What is the difference between resource and endpoint? - rest

I have heard both "resource" and "endpoint" to refer to the same thing. It seems that resource is a newer term.
What is the difference between them? Does "resource" imply a RESTful design?

Resource is a RESTful subset of Endpoint.
An endpoint by itself is the location where a service can be accessed:
https://www.google.com # Serves HTML # Serves DNS
/services/service.asmx # Serves an ASP.NET Web Service
A resource refers to one or more nouns being served, represented in namespaced fashion, because it is easy for humans to comprehend:
/api/users/johnny # Look up johnny from a users collection.
/v2/books/1234 # Get book with ID 1234 in API v2 schema.
All of the above could be considered service endpoints, but only the bottom group would be considered resources, RESTfully speaking. The top group is not expressive regarding the content it provides.
A REST request is like a sentence composed of nouns (resources) and verbs (HTTP methods):
GET (method) the user named johnny (resource).
DELETE (method) the book with id 1234 (resource).
Endpoint typically refers to a service, but resource could mean a lot of things. Here are some examples of resource that are dependent on the context they're used in.
URL: Uniform "Resource" Locator
Could be RESTful, but often is not. In this case, endpoint is almost synonymous.
Resource Management
In GCP / AWS, resource is used in reference to cloud infrastructure.
In general computing, a resource is a reference to a component with limited availability.
The definitions provide many more uses of the word.
Something that can be used to help you:
The library was a valuable resource, and he frequently made use of it.
Resources are natural substances such as water and wood which are
valuable in supporting life:
[ pl ] The earth has limited resources, and if we don’t recycle them
we use them up.
Resources are also things of value such as money or possessions that you can use when you need them:
[ pl ] The government doesn’t have the resources to hire the number of
teachers needed.
The Moral
The term resource by definition has a lot of nuance. It all depends on the context its used in.

The terms resource and endpoint are often used synonymously. But in fact they do not mean the same thing.
The term endpoint is focused on the URL that is used to make a request.
The term resource is focused on the data set that is returned by a request.
Now, the same resource can often be accessed by multiple different endpoints.
Also the same endpoint can return different resources, depending on a query string.
Let us see some examples:
Different endpoints accessing the same resource
Have a look at the following examples of different endpoints:
They obviously could all access the very same resource in a given API.
Also an existing API could be changed completely. This could lead to new endpoints that would access the same old resources using totally new and different URLs:
One endpoint accessing different resources
If your endpoint returns a collection, you could implement searching/filtering/sorting using query strings. As a result the following URLs all use the same endpoint (/api/companies), but they can return different resources (or resource collections, which by definition are resources in themselves):

Possibly mine isn't a great answer but here goes.
Since working more with truly RESTful web services over HTTP, I've tried to steer people away from using the term endpoint since it has no clear definition, and instead use the language of REST which is resources and resource locations.
To my mind, endpoint is a TCP term. It's conflated with HTTP because part of the URL identifies a listening server.
So resource isn't a newer term, I don't think, I think endpoint was always misappropriated and we're realising that as we're getting our heads around REST as a style of API.
I blogged about this.

According https://apiblueprint.org/documentation/examples/13-named-endpoints.html is a resource a "general" place of storage of the given entity - e.g. /customers/30654/orders, whereas an endpoint is the concrete action (HTTP Method) over the given resource. So one resource can have multiple endpoints.

1. Resource description
“Resources” refers to the information returned by an API.
2. Endpoints and methods
The endpoints indicate how you access the resource, while the method indicates the allowed interactions (such as GET, POST, or DELETE) with the resource.
Additional info:
3. Parameters
Parameters are options you can pass with the endpoint (such as specifying the response format or the amount returned) to influence the response.
4. Request example
The request example includes a sample request using the endpoint, showing some parameters configured.
5. Response example and schema
The response example shows a sample response from the request example; the response schema defines all possible elements in the response.
Reference link

Consider a server which has the information of users, missions and their reward points.
Users and Reward Points are the resources
An end point can relate to more than one resource
Endpoints can be described using either a description or a full or
partial URL
Source: API Endpoints vs Resources


What will be an apt resource name for REST API endpoints that just extracts data out of some documents?

I'm brainstorming designing a REST API endpoint for a POST request, which extracts data out of some documents which i provide in the payload and stores it in database or some temporary location . Also i need GET and DELETE endpoints for retrieving and deleting extracted data . I am trying to figure out a resource name which justifies the output of this data-extraction process which i believe is extracted data and also complies with REST API conventions of not naming a resource name as a verb but a noun . Going by the REST API conventions , the resource which we are dealing with is only extracted-data . We cannot name it something like POST /extract-data as it becomes a verb . Or something like POST /data-extraction also not qualifies according to me , as it looks more like a process name than a resource . What i believe is that doing a POST request to extract data, i am providing objects/documents as input and in the output all i create is extracted-data, i can GET the extracted-data, and also i can DELETE the extracted-data, making it the resource which i can deal with . So based on my thought process ,
I think of below endpoints :
(i.) POST /extracted-data
(ii.) GET /extracted-data/{id}
(iii.) DELETE /extracted-data/{id}
Do above endpoints is really a good resource naming for the stated use-case or is there a better way to do it ?
Remember, REST doesn't care what spelling conventions you use for your resource identifiers, so long as they are consistent with the production rules in RFC 3986.
We cannot name it something like POST /extract-data as it becomes a verb
The spelling of the identifier doesn't matter, because the method token is the "primary source of request semantics"
Because the machines don't care, we have an extra degree of freedom. So we can design the URI to get more of something else that we want. For instance, by aligning it with the name that human beings would use when talking about the resource.
Resources, in the context of REST are generalizations of documents. The world wide web is the reference implementation of the REST architectural style; the interesting resources on the web are "web pages".
Resources aren't "actions", they are web pages that are modified by actions. So you want to choose an identifier that aligns well with the name of the web page/document/resource, rather than choosing an identifier that aligns with the action of the change.

Is resource will be always on servers in REST?

Using HTTP POST method/AnyMethod If a client is sending some information like name, number etc in a representation to server and server is storing it to DB then here name and number is called a resource?
or we are creating a resource in server with the information what client gave?
then client will not have a resource at any time?
Let's take a theoretical look at this:
resource = the intended conceptual target of a hypertext reference
The key abstraction of information in REST is a resource. Any
information that can be named can be a resource: a document or image,
a temporal service (e.g. "today's weather in Los Angeles"), a
collection of other resources, a non-virtual object (e.g. a person),
and so on. In other words, any concept that might be the target of an
author's hypertext reference must fit within the definition of a
resource. A resource is a conceptual mapping to a set of entities, not
the entity that corresponds to the mapping at any particular point in
Source: Fielding, Roy Thomas. Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures. Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Irvine, 2000 as referenced in RFC 7231.
In a brief interpretation that means that the resource is never any particular data but rather a mapping. Let's put it into something tangible:
GET /members
-> A resource called members (= set of entities) consisting out of username, e-mail address.
Members is considered a resource because it describes what the set of entities represent and because I've decided so.
To answer your questions:
> name and number is called a resource?
Depends on the context. Are you storing the name and number alone and independent from each other? Then they are resources, if they are part of something else, the resource would be the thing the two values describe (e.g. contact information).
Since the concept is abstract, you may even define three resources here: names, contact information and numbers. As it said, any information can be a resource, but that's not a must. So you are free to decide what you call a resource and what not.
> or we are creating a resource in server with the information what
> client gave?
No. We are creating an entity within a resource. The resource was defined by you earlier.
> then client will not have a resource at any time?
To be frank, I am sitting over this question for quite some time now - the dissertation doesn't state something specific but from interpreting and understanding the abstract concept, I'd say no. The server always holds the state of a resource, the client just gets or modifies it, but never provides any resource itself.
Related Questions:
What are REST resources?
What is the difference between resource and resource representation in REST?

Get a resource in rest API based on an alternative identificator

What would be a rest API convention to get a resource based on a different identificator?
For example
Since this could be considered as a dupliate resource and setting routes for this could be a problem, what is an alternative then would follow rest API guidelines?
or something else?
Short answer
You could use both /resource/{id} and /resource/{guid}. Many frameworks support regular expressions for matching path parameter values.
Long answer
REST is an architectural style and not a cookbook for designing URIs (see notes below). It doesn't enforce any URI design and it's totally up to you to pick the URIs that better identify your resources.
What you should keep in mind is: it's perfectly fine to have multiple mappings for the same entity. And each mapping is a resource, according to Fielding's dissertation:
A resource is a conceptual mapping to a set of entities, not the entity that corresponds to the mapping at any particular point in time.
With that being said, if you are supporting DELETE, it's important to mention how it's supposed to work:
4.3.5. DELETE
The DELETE method requests that the origin server remove the association between the target resource and its current functionality. In effect, this method is similar to the rm command in UNIX: it expresses a deletion operation on the URI mapping of the origin server rather than an expectation that the previously associated information be deleted. [...]
Note 1: The URI syntax is defined in the RFC 3986. As general rule, the path is organized in hierarchical form (with segments separated by /) and can contain non-hierarchical data in the query component (starting with ?).
Note 2: The REST architectural style is described in the chapter 5 of Roy T. Fielding's dissertation and it defines a set of constraints that must be followed by the applications that follow such architecture. However it says nothing about what the URIs must be like.
Note 3: The examples of a popular article written by Martin Fowler explaining a model defined by Leonard Richardson suggest a URI structure that looks friendly and easy to read.
I wouldn't normally duplicate an endpoint. The question would be:
why does one client have an id while another has a guid?
what design choice allowed that to happen?
I would leave it as a single resource endpoint:
so clients who access resources via their id will use the above endpoint. I'd allow clients who access resources via their guid to exchange what they have (guid) for what they need (id):
The above returns a resource id for the given resource guid. The client can then call the main resource endpoint with the id they have just received:
but ultimately I'd look into why some clients use a guid rather than an id and change that so all clients access the API in the same way.

REST Creating a resource at point-of-request

Say I have the need to expose a service, where I can request an analysis of a user over a specific range of time (common actions, activities, relationships, etc.).
I would immediately think of this as:
/users/{userId}/analyses - POST
/users/{userId}/analyses/{analysisId} - GET
The problem here, is where the 'analysis' resource comes into existence - it is inherently request-based as it is the service that will do this complex analysis, and also the service that has the most up-to-date state of the user data. In short, it doesn't exist prior to request.
My current thinking has me at three options for requesting an analysis for the first time (with retrieval being the same):
/users/{userId}/analyses?from=2017-01-01&to=2018-01-01 - GET
/users/{userId}/analyses - POST { "from": "2017-01-01", "to": "2018-01-01" }
/users/{userId}/analyses?from=2017-01-01&to=2018-01-01 - POST
I like the GET with query parameters, as I'm requesting a resource, and scoping the user data to be used, until I recognise that the resource could change between requests (based on data on the back end, or processing logic change), and that I would need to call a second time to POST this resource.
I like the POST with the request body, as I'm expecting a resource to be created, until I recognise that the state I've transferred, is not the state I would get back when I retrieve this later, nor is it even the same hypermedia type.
I like the POST with query parameters and no body, as I'm creating a resource and scoping that resource, but I'm still transferring a state that isn't the resource or end media type, and I've seen practically no other examples of POSTs with query parameters.
Anyone have experience with these kinds of actions in a RESTful manner?
In my opinion, using GET /users/{userId}/analyses?from=...&to=... is a good approach.
You request a resource of type analysis which means you have to use HTTP verb GET. You pass parameters to limit the scope. That the resource might change between two requests is not a problem. You request a resource in a specific state and this state might be changed right after your GET request. Compare this to a collection resource where other clients are allowed to POST something.
Using POST would imply that you want clients to create a resource of type analysis with all necessary data, which is from what I understand not true in your case. Your own counter-arguments for the second and third example are correct, in my opinion.

RESTful POSTS, do you POST objects to the singular or plural Uri?

Which one of these URIs would be more 'fit' for receiving POSTs (adding product(s))? Are there any best practices available or is it just personal preference?
/product/ (singular)
/products/ (plural)
Currently we use /products/?query=blah for searching and /product/{productId}/ for GETs PUTs & DELETEs of a single product.
Since POST is an "append" operation, it might be more Englishy to POST to /products, as you'd be appending a new product to the existing list of products.
As long as you've standardized on something within your API, I think that's good enough.
Since REST APIs should be hypertext-driven, the URI is relatively inconsequential anyway. Clients should be pulling URIs from returned documents and using those in subsequent requests; typically applications and people aren't going to need to guess or visually interpret URIs, since the application will be explicitly instructing clients what resources and URIs are available.
Typically you use POST to create a resource when you don't know the identifier of the resource in advance, and PUT when you do. So you'd POST to /products, or PUT to /products/{new-id}.
With both of these you'll return 201 Created, and with the POST additionally return a Location header containing the URL of the newly created resource (assuming it was successfully created).
In RESTful design, there are a few patterns around creating new resources. The pattern that you choose largely depends on who is responsible for choosing the URL for the newly created resource.
If the client is responsible for choosing the URL, then the client should PUT to the URL for the resource. In contrast, if the server is responsible for the URL for the resource then the client should POST to a "factory" resource. Typically the factory resource is the parent resource of the resource being created and is usually a collection which is pluralized.
So, in your case I would recommend using /products
You POST or GET a single thing: a single PRODUCT.
Sometimes you GET with no specific product (or with query criteria). But you still say it in the singular.
You rarely work plural forms of names. If you have a collection (a Catalog of products), it's one Catalog.
I would only post to the singular /product. It's just too easy to mix up the two URL-s and get confused or make mistakes.
As many said, you can probably choose any style you like as long as you are consistent, however I'd like to point out some arguments on both sides; I'm personally biased towards singular
In favor of plural resource names:
simplicity of the URL scheme as you know the resource name is always at plural
many consider this convention similar to how databases tables are addressed and consider this an advantage
seems to be more widely adopted
In favor of singular resource names (this doesn't exclude plurals when working on multiple resources)
the URL scheme is more complex but you gain more expressivity
you always know when you are dealing with one or more resources based on the resource name, as opposed to check whether the resource has an additional Id path component
plural is sometimes harder for non-native speakers (when is not simply an "s")
the URL is longer
the "s" seems to be a redundant from a programmers' standpoint
is just awkward to consider the path parameter as a sub-resource of the collection as opposed to consider it for what it is: simply an ID of the resource it identifies
you can apply the filtering parameters only where they are needed (endpoint with plural resource name)
you could use the same url for all of them and use the MessageContext to determine what type of action the caller of the web service wanted to perform.
No language was specified but in Java you can do something like this.
WebServiceContext ws_ctx;
MessageContext ctx = ws_ctx.getMessageContext();
String action = (String)ctx.get(MessageContext.HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD);
// do something
else if(action.equals("POST")
// do something
That way you can check the type of request that was sent to the web service and perform the appropriate action based upon the request method.