Maven: how to build jar and include as a dependency - eclipse

I have a multi module project. I am using eclipse and Maven 3. I wish to first build a jar (a standalone project with its own pom). This is not the problem.
The problem is this jar is included as a dependency of my multi-module EAR project (used by two of the wars). The code of the JAR will often change and will require building before the EAR project is built.
How can I make this jar build prior to the EAR build in one action?
Here's my setup:
parentProject (packaging=pom, dependency[filters down to wars]=jarProject)
earproject (packaging ear, parent=parentProject)
war1Project (packaging war, parent=parentProject)
war2Project (packaging war, parent=parentProject)
jarProject (packaging=jar, no parent)

Add your jar project as topmost <module> in your multi-module EAR project's POM.
See also Maven: The Complete Reference, Multi-module vs. Inheritance.


Can maven treat WEB-INF\lib the way eclipse (and m2e) does?

I have a servlet/jsp web project which runs fine on eclipse and is exported as war fine (once I clean it that is). I mavenized the project deleting all of the dependencies from the WEB-INF\lib folder except a homebrew jar (the output of another project in the workspace). When I run the package maven goal I get messages for missing classes from this jar:
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] /C:/path/[3,30] package does not exist
Now this has been asked before and the most rigorous solution appears to be to create a local repo: Can I add jars to maven 2 build classpath without installing them? (NB: I am at maven 3).
I would like to avoid this - so is there any way maven will just stuff this jar to WEB-INF\lib in the war ?
Solutions that use some maven plugin to cp the contents of the WEB-INF\lib in the war are welcome - although I just have this feeling that there should be a solution that takes into account the "special" nature of this folder.
Alt+F5 removes this line:
<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.web.container"/>
which corresponds to the "Web App libraries" in the Java Build Path. So not only maven refuses to take into account the WEB-INF\lib - it also breaks the build path of eclipse completely.
Maven: How to include jars in Eclipse, which are not available in repository?
Uses the maven eclipse plugin : update my classpath with an Eclipse User Library via the maven eclipse plugin - not compatible with m2e
How does the m2e eclipse plugin interact with eclipse? - apparently m2e checks the pom then calls the eclipse builders (hence the .classpath is read)
Eclipse maven-enabled web app references workspace projects, but those are not deployed when running Tomcat server
Deploying a Maven project with dependencies to Tomcat or Jboss running within Eclipse
Did you add this jar from WEB-INF\lib as a dependency like this:
<systemPath>${basedir}/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/homebrew jar</systemPath>

How to move jar file in Maven Library

I am using Eclipse Indigo with Maven. i have created Maven Project and selected ArtifactId as webapp-archetype 1.5.1 as shown in the screen shot below.
When i am done completing the project, list of libraries appears under Maven Library. Now, i want to add few external Jars to Maven Library by going into its build-Path and add external jar, it adds the jar file but NOT under Maven Library. I can't manually move it under Maven Library, neither can i paste it.
P.S , i want to remove few jar files from the Maven Library as well.
You need to add dependencies in your pom.xml not by adding external jars manually to your build path.
So remove the extra jar you added by hand end add:
If you have m2eclipse plugin installed on your eclipse, right click on your project, and under Maven menu do a "Update project configuration".
Your new jar should be displayed under Maven dependencies
or if not, run a mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse to regenerate the .project and .classpath of your project

Spring context:component-scan fails to find components in another Eclipse project dependency referenced in POM

I am working on a GWT web application split across two Eclipse Projects (myclient & myservice).
The myclient project references the myservice project via a dependency in the POM.
The myclient project has a WAR directory src/main/webapp. The output folder for the myclient project is src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/classes.
The myclient project has a Spring descriptor application-context.xml with the following
<context:component-scan base-package="com.myproject.myclient, com.myproject.myservices"/>
and the web.xml
I have several files in the myservices project annotated as spring #Component, #Service, #Configuration but these are not picked up by the component scan when I run the GWT application in Eclipse. As a test I experimented with placing an #Component in the myclient project and this was successfully created.
I believe the following log entry during application startup indicates the source of the problem - Resolved location pattern [classpath*:com/myproject/myservices/**/*.class] to resources []
the location pattern for the myclient project resolves to all the resources on the classpath but for myservices no resources are found.
I experimented with building the myservices project JAR and placing this JAR into the src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib folder of the myclient project. When I do this the component scanning works. However for development I don't want to have to build and copy a JAR everytime I make changes to the myservices project. I imagine that the component scanning should work on a project referenced through the POM without having to the build that project but after much experimenting I have been unable to get this working.
Be sure that in the deployment assembly (right click your web project and select "deployment assembly" of your myclient project it is configured to deploy the jar that is outputted by the myservices project. If you are using maven, the m2e, m2e-wtp project configurators should do this deployment assembly setup automatically.
Once you have deployment assembly settings properly configured, now when you deploy a project to your server using the Eclispe server adapter publish mechanism, everything should get deployed and the myservices jar would get placed in the right spot for your myclient project.
But make sure you the latest version of m2e-wtp installed. This way your configuration in your pom.xml and deployment assembly will get correctly configured.
Try splitting your application-context.xml into 2 separate files:
<context:component-scan base-package="com.myproject.myservices"/>
<context:component-scan base-package="com.myproject.myclient"/>
Try this :
<context:component-scan base-package="com.myproject"/>
Please check the following things:
Is your serviceproject present "only" as jar or is the whole project available via workspace resolution. This can be checked via maven-context-menue (Disable/Enable Workspaceresolution)
The layout of the webapp under src/main/webapp is okay. BUT do i get you right that all classes are copied there? If so, you should make sure everything is under target directory. So please check whether a maven call "clean package" generates a webappstructure under the target folder and all required libs (e.g. myservice) exist under target\$your-webarchivename\WEB-INF\lib
Check that packaging in myservice pom.xml is set to jar (you probably have this, right?)
it's obvious that your service jar is not included in your client project's build path. this is the only root cause.
Make sure 3 points:
you have run mvn clean install under your service project which has correct pom.xml.
you have run mvn eclipse:eclipse under your client project. this will pull out all your dependency project.
check your client eclipse project's build path dialog. is there your service jar in the list? Make sure this
You better once look this tutorial

Eclipse Maven Dependency

I have just added dependencies to an eclipse project so that my jar can see other jars. How can I be sure that the dependencies work, and that what I've done is correct? I view a pom.xml file that has been created so what are the target folder and classes,test-classes subfolders used for? Thanks
If you have the m2eclipse plugin installed you can open your pom in Eclipse and click on the Dependency Hierarchy tab to view your resolved dependencies. You should manage all dependencies through Maven with the setup you are describing.
If you want to check command line you may want to look at using Effective Pom.
If you use m2e, it adds Maven Dependencies pseudo library to your project.
You may expand it and see if the dependent jar file is in there.
If it is, Eclipse ( or more precisely m2e ) has resolved the dependency correctly and it's available for you project build.
If you added your dependencies correctly your application should build and execute correctly, or am I missing something? Dependencies should be added to a POM section that looks like this example:
<!-- other dependencies here -->
Maven and the m2e/m2eclipse plugin rely on source files to be conventionally placed in src/main/java for application code and src/test/java for test code. Application code is compiled to target/classes and test code is compiled to target/test-classes. If you plan to use Maven and/or m2e/m2eclipse, do read about it. Maven: The Complete Reference is a good starting point.

m2eclipse - after pom and dependencies definition - no libraries on classpath / Maven Dependencies

I've been doing just simple archetype projects until now, and always after dependencies definition and saving pom.xml, immediately after that the Maven Dependencies library was full of libraries. But now I declared:
parent(pom packaging, scm, repository management)
parent(pom packaging, shared dependencies)
actual project (jar packaging, few more dependencies)
actual project (jar packaging, few more dependencies)
I created them from the upper one by "Create module" ... Problem is, that I can't make it automatically fill the Maven Dependencies library
In .classpath file there is this line <classpathentry kind="con" path="org.maven.ide.eclipse.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER"/> as in other "working" projects, but there is nothing on the classpath. Any suggestions please ?
Can you run mvn dependency:tree on the command line for the child project and confirm that you see the expected dependencies. If you don't, then there is something wrong with your poms (that you will have to post to get more help).