Analytic data not showing up with Bluemix Mobile Application Security - ibm-cloud

I'm using MAS with a Node.js app and a hybrid (not ios8 native) mobile application. I can make authenticated calls to my Node.js server, but I'm noticing that I have nothing showing up in Analytics. Is there a reason for that?

Have you tried clearing your iPhone's keychain? There can be some issues with Bluemix analytics due to lingering stale keychain data. Check out this SO question for code to clear the keychain.


Firebase Identity Platform Release Version Authentication Problem

I wasn't having such a problem when using the old Firebase authentication methods. After accepting Identity Platform, my gmail and phone auth systems are not working in "android release" mode of my app (downloaded play store app). I'm currently search of the reason for this. I also put the sha keys to Firebase from Google Console App Signing and i also debugging authentication code base with test phone numbers and test gmails. There is no problem in code base or sha keys(my opinion). Now I am verifying oauth in Google Cloud Console. When this verification is verified, will my gmail and phone auths in android release mode be opened? And how long does this verification process take? Ios gmail and phone auth methods work well in the apple store or emulator. Also when i look at Google Cloud Console there are some errors on Identity Toolkit Api and Token Service Api.[enter image description here](
I think the cause of the problem is identity platform integration and this validation for oauth. For what other reason do you think the firebase authentication systems (gmail and phone) works on iOS but not on Android?

Flutter Google service leader board not working

I'm using this Flutter package to interface with the Google game service
I think I configured the game service in Google play console correctly and implemented codes in my project. Although my app is showing and submitting the score to the iOS game center, but my app can not show the leaderboard nor submitting a score as well.
I published my app in the Google play console and linked this app in the Game service in Google play console. Actually I set up the Firebase AdMob as well, so I configured my app with the SHA1 fingerprint through the Firebase(It created the OAuth ClientID, etc. automatically in Google API console) before I linked my app in Google game service.
I'm suspicious that the credentials including OAuth ClientID, etc. were not created by Google play console.
Can anybody give me a tip to resolve this issue?
Do you mean that your leaderboards are running correctly in iOS game center?
If not, you may have to make sure that your implementation is correct first.
If you suspect it's an OAuth credentials issue, you can try linking a second SHA1 fingerprint as described in Google's official documentation.
In "Check the certificate fingerprint" section:
Note: If you are debugging your game using your debug certificate but
have configured games services using your release certificate, you
should add a second linked app using the same package name and your
debug certificate's SHA1 fingerprint. This will allow you to sign in
to the application whether it's signed with the debug or release
Google Play Console default has a managed App Signing feature that will replace your upload key with a Google-managed key, which may cause fingerprint mismatch that you described.

Uber Driver app

Most rideshare drivers drive for more than one comapany, they have two apps online and when a ride comes in and they accept it they have to go to the other app to go offline to keep from getting a ride from the other company. Would both Uber and Lyft's api allow an app that would automatically log the driver off the company that is not being used?
No, it is not currently possible with the apis and the integration does not exist to hook into the driver app to turning off driving mode in the app.

How to design the facebook id login process from iphone using GAE as the background server?

I'm designing an iPhone/android app which needs user to login using his/her facebook account.
The app uses GAE (Google App Engine) as the background server, so the problem now is that I don't know how GAE, iPhone and Facebook authentication works.
My guess is user login FB from iPhone and will get an access_token, and then the iphone app sends the access_token to GAE so that GAE can recognize the user.
Is that correct? Or is there any tutorial about how to cooperate between these platforms?
Take a look at the LeanEngine open source project. It was designed to do exactly what you are trying to do - login from a mobile device to GAE with Facebook or OpenID account (and sync data between the client and GAE).
It consists of a preprogrammed GAE application and libraries for Android and iOS and if you are satisfied with the built-in functionality you really do not need to do any modifications to the server part. You can just use it as it is.

how to avoid twitter already authorized on the device using share kit in iphone sdk

I used sharekit for twitter integration in my app. That works fine on the simulator. But on the device , for the first time it allows me to login into the twitter . Now i deleted the app from the device and create new build and deploy that into device again. Now it shows already authorized for twitter , not able to login even i deploy the new build on the device
Any avoid this.
Thanks in advance..
The data for Sharekit's Twitter implementation are stored in the user's keychain when you run on the device. Because of this, deleting the app will not delete the token for Twitter stored in the keychain by Sharekit. When you delete and reinstall the app, it's still reading from the keychain and picking up the old credentials. You need to implement the logout functionality. The implementation is pretty simple. You just call
[SHKTwitter logout];
Check out the ShareKit documentation for details and options.