timeline. These images are to be displayed automatically on a screen.
How do I get to the pictures via the Facebook API?
My first move was with the following:
Since I need only the posts from others, I'm going to filter the response object.
Is there a better solution?
Okay, so PAGE-ID/visitor_posts?fields=picture,message did the trick!

Get photos of an event wall on Facebook

I am trying to do something that seems really simple when you take a look to the graph API doc on facebook developper web site : get the photos that have been posted on an event wall !
However everytime I try to do this request (a GET request on //photos) the only thing I get is an empty "data" array. And yes I have the permissions that are asked by Facebook...
Is it a part of the API that is not working ? (Please if there is guy from Facebook around here...) or is it me ?
I'm not sure why /event-id/photos didn't worked (yet mentioned in the docs); but there's a way (full-proof)-
You'll get an array in result; for each object if picture object is available or not.
I think this is the only solution, since if you open your event nowhere you can find the thing such as "event photos". The photos published by the users on an event are just a feed, there's no album(s) created.
Hope it helps. Good luck!

Post object, status_type property doesn't work?

We're able to post to user's FB timeline/page as the page, no problem. The issue is the post that our app is posting is way smaller than post that a page/user can post to the feed manually.
We've tried to change status_type to one of mobile_status_update, created_note, added_photos, added_video, shared_story, created_group, created_event, wall_post, app_created_story, published_story, tagged_in_photo, approved_friend according to the API (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/post/) but neither of these change how the post looks in the feed.
Has anyone been able to post content to timeline/page wall through an APP that looks as if it was posted manually - specifically size of the image?
Sample page post that was posted through our app as page owner - image is small:
Sample page post that was posted manually - large image. We'd like the one above to look like this as well when posted through the app:
status_type is set automatically. You can't set it yourself.
In the case of the manual post, you added a photo. To do that in the API, you have to query /PROFILE_ID/photos.
What you did through the API most probably is a post with a link, with the use of /PROFILE_ID/post with the link field filled. Hence, Daniel & Co shared a link.
That's why it doesn't look the same.
Some help for you to succeed at posting a photo:
How-To: Use the Graph API to Upload Photos to a user’s profile
Adding Photos to Stories
Disable grouping of photos on the timeline
Also note that you won't be able to post a photo with the link to image which is hosted on Facebook.

Unable to post links to an FB Event page using the Graph API

We are trying to publish to the feed resource of an event using the Graph API. What happens is it seems to ignore any link that we post. It also does not seem the Graph API supports any option for posting a photo to the wall of an event.
We make the call to the event feed using the following parameters:
name='John at Facebook Party'
message='Test Message 2'
caption='What a great time'
And we publish against the url:
The request response does go through successfully, but the link does not show up in the UI.
We can post a link to a regular page using the Graph API without issue. It does show in the UI with the link, thumbnail, caption, etc, all as it should.
This is a Bug and its reported and marked as confidential
With the below text and its also contain security hole
bug report link
Below is my bug report text.
Other details on this report are shown to Facebook employees only
I recently attempted to post on an event's wall using the Graph API, but only the message is posted; Everything else is not showing. e.g.
There is one more big thing that the post doesn't show; That this post is post "via a Facebook app"
Note: posting on a page or user wall worked and also normal messages posted on an event 's wall.
The most important thing is when the post is shown on the event's wall "it does not show that its posted by a Facebook Application".
This is very dangerous; For example I can make an application and post nonsense on a user's wall. People will think that this is posted by the user.
Thank you so much for creating this question
For posting a photo to an event it seems to be a FB bug, subscribe and up the repo count so it gets attention

Programmatically post an image on a comment at Facebook

I used the Facebook API to post an image or a comment on the wall using an iPhone. But I am trying to post an image on someone's comment through my application. How can we programmatically post an image to someone's post as a comment?
According to the Graph API documentation you can post comments to an object's /comments connection, but the only argument it takes is "message". So, no images.
Normally if you paste a URL to an image in a post, it automatically appears as an image, but I don't think I've ever seen images in comments on posts.
You can try putting it inside <img src="pic-url-goes-here">, but I'm pretty sure that does not work in replies at least.
If it really is impossible, you should (ask to) modify your application's functionality. Uploading the image from the application and linking to it in the comment would at least "get it in there" (as a link).