Displaying 3D Buildings in OpenLayers 3 - openstreetmap

I am using OpenLayers 3 to render OSM map data into WebBrowser control in my C#-WPF application. The reason for using OpenLayers v3 is that it supports map rotation.
The version of Internet Explorer is 10. This is a limitation for using OL3-Cesium for displaying 3D buildings on my map.
I have come across another library OSMBuildings for 3D buildings. This API works with OpenLayers 2 which unfortunately does not support map rotation.
I would like some help with using OSMBuildings with OpenLayers 3 or a workaround for OL3-Cesium API to work in Internet Explorer 10 or lower.

Cesium requires WebGL, which is not supported in Internet Explorer versions before 11. If you are required to use Internet Explorer 10 or lower, Cesium (or anything WebGL-based) is simply not an option.
While I'm not as familiar with OSMBuildings, I believe that getting it to work with OpenLayers 3 is a significant undertaking and would require large changes to the code base (though I could be wrong). You might want to chime in on this issue in their repository and ask for an official statement from the team.
Unless I'm wrong about OSMBuildings, there is no good answer here. Your best bet is to replace IE10 with embedded Chrome or Webkit (or require IE11), but that's probably a non-starter for you.


react-leaflet with original leaflet plugins

It is more theoretical question, rather than some problem.
I'm planning to develop some wrapper for leaflet (encapsulate work with leaflet for other developer teams with some API in/out), and I'm wondering if to use react-leaflet or to use native leaflet library.
There is very long list of available plugins for leaflet, and as far as i see only +-10 of them implemented for react-leaflet.
From your experience, does all the original leaflet plugins works fine with react-leaflet? How often do you encountered with problem and which one are not working at all?
It should be possible to create a custom component for any react-leaflet extension.

No more bird's eye view in the Bing Maps V8 API?

It appears that Bird's Eye View is no longer available in V8. Can anyone confirm that this is actually the case or if there is any way of still using Bird's Eye View in the new version?
Microsoft's documentation about this is very poor, so I just pieced the information together from various sources.
For example:
In their MapTypeId Enumeration the 'birdseye' option doesn't exist anymore.
This used to exist in V7.
Bing's own snippet generator for embeded maps has an option to add the Bird's Eye View, but when checked it only adds a "View bird's eye" link under the map which redirects you to www.bing.com with the Bird's Eye View selected.
When embedding a V7 map, the Bird's Eye option is available in the navigation bar:
In V8 the option doesn't exist:
UPDATE: I have received an email reply from Microsoft stating that Bird's Eye View isn't yet available in V8, but will be at a later point. Here is their reply:
"Birdseye imagery is currently not available in Bing Maps V8. The
migration guide doesn’t mention Birdseye imagery but it does state
that anything that isn’t mentioned is planned to be in the V8 control.
Currently the Birdseye imagery in Bing Maps V7 is very old, some
images are 10+ years old. This is one of the highest points of
customer DSAT that we have. We have collected a lot of new imagery,
but it still needs to be processed so that it can be exposed to the V8
map control.
Additionally we are creating a new user experience around
Birdseye as the current experience isn’t as fluid as it can be and is
an issue for many. Processing the imagery takes several months to do.
Developing the new user experience will also take a few months. We are
currently planning to have the new Birdseye experience in V8 by the
Microsoft Build conference which is near the end of March 2017 (8
months from now)."
It's not available because Microsoft are renewing the images for it.
It will be available again in the future.
See this thread
Even though birdseye is listed now in the enumeration doc for v8, this morning (Monday) I discovered that, even thought it seemed to be working Friday, though now that I think about it seems like it was more aerial than bird's eye, my map was rendering in some sort of messed up default view that didn't obey viewbox settings. I changed the view type to aerial and it works again. The really odd thing is that IE and Edge were messed up, but Chrome was not.

OpenStreetMap Grayscale tiles?

I'm building up experience with web development and my next projects are some web maps. I've looked into Google Maps and Open Street Maps and would like to use OSM for a project as it contains more detailed information of building footprints.
I've tried styling Google Maps which seemed fairly straightforward, but I'm a little lost with OSM. I've got to the point of trying to create my own renders (with TileMill) but this is crashing my system due to the amount of data.
What I essentially need is this (but for the UK);
Are there any resources which you can recommend or how easy/ difficult is this to create myself? I think I would need to create the map (with TileMill or similar and then find my own servers to host), or is there an easy way to convert the standard map to Grayscale?
I want to keep it as simple as possible so please any recommendations?
Turning the standard map to grayscale: I might be very late to this but for anyone else running into this question: I found a very easy solution if you're working with HTML and Javascript using OpenLayers and the standard OpenStreetMap-Tile-Layer in color. I took the solution from here: https://openlayers.org/en/latest/examples/semi-transparent-layer.html
I don't know much about web development but this solution worked for me. Upon creating the map, as done in main.js in the example from the link, a class name is defined ('bw')
className: 'bw',
that can be used in index.html to manipulate the style o f it in the part:
.bw {
filter: grayscale(100%);
My application was altering a pre-built web-map from the qgis2web extension for QGIS. I was able to turn the tile layers from the background map to grayscale so the results would stand out more.
You could use https://github.com/Zverik/leaflet-grayscale to display any tile layer in grayscale. It's a plugin built upon the leaflet map displaying library.

Dynamic Chart using Xamarin Forms

I am newbie in Xamarin; I know there must be ready components for what I need, already I searched but not yet found.
I need to create a dynamic graphic like this:
I wore this in PhoneGap (html5 + JS), but now I'm moving to Xamarin forms and would like to know if any third component is what I need or I'll have to do everything from scratch.
Thank you.
I'm currently looking into graphing too and OxyPlots seems to be a pretty good line graph tool. I don't think it supports dynamic updating so you'd have to program it to update manually when new data points come available.
I've not gotten round to actually using this myself but I thought I'd post this here in case it works for you.
Edit: Here's a list of examples. Also you can add it to your project using nuget so it should be easy to set up.
I'm using Syncfusion controls for Xamarin.Forms and I'm satisfied with it. They also have a free license for individual developers and small businesses.
For dynamically updated Xamarin charts SciChart offers an extremely high performance solution. With the SciChart Xamarin Chart control you can draw up to a million points, zoom, pan and scroll big datasets interactively.
Check out performance demos here:
Disclosure: I am the tech lead on the SciChart Xamarin project

.MBTiles from mapbox studio

Good day all.
I am a bit Interested in mapbox and your maps. Going thru your site I also realize that calls to the app helps you with revenue. THis is all well and good for doing an app to find the nearest coffee shop. However I am working on an application where Internet connectivity is not promised and in this case a .MBTile file would be perfect for me. I have not been able to export my maps I have created into a .MBTile even though that was directly mentioned in mapbox documentation. I would love some assistance in locating this feature or do I need a paid account to do so.
Ps I am aware this can be done with tilemil but I cannot get the maps I created from Mapkit into tilemil to do so.
If you want to be able export .mbtiles you would have to design your map in TileMill. From there you would be able to export them into the format that you want. This would produce raster tiles rather than vector tiles however. https://www.mapbox.com/tilemill/