Using nw extensions in Dijkstra Algorithm - netlogo

I'm now working on my undergraduate thesis about shortest path in Netlogo using Dijkstra algorithm
How nw extensions can be implemented in Dijkstra Algorithm coding?
Thank you. .

Not sure I understand your question, but the NW extension uses Dijsktra's algorithm to do its shortest path calculations. The algorithm has been modified so as to save as much information as possible while running. You can read more about that here:
If you're asking about using NW in order to write your own implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm, NW doesn't really help you. It already has Dijkstra's built-in! You can implement Dijkstra's in NetLogo since all you really need is a way to get the links connected to a node and a data structure to store them in that makes it easy to grab the shortest one, called a heap. The connected link calculation is easy (just my-links or link-neighbors; other-end is useful too). The heap is harder. NetLogo doesn't have a built-in heap, nor a good way of creating your own data structures, but you can build heaps just out of lists. You can also just use a list that remains sorted the whole time, but that will hurt the computational complexity.


Interested in finding k shortest path in opl cplex by dijkstra algorithm

I am interested in finding k shortest path from source node to destination node by dijkstra's algorithm. i have solved the same problem with the help of dvar boolean to declear a boolean variables for the link which can take value 1 if the link is selected for path and 0 otherwise but the problem there this variable calculate the shortest path for each flow which is much time consuming. Now i am interested to get rid of flow conservation constraint and use some type of algorithm for column generation approaches which can resolve the problem at once not to calculate the path for each variable. I am looking forward to hearing from you
If you are concerned about performance then it is probably not a good idea to attack this problem with a general integer programming solver. As you can see for example here, there are dedicated algorithms available to solve the k-shortest path problem efficiently.
If you want to stick with OPL then you could implement those algorithms using OPLScript.

Can someone tell me about the kNN search algo that Matlab uses?

I wrote a basic O(n^2) algorithm for a nearest neighbor search. As usual Matlab 2013a's knnsearch(..) method works a lot faster.
Can someone tell me what kind of optimization they used in their implementation?
I am okay with reading any documentation or paper that you may point me to.
PS: I understand the documentation on the site mentions the paper on kd trees as a reference. But as far as I understand kd trees are the default option when column number is less than 10. Mine is 21. Correct me if I'm wrong about it.
The biggest optimization MathWorks have made in implementing nearest-neighbors search is that all the hard stuff is implemented in a MEX file, as compiled C, rather than MATLAB.
With an algorithm such as kNN that (in my limited understanding) is quite recursive and difficult to vectorize, that's likely to give such an improvement that the O() analysis will only be relevant at pretty high n.
In more detail, under the hood the knnsearch command uses createns to create a NeighborSearcher object. By default, when X has less than 10 columns, this will be a KDTreeSearcher object, and when X has more than 10 columns it will be an ExhaustiveSearcher object (both KDTreeSearcher and ExhaustiveSearcher are subclasses of NeighborSearcher).
All objects of class NeighbourSearcher have a method knnsearch (which you would rarely call directly, using instead the convenience command knnsearch rather than this method). The knnsearch method of KDTreeSearcher calls straight out to a MEX file for all the hard work. This lives in matlabroot\toolbox\stats\stats\#KDTreeSearcher\private\knnsearchmex.mexw64.
As far as I know, this MEX file performs pretty much the algorithm described in the paper by Friedman, Bentely, and Finkel referenced in the documentation page, with no structural changes. As the title of the paper suggests, this algorithm is O(log(n)) rather than O(n^2). Unfortunately, the contents of the MEX file are not available for inspection to confirm that.
The code builds a KD-tree space-partitioning structure to speed up nearest neighbor search, think of it like building indexes commonly used in RDBMS to speed up lookup operations.
In addition to nearest neighbor(s) searches, this structure also speeds up range-searches, which finds all points that are within a distance r from a query point.
As pointed by #SamRoberts, the core of the code is implemented in C/C++ as a MEX-function.
Note that knnsearch chooses to build a KD-tree only under certain conditions, and falls back to an exhaustive search otherwise (by naively searching all points for the nearest one).
Keep in mind that in cases of very high-dimensional data (and few instances), the algorithm degenerates and is no better than an exhaustive search. In general as you go with dimensions d>30, the cost of searching KD-trees will increase to searching almost all the points, and could even become worse than a brute force search due to the overhead involved in building the tree.
There are other variations to the algorithm that deals with high dimensions such as the ball trees which partitions the data in a series of nesting hyper-spheres (as opposed to partitioning the data along Cartesian axes like KD-trees). Unfortunately those are not implemented in the official Statistics toolbox. If you are interested, here is a paper which presents a survey of available kNN algorithms.
(The above is an illustration of searching a kd-tree partitioned 2d space, borrowed from the docs)

Is BFS best search algorithm?

I know about Dijkstra's agorithm, Floyd-Warshall algorithm and Bellman-Ford algorithm for finding the cheepest paths between 2 vertices in graphs.
But when all the edges have the same cost, the cheapest path is the path with minimal number of edges? Am I right? There is no reason to implement Dijkstra or Floyd-Warshall, the best algorithm is Breadth-First search from source, until we reach the target? In the worst case, you will have to traverse all the vertices, so the complexity is O(V)? There is no better solution? Am I right?
But there are tons of articles on the internet, which talk about shortest paths in grids with obstacles and they mention Dijkstra or A*. Even on StackOverfow - Algorithm to find the shortest path, with obstacles
or here
So, are all those people stupid? Or am I stupid? Why do they recommend so complicated things like Dijkstra to beginners, who just want to move their enemies to the main character in a regular grid? It is like when someone asks how to find the minimum number in a list, and you recommend him to implement heap sort and then take the first element from sorted array.
BFS (Breadth-first search) is just a way of travelling a graph. It's goal is to visit all the vertices. That's all. Another way of travelling the graph can be for example DFS.
Dijkstra is an algorithm, which goal is to find the shortest path from given vertex v to all other vertices.
Dijkstra is not so complicated, even for beginners. It travels the graph, using BFS + doing something more. This something more is storing and updating the information about the shortest path to the currently visited vertex.
If you want to find shortest path between 2 vertices v and q, you can do that with a little modification of Dijkstra. Just stop when you reach the vertex q.
The last algorithm - A* is somewhat the most clever (and probably the most difficult). It uses a heuristic, a magic fairy, which advises you where to go. If you have a good heuristic function, this algorithm outperforms BFS and Dijkstra. A* can be seen as an extension of Dijktra's algorithm (heuristic function is an extension).
But when all the edges have the same cost, the cheapest path is the
path with minimal number of edges? Am I right?
There is no reason to implement Dijkstra or Floyd-Warshall, the best
algorithm is Breadth-First search? Am I right?
When it comes to such a simple case where all edges have the same weight - you can use whatever method you like, everything will work. However, A* with good heuristic should be faster then BFS and Dijkstra. In the simulation you mentioned, you can observe that.
So, are all those people stupid? Or am I stupid? Why do they recommend so complicated things like Dijkstra to beginners, who just want to move their enemies to the main character in a regular grid?
They have a different problem, which changes the solution. Read the problem description very carefully:
(...) The catch being any point (excluding A and B) can have an
obstacle obstructing the path, and thus must be detoured.
Enemies can have obstacles on the way to the main character. So, for example A* is a good choice in such case.
BFS is like a "brute-force" to find the shortest path in an unweighted graph. Dijkstra's is like a "brute-force" for weighted graphs. If you were to use Dijkstra's on an unweighted graph, it would be exactly equivalent to BFS.
So, Dijkstra's can be considered an extension of BFS. It is not really a "complicated" algorithm; it's only slightly more complex than BFS.
A* is an extension to Dijkstra's that uses a heuristic to speed up the pathfinding.
But when all the edges have the same cost, the cheapest path is the path with minimal number of edges?. Yes
If you really understood the post that you linked, you would have noticed that the problem they want to solve is different than yours.

ELKI implementation of OPTICS clustering algorithm detects only one cluster

I'm having issue with using OPTICS implementation in ELKI environment. I have used the same data for DBSCAN implementation and it worked like a charm. Probably I'm missing something with parameters but I can't figure it out, everything seems to be right.
Data is a simple 300х2 matrix, consists of 3 clusters with 100 points in each.
DBSCAN result:
Clustering result of DBSCAN
MinPts = 10, Eps = 1
OPTICS result:
Clustering result of OPTICS
MinPts = 10
You apparently already found the solution yourself, but here is the long story:
The OPTICS class in ELKI only computes the cluster order / reachability diagram.
In order to extract clusters, you have different choices, one of which (the one from the original OPTICS publication) is available in ELKI.
So in order to extract clusters in ELKI, you need to use the OPTICSXi algorithm, which will in turn use either OPTICS or the index based DeLiClu to compute the cluster order.
The reason why this is split into two parts in ELKI probably is so that you can on one hand implement another logic for extracting the clusters, and on the other hand implement different methods like DeLiClu for computing the cluster order. That would align well with the modular architecture of ELKI.
IIRC there is at least one more method (apparently not yet in ELKI) that extracts clusters by looking for local maxima, then extending them horizontally until they hit the end of the valley. And there was a different one that used "inflexion points" of the plot.
#AnonyMousse pretty much put it right. I just can't upvote or comment yet.
We hope to have some students contribute the other cluster extraction methods as small student projects over time. They are not essential for our research, but they are good tasks for students that want to learn about ELKI to get started.
ELKI is a fast moving project, and it lives from community contributions. We would be happy to see you contribute some code to it. We know that the codebase is not easy to get started with - it is fairly large, and the generality of the implementation and the support for index structures make it a bit hard to get started. We try to add Tutorials to help you to get started. And once you are used to it, you will actually benefit from the architecture: your algorithms get the benfits of indexing and arbitrary distance functions, while if you would implement from scratch, you would likely only support Euclidean distance, and no index acceleration.
Seeing that you struggled with OPTICS, I will try to write an OPTICS tutorial in the new year. In particular, OPTICS can benefit a lot from using an appropriate index structure.

What's a genetic algorithm that would produce interesting/surprising results and not have a boring/obvious end point?

I find genetic algorithm simulations like this to be incredibly entrancing and I think it'd be fun to make my own. But the problem with most simulations like this is that they're usually just hill climbing to a predictable ideal result that could have been crafted with human guidance pretty easily. An interesting simulation would have countless different solutions that would be significantly different from each other and surprising to the human observing them.
So how would I go about trying to create something like that? Is it even reasonable to expect to achieve what I'm describing? Are there any "standard" simulations (in the sense that the game of life is sort of standardized) that I could draw inspiration from?
Depends on what you mean by interesting. That's a pretty subjective term. I once programmed a graph analyzer for fun. The program would first let you plot any f(x) of your choice and set the bounds. The second step was creating a tree holding the most common binary operators (+-*/) in a random generated function of x. The program would create a pool of such random functions, test how well they fit to the original curve in question, then crossbreed and mutate some of the functions in the pool.
The results were quite cool. A totally weird function would often be a pretty good approximation to the query function. Perhaps not the most useful program, but fun nonetheless.
Well, for starters that genetic algorithm is not doing hill-climbing, otherwise it would get stuck at the first local maxima/minima.
Also, how can you say it doesn't produce surprising results? Look at this vehicle here for example produced around generation 7 for one of the runs I tried. It's a very old model of a bicycle. How can you say that's not a surprising result when it took humans millennia to come up with the same model?
To get interesting emergent behavior (that is unpredictable yet useful) it is probably necessary to give the genetic algorithm an interesting task to learn and not just a simple optimisation problem.
For instance, the Car Builder that you referred to (although quite nice in itself) is just using a fixed road as the fitness function. This makes it easy for the genetic algorithm to find an optimal solution, however if the road would change slightly, that optimal solution may not work anymore because the fitness of a solution may have grown dependent on trivially small details in the landscape and not be robust to changes to it. In real, cars did not evolve on one fixed test road either but on many different roads and terrains. Using an ever changing road as the (dynamic) fitness function, generated by random factors but within certain realistic boundaries for slopes etc. would be a more realistic and useful fitness function.
I think EvoLisa is a GA that produces interesting results. In one sense, the output is predictable, as you are trying to match a known image. On the other hand, the details of the output are pretty cool.