Grafana drop down menu disappearing - unable to select fields - grafana

I'm having major issues when trying to manually create a new graph and select the data. Not sure if it's some weird browser issue.
When selecting FROM or FIELD and the drop down appears with a range of values, i'm unable to scroll down through the options. When i try and select the down menu to go through the choices the menu disappears.
If i know the field or option i can type it but trying to get to the bottom of a redis issue and need to go through the data we are getting and select the best options for an issue.
Seems to be anything where there's more options than in the space that can be displayed. Here's a screenshot:
As soon as a click on the down button to scroll through the option it disappears
Any ideas or anyone come up against anything similar?

The only solution I've found is to use the mouse scroll wheel.


How to hide one unknown menu in VS Code?

There is one weird menu which i need to get rid of. Even when I split vscode environment into more pages (two,three...) it creates this menu for every page area. I have not even find what is the name of this menu, much less how to hide it. Please, does anyone at least know what is the name of this menu?
Those are source control buttons, try to uncheck some of these.

How to hide or dock result grid panel/toolbar in MySQL Workbench 6.3?

I am seeing the following panel in the result grid.
Based on the research I've done, for many people this panel is docked. However, in my application it's hidden then displayed upon hovering in that area. This has become very annoying because it's hard to use the scrollbar there.
I've looked all over in the preferences and toolbars but can't find a way to disable it.
Does anyone know how I can get rid of it altogether or make it static?
You probably activated the "hidden" mode. Klick on the small icon right beside the bar:

Built-in way of getting SuppressFBWarnings value for error message

I have configured Eclipse to find bugs using FindBugs. Now I get some error messages in the Markers window. I reviewed them and for a few, I'd like to introduce a SuppressFBWarnings annotation.
How do I obtain the ID for the value attribute of SuppressFBWarnings in Eclipse?
I know I can go to the FindBugs description page, click the item and get the ID, but I wonder whether there's a shorter built-in way. I have already checked whether there is an additional column to be displayed in the Markers window, but there isn't.
Right-click the item in the "Markers" window
Choose "Show Bug Info" from the menu
Scroll to the bottom and get the text near "Pattern:"

Dropdown arrow on custom CSS select box not working

I am working on the following website and i am having an issue with the dropdown (selectbox) arrow. [url no longer available]
If you click on the second slide of the booking form and then click on the dropdown arrow you will see that it doesn't work. I guess i could start again from scratch if i have to, however, if anyone can think of a quick way to fix this issue i would greatly appreciate it.

Eclipse: Create a group of tabs(Console, Servers, Problems … )

Is there a way to create a hotkey to hide and show the entire bottom tab group? The one that normally contains Console, Problems, Servers and so on...
I want to have it a fastview but as far as I know this is only possible per tab within that group.
I want the entire group to appear on a hotkey and as a fast view.
I am hoping for a miracle here. Perhaps there is a plugin for this? Eclipse 3.4
If your goal is just to maximize editor space, you can double-click on an editor tab and it will grow to fill the entire window. Double-click again and it will restore back down, showing all the other view tab groups.
This might be an ok solution:
Minimise the tag group (minimise button on top left).
Whenever you want to access a view from that group use Cntrl+F7 - this brings up a view menu.
Hold down cntrl and keep hitting f7 to go to the view you want to display, let go. If the view was hidden it is now shown as a fast view.