Issue with mongodb document limit - mongodb

I am using mongodb 3.0.2 and when I run "top" command :
> db.runCommand( { top: 1 } )
I got the following error message:
2015-06-01T16:36:52.886+0900 E QUERY Error: error: {
"$err" : "BSONObj size: 46060490 (0x2BED3CA) is invalid. Size must be between 0 and 16793600(16MB)",
"code" : 10334
at Error ()
at (src/mongo/shell/query.js:259:15)
at DBCollection.findOne (src/mongo/shell/collection.js:189:22)
at DB.runCommand (src/mongo/shell/db.js:58:41)
at (shell):1:4 at src/mongo/shell/query.js:259
It means that I can't monitor any longer, doesn't it? Can you guys show me the way out, please.
Some additional info:
DB size: 143.996GB - with wiredtiger enable.
Replication set enable.
No profiling.


How to insert record to mongoDB6 collection using PutMongo processor in Apache Nifi?

When I am trying to insert the record(json) to mongodb collection. I am getting exception
{ "ok" : 0.0, "errmsg" : "Unsupported OP_QUERY command: insert. The client driver may require an upgrade. For more details see", "code" : 352, "codeName" : "UnsupportedOpQueryCommand" }
I have MongoDb 6.0 version configured
MongoDb removes Opal_insert operation in new version.How to resolve it ?

MongoDb - command drop requires authentication

I have the following command
mongo clean_collection.js --host localhost --username root --password example
Clean_collection.js file contains:
conn = new Mongo();
db = conn.getDB("MyDb");
var myColl = db.getCollection('MyCollection');
But MongoDb returns:
MongoDB shell version v4.2.8
connecting to: mongodb://localhost:27017/?compressors=disabled&gssapiServiceName=mongodb
Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("22d094e1-fb65-46c8-a9e6-386c1678c680") }
MongoDB server version: 4.2.8
2020-07-15T10:33:00.787-0400 E QUERY [js] uncaught exception: Error: drop failed: {
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "command drop requires authentication",
"code" : 13,
"codeName" : "Unauthorized"
} :
I'm also using MongoDb .NET Driver and I can drop the collection withou any problems with using .NET driver.

Meteor MongoDB Error

I have this issue with my meteor app. When I run this query on my chrome console, It returns the expected data
Questions.find({}, {sort:{commentLength: -1}})
but when I run it in the console as db.questions.find({}, {sort:{commentLength: -1}})
it returns this error
error: {
"$err" : "Can't canonicalize query: BadValue Unsupported projection option: sort: { commentLength: -1.0 }",
"code" : 17287
Why does this error happen? Thanks
sort has a different syntax when executed in a mongodb shell. Try this instead:
db.questions.find().sort({commentLength: -1})

mongodb reconfigure shard ports

I have restarted 2 shards on non standard ports, by chaning their .conf files. Now when I connect via mongo and issue a listshards I get:
mongos> db.runCommand( { listshards : 1 } );
Tue Oct 23 17:36:21 uncaught exception: error {
"$err" : "error creating initial database config information :: caused by :: socket exception [CONNECT_ERROR] for vserver-dev-2:37017",
"code" : 11002
(37017 is the old port).
How can I update the shard ports on the router (mongos) ?
Manual updating the ports on the mongo config server:
use config
configsvr> db.shards.update({_id: "shard0000"} , {$set: {"host" : "vserver-dev-2:37018"}})
configsvr> db.shards.find()
{ "_id" : "shard0000", "host" : "vserver-dev-2:37018" }

MongoDB Access Error

Getting error something of this sort when accessing MongoDB. Any clue?
QueryFailure flag was unauthorized db:monza lock type:-1 client: (response was { "$err" : "unauthorized db:monza lock type:-1 client:", "code" : 10057 }).