How to get result from QQuickWebEngineView::runJavaScript - qtwebengine

I'm trying to execute javascript on QQuickWebEngineView object in c++ and get returned value. In QML it's easy
view.runJavaScript("document.documentElement.outerHTML", function(result){//do smth})
in c++ method signature for executing js is this:
void runJavaScript(const QString&, const QJSValue & = QJSValue());
and I believe I could use QJSValue to get returned data, but I'm not finding anything on how to use it... maybe someone has an example of how to use QJSValue here. Thanks.


Get CallerId (Username) from incoming call Linphone - Swift

I've just found a simple way to get the some CallLogs (CallerID, Username, To, From, Call duration, Date, Status, ...) from the new Linphone library for swift (SDK 5.0).
I just want to share it with you
Referring to Linphone's documentation, and some testings, I found at least 2 simple ways to retrieve the CallLog and read it:
1. Using CoreDelegateStub
CoreDelegateStub( onCallStateChanged: { (core: Core, call: Call, state: Call.State, message: String) in
So, you can use the call attribute to get the CallerID(Username) for example, like that:
Remember, the callLog object contains a ton of parameters that you can find in the documentation
2. Using Core from Linphone wrapper
var mCore: Core!
In that way, you can retrieve all your call logs in an array, so you will need to choose an item and get the attributes from it like I've shown above.

Karate: How to wait for a spinner to disappear? [duplicate]

Firstly, Karate UI automation is really awesome tool. I am kind of enjoying it while writing the UI tests using Karate. I ran into a situation where in, i was trying to fetch the shadowRoot elements. I read few similar posts related to javascript executor with karate and learnt that it is already answered. it is recommended to use driver.eval. But in Karate 0.9.5 there is no eval, it has script() or scriptAll(). I have gone through documentation couple of times to figure out how i can fetch element inside an element but no luck.
Using traditional selenium+java, we can fetch shadowRoot like this way:
something like shadowRoot which sits inside a parent element like div or body.
//downloads-manager is the tagname and under that downloads-manager, a shadowRoot element exists
The HTML looks like this. it is from chrome://downloads.
WebElement downloadManager =driver.findElement(By.tagName("downloads-manager");
WebElement shadowRoot= (WebElement)((JavaScriptExecutor)driver)
.executeScript("return arguments[0].shadowRoot",downloadManager);
So i tried the following in Karate UI
script("downloads-manager","return _.shadowRoot"); //js injection error
script('downloads-manager', "function(e){ return e.shadowRoot;}"); // same injection error as mentioned above.
def shadowRoot = locate("downloads-manager").script("function(e){return e.shadowRoot};"); //returns an empty string.
I bet there is a way to get this shadowRoot element using Karate UI but i am kind of running out of options and not able to figure out this.
Can someone please look into this & help me?
Can you switch to XPath and see if that helps:
* def temp = script('//downloads-manager', '_.innerHTML')
Else please submit a sample in this format so we can debug:
EDIT: after you posted the link to that hangouts example in the comments, I figured out the JS that would work:
* driver ''
* waitFor('#hangouts')
* def heading = script('hangout-module', "_.shadowRoot.querySelector('h1').textContent")
* match heading == 'Paul Irish'
It took some trial and error and fiddling with the DevTools console to figure this out. So the good news is that it is possible, you can use any JS you need, and you do need to know which HTML element to call .shadowRoot on.
EDIT: for other examples of JS in Karate:

How to use net/xhr.getRequestCount()

The documentation for the net/xhr module includes a method called getRequestCount() supposed to
Return[s] the number of XMLHttpRequest objects that are alive (i.e., currently active or about to be).
Both calling
const xhr = require("sdk/net/xhr");
var x = new xhr.XMLHttpRequest();
failed with a TypeError. In the debugger, you see that neither XMLHttpRequest nor its prototype have such function. (jpm version 1.0.5)
How are you supposed to use it?
Apparently this function was removed quite a while back( from 2013) and nobody remembered to update the documentation.
So in short: you're not supposed to use it.

mshtml fireevent onchange not firing

I am unable to fire an "onchange" event in mshtml. Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong here.
HTMLSelectElement element = (HTMLSelectElement)this.HTMLDocument.all.item(controlId, 0);
IHTMLElement e = element as IHTMLElement;
IHTMLDocument4 doc = e.document as IHTMLDocument4;
object dummy = null;
object eventObj = doc.CreateEventObject(ref dummy);
HTMLSelectElementClass se = element as HTMLSelectElementClass;
se.FireEvent("onchange", ref eventObj);
I am getting variable "se" as null. I got this piece of code from another link,1507
Can anyone help me with this.
Runtime Callable Wrapper objects generated by COM calls like HTMLDocument.all.item can translate interface casting to QueryInterface calls. But the RCW does not know how to convert to a managed class like HTMLSelectElementClass, thus it returns null.
Instead of casting to HTMLSelectElementClass, cast to IHTMLElement3 to call fireEvent.
By the way, your code does not work in IE11 mode as document.all is deprecated. Use IHTMLDocument3::getElementById instead.
I had tried all those which Sheng mentioned but didn't work.
This issue was solved by injecting javascript code for "onchange" and executing it. It worked.

Which file contains function of core/session in magento?

I need to customize other's code,
so I found they used
in Order.php file for custom order email
so I can't find this function getMyCustomBlockInfo();
Can anyone tell me where this function reside?
those are magic functions get() and set() and you are asking a session variable there that is set as
somewhere in your code. If you use terminal you can easily find by making a following grep:
grep '>setMyCustomBlockInfo(' . -rsni
and it will list the files where your variable is set to session.
example :
Mage::getModel('catalog/product'); //or
the code must be in '../app/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Product.php' file
the code must be in '../app/core/Mage/Core/Model/Session.php' file
because the class Mage_Core_Model_Session's parent::parent is Varien_Object, then you can do all magic functions and you can ->getData() to see the Data inside.
on your problem when go call ->getData() you can see data : [my_custom_block_info]
you can set it with call
// will return 'what'