I have an array which is the result from db.zips.find().
sample_training> a = db.zips.find({"pop": 9999})
_id: ObjectId("5c8eccc1caa187d17ca6ed18"),
city: 'ACMAR',
zip: '88888',
loc: { y: 33.584132, x: 86.51557 },
pop: 9999,
state: 'AL'
As you can see from the brackets, the result is indeed an array. But I can't get its first element. I tried:
sample_training> a[0]
sample_training> a.0
SyntaxError: Missing semicolon. (1:1)
> 1 | a.0
| ^
2 |
both failed. How can I get it?
I have a complexe request that perfectly works in Neo4j Browser that I want to use through API Rest, but there are Clauses I can't cope with.
The syntax looks like :
MATCH p=()-[*]->(node1)
I constructed the query with Transactional Cyper as i have been suggested by #cybersam, but I don't manage to use more than one clause anyway.
To give an exemle, if I write the statement in one line :
:POST /db/data/transaction/commit {
"statements": [
"statement": "MATCH p = (m)-[*]->(n:SOL {PRB : {PRB1}}) WHERE nodes (p)
MATCH q= (o:SOL {PRB : {PRB2}} RETURN n, p, o, q;",
"parameters": {"PRB1": "Title of problem1", "PRB2": "Title of problem2"}
} ],
"resultDataContents": ["graph"] }
I shall obtain :
{"results":[],"errors":[{"code":"Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError","message":"Invalid input 'R': expected whitespace, comment, ')' or a relationship pattern (line 1, column 90 (offset: 89))\r\n\"MATCH p = (m)-[*]->(n:SOL {PRB : {PRB1}}) WHERE nodes (p) MATCH q= (o:SOL {PRB : {PRB2}} RETURN n, p, o, q;\"\r\n ^"}]}
But if I put it in several lines, :
:POST /db/data/transaction/commit {
"statements": [
"statement": "MATCH p = (m)-[*]->(n:SOL {PRB : {PRB1}})
WHERE nodes (p)
MATCH q= (o:SOL {PRB : {PRB2}}
RETURN n, p, o, q;",
"parameters": {"PRB1": "Title of problem1", "PRB2": "Title of problem2"}
"resultDataContents": ["graph"]
it is said :
to deserialize request: Illegal unquoted character ((CTRL-CHAR, code
10)): has to be escaped using backslash to be included in string
value\n at [Source: HttpInputOverHTTP#41fa906c; line: 4, column:
Please, I need your help !
Using the Transaction Cypher HTTP API, you could just pass the same Cypher statement to the API.
To quote from this section of the doc, here is an example of the simplest way to do that:
Begin and commit a transaction in one request If there is no need to
keep a transaction open across multiple HTTP requests, you can begin a
transaction, execute statements, and commit with just a single HTTP
Example request
POST http://localhost:7474/db/data/transaction/commit
Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Type: application/json
"statements" : [ {
"statement" : "CREATE (n) RETURN id(n)"
} ]
Example response
200: OK
Content-Type: application/json
"results" : [ {
"columns" : [ "id(n)" ],
"data" : [ {
"row" : [ 6 ],
"meta" : [ null ]
} ]
} ],
"errors" : [ ]
Trying to learn about OrientDB ETL configuration json file.
Assuming a CSV file where:
each row is a single vertex
a 'class' column gives the intended class of the vertex
there are multiple classes for the vertices (Foo, Bar, Baz)
How do I set the class of the vertex to be the value of the 'class' column?
Efforts to Troubleshoot
I have spent a LOT of time in the OrientDB ETL documentation trying to solve this. I have tried many different combinations of let and block and code components. I have tried variable names like className and $className and ${classname}.
Current Results:
The code component is able to correctly print the value of `className', so I know that it is being set correctly.
The vertex component isn't referencing the variable correctly, and consequently sets the class of each vertex to null.
I have a freshly created database (PLOCAL GRAPH) on localhost called 'deleteme'.
I have an vertex CSV file (nodes.csv) that looks like this:
And an ETL configuration file (test.json) that looks like this:
"config": {
"log": "DEBUG"
"source": {"file": {"path": "nodes.csv"}},
"extractor": {"csv": {}},
"transformers": [
{"block": {"let": {"name": "$className",
"value": "$input.class"}}},
{"code": {"language": "Javascript",
"code": "print(className + '\\n'); input;"}},
{"vertex": {"class": "$className"}}
"loader": {
"orientdb": {
"dbURL": "remote:localhost:2424/deleteme",
"dbUser": "admin",
"dbPassword": "admin",
"dbType": "graph",
"tx": false,
"wal": false,
"batchCommit": 1000,
"classes": [
{"name": "Foo", "extends": "V"},
{"name": "Bar", "extends": "V"},
{"name": "Baz", "extends": "V"}
And when I run the ETL job, I have output that looks like this:
aj#host:~/bin/orientdb-community-2.1.13/bin$ ./oetl.sh test.json
OrientDB etl v.2.1.13 (build 2.1.x#r9bc1a54a4a62c4de555fc5360357f446f8d2bc84; 2016-03-14 17:00:05+0000) www.orientdb.com
[file] INFO Reading from file nodes.csv with encoding UTF-8
[orientdb] DEBUG - OrientDBLoader: created vertex class 'Foo' extends 'V'
[orientdb] DEBUG orientdb: found 0 vertices in class 'null'
+ extracted 0 rows (0 rows/sec) - 0 rows -> loaded 0 vertices (0 vertices/sec) Total time: 1001ms [0 warnings, 0 errors]
[orientdb] DEBUG - OrientDBLoader: created vertex class 'Bar' extends 'V'
[orientdb] DEBUG orientdb: found 0 vertices in class 'null'
[orientdb] DEBUG - OrientDBLoader: created vertex class 'Baz' extends 'V'
[orientdb] DEBUG orientdb: found 0 vertices in class 'null'
[csv] DEBUG document={id:1,class:Foo,name:Jack}
[1:block] DEBUG Transformer input: {id:1,class:Foo,name:Jack}
[1:block] DEBUG Transformer output: {id:1,class:Foo,name:Jack}
[1:code] DEBUG Transformer input: {id:1,class:Foo,name:Jack}
[1:code] DEBUG executed code=OCommandExecutorScript [text=print(className); input;], result={id:1,class:Foo,name:Jack}
[1:code] DEBUG Transformer output: {id:1,class:Foo,name:Jack}
[1:vertex] DEBUG Transformer input: {id:1,class:Foo,name:Jack}
[1:vertex] DEBUG Transformer output: v(null)[#3:0]
[csv] DEBUG document={id:2,class:Bar,name:Jill}
[2:block] DEBUG Transformer input: {id:2,class:Bar,name:Jill}
[2:block] DEBUG Transformer output: {id:2,class:Bar,name:Jill}
[2:code] DEBUG Transformer input: {id:2,class:Bar,name:Jill}
[2:code] DEBUG executed code=OCommandExecutorScript [text=print(className); input;], result={id:2,class:Bar,name:Jill}
[2:code] DEBUG Transformer output: {id:2,class:Bar,name:Jill}
[2:vertex] DEBUG Transformer input: {id:2,class:Bar,name:Jill}
[2:vertex] DEBUG Transformer output: v(null)[#3:1]
[csv] DEBUG document={id:3,class:Baz,name:Gephri}
[3:block] DEBUG Transformer input: {id:3,class:Baz,name:Gephri}
[3:block] DEBUG Transformer output: {id:3,class:Baz,name:Gephri}
[3:code] DEBUG Transformer input: {id:3,class:Baz,name:Gephri}
[3:code] DEBUG executed code=OCommandExecutorScript [text=print(className); input;], result={id:3,class:Baz,name:Gephri}
[3:code] DEBUG Transformer output: {id:3,class:Baz,name:Gephri}
[3:vertex] DEBUG Transformer input: {id:3,class:Baz,name:Gephri}
[3:vertex] DEBUG Transformer output: v(null)[#3:2]
+ extracted 3 rows (4 rows/sec) - 3 rows -> loaded 3 vertices (4 vertices/sec) Total time: 1684ms [0 warnings, 0 errors]
Oh, and what does DEBUG orientdb: found 0 vertices in class 'null' mean?
Try this. I wrestled with this for awhile too, but the below setup worked for me.
Note that setting #class before the vertex transformer will initialize a Vertex with the proper class.
"transformers": [
{"block": {"let": {"name": "$className",
"value": "$input.class"}}},
{"code": {"language": "Javascript",
"code": "print(className + '\\n'); input;"}},
{ "field": {
"fieldName": "#class",
"expression": "$className"
{"vertex": {}}
To get your result, you could use "ETL" to import data from csv into a CLASS named "Generic".
Through an JS function, "separateClass ()", create new classes taking the name from the property 'Class' imported from csv, and put vertices from class Generic to new classes.
File json:
"source": { "file": {"path": "data.csv"}},
"extractor": { "row": {}},
"begin": [
{ "let": { "name": "$className", "value": "Generic"} }
"transformers": [
{"csv": {
"separator": ",",
"nullValue": "NULL",
"columnsOnFirstLine": true,
"columns": [
{"vertex": {"class": "$className", "skipDuplicates": true}}
"loader": {
"orientdb": {
"dbURL": "remote:localhost/test",
"dbType": "graph"
After importing the data from etl, in javascript creates the function
var g = orient.getGraphNoTx();
var queryResult= g.command("sql", "SELECT FROM Generic");
//example filed vertex: ID, NAME, CLASS
if (!queryResult.length) {
} else {
//for each value create or insert in class
for (var i = 0; i < queryResult.length; i++) {
var className = queryResult[i].getProperty("class").toString();
//chech is className is already created
var countClass = g.command("sql","select from V where #class = '"+className+"'");
if (!countClass.length) {
g.command("sql","CREATE CLASS "+className+" extends V");
g.command("sql"," CREATE PROPERTY "+className+".id INTEGER");
g.command("sql"," CREATE PROPERTY "+className+".name STRING");
var id = queryResult[i].getProperty("id").toString();
var name = queryResult[i].getProperty("name").toString();
g.command("sql","INSERT INTO "+className+ " (id, name) VALUES ("+id+",'"+name+"')");
//remove class generic
g.command("sql","truncate class Generic unsafe");
the result should be like the one shown in the picture.
I got vcs compile error when adding function in declaration of struct. The IEEE doc does not mention if function in struct is allowed.
I also got vcs compile error when trying to assign a default value to a field. But it is allowed in IEEE-1800-2012 7.2.2.
typedef struct {
int a = 1; //compile error here
int b;
function void func();
b = a;
} a_struct;
So I add the command line and error info as suggested:
vcs -sverilog a.sv
Error-[V2KIIAD] Invalid initialization at declaration
Struct or union member field 'a' cannot be initialized at declaration.
Error-[SE] Syntax error
Following verilog source has syntax error :
"a.sv", 4: token is 'function'
function void func();
And my vcs version is 2013.06-SP1-10
Functions declared inside structs are not supported as of IEEE Std 1800-2012. Looking over the syntax for structure declaration, a struct_union_member is a data_type_or_void and a function is not data_type.
§ 7.2 Structures
data_type ::= // from A.2.2.1
| struct_union [ packed [ signing ] ] { struct_union_member { struct_union_member } }
{ packed_dimension }
struct_union_member ::=
{ attribute_instance } [random_qualifier] data_type_or_void list_of_variable_decl_assignments ;
data_type_or_void ::= data_type | void
struct_union ::= struct | union [ tagged ]
Expanding data_type from § A.2.2.1 Net and variable types
data_type ::=
integer_vector_type [ signing ] { packed_dimension }
| integer_atom_type [ signing ]
| non_integer_type
| struct_union [ packed [ signing ] ] { struct_union_member { struct_union_member } }
{ packed_dimension }
| enum [ enum_base_type ] { enum_name_declaration { , enum_name_declaration } }
{ packed_dimension }
| string
| chandle
| virtual [ interface ] interface_identifier [ parameter_value_assignment ] [ . modport_identifier ]
| [ class_scope | package_scope ] type_identifier { packed_dimension }
| class_type
| event
| ps_covergroup_identifier
| type_reference
As we know that structures are static and classes are dynamic data types. So in SV, while we are using class,we can assign values intially or in other conditions. But for structure we can't initialise any variable inside the declaration.