matlab gui handles for unknown matrix size - matlab

I am writing a GUI now which contains a button that load a matrix:
function Load_Profile_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to Load_Profile (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
[FileName PathName] = uigetfile('*.mat','MATLAB Files');
handles.matrix=importdata([PathName FileName]);
next, i want to define each column of this matrix to be different channel for example:
In case i dont know how many columns there are in this matrix,
is there any option to solve this in for loop (or anyother idea will be good aswell )to run on this matrix dimension?

You can create a cell array for channel:
numch = size(handles.matrix, 2);
for i = 1:numch
handles.Ch01Gr{i} = handles.matrix.Data(:, i);

You can check for the number of column before entering the loop and then create dynamic fields to name them according to the loop index (Check here).
Here is a sample GUI in which pressing the button results in loading matrix A (a magic 4x4 matrix...A = magic(4)), which I stored in file 'A.mat'.
function LoadDataGUI
hfigure = figure('Position',[200 200 100 100]);
handles.LoadButton = uicontrol('Style','push','Position',[50 50 50 20],'String','Load','Callback',#(s,e) LoadDataCllbck);
function LoadDataCllbck
handles = guidata(hfigure);
%// Load matrix. A is actually a magic(4) matrix.
handles.Data = load('A.mat');
%// Check # of columns
NumCol = size(handles.Data.A,2);
for k = 2:NumCol
%// Create dynamic field name
CurrField = sprintf('Ch01Gr%i',k-1);
%// Assign it to the handles structure.
handles.(CurrField) = handles.Data.A(:,k);
Here, CurrField look like this at every iteration:
CurrField =
CurrField =
CurrField =
You can customize the format as you want with sprintf of course.
After pressing the button, here is the content of the handles structure:
LoadButton: 329.0085
Data: [1x1 struct]
Ch01Gr1: [4x1 double]
Ch01Gr2: [4x1 double]
Ch01Gr3: [4x1 double]
Don't forget the good practice of pre-allocating memory, especially if your data is large.
Hope that helped!


How to pass the value of a table to a matrix

Im trying to do a GUI in matlab that accepts the values in a table to converting it to a matrix, but the idea is that a user can set the number of rows and columns first.
The panel looks like this
and the code for the push button is
function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
rows =str2double(get(handles.edit_rows,'String'));
But then, how can export or convert to a matrix so I can apply functions to it?
With the help of byetisener I updated the code to
function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
handles.uitable1.Data = cell(filas, column);
matrix = cell2mat(handles.uitable1.Data);
but this is giving an empty matrix
It is not taking the values of the cells, it is supposed that the button resizes and copy the values at the same time, if not how con copy in another button once the matrix is resized?
There are some problems about your code:
You do not really assign values here, you are just setting the Data of the uitable to an array of empty cells.
num_elem =
1×2 cell array
{0×0 char} {0×0 char}
If you ever succeed, you code will write everything you want to only the first column of the uitable. Because you are not iterating through rows. The pushbutton only adds to the first row.
cell2mat() function won't work if you have different data types in your table. You may think that you do not have different data types, but empty cells are type cell and the data you enter is type double, so there it is.
To solve all of this I have rewritten a callback function for you. You may directly paste this code to your callback, replacing yours. I should give you the matrix you want at the end, it does in my computer.
filas = str2double(handles.edit_fila.String);
column = str2double(handles.edit_col.String);
% This loop looks for an empty row to write new data
for i = 1:length(handles.uitable1.Data)
if isempty(handles.uitable1.Data{i,1})
handles.uitable1.Data(i,1) = {filas};
handles.uitable1.Data(i,2) = {column};
disp('Error occured');
% This double for loop check if there are any empty cells
% if it finds one, it changes it to 0, so all the cells have the same type
for i = 1:length(handles.uitable1.Data)
for j = 1:2
if isempty(handles.uitable1.Data{i,j})
handles.uitable1.Data(i,j) = {0};
disp('Error occured');
matrix = cell2mat(handles.uitable1.Data); % The matrix you want
Just check if all the variable names are the same and do not forget to accept is as an answer. Hope it helps.
I am not sure if this answers you question but you can follow this approach.
First of all, if you are interested, using dot notation is faster in MATLAB than setter and getter methods.
So, what you can do is:
handles.uitable1.Data = cell(rows, cols);
or, of course, alternatively:
set(handles.uitable1, 'Data', cell(rows,cols));
If what you want to is to convert the data in uitable to a matrix, you can use:
matrix = cell2mat(handles.uitable1.Data);
If you table contains non-numeric values:
tableData = handles.uitable1.Data;
tableData = [str2double(tableData(:, 1)), cell2mat(tableData(:, 2))];
Hope this helps. Let me know if you solve your problem.

How to get a character in a matrix using uitable

I'm creating a function that lets an user add or remove his/her input to the list. In this case, uitable. (Matlab)
In fact, the following code was a draft and just thinking about ideas.
Does anybody know a similar example?
(edit_com : add, delete_com : remove)
% to add an input to a list
function edit_com_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
value = get(handles.insert_com, 'String'); %user input (char)
data = get(handles.uitable1, 'Data') % read table matrix
data(end+1,:) = 0; % add below the data matrix sequently.
% this is for test and I want to put an char input instead of numbers.
set(handles.uitable1, 'Data',data);
% cell selection function before a delete function
function uitable1_CellSelectionCallback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% no selection
if ( numel(eventdata.Indices) == 0 )
% only one selected
elseif ( numel(eventdata.Indices) == 1 )
set(handles.delete_com, 'Enable', 'on'); % "delete" buttion activate
selected_com = eventdata.Indices(1); % read currently selected row
set(handles.edit_com, 'UserData', selected_com);
% more than 2 selected
set(handles.delete_come, 'Enable', 'on'); % "delete" buttion activate
selected_com = eventdata.Indices(:,1); % read currently selected rows
set(handles.edit_com, 'UserData', selected_com);
% deletion part
function delete_com_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
if get(handles.edit_com, 'UserData') ==0 % none selected
else if get(handles.edit_com, 'UserData') ==1 % one selected
data = get(handles.uitable1, 'Data') %
data(row_1,:)=[]; % delete
else % more than one selected
data = get(handles.uitable1, 'Data')
data(row_2,:)=[]; % delete them
first it separates several cells from the cell and then separates them (separated by user data). I'm just trying to figure out which column is selected, and I try to erase it from a function. It's hard to deal with it
because it consists of characters and I don't know how to handle cells. What's the best way to get started?
If you want to use strings (character arrays) inside pass to your uitable a Data parameter being of type cell, for example;
data = cell(10,10); % a 10-by-10 empty cell matrix
data = repmat({'hi'},10,10); % a 10-by-10 matrix of cells containing the string "hi"
For what concerns the main function:
% Here you should disable your delete button when nothing is selected,
% and enable it back when something is selected. Your indices data should
% always be kept up-to-date. You don't need to handle too many cases,
% "something selected" and "nothing selected" is enough.
function uitable1_CellSelectionCallback(hObject,eventdata,handles)
if (isempty(eventdata.Indices))
rows = [];
rows = eventdata.Indices(:,1);
Now, for what concerns the addition of rows:
function edit_com_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
value = get(handles.insert_com,'String');
data = get(handles.uitable1,'Data');
data(end+1,:) = {value};
And for what concerns the removal of rows:
function delete_com_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
data = get(handles.uitable1,'Data');
rows = get(handles.edit_com,'UserData');
idx = (1:size(data,1))';
idx(rows) = [];
data = data(idx,:);

Save data structure in existing .mat-file without nesting

I have created a simple GUI that when I press a button (SAVE), the system takes the value of some fields, calculates a certain function and saves the results in a data structure.
I would like this data structure to be external to the program, that is to say it remains at the exit of Matlab and at the next opening of the program this data structure must be available and upgradable.
To do this I used a global data variable that I save and load when needed.
The problem is that it doesn't work properly, the data structure is filled strangely.
I show you a gif that is perhaps more explanatory:
The saved structure is this:
As you can see, there is a structure within the other and not a list of elements. Why?
I would like to have a data structure that contains n elements (where n is the number of images) and each element consists of 9 fields (name, category, siftOctaves, siftLevels, siftPeak, siftEdge, numFeatures, siftFeatures, siftDescriptors).
This is a piece of code:
function pushSiftSave_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to pushSiftSave (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
global data;
% Vector of string = name of all possible images
imgs = createListOfImages('../img/');
% Get selected image
imgName = get(handles.listbox, 'Value');
imgPath = strcat('../img/', imgs(imgName));
imgPath = imgPath{1};
I_or = imread(imgPath);
I = single(rgb2gray(I_or));
% Get some parameters enter by user
[siftOctaves, siftLevels, siftPeak, siftEdge] = takeSiftParameters(handles.editSiftOctaves, handles.editSiftLevels, handles.editSiftPeakTh, handles.editSiftEdgeTh, I_or);
% Sift function
[f, d] = vl_sift(I, 'Octaves', siftOctaves, 'Levels', siftLevels, 'PeakThresh', siftPeak, 'EdgeThresh', siftEdge);
% Number of features
perm = randperm(size(f, 2));
numFeatures = size(perm, 2);
% Check if file exists
if exist('../data/data.mat', 'file') == 2
data = load('../data/data');
data = struct;
% Insert information in data structure
data = saveSiftInformation(data, imgs, imgPath, siftOctaves, siftLevels, siftPeak, siftEdge, f, d, numFeatures);
ErrorMessage = lasterr;
function [data] = saveSiftInformation(data, imgs, imgPath, siftOctaves, siftLevels, siftPeak, siftEdge, features, descriptors, numFeatures)
imgPath = imgPath(8 : end);
% Find index of image
i = find((ismember(imgs, imgPath)));
% Update data structure
data(i).name = imgPath;
data(i).category = imgPath(1 : end-6);
data(i).siftOctaves = siftOctaves;
data(i).siftLevels = siftLevels;
data(i).siftPeak = siftPeak;
data(i).siftEdge = siftEdge;
data(i).numFeatures = numFeatures;
data(i).siftFeatures = features;
data(i).siftDescriptors = descriptors;
% Save data
save('../data/data', 'data');
function pushQuit_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to pushQuit (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
global data;
assignin('base', 'data', data);
The problem you're facing is generated when you load the data.mat file.
Also, using data as the name of variable reurned by load contributes to generating confusion.
The instruction
data = load('../data/data')
reads the data.mat and stores the "data" it contains in a struct named data therefore, your struct is actually a filed of the struct data returned by load.
You can test it by setting a breakpoint just after the load call and inspecting the varialbe data.
You can fix the problem by extracting the data field from the structure when loading the .mat file.
if(exist('data.mat', 'file') == 2)
% data = load('data');
tmp = load('data');
data = struct;
Hope this helps,
By using the output variable of the load function you are storing the variable data from your .mat-file to a struct called data - so it gets nested. Just use load without any output and it will work.
if exist('data.mat', 'file') == 2
%// data = load('data'); % does not work!
load('data'); % does work!
data = struct;
data(1).a = 42;
data(2).a = 3;
data(1).b = 41;
data(2).b = 4;
%// make sure you just store what you want to store, in this case "data"
Also I would avoid declaring data a global variable. Instead you could use the fact, that all functions of your GUI are part of the same figure window and therefore have the figure handle available:
hFig = gcf;
It is further allowed to add dynamic properties do your instance of figure, so just store your data in the figure handle itself:
hFig = gcf;
data = struct;
hFig.globalData = data;
% ...
and in the next function you just do:
data = hFig.globalData

writing elements in matlab listbox

I am trying to write a list in a listbox.
function listbox1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to listbox1 (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% Hints: contents = cellstr(get(hObject,'String')) returns listbox1 contents as cell array
% contents{get(hObject,'Value')} returns selected item from listbox1
error = getappdata(0, 'error_norm');
rows = size(error,1);
for i = 1:rows
for j = 1:length(error)
for k = 1:length(error{j}.main)
Where error is a array of structure, this array contains filters, singals in these filters, segments of these signals. based on the number of all these components, i want to write the list. I want to write something like this in the listbox:
But apparently, 'set' function overwrites the elements, so all i am getting is 1 element and the last element.
Any suggestion to how to overcome this problem will be appreciated.
Yes, since set always overwrites the string, it is better to firstl build the string and then pass it to set.
% Sample data
for i=1:length(error)
% Build string
for i=1:rows
for j=1:length(error)
for k=1:length(error{j}.main)
% Set data
set(handle.listbox1,'String', str);
Depending on the size of the final string it might be a good idea to preallocate str for performance.

How to read multiple lines by individual in an edit text with a value of Max=5 in Matlab?

I have in my gui an edit text field that accepts multiple lines with a Max value of 5, and i can't find a way to display a matrix with the input values...something like this:
m=[m(1) m(2) m(3) m(4) m(5)];
how can i store the values in the calculate callback..every time i run this, it brings me an error..
function masa_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to masa (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
%h_edit is the handle to the edit box
function calculate_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to agregarm (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
f = str2double(get(h_fuerza,'string')); %h_edit is the handle to the edit box
m = str2double(get(h_masa,'string')); %h_edit is the handle to the edit box
[row, column] = size(m);
for i = 1:row
eval(m{i,:}) %evaluate each line as in MATLAB command prompt
I have the masa_callback,rigidez_callback and fuerza_callback i try to read the user input in the edit text i want to pass those values to the calculate_callback as an array to perform certain operations according to the value of n...the error that i am getting is that when for example n=2, i add two values in the masa_callback column and fuerza_callback and 3 values in the rigidez_callback, those values are passed to the case n==2, and when my program tries to display for example the matrix m, it displays all the values i enter together in the spaces of m(1) and m(2)...i want to put only each separated value, not joined together!...How can i fix this,, i believe that is whith an array and a loop but i dont know how, and how to pass the array values to the equation to perform operations(as numbers) and display it as string
To fix the problem with the input (assuming you have your data in some cell array, and that refers to a text box), use strvcat:
someCellArray = {'a','b'};
m = strvcat(someCellArray{:});
Your problem stems from the line
m = str2double(get(h_masa,'string'));
You do not want to convert the string to double.
Since the String property actually returns a multiline string, you have to modify your code like this:
m = get(h_masa,'String');
nRows = size(m,1);
for iRow = 1:nRows