facebook graph api - get posted images from users on page - facebook

I've searched a lot, but I did not get any full information.
I need to get all images which are posted to a specific fb page by users. And do I really ned to get that app reviewed? I only need this application during an exhibition over a weekend.
The fans take a picture at our booth and post it on our timeline. These images are to be displayed automatically on a screen.
How do I get to the pictures via the Facebook API?
My first move was with the following:
Since I need only the posts from others, I'm going to filter the response object.
Is there a better solution?

Okay, so PAGE-ID/visitor_posts?fields=picture,message did the trick!


Facebook. Fan page. Wall. Pictures

I have some problems with Facebook Graph API and want to ask some short questions.
Firstly. Is there any method to post multiple images in single wall page post using API? Any method? I want take some photos, text description and say to facebook through API: "I need your wall post with this data". After search I did not find any chance to do it.
Secondary. I can add single photo with description to page wall (edge /{pageID}/photos), but I can not edit through API (edge /{photoID}). Interesting fact - facebook answers to API photo edit call with message "success: true", but nothing happens! Image stays unchanged. Maybe anyone knows why?
Thank you for your future advices and your patience.
You can´t post multiple pictures in one API call, at least not right now.
Are you sure you looked at the right spot? Keep in mind that there will be a picture posted with a caption, but there will also be a wall post. Maybe you have only changed the photo caption and it´s not visible on the wall. Take a look at the picture directly.
That being said, according to the API reference, you should get more than just "OK", you should get the post id in the result. i´d file a bug: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/

Facebook like count not working on my site

Hope you can help with the below, which I've spent most of this weekend trying to resolve but to no avail.
I use a social share and vote plugin on my website, which works perfectly for G+ Twitter Pinterest etc etc. However my facebook like button simply does not want to work.
Example, yesterday I posted this on my websites facebook page.
As you can see, this links to this page of my website which has its like, share, +1 counts etc at the bottom: http://www.superluigibros.com/evolution-of-mario
As you can see from the Facebook post it has 85 likes. Yet the website shows only 1 like?
The social plugin that I use asks for an App ID. I have created, and activated an App in Facebook and put the App ID in the relevant field of the plugin.
However I am not sure that the App is actually set up properly on the Facebook side, or maybe it lacks the permission to actually count the likes?
The only other point of note is that I am using another Facebook widget (the one that shows who likes our page) in a seperate module. Could this be conflicting in some way?
If anyone could help would be greatly appreciated. I really dont understand whats up with it
Best regards
This is the case because those are two completely different things:
On http://www.superluigibros.com/evolution-of-mario the number of likes is the number of times the URL was liked
With https://www.facebook.com/116091541779464/photos/a.496114153777199.1073741829.116091541779464/696621417059804/?type=1 you just posted an image also present on your page to your Facebook pages. The like count show the likes only for this image
So, what you need to do is to add the OpenGraph tags properly to your website, as described at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/using-objects#selfhosted-creating Then, you shouldn't share just an image on your Facebook page's feed, but the URL instead. FB will then pull the content for the image etc. from your website upon sharing.
The like counter in your facebook post is handled separately from the likes of your website page. Each "like" that your post receive doesn't count towards the site's like counter.
EDIT: I've just tested your site's like counter, and it's counting correctly as I have just liked it myself.

FB Graph API - Get pictures which I liked

I searched for myself almost 2 hours, but I did not find any solution. Maybe you can help.
The Issue:
I went to http://www.mammut.ch/de/productDetail/101013950_v_5268_L/Nordwand-Pro-Jacket-Men.html and liked the product at the end of the page via the like button.
The product now appears in my activity feed. Norman likes , with description, URL and image.
If I now query the graph api with /me/likes I receive ALL THE FB PAGES I liked. But I do not receive the liked product. I tried out almost any GraphAPI Connection, but I was not able to receive the product from my activity feed.
I think the major difference is, that this actually is not a like, like a like on FB-Company/Band Page. But what is it, and how is it possible to receive these kind of information.
Thanks alot in advance.

How to setup Facebook Timeline Cover Photo website . is it easy for a basic web developer?

I have seen many website build with wordpress and they have facebook timeline cover photos auto upload.
anyone please help me?
sorry for my bad english
it isn't difficult at all... you can get the cover url for a page/user using the facebook graph api.
ie: querying http://graph.facebook.com/cocacola?fields=cover will return the cover image properties for the cocacola fan page, simply use the 'source' field as your image src. (this is a 720px wide cover image)
as your using wordpress you could make a widget out of it, or hard code it in the template (eww..).
(on another note - you may want to additionally implement some form of caching for the facebook grapi api result so you don't continuously query facebook on every page load for the cover url.)
Majid Khan,
try this, facebook image uploader (for timeline and more.....)
work fine on wordpress and more....but it is not free
Timeline is the New Facebook Timeline covers profile. Tell your life story through photos, friendships and personal milestones like graduating or traveling to new places.

Facebook API restserver error with likes and comments

I'm having this strange problem: I have a link for a picture and i want to display it on my wall. Now i want to know how many times it was liked, shared and commented on. Let's say my picture url is http://mywebsite.com/mypicture.jpg?468
Now, I share this picture on my wall, I get likes, shares and comments.
If i'm using the http://api.facebook.com/restserver.php?method=links.getStats&urls=... i can see the shares, but not the likes or comments number.
Why is that? Do you think it's because of the ?468 after the .jpg? If so, why is that happing and only the shares are counted, and not the likes or comments?
For starters, you should be using the Graph API. The restserver.php file you are pointing at is deprecated at this point.
You will want to use the send (or like) plugin from Facebook. The REST API is deprecated (no longer supported and will be pulled completely from Facebook at anytime).
Then your url being shared will get a id from facebook and the stats tracked. Here's some examples: http://graph.facebook.com/?ids=CocaCola or http://graph.facebook.com/?ids=http://www.coca-cola.com