CKEDITOR: Form element - Selection field not opening - forms

I am trying to work with the 'forms' plugin with the CKeditor and was unable to get the select dropdown to open. I can create a selection field but when the field shows up on the editor I am unable to open it (by clicking the arrows) to select a different option on the dropdown.
Out of curiosity I tried it on the CKeditor demo page and it was not working there either, is there a defect logged for this? Or does someone know how to get it to work?


How do I link drop down menu option to display local HTML files in Tableau?

I have a requirement to show some JS based plots that I made using some Python libraries, and this particular visualization is not possible to make natively in Tableau. But my dashboard is made with Tableau, and I need to show this visualization in the dashboard. So, I saved the JS-based plots as HTML files, and I can run a localhost server and view them in my dashboard with the Web Page object. However, I have 3 such JS-based plots, and I want to provide a dropdown menu, where the user can click on option A to show the HTML page for plot A, click on option B to show the HTML page for plot B, and click on option C to show the HTML page for plot C. But I can't find a way to link the web pages to the drop down options. How do I do this? Thanks.
If you want to open a browser window separately that shows the pages:
Open the dashboard that contains the sheets you want to enable the right click on
Click the "Worksheet" Menu
Click "Actions"
Click the "Add Action >" button
Click "Go to URL"
In the popup that comes up, enter the label for the link under the Name field, Select "Menu" under Run action on, then enter the URL in the box.
Select your dashboard in the Dropdown (mine is named Dashboard 1), then check the box next to each sheet that should have the link when right clicked.
If you want it to display within your dashboard and not open a browser separately, you will need to write or find a Tableau extension to do this. As of now, there isn't an extension on the extension gallery for it, but there may be one somewhere on Github.

Grafana drop down menu disappearing - unable to select fields

I'm having major issues when trying to manually create a new graph and select the data. Not sure if it's some weird browser issue.
When selecting FROM or FIELD and the drop down appears with a range of values, i'm unable to scroll down through the options. When i try and select the down menu to go through the choices the menu disappears.
If i know the field or option i can type it but trying to get to the bottom of a redis issue and need to go through the data we are getting and select the best options for an issue.
Seems to be anything where there's more options than in the space that can be displayed. Here's a screenshot:
As soon as a click on the down button to scroll through the option it disappears
Any ideas or anyone come up against anything similar?
The only solution I've found is to use the mouse scroll wheel.

Opening compare editor results inside a wizard page

In my custom plugin I am trying open compare result inside a wizard page but they always open in an editor or as a new dialog.
I am overriding setVisible(booolean)method, so as soon as wizard page is visible I am opening compare editor using CompareUI.openCompareEditor()call, but this opens up a new editor in the background.
Is it possible to open compare editor results inside a wizard page.
There is no existing support for this.
You could read the source of the dialog that is displayed by openCompareDialog.openCompareDialog - this is
It looks like it might be possible to do the same thing in a wizard page without using internal classes by adapting what that dialog does.

Built-in way of getting SuppressFBWarnings value for error message

I have configured Eclipse to find bugs using FindBugs. Now I get some error messages in the Markers window. I reviewed them and for a few, I'd like to introduce a SuppressFBWarnings annotation.
How do I obtain the ID for the value attribute of SuppressFBWarnings in Eclipse?
I know I can go to the FindBugs description page, click the item and get the ID, but I wonder whether there's a shorter built-in way. I have already checked whether there is an additional column to be displayed in the Markers window, but there isn't.
Right-click the item in the "Markers" window
Choose "Show Bug Info" from the menu
Scroll to the bottom and get the text near "Pattern:"

JQueryUI Dialog TinyMCE Issues

i am having some problems with the TinyMCE (V3.4.7) and JqueryUI (V1.8.14) Dialog
the following Fiddler link shows my example purfectly here
What i am trying to do is open a JqueryUI Dialog box with a TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor in it.
the first time it displays properly. but if you click close and then reopen the box it will not show the Editor but just the TextArea.
Any help would be good. Thanks
I did find out a solution that works for me, i have put up the working code here
What i am doing is check to see if the dialog has been opened before and if so just open it, then in the Open Function i test to see if the box contains an element with id_parent
if it does then this will be the editor (so do nothing) otherwise just init as usual.
it seems there is a problem with the JQuery Plug in as it does not remove the elements when you call tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl',false,'editor_id') and when you re-add the editor it attaches to the first box available.
Problem here is that you need to shut down tinymce correctly in order to open an editor with the same id.
ed.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false, 'editor_id');// editor_id equals the id of your textarea