Install role services using command line - powershell

I am taking a Windows Server class and I am supposed to install/uninstall some role services using CLI and PowerShell.
Now it was easy to figure out using PowerShell since there are Install-WindowsFeature and Uninstall-WindowsFeature cmdlets.
But my lab assignment is asking me to provide commands for the CLI.
Is there a way to install/uninstall role services from the CLI?
Just to note: I am using Microsoft's MOAC Lab Set.

Install-WindowsFeature –Name feature_name -ComputerName computer_name -Restart


Powershell Azure : The term 'Get-AutomationConnection' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program

I am trying to connect to an Azure Run As connection, as part of a Powershell script that does a backup of a database.
This script attempts to call Get-AutomationConnection
As seen in the screenshot, Get-Module does return that Azure / Azure.Storage and AzureRM shows.
What module should I import in addition for this to work?
If you want to connect to an Azure Run As connection from Windows PowerShell, you should use New-AzureRmAutomationConnection.
$ConnectionAssetName = "AzureRunAsConnection"
$ConnectionFieldValues = #{"ApplicationId" = $Application.ApplicationId; "TenantId" = $TenantID.TenantId; "CertificateThumbprint" = $Cert.Thumbprint; "SubscriptionId" = $SubscriptionId}
New-AzureRmAutomationConnection -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName -Name $ConnectionAssetName -ConnectionTypeName AzureServicePrincipal -ConnectionFieldValues $ConnectionFieldValues
You are able to use the script to create the connection asset because when you create your Automation account, it automatically includes several global modules by default along with the connection type AzurServicePrincipal to create the AzureRunAsConnection connection asset.
Get-AutomationConnection runs in Azure runbook internally.
Please refer to connection assets in Azure Automation.
If you want similar functionality to runbooks on-premise, you can install AzureAutomationAuthoringToolkit. It will give you very similar functionality. I have one script that logs in using the service principal, whether it is running on-premise or in an Azure runbook. It uses the resources provided by AAATK when running on-premise, that simulate a runbook.
I did try using the version of Get-AutomationConnection that comes with the "Microsoft Monitoring agent" (Hybrid worker), but I have since read that it is different to the one that comes with AzureAutomationAuthoringToolkit, detailed in the "Known Issues" in the GitHub readme. I couldn't get it to work, so I reverted to AAATK's version.

Automate the process of managing (upgrade/new) VMWare through Vsphere from TestComplete

We are looking to automate the process of managing(Upgrade/New) VMWare through Vsphere from Test Complete.
The general flow is:
a. Launch Vsphere client
b. Navigate to specific Cluster in Vsphere
c. Power On Respective Server VM or Create a new VM
Any pointers for the above implementation will be helpful. Many thanks!
VMware vSphere has API with libraries for many languages. You can use its Java or .NET version to work with vSphere from TestComplete with its Java Bridge or CLR Bridge features.
It looks like TestComplete supports multiple scripting languages. I would say the easiest way to do what you want would be to use VMware PowerCLI (a PowerShell module/suite for managing vSphere and other VMware products) to automate this process.
Basic PowerCLI script you would use would be:
Connect-VIServer Your_vCenter_FQDN_or_IP_here -username first.last -password yourloginpassword
$existingVM = Get-Cluster CLUSTERNAME | Get-VM VMNAME
if ($existingVM)
Start-VM $existingVM
New-VM -Name VMNAME # probably need a few more mandatory paramaters specified here...

Install RDS with Powershell on local server

I'm pretty new to Powershell and wanted to create a script that install the Remote Desktop Service which is a prerequisite of my application. (I'm on R2012 btw)
I already found that it's possible to do so with a domain account on a remote server (due to the restart needed during installation). I used:
New-RDSessionDeployment [-ConnectionBroker] <String> [-SessionHost] <String[]> [[-WebAccessServer] <String> ]
Now, I want to install RDS on my local server when I launch my Powershell script (as I can do with the Server Manager GUI). The goal is to install RDS and my application in the same Powershell script without the need to do it using a remote server.
Is it possible to do so ? Should I use the role-based RDS installation or is there any tricks I can use to bypass the local server restart (like maybe a workflow) ?
You just need to add the RDS Feature
Add-WindowsFeature –Name RDS-RD-Server –IncludeAllSubFeature -Restart
If you don't include -Restart the restart is not performed - but will be needed before the feature can be used.
Yes , on the context that you need to use New-SessionDeployment but having being said you still need the remotedesktop module to be imported first using
Import-Module RemoteDesktop
Now you need have RD Connection Broker, RD Web Access, and RD Session Host by using:
New-SessionDeployment –ConnectionBroker
–WebAccessServer –SessionHost
Now you need a Licensing Role, use:
Add-RDServer -Server -Role RDS-LICENSING
NOw we have use the deployment for the licensing , use :
Set-RDLicenseConfiguration -LicenseServer -Mode PerUser
Now you can use ,
New-RDSessionCollection and can publish New-RDRemoteapp
This should help you in proceeding further.

Power Shell: Run Login-AzureRmAccount to login

I want to create a new resource group in azure via power shell with the command:
New-AzureRmResourceGroup - Name name -Location "WesternEurope"
then I get the error message:
New-AzureRmResourceGroup : Run Login-AzureRmAccount to login."
But I am already logged in with "Login-AzureRmAccount" and entered my Azure credentials.
I got it. In this page, there are two commands to install azure modules for powershell.
Install the Azure Resource Manager modules from the PowerShell Gallery
Install-Module AzureRM
Install the Azure Service Management module from the PowerShell Gallery
Install-Module Azure
With the AzureRm modules it worked.
It might be unrelated, but WesternEurope is not a valid value for Location. Either WestEurope or "West Europe" would do.
It seems far-fetched, but does that make a difference?

Get Azure VM Detail by PowerShell

I am trying to run Get-AzureVM PowerShell command, it is running fine but not return any output.
Also tried in following flavor but still blank result any idea?
Get-AzureVM -Name "vmname" |Select-Object name,instancesize,location
You should call Select-AzureSubscription "subscription name" first.
It likely is defaulting to a subscription that doesn't have any virtual machines in it.
To view your current subscription names call:
Get-AzureSubscription | select SubscriptionName
Actually the answer above is only semi-correct.
This had me pulling my virutal hair out trying to do automation (which took 7 hours of manual fudging to get working!).
Simply, you have two types of virtual machine in Azure; Classic, and Resource Manager.
If you Switch-AzureMode -name AzureServiceManagement then use Get-AzureVM you will list all of the classic VM's you have created.
If you Switch-AzureMode -name AzureResourceManager then use Get-AzureVM you will list all of the Resource Manager (or new) VM's you have created.
And remember, if you are trying to do automation, then you need the VM's in the new mode available through the portal, your old VM's (classic) that you created through management are not visable in this mode and you will have to recreate them.
Azure has two types of Management System: AzureServiceManagement (ASM) and AzureResourceManager (ARM)
In order to control these two different type of management systems you should switch between them as described in the main page of the Azure Powershell Github project page, but this is true for the azure powershell versions lower than 1.0.0, you can find more explanation in here
For those who are interested to control ARM (AzureResourceManager) with the powershell version greter than 1.0.0, they should use all Cmdlets with the following format : [Verb]-AzureRm[Noun], for example New-AzureVm becomes New-AzureRmVm, in our case Get-AzureVM became Get-AzureRmVm
In summary:
Powershell versions lower than 1.0.0 you should switch between modes and use Get-AzureVM, which is very confusing in my and lots of others opinion
Powershell versions equal or greater than 1.0.0 you should use Get-AzureVM for ASM and Get-AzureRmVm for ARM.
I know this question has been answered but I tried the answer given and it did not work for me. I found, I needed to switch my AzureMode.
To resolve, I ran the following powershell script.
Switch-AzureMode -Name AzureResourceManager
Switching Azure Powershell mode between AzureServiceManagement and AzureResourceManger is a possible solution if your script is using older features as well as new Azure Resource Manager cmdlets. The switch is needed only for Microsoft Azure Powershell version 0.9.8 or older.