mshtml fireevent onchange not firing - mshtml

I am unable to fire an "onchange" event in mshtml. Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong here.
HTMLSelectElement element = (HTMLSelectElement)this.HTMLDocument.all.item(controlId, 0);
IHTMLElement e = element as IHTMLElement;
IHTMLDocument4 doc = e.document as IHTMLDocument4;
object dummy = null;
object eventObj = doc.CreateEventObject(ref dummy);
HTMLSelectElementClass se = element as HTMLSelectElementClass;
se.FireEvent("onchange", ref eventObj);
I am getting variable "se" as null. I got this piece of code from another link,1507
Can anyone help me with this.

Runtime Callable Wrapper objects generated by COM calls like HTMLDocument.all.item can translate interface casting to QueryInterface calls. But the RCW does not know how to convert to a managed class like HTMLSelectElementClass, thus it returns null.
Instead of casting to HTMLSelectElementClass, cast to IHTMLElement3 to call fireEvent.
By the way, your code does not work in IE11 mode as document.all is deprecated. Use IHTMLDocument3::getElementById instead.

I had tried all those which Sheng mentioned but didn't work.
This issue was solved by injecting javascript code for "onchange" and executing it. It worked.


How to get result from QQuickWebEngineView::runJavaScript

I'm trying to execute javascript on QQuickWebEngineView object in c++ and get returned value. In QML it's easy
view.runJavaScript("document.documentElement.outerHTML", function(result){//do smth})
in c++ method signature for executing js is this:
void runJavaScript(const QString&, const QJSValue & = QJSValue());
and I believe I could use QJSValue to get returned data, but I'm not finding anything on how to use it... maybe someone has an example of how to use QJSValue here. Thanks.

Why does calling AutoFake.Provide() wipe out fakes already configured with A.CallTo()?

Why does calling fake.Provide<T>() wipe out fakes already configured with A.CallTo()? Is this a bug?
I'm trying to understand a problem I've run into with Autofac.Extras.FakeItEasy (aka AutoFake). I have a partial solution, but I don't understand why my original code doesn't work. The original code is complicated, so I've spent some time simplifying it for the purposes of this question.
Why does this test fail? (working DotNetFiddle)
public interface IStringService { string GetString(); }
public static void ACallTo_before_Provide()
using (var fake = new AutoFake())
A.CallTo(() => fake.Resolve<IStringService>().GetString())
.Returns("Test string");
fake.Provide(new StringBuilder());
var stringService = fake.Resolve<IStringService>();
string result = stringService.GetString();
// FAILS. The result should be "Test string",
// but instead it's an empty string.
Console.WriteLine($"ACallTo_before_Provide(): result = \"{result}\"");
If I swap the order of the calls to fake.Provide<T>() and A.CallTo(), it works:
public static void Provide_before_ACallTo()
// Same code as above, but with the calls to
// fake.Provide<T>() and A.CallTo() swapped
using (var fake = new AutoFake())
fake.Provide(new StringBuilder());
A.CallTo(() => fake.Resolve<IStringService>().GetString())
.Returns("Test string");
var stringService = fake.Resolve<IStringService>();
string result = stringService.GetString();
// SUCCESS. The result is "Test string" as expected
Console.WriteLine($"Provide_before_ACallTo(): result = \"{result}\"");
I know what is happening, sort of, but I'm not sure if it's intentional behavior or if it's a bug.
What is happening is, the call to fake.Provide<T>() is causing anything configured with A.CallTo() to be lost. As long as I always call A.CallTo() after fake.Provide<T>(), everything works fine.
But I don't understand why this should be.
I can't find anything in the documentation stating that A.CallTo() cannot be called before Provide<T>().
Likewise, I can't find anything suggesting Provide<T>() cannot be used with A.CallTo().
It seems the order in which you configure unrelated dependencies shouldn't matter.
Is this a bug? Or is this the expected behavior? If this is the expected behavior, can someone explain why it works like this?
It isn't that the Fake's configuration is being changed. In the first test, Resolve is returning different Fakes each time it's called. (Check them for reference equality; I did.)
Provide creates a new scope and pushes it on a stack. The topmost scope is used by Resolve when it finds an object to return. I think this is why you're getting different Fakes in ACallTo_before_Provide.
Is this a bug? Or is this the expected behavior? If this is the expected behavior, can someone explain why it works like this?
It's not clear to me. I'm not an Autofac user, and don't understand why an additional scope is introduced by Provide. The stacked scope behaviour was introduced in PR 18. Perhaps the author can explain why.
In the meantime, if possible, I'd Provide all you need to before Resolveing, if you can manage it.

Unable to select an option from a drop down in Katalon studio

I am new to Katalon Studio and I am facing an issue regarding selection of the drop down.
Please find below the details:
This is the HTML :
I have tried using selectByIndex with the object xpath as:
//div[#class='paCriteriaContainer']//select[#class = 'pa-criteria-select a-select initialized']
It does not select any option and fails with an error stating "Unable to select option by index '2' of object"
I tried clicking on the input and then selecting the option, but that doesn't seem to work either.
Selecting by label and value don't work either
Please help me here.
Thank you
Try to capture an object and then use following methods : captured object))
WebUI.selectOptionByValue(findTestObject(Your captured object), 'TEST (2020)', false)
Did you done as I've described and it does not work ?
I tried clicking on the input and then selecting the option, but that doesn't seem to work either.
Are you sure you are clicking the right element in this case?
Try the following instead: create programmatically the element and select by value (note, value isn't the text contained, it is the value html attribute):
TestObject to = new TestObject().addProperty("xpath", ConditionType.EQUALS, "//div[#class='paCriteriaContainer']//select[#class = 'pa-criteria-select a-select initialized']")
WebUI.selectOptionByValue(to, '40696', false)
You have some options to do that, I reggardly suggest you that use always the xpath to reach all the elements that you want to use. The reasson is because the object reports usually fail and, in my opinion, this way is so much more complicated.
But obviously, the xpath will change if the web do, so take care with it.
The imports you need:
import static org.junit.Assert.*
import org.openqa.selenium.By
import org.openqa.selenium.Keys
import com.kms.katalon.core.webui.driver.DriverFactory as DriverFactory
def driver = DriverFactory.getWebDriver()
//If you want to click your input would be:"(//input[#id='a-select-paCricteriaId_6908'])"))))
//**you just can click on "TestObject" type, and findElement returns "Element" type**
And if you want to select the option you need to know the whole path (I cannot get it with the given information).
An important tip for testing the xpath is to use this function in console mode (F12):
function getElementByXpath(path) {
return document.evaluate(path, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
//And this code in the same console to test your xpath:
Furthermore, there are other ways to reach the same objetive with xpath, for example:
import com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.TestObject as TestObject
TestObject tobj = new TestObject('myTestObject')
String expr = '/some/valid/xpath/expression'
tobj.addProperty('xpath', ConditionType.EQUALS, expr)
You have a lot of information if you google "how to get elements by xpath katalon".
Here you can get official information about it:
Test in the browser console
$x('//*[contains(#class, "pa-criteria-select a-select initialized")]')
if more than one result appear then you can access it like this
$x('(//*[contains(#class, "pa-criteria-select a-select initialized")])[1]')
then you can also access their children
$x('(//*[contains(#class, "pa-criteria-select a-select initialized")])[1]/option')
Use WebUI.selectOptionByIndex keyword but the object should point to the select tag instead of the div.
Update the object element and your code should work

Using getBounds on geoJSON feature

I've tried map.fitBounds(geojsonFeature.getBounds()); and I get this error:
geojsonFeature.getBounds() is not a function.
Here is the code:
What is going wrong here?
Thanks in advance.
Your variable geojsonFeature is just an object, there is no method named getBounds() there, as you can easily check.
Instead of that, give your geoJSON layer a name...
var feature = L.geoJson(geojsonFeature).addTo(map);
And use that to call getBounds():
Here is the updated JSFiddle:

Mongoose 5.3.1 ofFail() helper issues

After reading this blog post (below), I wanted to use the .orFail() helper function in one of my projects.
When the function findById() fails, it throws the exception indicated in the .orFail() function. However, when it doesn't fail, it returns "undefined" instead of the actual model object.
let tenants = await Tenant.findById(req.params.tenantId).orFail(new Error(`ID "${req.params.tenantId}" not found`))
Any ideas?
This issue was confirmed as a bug. It's now fixed on 5.3.2