Notepad++ how to swap characters in a string - character

I have a computer generated text file. I need to swap positions of certain entries. These entries are always 4 characters long and separated from the rest by semicolons. The 4th character needs to become the first character.
For example:
has to become:
Note: There's a lot of other text separated by semicolons, but only these are exactly 4 characters long. The rest is longer or shorter

Have a try with:
Find what: ;(\d\d\d)(\d);
Replace with: ;$2$1;


Difficulty forming a regular expression

I'm trying to check a string to make sure that it only contains lowercase and uppercased letters, the digits 0-9, underscores, dashes and periods.
The regular expression I've been using for letter, numbers, underscores and dashes works fine and is this:
I'm having difficulty adding the check for spaces and periods though.
I've tried:
"[^a-zA-Z0-9_- ]" (added a space after the dash)
"[^a-zA-Z0-9_-\s\.]" (trying to escape a white space character)
I've also tried putting the \s and \. outside of the main block and also in blocks of their own.
Thanks for any advice.
A hyphen (representing the character) must be at the beginning or at the end of the (negating) character class.
Inside a character class the period is a normal character, it doesn't need to be escaped.
let pattern = "[^a-zA-Z0-9_. -]+"
Be careful about adding characters which have a special meaning: you forgot the hyphen.
I think that this is what you are looking for:
"[\^ a-zA-Z0-9_,\.\-]"

Trying to work around the error DF-CSVWriter-InvalidEscapeSetting

So I have a dataset which I want to export to csv with pipe as separator and no escape character.
That dataset contains in fact 4 source columns, 3 regular ones (just text) and one variable one.
That last column holds another subset of values that are also separated with a pipe.
Purpose is that the export looks like this, where the values are coming from my 4th field.
The number of values can be different for each record but.
When I set the csv export separator to ";", I get this result which is expected
However setting it to "|", it throws the error DF-CSVWriter-InvalidEscapeSetting.
Most likely because it detected the separator character in my 4th field and then enforces that an escape character needs to be set.
Which is a logical thing in most case but in my case I would like him to ignore this and just export as-is.
Any way how I can work around this, perhaps with a different approach or some additional settings?
Split & flatten produces extra rows but that's not what I want.
Sven Peeters
As you have the same characters in the column value same as your delimiter character, with no escape character in your dataset will throw an error.
You have to change the delimiter character to a different character or add a Quote character and Escape character to Double quote(").
Downloaded file:

Notepad++ moving letters from the end of text to the begining

i have a text file with values that start a few digits and end with a letter or two at maximum.
i need to move those letters to the front.
Original data looks like this:
and need them to become like:
thank you
Try capturing the leading numbers and trailing uppercase letters in a word, in two separate capture groups. Then, replace with the numbers and letters swapped.
Find: \b(\d+)([A-Z]+)\b
Replace: $2$1
If the group of letters could appear anywhere in the string, then we can use a slightly more complex pattern:
Find: \b(\d*)([A-Z]+)(\d*)\b
Replace: $2$1$3

Sed's regex to eliminate a very specific string

I have found several examples in this site that address questions/problems similar to mine, though I was unfortunately not able to figure out the modifications that would need to be introduced to fit my needs.
The "Problem":
I have a list of servers (VMs) that have it's UUID embedded as part of the name. I need to get rid of that in order to obtain the "pure/clean" server name. Now, the problem is precisely that: I need to get rid of the UUID (which has a very specific and constant format, more details on this below) and ONLY that, nothing else.
The UUID - as you might already know or have noticed - has a specific and constant format which consists of the following parts:
It starts with a dash (-).
Which is followed by a subset of 8 alphanumeric characters (letters are always lowercase).
Which is followed by a dash (-).
Which is followed by a subset of 4 alphanumeric characters (letters are always lowercase).
Which is followed by a dash (-).
Which is followed by a subset of 4 alphanumeric characters (letters are always lowercase).
Which is followed by a dash (-).
Which is followed by a subset of 4 alphanumeric characters (letters are always lowercase).
Which is followed by a dash (-).
Which is followed by a subset of 12 alphanumeric characters (letters are always lowercase).
Samples of results achieved using "my" """"code"""":
In this case the result is the expected one:
echo PRODSERVER0022-872151c8-1a75-43fb-9b63-e77652931d3f | sed 's/-[a-z0-9]*//g'
In this case the result is the expected one too:
echo PRODSERVER0022-872151c8-1a75-43fb-9b63-e77652931d3f_OLD | sed 's/-[a-z0-9]*//g'
Expected result: PRODSERVER0022-OLD
echo PRODSERVER0022-872151c8-1a75-43fb-9b63-e77652931d3f-OLD | sed 's/-[a-z0-9]*//g'
Expected result: PRODSERVER00-22
echo PRODSERVER00-22-872151c8-1a75-43fb-9b63-e77652931d3f-old | sed 's/-[a-z0-9]*//g'
I know that, within the sed universe, a . means "any character", while a * means "any number of the preceding character". However, what I would need in this case, as I see it at least, is a way to tell sed to do the replacement only if this specific sequence is present (8 alphanumeric characters [any, but specifically 8, not more, not less]; followed by a dash, then followed by 4 alphanumeric characters [any, but specifically 4, not more, not less], etc..). So, the question would be: Is there a regex construction (or a combination [through piping I guess] of several of them, if it has to be the case) that can achieve the expected results in this case?
Note that: Even though servers may have additional dashes (-) as part of their names, the resulting sub-strings will never consist of 8 characters, neither of 4. They might, however, end up having 12 characters, which, even though would initially match up with the last sub-string in the UUID, it will not be at the end of the string, so we have that to discriminate between these two 12-chars substrings (and also it will not be a problem if there is indeed a regex combination that can get rid of the UUID as a whole).
Try this to match the UUID.
Embed it in the sed command line in the usual way. As Benjamin W. has said, we need to use extended regular expressiongs.
sed -E 's/-[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}//g'

Replacing the Last Ten Blanks With Tabs

I have a file in which each line contains data separated by a single space. The total number of spaces varies from line to line but is always greater than 10. I wish to replace only the last ten spaces with tabs. Any spaces that exist before the last ten are to be left untouched.
How can I do that using vi?
You can make use of regular expressions for this purpose.
Regex can be:
<Ten Spaces>$
[ ]{10}$
$ indicates search from the end.