REST Creating a resource at point-of-request - rest

Say I have the need to expose a service, where I can request an analysis of a user over a specific range of time (common actions, activities, relationships, etc.).
I would immediately think of this as:
/users/{userId}/analyses - POST
/users/{userId}/analyses/{analysisId} - GET
The problem here, is where the 'analysis' resource comes into existence - it is inherently request-based as it is the service that will do this complex analysis, and also the service that has the most up-to-date state of the user data. In short, it doesn't exist prior to request.
My current thinking has me at three options for requesting an analysis for the first time (with retrieval being the same):
/users/{userId}/analyses?from=2017-01-01&to=2018-01-01 - GET
/users/{userId}/analyses - POST { "from": "2017-01-01", "to": "2018-01-01" }
/users/{userId}/analyses?from=2017-01-01&to=2018-01-01 - POST
I like the GET with query parameters, as I'm requesting a resource, and scoping the user data to be used, until I recognise that the resource could change between requests (based on data on the back end, or processing logic change), and that I would need to call a second time to POST this resource.
I like the POST with the request body, as I'm expecting a resource to be created, until I recognise that the state I've transferred, is not the state I would get back when I retrieve this later, nor is it even the same hypermedia type.
I like the POST with query parameters and no body, as I'm creating a resource and scoping that resource, but I'm still transferring a state that isn't the resource or end media type, and I've seen practically no other examples of POSTs with query parameters.
Anyone have experience with these kinds of actions in a RESTful manner?

In my opinion, using GET /users/{userId}/analyses?from=...&to=... is a good approach.
You request a resource of type analysis which means you have to use HTTP verb GET. You pass parameters to limit the scope. That the resource might change between two requests is not a problem. You request a resource in a specific state and this state might be changed right after your GET request. Compare this to a collection resource where other clients are allowed to POST something.
Using POST would imply that you want clients to create a resource of type analysis with all necessary data, which is from what I understand not true in your case. Your own counter-arguments for the second and third example are correct, in my opinion.


Is it using Post parameters much better than Get parameters to execute a procedure in a REST API?

I was reading this answers, and wondering, why is it so much better to "modify resource" / "execute procedures" using a parameters inside a POST than in a GET for a RESTful API?
URL length is limited - browsers usually limit it to 2048 symbols so you can not put too much information in the GET parameters
URL allows only simple key/value pairs as query parameters - you will have to URL-encode JSON values which may quickly reach the URL length limit
GET requests may be cached at various points between the client and the server - so the client can not be certain that the API response is recent or cached (for example, if you try to rename an entity an intermediate proxy may reply with the result of your previous GET for renaming the same entity)
You can not upload a file with GET
why is it so much better to "modify resource" / "execute procedures" using a parameters inside a POST than in a GET for a RESTful API
Because the semantics of GET are specified to be safe
Request methods are considered "safe" if their defined semantics are essentially read-only; i.e., the client does not request, and does not expect, any state change on the origin server as a result of applying a safe method to a target resource.
This shared contract says that I can produce a GET request targeting any resource in the world and know that my action is harmless (or, more precisely, that if it isn't harmless, it isn't my fault).
That semantic guarantee allows things like crawlers, that are able to navigate the web archiving representations of resources without needing to know anything about any specific resource.

Is it considered RESTful if single POST requests create multiple resources?

We have customers API that takes {customer-name, customer-mobile, customer-email} and creates customer in the database.
We also have order API that takes {productId, customer-name, customer-mobile, customer-email}.
The code for order API:
First creates customer based on {name,mobile,email} passed in the order API and return back customerId.
The {productId, customerId} further gets saved in the database in the order table.
Is this restful practice that one API is internally first creating some other resource?
Please note that its an over simplified example where API expects only one type of product in the order API.
It's fine for a single POST call to result in multiple resources being created. It's not generally the best idea but there are use cases where it makes sense - example cases might include (usual legal disclaimer... not limited to...)
the POST method is to the parent resource of all the created resources. So, a POST /accounts call might result in an /accounts/<accountId> resource being created but also an /accounts/<accountId>/tweets resource. In this instance, the /accounts/<accountId> parent is the 'actual' resource being created.
the POST method might create multiple resources representing multiple ways in which the resource may interact with other parts of the system. So, a POST /accounts response might create resources under /accounts/<accountId> and /users/<accountId> (because an account is-a user and user id are a super set of account ids, for arguments sake). However, the client really only gets told about the one under the '/accounts' path (via the Location header). The other created resource is basically a side-effect.
The key point, really, is that the POST method returns a single Location header - representing the 'primary' resource created - and that subsequent 'GET's on that URI are capable of locating any the other resources via links.
If you find yourself in a situation where creating multiple resources via a single POST request results in you having to return different values for the Location header, then something's wrong with your resource breakdown. It should be clear that a 'POST' will always create one particular type of resource, a URI to being returned in the header. Other resources might be created as side-effects.

How to model a CANCEL action in a RESTful way?

We are currently in the process of wrangling smaller services from our monoliths. Our domain is very similar to a ticketing system. We have decided to start with the cancellation process of the domain.
Our cancel service has as simple endpoint "Cancel" which takes in the id of the ticket. Internally, we retrieve the id, perform some operations related to cancel on it and update the state of the entity in the store. From the store's perspective the only difference between a cancelled ticket and a live ticket are a few properties.
From what I have read, PATCH seems to be the correct verb to be used in this case, as am updating only a simple property in the resource.
PATCH /api/tickets/{id}
Payload {isCancelled: true}
But isCancelled is not an actual property in the entity. Is it fair to send properties in the payload that are not part of the entity or should I think of some other form of modeling this request? I would not want to send the entire entity as part of the payload, since it is large.
I have considered creating a new resource CancelledTickets, but in our domain we would never have the need to a GET on cancelled tickets. Hence stayed away from having to create a new resource.
Exposing the GET interface of a resource is not compulsory.
For example, use
PUT /api/tickets/{id}/actions/cancel
to submit the cancellation request. I choose PUT since there would be no more than one cancellation request in effect.
Hope it be helpful.
Take a look what exactly is RESTful way. No matter if you send PATCH request with isCancelled as payload or even DELETE if you want tickets to disappear. It's still RESTful.
Your move depends on your needs. As you said
I have considered creating a new resource CancelledTickets, but in our
domain we would never have the need to a GET on cancelled tickets.
I would just send DELETE. You don't have to remove it physically. If it's possible to un-cancel, then implement isCancelled mechanism. It's just question of taste.
REST is basically a generalization of the browser based Web. Any concepts you apply for the Web can also be applied to REST.
So, how would you design a cancel activity in a Web page? You'd probably have a table row with certain activities like edit and delete outlined with icons and mouse-over text that on clicking invoke a URI on the server and lead to a followup state. You are not that much interested how the URI of that button might look like or if a PATCH or DELETE command is invoked in the back. You are just interested that the request is processed.
The same holds true if you want to perform the same via REST. Instead of images that hint the user that an edit or cancel activity is performed on an entry, a meaningful link-relation name should be used to hint the client about the possiblities. In your case this might be something like reserve new tickets, edit reservation or cancel reservation. Each link relation name is accompanied by a URL the client can invoke if he wants to perform one of the activities. The exact characters of the URI is not of importance here to the client also. Which method to invoke might either be provided already in the response (as further accompanying field) or via the media type the response was processed for. If neither the media type nor an accompanying field gives a hint on which HTTP operation to use an OPTIONS request may be issued on the URI beforehand. The rule of thumb here is, the server should teach a client on how to achieve something in the end.
By following such a concept you decouple a client from the API and make it robust to changes. Instead of a client generating a URI to invoke the client is fed by the server with possible URIs to invoke. If the server ever changes its iternal URI structure a client using one of the provided URIs will still be able to invoke the service as it simply used one of the URIs provided by the server. Which one to use is determined by analyzing the link relation name that hints the client when to invoke such URI. As mentioned above, such link relation names need to be defined somewhere. But this is exactly what Fielding claimed back in 2008 by:
A REST API should spend almost all of its descriptive effort in defining the media type(s) used for representing resources and driving application state, or in defining extended relation names and/or hypertext-enabled mark-up for existing standard media types. (Source)
Which HTTP operation to choose for canceling a ticket/reservation may depend on your desing. While some of the answers recommended DELETE RFC 7231 states that only the association between the URI and the resource is removed and no gurantee is given that the actual resource is also being removed here as well. If you design a system where a cancelation might be undone, then DELETE is not the right choice for you as the mapping of the URI to the resource should not exist further after handling a DELETE request. If you, however, consider a cancelation to also lead to a removal of the reservation then you MAY use DELETE.
If you model your resource in a way that maintains the state as property within the resource, PATCHing the resource might be a valid option. However, simply sending something like state=canceled is probably not enough here as PATCH is a calculation of steps done by the client in order to transform a certain resource (or multipe resources) into a desired target state. JSON Patch might give a clue on how this might be done. A further note needs to be done on the atomicy requirement PATCH has. Either all of the instructions succeed or none at all.
As also PUT was mentioned in one of the other answers. PUT has the semantics of replacing the current representation available at the given URI with the one given in the request' payload. The server is further allowed to either reject the content or transform it to a more suitable representation and also affect other resources as well, i.e. if they mimic a version history of the resource.
If neither of the above mentioned operations really satisfies your needs you should use POST as this is the all-purpose, swiss-army-knife toolkit of HTTP. While this operation is usually used to create new resources, it isn't limited to it. It should be used in any situation where the semantics of the other operations aren't applicable. According to the HTTP specification
The POST method requests that the target resource process the representation enclosed in the request according to the resource's own specific semantics.
This is basically the get-free-out-of-jail card. Here you can literally process anything at the server according to your own rules. If you want to cancel or pause something, just do it.
I highly discourage to use GET for creating, altering or canceling/removing something. GET is a safe operation and gurantees any invoking client that it wont alter any state for the invoked resource on the server. Note that it might have minor side-effects, i.e. logging, though the actual state should be unaffected by an invocation. This is a property Web crawler rely on. They will simply invoke any URI via GET and learn the content of the received response. And I assume you don't want Google (or any other crawler) to cancel all of your reservations, or do you?
As mentioned above, which HTTP operation you should use depends on your design. DELETE should only be used if you are also going to remove the representation, eventhough the spec does not necessarily require this, but once the URI mapping to the resource is gone, you basically have no way to invoke this resource further (unless you have created a further URI mapping first, of course). If you designed your resource to keep the state within a property I'd probably go for PATCH but in general I'd basically opt for POST here as here you have all the choices at your hands.
I would suggest having a state resource.
This keeps things RESTful. You have your HTTP method acting as the verb. The state part of the URI is a noun. Then your request body is simple and consistent with the URI.
The only thing I don't like about this is the value of state requires documentation, meaning what states are there? This could be solved via the API by providing possible states on a meta resource or part of the ticket body in meta object.
PUT /api/tickets/:id/state
{state: "canceled"}
GET /api/meta/tickets/state
// returns
GET /api/tickets/:id
id: ...
meta: {
states: [
For modelling CANCEL Action in Restful way :
Suppose we have to delete a note in DB by providing noteId(Note's ID) and Note is a pojo
1] At controller :
public ResponseEntity<Note> deleteNote( #PathVariable Long noteId)
return ResponseEntity.ok().build();
2]Service Layer :
public class NoteServiceImpl {
private NotesRepository notesDao;
public void deleteNote(Long id) {
3] Repository layer :
public interface NotesRepository extends CrudRepository<Note, Long> {
and in 4] postman : http://localhost:8080/delete/1
So we have deleted note Id 1 from DB by CANCEL Action

A RESTful singleton resource

I'm coming from the RPC world but currently investigating if using REST is a good idea for my project. As for as I understand from Wikipedia the basic idea of RESTful services is to provide access to collections and their individual elements.
In my case the server would be a measuring instrument. I must be able to start, stop, and pause the measurement routine, and read the data at any time.
Currently, I'm considering the following:
POST /measure (start measurement, this continues until stopped by the user)
PUT /measure pause=true/false (pause/unpause)
DELETE /measure (stop)
GET /measure (get measurement data)
However, I'm not sure if this fits the REST model, since I don't really work with collections or elements here.
My question: How would I access a singleton resource and do the start/stop requests to the server break the RESTful stateless constraint?
Not RESTful
No, your approach isn't RESTful, because if I understand the workflow, you would delete the resource to stop the measurement and then get the resource to read out the final result. But deleting a resource implies that there would be nothing left to GET.
The fact that your resource is a singleton isn't a problem at all. The problem lies in the way you're mapping verbs and state.
Your description is a bit abstract, so let's be a bit more concrete: let's assume that the instrument in question measures the angular velocity of a fly wheel in radians/sec. This instrument has some cost associated with measurement, so the client needs to be able to disable measurement for some periods of time as a cost-saving measure. If this is roughly analogous to your scenario, then the exposition below should be applicable to your scenario.
Now, let's review your verbs.
GET returns a representation of a resource. So when you GET /measure, it should return some data that represents the current measurement.
PUT creates or updates a specific, named resource. The resource is named by its URL. So PUT /measure implies that you're updating the state of a resource called /measure, or creating that resource if it doesn't already exist. In your case, the instrument value is read-only: we can't write a radian/sec value to the instrument. But the paused/active state of the instrument is mutable, so PUT /measure should include a body that modifies the state of the instrument. You could use a lot of different representations here, but one simple approach would be a request body like active=true or active=false to indicate what thew instrument's new state should be.
POST is similar to PUT, except that the client does not specify the name of the resource that should be created or updated. In a different API, for example, the client might POST /articles to create a new a article. The server would create a resource and give it a name like /articles/1234 and then it would tell the client about this new name by returning a 201 CREATED HTTP code and adding a Location: /articles/1234 header to tell the client where the new resource is. In your scenario, POST isn't a meaningful verb because you always know what the name of your singleton resource is.
DELETE means you remove a resource, and since a resource is identified by a URL, DELETE /measure implies that /measure no longer exists. A subsequent GET /measure should return either 404 NOT FOUND or 410 GONE. In your case, the client can't actually destroy the instrument, so DELETE isn't meaningful a meaningful verb.
So in sum, a RESTful design for your service would be to have PUT /measure with a request body that tells the instrument whether it should be active or not active (paused) and GET /measure to read the current measurement. If you GET /measure on a paused instrument, you should probably return a 409 CONFLICT HTTP status. Your service shouldn't use POST or DELETE at all.
You are still working on a resource, and the way you broke it down sounds good to me. Fielding explicitly mentions temporaral services in the REST chapter:
The key abstraction of information in REST is a resource. Any
information that can be named can be a resource: a document or image,
a temporal service (e.g. "today's weather in Los Angeles")
Maybe it would make sense to give each measurement a unique id though. That way you can uniquely refer to each measurement (you don't even have to store the old ones, but if someone refers to an old measurement you can tell them, that what they are requesting is not up to date anymore).
Building upon the last answer. Here is how you might want to break it down
measures/ - GET all the measures from the instrument (Paginate/limit if needed based on query params)
measures/:measure_id - GET a particular measure
measures/ - POST - Starts a new measure. This returns the new measure ID which you can deal with later.
measures/:measure_id - DELETE - stop the measure.
measures/:measure_id - PUT - update the measure
measures/last_measure - Last measured resource.

RESTful resource - accepts a list of objects

I'm building a collection of RESTful resources that work like the following: (I'll use "people" as an example):
GET /people/{key}
- returns a person object (JSON)
GET /people?first_name=Bob
- returns a list of person objects who's "first_name" is "Bob" (JSON)
PUT /people/{key}
- expects a person object in the payload (JSON), updates the person in the
datastore with the {key} found in the URL parameter to match the payload.
If it is a new object, the client specifies the key of the new object.
I feel pretty comfortable with the design so far (although any input/criticism is welcome).
I'd also like to be able to PUT a list of people, however I'm not confident in the RESTfulness of my design. This is what I have in mind:
PUT /people
- expects a list of objects in JSON form with keys included in the object
("key":"32948"). Updates all of the corresponding objects in the datastore.
This operation will be idempotent, so I'd like to use "PUT". However its breaking a rule because a GET request to this same resource will not return the equivalent of what the client just PUT, but would rather return all "people" objects (since there would be no filters on the query). I suspect there are also a few other rules that might be being broken here.
Someone mentioned the use of a "PATCH" request in an earlier question that I had: REST resource with a List property
"PATCH" sounds fantastic, but I don't want to use it because its not in wide use yet and is not compatible with a lot of programs and APIs yet.
I'd prefer not to use POST because POST implies that the request is not idempotent.
Does anyone have any comments / suggestions?
While I hesitated to use POST because it seems to be the least-common-denominator, catch-all for RESTful operations and more can be said about this operation (specifically that it is idempotent), PUT cannot be used because its requirements are too narrow. Specifically: the resource is not being completely re-written and the equivalent resource is not being sent back from a GET request to the same resource. Using a PUT with properties outside of it's specifications can cause problems when applications, api's, and/or programmers attempt to work with the resource and are met with unexpected behavior from the resource.
In addition to the accepted answer, Darrel Miller had an excellent suggestion if the operation absolutely had to be a PUT and that was to append a UUID onto the end of the resource path so an equivalent GET request will return the equivalent resource.
POST indicates a generic action other than GET, PUT, and DELETE (the generic hashtable actions). Because the generic hashtable actions are inappropriate, use POST. The semantics of POST are determined by the resource to which an entity is POSTed. This is unlike the semantics of the generic hashtable methods, which are well-known.
POST /people/add-many HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
{ "name": "Bob" },
{ "name": "Robert" }
Using PUT is definitely the wrong verb in this case. POST is meant to do exactly what you are asking. From the HTTP specification:
The fundamental difference between the POST and PUT requests is reflected in the different meaning of the Request-URI. The URI in a POST request identifies the resource that will handle the enclosed entity. That resource might be a data-accepting process, a gateway to some other protocol, or a separate entity that accepts annotations. In contrast, the URI in a PUT request identifies the entity enclosed with the request -- the user agent knows what URI is intended and the server MUST NOT attempt to apply the request to some other resource...
As such, if you want to update multiple resources in a single call, you have to use POST.
Just be cause PUT is required to be idempotent and POST is not, does not mean that POST cannot be idempotent. Your choice of HTTP verb should not be based on that, but based on the relationship of the requested resource and the resource acted upon. If your application is directly handling the resource requested, use PUT. If it is acting on some other resource (or resources, as in your case), use POST.
I really don't see any easy way you could use PUT to create an arbitrary set of people. Unless, you are prepared to have the client generate a GUID and do something like,
PUT /PeopleList/{1E8157D6-3BDC-43b7-817D-C3DA285DD606}
On the server side you could take the people from the list and add them to the /People resource.
A slight variation to this approach would be to get the server to include a link such as
<link rel="AddList" href="/PeopleList/{1E8157D6-3BDC-43b7-817D-C3DA285DD606}"/>
in the People resource. The client would need to know that it needs to PUT a list of people to the AddList link. The server would need to make sure that each time it renders the /People resource it creates a new url for the AddList link.
Regarding Darren Miller's suggestion of using PUT to a GUID (I can't comment...), the point of using PUT would be to achieve idempotency for the operation. The litmus test if idempotency would be this conversation between the client and server:
PUT /PeopleList/{1E8157D6-3BDC-43b7-817D-C3DA285DD606}
204 NO CONTENT (indicates that it all went well)
client loses connection and doesn't see the 204
client automatically retries
PUT /PeopleList/{1E8157D6-3BDC-43b7-817D-C3DA285DD606}
How would the server differentiate the two? If the GUID is "used up" so to speak then the server would have to respond 404 or 410. This introduces a tiny bit of conversational state on the server to remember all the GUIDs that have been used.
Two clients would often see the same I guess, because of caching or simply keeping stale responses around.
I think a smart solution is to use POST to create an (initially empty, short lived) holding area for a resource to which you can PUT, i.e. clients need to POST to create the GUID resource instead of discovering it via a link:
POST /PeopleList/CreateHoldingArea
201 CREATED and Location: /PeopleList/{1E8157D6-3BDC-43b7-817D-C3DA285DD606}
PUT /PeopleList/{1E8157D6-3BDC-43b7-817D-C3DA285DD606}
This would mean that the lost idempotency would not result in much overhead; clients simply create new GUIDs (by POSTing) if they didn't see the initial 201 CREATED response. The "tiny bit of conversational state" would now only be the created but not yet used holding areas.
The ideal solution would of course not require any conversational state on the server, but it eludes me.