Change content before preview in TinyMCE 4 - tinymce

In TinyMCE 4, I want to change displayed contents before they are showed on preview popup windows. This change must not affect current contents in editor. Can we do that?
If it can't, I want to catch close event of preview windows. How to do that?

TinyMCE allows us to register callbacks via the property init_instance_callback
By using the BeforeExecCommand event, oddly not in current documentation, you can make changes prior to a command being executed. We can similarly use the ExecCommand event to make changes after the command is executed. The Preview Plugin triggers the mcePreview command. You can view the Editor command Identifiers here.
Putting that together you can add the following when initializing your TinyMCE. This will show "changed content" in the preview without making visible changes to the content within TinyMCE.
var preProssesInnerHtml;
//other things...
init_instance_callback: function (editor) {
editor.on('BeforeExecCommand', function (e) {
if (e.command == "mcePreview") {
//store content prior to changing.
preProssesInnerHtml = editor.getContent();
editor.setContent("changed content");
editor.on("ExecCommand", function (e) {
if (e.command == "mcePreview") {
//Restore initial content.


Tinymce 5 dialog urlinput disable/enable broken

Heads up to anyone who is self hosting who also runs across this bug....
In version 5.6.0 silver theme, the dialog urlinput enable/disable works for the input field but not the browse button of the control. The problem is that the enable/disable events are intercepted by the typeaheadBehaviours portion of the internal object so they never make it to the event handlers for the overall field. The fix is to add the onDisabled and onEnabled handlers to the Disabling.config for typeaheadBehaviours and remove the line of code from each handler that addresses the input field.
Original typeaheadBehaviours Disabling.config....
disabled: function () {
return spec.disabled || providersBackstage.isDisabled();
Amended code....
disabled: function () {
return spec.disabled || providersBackstage.isDisabled();
onDisabled: function (comp) {
onEnabled: function (comp) {
Haven't been able to figure out how to get those events to bubble up to the the overall control handlers but this seems to make things work as expected.

tinymce IE11 (loosing focus - insertContent())

please have a look:
var mceBookmark;
function TbInsert(txt) {
ed = tinymce.activeEditor;
window.setTimeout(function() {$("#ed").tinymce().focus(); },200)
$('#myButton').on('mousedown', function() {mceBookmark = ed.selection.getBookmark(); });
Using tinymce 4.9.x but it's an old story: this code works fine except on IE(11).
$('#myButton') is a Button outside tinymce. By clicking it, IE looses focus and bookmark-position. insertContent() will allways push 'txt' on top of content.
I've also checked this to store bookmark-position:
setup: function (ed) {
ed.on('blur', function(e) {
//mceBookmark = ed.selection.getBookmark();
but this will force IE11 to crash.
What is the best practice to store and restore tinymce-bookmarks and how can i force incertContet() to push 'txt' at bookmark-position?

openui5 event Handler for orientationchange

Is there any openui5 event Handler for orientationchange and window resize ?
onInit: function() {
var data;
this.drawChart(data); // working fine
$( window ).resize(function() {
this.drawChart(data); // not working
drawChart: function(data) {
//code for draw chart
OpenUI5 has built-in functionality for detecting orientation change as well as when there is a responsive size change (desktop->tablet for example).
Take a look at sap.ui.Device.orientation's attachHandler event:
Registers the given event handler to orientation change events of the
document's window.
Here is an example of using sap.ui.Device.orientation.attachHandler:
sap.ui.Device.orientation.attachHandler(function(mParams) {
if (mParams.landscape) {
alert('in landscape mode');
} else {
alert('in portrait mode');
Also of use is's attachHandler for detecting when the window is resized to a different range-set.
For directly listening to when the window is resized it looks like you already have a solution for that, just make sure you keep track of the correct scope to use:
var self = this;
$( window ).resize(function() {
I found the solution
this.* will not work inside jquery as this has a different meaning wherever its encapsulated...
in openui5 *.view.js this implies the view object
in *.controller.js this implies the controller object...
in jquery this implies the component in which it is placed or whatever it is referring to in that context...
you cannot simply mix "this" wherever you like

Stop window from closing in tinyMCE in onSubmit function

I am trying to add some validation logic to the code plugin for tinyMCE.
It seems, however, that when a window's onSubmit function is called, the window closes by default.
The onSubmit function currently looks like this:
onSubmit: function (e) {
// We get a lovely "Wrong document" error in IE 11 if we
// don't move the focus to the editor before creating an undo
editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
What I would like to do is add some validation logic to the plugin to prevent tinyMCE from reformatting invalid html and, rather, display a message that the html is invalid. Essentially, something like this:
onSubmit: function (e) {
// We get a lovely "Wrong document" error in IE 11 if we
// don't move the focus to the editor before creating an undo
var isCodeValid = true;
//check if code valid
isCodeValid = ValidateCode(;
if (isCodeValid) {
//if code valid, send to tinyMCE to let it do it's thing
editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
else {
//if code invalid, display error message and keep text editor window open
tinyMCE.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Your HTML is invalid. Please check your code and try submitting again.");
However, it seems that the onSubmit function closes the text editor window regardless. I was wondering if there is a way to stop it from doing this. I have scoured the documentation which leaves much to be explained and have looked at other plugins as examples. The closest I can find is the searchandreplce plugin. The 'Find' button calls the onSubmit function, but it seems to stay open if the 'find' text field is blank. However, the logic behind it seems very different from what I can use in the Code plugin as it is.
Can anyone who is familiar with the tinyMCE API give me any ideas on how to prevent the window from closing when onSubmit is called? Or do I have to go another route?
As per this question the way to cancel an event is to return false;. This will keep the popup open. Your code would then become:
onSubmit: function (e) {
// We get a lovely "Wrong document" error in IE 11 if we
// don't move the focus to the editor before creating an undo
var isCodeValid = true;
//check if code valid
isCodeValid = ValidateCode(;
if (isCodeValid) {
//if code valid, send to tinyMCE to let it do it's thing
editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
else {
//if code invalid, display error message and keep text editor window open
tinyMCE.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Your HTML is invalid. Please check your code and try submitting again.");
return false;
I figured it out finally. All you need to do is add e.preventDefault(); at the start of the onSubmit function and the window will not close. The documentation was no help, but looking at the searchandreplace plugin as an example lead me to the answer. What I have now is like this:
onSubmit: function (e) {
// We get a lovely "Wrong document" error in IE 11 if we
// don't move the focus to the editor before creating an undo
var isCodeValid = true;
//check if code valid
isCodeValid = ValidateCode(;
if (isCodeValid) {
//if code valid, send to tinyMCE to let it do it's thing
editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
else {
//if code invalid, display error message and keep text editor window open
tinyMCE.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Your HTML is invalid. Please check your code and try submitting again.");
e.PreventDefault() seems to stop the default behavior of the onSubmit function.

Check if TinyMCE 4.x is in Fullscreen Mode

Is there a way to check if TinyMCE is in fullscreen mode?
I would like to press 'Esc' to exit full screen mode butI also use 'Esc' to cancel editing. Hence I would like a way to first check if the editor is in fullscereen mode.
The fullscreen plugin fires an event, when its state changes:
var tinyOptions = {
plugins: [ 'fullscreen' ],
setup: function(editor) {
editor.on('FullscreenStateChanged', function(e) {
console.log('FullscreenStateChanged event', e);
This way you can track the state yourself.
When TinyMCE is in Fullscreen Mode "mce-fullscreen" class is appended to body tag.
So all you need to do is check for the existence of mce-fullscreen class.
if $('.mce-fullscreen').length{
// Do something here,the editor is in fullscreen mode
If you have access to the editor object:
This way is quick and simple.
var catchFulscreen = function() {
if( $('.mce-fullscreen').length > 1){
console.log('Now the editor is on fullscreen mode');
setInterval(catchFulscreen, 100);
This code was tested on TinyMce 4.1.x
But I had wanted to know to access inited TinyMce Object. If the object can be access, much more better solution for catching fullscreen mode as event!