Uber Driver app - uber-api

Most rideshare drivers drive for more than one comapany, they have two apps online and when a ride comes in and they accept it they have to go to the other app to go offline to keep from getting a ride from the other company. Would both Uber and Lyft's api allow an app that would automatically log the driver off the company that is not being used?

No, it is not currently possible with the apis and the integration does not exist to hook into the driver app to turning off driving mode in the app.


Asking AppTrackingTransparency permission for using google analytics , is mandatory?

I am using Google Analytics SDK in my application.
It uses the demographic area, age and other user informations.
So, Am I need to ask permission for AppTracking manually or it was handled in google analytics SDK?
Without AppTracking Permission,Will my future updates get approved by iTunes connect?
YES, I need to ask permission for App Tracking Transparency manually. It will not handled by Google Analytics SDK.
Since I am using Google Analytics for campaning tracking, GASDK gets the device IDFA, So the app must need Tracking Permission.
Note: If you or your third party framework uses IDFA, It is mandatory to implement app tracking transparency framework. Otherwise Apple will simply reject us.!

Do I need to add products to Google Play Developer Console for Ionic In App Purchase

I am developing an application using ionic3 and the app is about selling books. I created web application for the client so they can add book to the platform. Now I am considering In App Purchase as a means of payment on the mobile app but all the tutorial I have seen requires that I add the products to google developer console and Itunes. My question is Do I really need to add products to Google Play Developer Console for Ionic In App Purchase? Cos my Idea is just to request for the products available in the database and use inApp Purchase basically as a payment gateway
You have to setup product offers in each platform.
The main reason is because Apple and Google performs purchase operation relying on the data stored on their side (app store connect or console), where price tier is fixed etc.
If the platforms would allow a developer server send arbitrary requests it would be super hard to manage for apple/google hence they prefer having products for sale defined on their end.
Client just mirrors data, but source of truth for offers is always Apple or Google side system.

How to set Uber driver app online or offline from my app in iOS

I referred many links in google and Uber developer site. I didn't get exact result expected. We are using Uber rides SDK in my app. When tap on Uber icon, I need to open Uber driver app and make him online or offline and also set pick up time near some distance. Can any one explain me how to implement that?
Is it possible to implement in my app?
Thanks in advance.

I want an android app that sync with watsapp or SMS messenger and automatically response to the user/client

I am working for a non profit organisation and Our Project needs an android app (to develop a brief intervention that uses mobile text/voice messaging to address
problematic drinking among adolescents.) This app should woks as a bidirectional and better if it collaborate with watsapp. so that we will get responses quickly via watsapp and automatically our apps should tell questions base on
his/her answer. Also it should store conversation data into the database.
You can start from the friendly chat app based on Firebase. Take a look here https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/firebase-android/#0 . For the "auto reply" functionality you will have to write your own cloud function. Read some docs about that

Watching user activities in iphone SDK outside sandbox?

1) Is it possible to watch user's all activities of iPhone through iPhone SDK Programming As Symantec has developed norton online family inwhich user's iphone safari activities are savedin hidden way?
2) Is it possible to handle outside of sandbox environment which has been created using the application we install?
If you're asking if it is possible to actively monitor what websites a user is visiting using the safari browser and have that information to use in you're own app, it's not.
You can't access the data of another application.