Matlab 2015 font size in Help browser - matlab

I have Matlab R2015a. The font size in the Help browser is too small and there are no options to increase it. They say use ctrl and +, but as soon as you navigate, the font is back to its miniature size.
Is there a way to increase the font permanently? I know that some settings can be changed by code, but I have no idea how to do this.

The help font size can be tweaked in the site5.css and doc_center.css as you mentioned. Quoting Hans R's post from this discussion:
For lasted versions of matlab, there is no 'HTML Proportional Text '
Low level control of help font size can be found within:
/* Page Globals */ html { min-height:100%; margin-bottom:1px; } html
body { height:100%; padding:0px; margin:0px; font-family:Arial,
Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:62.5%; color:#000; line-height:140%;
background:#fff; overflow-y:scroll; }
" change 'font-size:62.5%' to something larger, e.g. 'font-size:100%'
For code environment:
code environment is tweaked in the style file doc_center.css (same
folder as site5.css). Search for the line:
/* Fix for from site5, deprecating */ code { padding:0px;
margin:0px; color:inherit; font-size:12px; border:none;
background:transparent none; display:inline; }
I deleted the font-size setting from this line, which allowed the
environment to be set by the default setting in
Which should change Matlab's font size in the help window.

An alternative to the blodoll's answer.
In the same file %matlabroot%\help\includes\product\css\site5.css
There are three lines
* html pre { font-size:1.1em; }
* html tt { font-size:1.1em; }
* html code { font-size:1.1em; }
where the stars indicate comments. Uncomment those by deleting stars, and adjust the sizes the way you like it.
If you don't have those lines, may be you could try adding them.
My site5.css has, among others, following code in it:
/* New Reset */
/* Reset */
pre { font-size:100%; }
tt { font-size:100%; }
code { font-size:100%; }
pre { font-size:1.2em; }
tt { font-size:1.2em; }
code { font-size:1.2em; }
html pre { font-size:1.1em; }
html tt { font-size:1.1em; }
html code { font-size:1.2em; }
pre { *font-size:1.1em; }
tt { *font-size:1.1em; }
code { *font-size:1.1em; }
pre { font-size:1.0em\9; }
tt { font-size:1.0em\9; }
code { font-size:1.0em\9; }
Which kind of suggests, that matlab developers used it to replace the depreciated reset.css. If yours site5.css doesn't have it, put it there and adjust the way it suits you.

I used this way on MATLAB 2016a and fortunately it works correctly.
To adjust the font size in the Help browser or MATLAB web browser, right-click the page and select Zoom In or Zoom Out. You cannot change the font type or style


Modal for fullsize image with gatsby-image - limit height and width

What I want to achive
I am using gatsby and want to design an image gallery. Clicking on one of the images shall open a modal, which: (1) is showing the image in maximum possible size, so that it still fits into the screen and (2) is centered in the screen.
My Code
/* imagemodal.js */
import React from 'react'
import * as ImagemodalStyles from './imagemodal.module.css'
import { Modal } from 'react-bootstrap'
import Img from 'gatsby-image'
import { useStaticQuery, graphql } from 'gatsby'
export default function Imagemodal() {
const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`
query {
file(relativePath: { eq: "images/mytestimage.jpg" }) {
childImageSharp {
fluid(maxWidth: 1200) {
return (
onHide={(e) => console.log(e)}
<Modal.Header closeButton />
<Modal.Body className={ImagemodalStyles.imageModalBody}>
<Img fluid={data.file.childImageSharp.fluid} />
/* imagemodal.module.scss */
.imageModalDialog {
display: inline-block;
width: auto;
.imageModal {
text-align: center;
.imageModalBody img {
max-height: calc(100vh - 225px);
The Problem
The image does not scale to the screen size. The image is either too big - so it flows over the vieport - or it is too small. Secondly, the modal size does not respond to the image size correctly and / or is not centered.
What I tried
I used this suggestion for the CSS: How to limit the height of the modal?
I tried as well dozens of other CSS parameter combinations. But I could not find a working solution.
I tried to format the gatsby-image directly with a style-tag.
I tried as well react-modal but had similar problems.
Does anyone have a good solution to show a gatsby-image in full screen size in a responsive modal? For me it is okay to use either the bootstrap-modal or react-modal - or any other suitable solution.
In the end I ended up with a workaround. I used react-image-lightbox and took the Image-Source from gatsby-image as the input for lightbox. My component gets the data from the graphQL query in the props via props.imageData.
This works quite well for me:
import Lightbox from 'react-image-lightbox';
export default function Imagegallery(props) {
const allImages = props.imageData.edges
const [indexImageToShow, setIndexImageToShow] = useState()
Special thanks to #FerranBuireu to point me to the right direction
Assuming that the functionality works as expected, as it seems, it's a matter of CSS rules, not React/Gatsby issue. The following rule:
.imageModalBody img {
max-height: calc(100vh - 225px);
It Will never be applied properly, since gatsby-image creates an output of HTML structure of nested <div>, <picture> and <img> so your rule will be affected by the inherited and relativity of the HTML structure. In other words, you are not pointing to the image itself with that rule because of the result HTML structure.
You should point to the <Img>, which indeed, it's a wrapper, not an <img>.
return (
<Modal show={true} onHide={handleClose} centered className={ImagemodalStyles.imageModal} dialogClassName={ImagemodalStyles.imageModalDialog}>
<Modal.Header closeButton />
<Img className={ImagemodalStyles.imageModalBody} fluid={} />
The snippet above will add the (spot the difference, without img):
.imageModalBody {
max-height: calc(100vh - 225px);
To the wrapper, which may or may not fix the issue, but at least will apply the rule correctly. It's difficult to know what's wrong without a CodeSandbox but you will apply the styles correctly with this workaround.
Keep always in mind that when using gatsby-image, the <img> it's profound in the resultant HTML structure so your styles should apply to the outer wrapper of it.

Adding costum styles to Typo3 RTE. Some are not saved

I add costum styles to the RTE with a CSS File:
RTE.default.contentCSS = EXT:netjapan/Resources/Public/css/rte.css
For some elements this works. For example for a ulElement:
ul.liststyle1 {
list-style: none;
padding-left: 17px;
When I select the ul in the RTE I can chose the Blockstyle liststyle1.
I want to do the same for p:
p.test {
font-size: 80%;
And when I select the p I can chose the Blockstyle test and the style is used. But when I save the Blockstyle is gone.
I added this Typoscript:
RTE.default {
removeTags = sdfield, strike
proc.entryHTMLparser_db.removeTags = sdfield, strike
So that p is not in the removeTags list. But it had no effect.
Anyone know how it comes that the Blockstyle is removed on the pElement?
I had simillar problem last week. Sometimes RTE is going crazy. I mean that there is no logical sense in it. Check this: marke the text and use the container style it will wrap it in div but there will be also <p> in it so you will have something like <div><p class="bodytext">text</p></div> - you can add style for that. At least this solved my problem

CSS/HTML iphone puts some additional space around edges of background image position. how do i remove it?

I've created a box with CSS and HTML. It scales horizontally and vertically, and maintains a nice gradient background and rounded corners. It only uses a single PNG background image (with multiple sprites). It works in IE7+
I'm not using CSS3, because there are subtleties in the corners and borders that make that almost impossible to reproduce with CSS3 alone. Also, it has to work in IE7 and 8.
I've had success making it work in all browsers that it needs to, but the problem is the iphone
A working example here:
At the bottom of that page, I have links to output in various devices and browsers. It also works great on my HTC Evo, but I don't have the ability to post a screenshot from that device.
The problem
For some reason, there seems to be some kind of padding or margin or border or something on around the background image of each div. I've posted screenshots of these at the above site, and a few at the bottom of this post.
This only appears on the iphone.
It works great on the latest releases of Chrome, Safari and Firefox.
It also works great in IE7, IE8 and IE9
User zoom is disabled, and the scale is locked at 1.0
The code
The box has complex markup to allow it to scale and show image borders in IE7+
The markup is like this:
<div class='ksrfasw'>
<div class='content-container'>
<!-- top and top-right corner -->
<div class='ksrfasw-top'><div> </div></div>
<!-- right shadow, stretches down right side -->
<div class='ksrfasw-rs'>
<!-- left shadow, stretches down left side -->
<div class='ksrfasw-ls'>
<!-- inner gradient -->
<div class="ksrfasw-tab-content">
<!-- inner padding -->
<div class="ksrfasw-tab-content-inner">
<!-- bottom and bottom-right corner -->
<div class='ksrfasw-bottom'><div> </div></div>
The background image of each key div is the same. "box.png" -- that
contains all the different "sprites" for the various parts of the
There's also a "brace" inside the box to make min-height work in IE7.
Yes this markup seems excessive... but it does work as expected in all
browsers. It's a totally scalable, rounded corner, gradient
x-browser box.
.ksrfasw-top div,
.ksrfasw-bottom div,
background-size:725px 1120px;
.ksrfasw-top div
background-position:0px -40px;
background-position:100% -60px;
background-position:100% -600px;
background-position:0 -100px;
.ksrfasw-bottom div
background-position:0px -20px;
background-position:100% 0px;
background-position:-515px -700px;
.ksrfasw-tab-active-first .ksrfasw-tab-active
background-position:-515px -780px;
.ksrfasw-tab-active-first .ksrfasw-top div
background-position:5px -40px;
background-position:-515px -620px;
padding:20px 25px;
margin:0 auto;
* Markup free clearing.
* #see
.clearfix:after {
content: ".";
display: block;
height: 0;
clear: both;
visibility: hidden;
/* IE6 */
* html .clearfix {
height: 1%;
/* IE7 */
*:first-child + html .clearfix {
min-height: 1%;
.clearfix:after {
font-size: 0;
(Note: there are other things going on in the CSS and HTML to create tabs over the box... don't worry about that. in the example i have 1 box with tabs, and another without. both exibit the same behaviour)
iPhone Screenshots showing problem
Here is one:
and a zoomed version of the mysterious "padding"
iPad screenshot showing expectation
here's a rendering by ipad, working as expected:
I've tried all i can with background-position, position, top, left, margin, padding, border and even background-size properties, and although it works great on every device tested, (including ipad!) these lines just won't go away on iphone.
Is there something about iphone that spaces background images that I can prevent??
thanks, let me know if more examples or explanation of the linked example are necessary.
its the image. if you zoom in any browser, you see the same lines as on the iphone.
i think it comes from the retina-display, doubling all pixels.
you can make a proper image at double size and set it with an media query like
#media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
.ksrfasw-top,.ksrfasw-top div,.ksrfasw-ls,.ksrfasw-rs,
this should fix your issue.

Hide iPhone HTML5 video play button

I want to hide the big play button that appears by default on the <video> element
Is it possible?
I don't have any iOS device handy to test, but perhaps try this:
video::-webkit-media-controls {
display:none !important;
It seems Apple has changed the shadow-dom again.
In order to hide the play button control you must use the following CSS:
/* This used to work for the parent element of button divs */
/* But it does not work with newer browsers, the below doesn't hide the play button parent div */
*::-webkit-media-controls-panel {
display: none!important;
-webkit-appearance: none;
/* Old shadow dom for play button */
*::-webkit-media-controls-play-button {
display: none!important;
-webkit-appearance: none;
/* New shadow dom for play button */
/* This one works! */
*::-webkit-media-controls-start-playback-button {
display: none!important;
-webkit-appearance: none;
A look at the shadow DOM in Safari iOS tells me that what you want (hidding only the big central play button) is:
video::-webkit-media-controls-start-playback-button {
display: none !important;
The answer from Ian hides everything including text tracks (closed captions ...)
Newer iOS versions display such play button when the device is in "Low power mode".
In the video source file you can simply change
controls= "false"
For the Safari CSS, which the native browser on ios, you can also try this hacky trick
.custom-video-controls {
z-index: 2147483647;
Here's a link to a details discussion on managing/hiding controls on HTML 5 video
All answers are outdated for iOS 13, 14, and 15. It appears because iOS low power mode prevents autoplay on all videos in the browser by default (to save power).
The best way to remove the annoying play button is to remove the autoplay tag on any video element and start playing the video when there is any user interaction.
React example below:
<video ref={playerRef} playsInline >
let playVideo = (event) => {
if (playerRef.current) {
Sidenote: the play button is hidden in a shadow dom that I am unable to figure out how to hide with external CSS modifications or even JS. If anyone has any ideas on how to hide a shadow dom element then that would be a better solution.
Based on Ian's answer
video::-webkit-media-controls {
opacity: 0;
This will hide all controls. Good for background videos that won't autoplay.
Today #2017 in iOS 10 this works:
.video-background::-webkit-media-controls-start-playback-button {
display: none !important;
For webapps.
Works iOS 10.3 iPhone7 & Safari 10.1 on Mac as well. Thx to previous contributors.
I had also the issue that the element does not contain any "control" attribute at all.
'<style type="text/css">'+
'*::-webkit-media-controls-panel {'+
' display: none!important;'+
' -webkit-appearance: none;'+
' }'+
/* Old shadow dom for play button */
'*::--webkit-media-controls-play-button {'+
'display: none!important;'+
'-webkit-appearance: none;'+
/* New shadow dom for play button */
/* This one works */
'*::-webkit-media-controls-start-playback-button {'+
'display: none!important;'+
' -webkit-appearance: none;'+
Try this:
video {
&::-webkit-media-controls {
display:none !important;
&::-webkit-media-controls-start-playback-button {
display: none!important;
-webkit-appearance: none;
IOS 13.*
display:none !important;
visibility: hidden!important;
opacity: 0 !important;
-webkit-appearance: none !important;
IOS 14
changed selector to
:host::shadow::-webkit-media-controls-container{/* hide the element */}
helpful resource:
html5rocks shadow dom 201
As of 20 Oct 2022,
My solution was to remove autoplay from the video element and use on page load. The promise returned from play() will catch any issues with playing the video, else the video will play as usual. My implementation in React looks like this:
useEffect(() => {
ref &&
.then(() => {})
.catch((err) => {
// Video couldn't play, low power play button showing.
}, []);
This should be a relief from having to deal with the inconsistent Shadow DOM properties.
You can't remove the play button. This video placeholder always appears as the doc says :
iPhone Video PlaceHolder. But maybe you can detect you're on an iphone and display an image with a link to your video instead of the video tag.
<img src="yourposter.png"/>
The video will be launched in a player just as a video tag.
According to this answer, in Google Chrome we can hide the big play button like this:
video::-webkit-media-controls-overlay-play-button {
display: none;
That might be useful if you want to hide it on Android as well as on iOS.
video::-webkit-media-controls { display:none !important; }
Didn't work for me on iOS, but
*::-webkit-media-controls-panel {
display: none!important;
-webkit-appearance: none;
/* Old shadow dom for play button */
*::--webkit-media-controls-play-button {
display: none!important;
-webkit-appearance: none;
/* New shadow dom for play button */
/* This one works */
*::-webkit-media-controls-start-playback-button {
display: none!important;
-webkit-appearance: none;
Worked perfect!
Yes you can do this! The trick is to "hide" the video controls, by not adding the "controls" attribute to your video tag. Then you let it be dynamically added a few seconds after the video starts to play, by appending the "controls" property to the tag using Javascript. Simply set the value to "controls" and it will dynamically appear in the DOM... as if you had added the controls to your video tag's HTML. Adjust the timer as needed.
<video id="some-video-id" src="some-video-url" poster="some-thumbnail-url" />
Start the Video
<script type="text/javascript">
var oVideoTag = document.getElementById('some-video-id');
var oLink = document.getElementById('startVideoLink');
if (oLink && oVideoTag) {
oLink.addEventListener('click',function(e) {;
setTimeout(function() {
oVideoTag.controls = 'controls';

IE9 multiple select overflow while printing

I'm having problems with IE9 ignoring the select borders when printing a multiple select.
Here's how to recreate the problem:
Open IE9 on Windows 7.
Go to w3schools's multiple select edit page.
Now highlight the options and copy/paste until there is a long list of duplicates.
Then remove the size attribute.
Click on "Edit and Click Me" so that the page reloads and you now have your modified select in the second panel.
Now, print the document (even using the XPS viewer).
For me, all of the options are printed on the page, even though the select is only 4 option elements tall. This still happens to some degree if you leave the "size" attribute at the default value of 2, but it's far more obvious when it is changed or removed.
Is anyone else experiencing this? Is this an IE bug? Does anyone know of a workaround?
You can work around this by viewing the site in IE9's compatibility mode. Usually IE will determine that it cannot display a site properly and give you the option to turn on compatibility mode from within the address bar but sometimes you need to explicitly set it.
How to turn on compatibility mode - - I used the first one in method 2.
There doesn't seem to be any CSS solution for this. Instead, I wrote a small jQuery script that copies the <select multiple> contents into a <div>, so that it can be printed. Then I applied some CSS to make it look like a select, and only show the copy when actually printing.
//jQuery required
$(function() {
if(!$.browser.msie) return false;
$('select[multiple]').each(function() {
$lPrintableDiv = $('<div data-for="' + + '" />').addClass($(this).attr('class')).addClass('printable');
//update printable on changes
//run once on load
function updatePrintable($aTarget) {
var $lSelect = $($aTarget);
var $lSelected = $($aTarget).val();
var $lPrintable = $('[data-for="'+$'"]');
$lVal = $(this).val();
$lLabel = $('<label />').text($lVal);
$lOption = $('<input type="checkbox" />').val($lVal);
$lOption.prop('checked', true);
.printable {
border: 1px solid grey;
display: none;
overflow: auto;
.printable label {
display: block;
font: .8em sans-serif;
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
.printable [type="checkbox"] {
display: none;
.printable [type="checkbox"]:checked + label {
background: #3399ff;
color: white;
#media print {
select[multiple] { display: none; }
.printable { display: inline-block; }
.printable [type="checkbox"]:checked + label { background: grey; }
Also see the jsFiddle and original post about this fix