rm scheduling - calculation - real-time

If there are 3 independent tasks using preemptive RM scheduling. The total utilization is 0.73. Is system feasible?
My opinion: Can I calculate it on basis of: if utilization is less then or equal to 1 then it is feasible.
Or, how can I make sure of system is feasible or not?
Please help

As said on the Wikipedia, the test to see is a system is feasible with n tasks is usage <= n(2^1/n -1) , in your case it gives 0.78, so 0.73 is feasible.
Your global reasoning is however invalid.


When generate a network of 500 nodes, the behavior space went wrong and how can I solve it?

I use the NW extension to generate small-world networks and make an experiment in behaviour space to control the . In the experiment, I set ["nb-nodes" 50 100 500] (nb-nodes: the number of nodes).
Everything goes well until n = 500. CPU usage is too high, causing the program to become unresponsive.But when I set a single simulation with n = 500 in the interface, it keeps working. Only when I try to do it in the behaviour space, it goes wrong.
How can I solve it?
Thank for advice of Jasper and Steve Railsback, it helps a lot :)
In the FAQ (http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/faq.html#how-big-can-my-model-be-how-many-turtles-patches-procedures-buttons-and-so-on-can-my-model-contain) it says:
"If you are using BehaviorSpace, note that doing runs in parallel will multiply your RAM usage accordingly"
So I just reduce the parallel from 16 to 8, I know it will slow down the program, but at the same time it will also reduce RAM usage and it works.
Of course, change RAM is another way and it can fit higher calculating demand.
I agree that you should start with increasing NetLogo's memory allocation as directed in the FAQ that Jasper referred you to. (At least in Windows, you must edit the NetLogo.cfg file using administrator privileges.) You can start by doubling or quadrupling the allocation, but the only real limitation is how much RAM you have on your machine.
We keep notes and a publication on NetLogo performance issues here:

Does prior-CPU-usage-time dependent scheduling algorithm exist in Operating System?

I'd like to know if there is scheduling algorithm something like, priority of certain process getting higher if prior-CPU-usage-time is small. It is similar with Weighted Round Robin algorithm, but its priority depends on 'prior-CPU-usage-time'. Thanks.
Have a look at multilevel feedback/rr scheduling of the old UNIXs, e.g. 3.xBSD. There, you have aging in dependence of the cup usage.

Flynn's Bottleneck - maximum speedup 2

According to Flynn's Bottleneck, the speedup due to instruction level parallelism (ILP) can be at best 2. Why is it so?
That version of Flynn's Bottleneck originates in Detection and Parallel Execution of Independent Instructions where the authors empirically conclude that ILP for most programs is less than 2. That was 1970 technology and that was an empirical conclusion. You can contrast it with Fisher's Optimism which said there was lots of ILP out there and proposed trace scheduling and VLIW to exploit it.
So the literal answer to your question is because that's what they measured within basic blocks back then.
The ILP less than 2 meaning isn't really used anymore because superscalars and better compilers have blown past the number 2. So instead, over time Flynn's Bottleneck has come to mean You cannot retire more than you fetch which stems from his earlier paper Some Computer Organizations and Their Effectiveness.
The execution bandwidth of a system is usually referred to as being
the maximum number of operations that can be performed per unit time
by the execution area. Notice that due to bottlenecks in issuing
instructions, for example, the execution bandwidth is usually
substantially in excess of the maximum performance of a system.

Pre-emptive scheduling algorithm

Can a first come first serve algorithm with priority levels be described as a pre-emptive scheduling algorithm?
Traditionally first come first serve algorithm was used in Batch scheduling.
In most cases there is no existence of a pure form of "preemptive scheduling" , but preemptive scheduling is mixed with other policies like round robin , shortest job first etc . So yes there may be implementations where first come first serve algorithm is used along with preemptive scheduling.
Absolutely NO. The original First Come First Served is a non-preemptive scheduling strategy. I don't know whether there is any alternative/revision of this algorithm that can be implemented as preemptive FCFS. You can find this in the "Operating System Concept" by Abraham Silberschatz et al.
FCFS doesn't consider priorities. If you need to consider priorities, then you have to go with Priority Scheduling; which is an extended version of FCFS. Then it becomes a preemptive scheduling method.

Amdahl's law example

Can someone help me with this example please and show me how to work the second part?
the question is :
If one third of a weather prediction algorithm is inherently serial and the remainder
parallelizable, what is the minimum number of cores needed to guarantee a 150% speedup over a
single core implementation?
ii. Your boss revises the figure to 200%. What is your new answer?
Thanks very much in advance !!
Guess: If the algorithm is 1/3 serial and 2/3 parallel...I would think that each core you added would give you a 66% increase in performance...So for 150% increase, you'd need 3 more cores, and for a 200% increase, you'd need 4.
This is a guess. Your textbook might be more helpful :)
If the algorithm runs on a single core and takes 90 minutes then 30 minutes is for the serial part and 60 minutes for the parallel part.
Add a CPU:
30 is for the serial part and 30 for the parallel part(half of the 60 overlaps with the serial part).
90 / 60 = 150% increase.
I am a bit late, but here are the answers:
1) 150% increase -> 2 cores at least required as dbasnett said;
2) 200% increase -> 4 cores at least required basing on the Amahld's law:
Here, 90 minutes overall required to perform the calculation. P is the actually enhanced part of the algorithm (the parallelizable part) which is 2/3 of 90, N is the number of cores, so when there's a core only:
You get 1, which means 100%, which is how the algorithm performs the standard way (without multi-core acceleration and therefore no parallelization speedup).
Now, we must find N number of cores for which the previous equation equals 2, where 2 means that the algorithm performs in half time (45 minutes instead of 90 when there's no parallelization) and therefore with a 200% speedup:
We see that:
So with 4 cores computing in parallel the 2/3 of the algoritm you get 200% speedup. The same goes for 150%, you will get 2, as dbasnett already told you.
Pretty simple.
Note that a complex algorithm may imply further divisions of its parallelizable parts (and in theory you can have a different number of processing units per parallelizable part concurrently):
You can further look at Wikipedia (there's also an example):
Anyway, the principle is the same:
Let T be the time an algorithm needs to execute in order to complete, A be the serial part of it, B its parallelizable part and N the number of parallel CPUs, you can divide B in further small sections and perform calculations on each part:
You may for C, D, G e.g. adopt M CPUs instead of N (the speedup will of course differ if M != N).
And at the end, you will arrive at a point when having more CPUs doesn't matter anymore, since:
And your algorithm speedup will at most tend to total execution time (T) divided by the execution time of the Serial part only (A).
Therefore parallel calculation comes really handy only when you have low execution time for the serial part of your algorithm.