Add extended permissions - Facebook - facebook

I created a Java program that retrieves users personal information and posts. I can retireve everything related to me but not to my friends.
I know that i have to add some extended permissions to collect information about my friends (e.g. friends_groups, friends_interests, friends_subscriptions and more) but i don't know how to add them.
I didn't use Facebook Api in my Java application. I just give a specific URL, for example :
and i get a JSon Object from this URL which contains the information of that user (id, first_name,last_name,link,name,updated_time) which are not useful for what i want to do.
I also tried :,friends_birthday,friends_status,friends_subscriptions,friends_work_history
but again it didn't work either to my Java App or Graph Api Explorer.
Can someone explain to me how to add the extended persmissions that i need provided that i created my app in the way i explained above? Can i add the permissions inside the URL that fetches the JSon Object?

To get a person's data, your app needs to use that person's access token. To get that person's access token, that person must authorize your app (through Facebook Login). You can read more about Facebook Login in the documentation.


How do I manage a users facebook "managed pages"?

I am currently working on a project where we want to post to a users facebook wall or the wall of one of a users managed pages.
See this page:
Note that facebook is not listed! Weird being it is one of the top social networks, why is it left to be a custom, override provider?
return Socialite::with('facebook')->scopes(['publish_actions', 'manage_pages', 'pages_show_list'])->redirect();
and then
$user = Socialite::driver('facebook')->user();
Where can I find documentation on socialite in regards to facebook? Specifically how do you get the information on managed pages for the user who just logged in.
We do have app permission from facebook. When you link your account, on the facebook page it pops up asking to give permission to the app to manage pages.
When I dd() the results of ->user()
I get
token, refreshToken, expiresIn, id, nickname, name, email, avatar, user -> [name, email, gender, verified, link, id], avatar_original, profileUrl.
If I understand correctly, there should be a way to get a "data" attribute that contains information on managed pages.
see this link:
Am I going to have to work directly with the Facebook API, or is there a way to get this information out of socialite?
I was asking additionally about a facebook provider, and whether it was hard coded into socialite. I have since posting this foind in vendor/laravel/socialite/SocialliteServiceProvider.php is actually wired up for facebook. I still however, cannot figure out how to manage a facebook users "managed pages"
You are close, in my opinion.
As you can see in the Facebook API Documentation, to give your application the ability to publish in a page that the user manages, you need to ask for manage_pages y publish_pages permissions.
On the other hand, by default Socialite will ask Facebook for the most common fields (like id, email, name, etc) but to get extra -driver specific- fields you need to specify them too. So this should do it:
return Socialite::
->scopes(['manage_pages', 'publish_pages', 'the_rest_of_your_scopes'])
And to retrieve the user:
$social_user = Socialite::
->fields(['accounts', 'some_other_extra_fields'])
Disclaimer: I haven't test it yet, but this should include an accounts key in the user object that will have an array of the user page(s), his/her role(s), page info and the token to perform actions in the page (yes, like publish).
I hope this can serve you as a guide at least. Good luck.
If you check the following Official Laravel Socialite Pacakge
(Use this Package )
Facebook providers are there already.
Get the access token from Facebook
Save it to database
Use the graph API of facebook to access page details.
Send the saved access token with api requests
Alternatively you can use this package too.

get Facebook user ID with username without graph api [duplicate]

I would like to retrieve a Facebook user's id given their username.
Example: Given helloworld return 100003263065603.
I understand that the Graph API does not allow this anymore, but several sites, such as lookup-id and findmyfbid are able to do this.
I am guessing they are doing some sort of scraping? If so, how would I implement this in Node.js
Those sites most likely scrape the profile page, which is not allowed. Don´t do that, should not need to anyway. Just let the user authorize your App and you will get his (App Scoped) ID. There´s no serious application for using the username or his global ID anymore.

How to retrieve the public information by using Facebook API?

I have a question about how to retrieve a specific person's information that is set to public by Facebook API (ex: email, location)? My idea is, (the app) to get the information that is set to public without asking the permission from the user.
I understand the Facebook Graph API could help us to retrieve the public_profile (, but that is very few and limited in v2.0+ (only id,name,first_name,last_name,link,gender,locale,timezone,updated_time,verified).
I also understand we can use scope in the fb:login-button (in the app) to get the user's permission to access the information. But in that case, since the user has granted it, therefore, even the information is set to private but the app can still access it, which is Not what I need.
In Graph API v1.0, we can use the API call ( to get the basic_info, which includes the information that is set to public. Since the v1.0 has already expired, therefore, I just wonder how I can get the public information by Graph API v2.0+, even other than the Graph API is fine.
As mentioned by #CBroe, it's not possible to retrieve such data without the user's permissions. Moreover, the info you are looking for has always been locked behind a permission even on v1.0: email and user_location
If you have a valid reason to ask for this info then explain it in your app and let the users decide.

How can I detect if a certain post on a Facebook page has been deleted?

I am planning to build a small side project that stores posts from particular public pages. And detect if they delete the post later. Something similar has been done for Twitter. But I couldn't find similar projects for Facebook.
Like this:
But for Twitter. I will do it in Python or C#
How can I go about it?
Any particular code or projects I can learn from?
The only way to check if a post is not there anymore on Facebook is to search for it with a User Access Token of the User who posted it. Every Object on Facebook gets a specific ID, you only have to check if that ID still exists. If not, you get an Error from the API.
For example:
The path parameter is the ID of the Post.
Keep in mind that you need the read_stream permission for that, and you need to let Facebook approve it for other users or it will only work for Admins/Devs of your App. It is not very likely that you will get the permission approved for this though. It usually only gets approved for Apps on "Platforms without a native Facebook experience".
Edit: My bad, i was thinking about User posts, but your question was about Pages. In that case, all you need is an App Access Token (App-ID|App-Secret). The API Call would be the same, you just need to know the Post ID.
About Access Tokens:
For getting the feed of a Facebook Page, see the Facebook docs (including code samples):
You can use graph api for this. If it's a public page, you can follow these steps:
Create your application in Facebook developers site
Setup the basic graph auth mechanism with your favorite language and get unexpired token.
Use your unexpired access token to do these tasks:
Enter the id of the pages you want to crawl[insert page id or url here]/feed
Add post title, postID to your database.
Create a scheduled task on your server to do these tasks:
Select all / page based etc posts on your database and send a request to:[insert post ID here]
if it returns it means it's still there. otherwise it will return an error.

Graph API get information on facebook link shared

is that possible we can get the information from facebook API whether graph or REST or FQL regarding user sharing. Such as video or post or anything can share via facebook and it is shared by a list of user, with profile id or user name. I found something like this but it is just the counter, lack of information. Any way can do? Coz I found that facebook not stated everything in the documentation. Some trick is found from third party side.
No you can't get the user ids. Facebook will do their best NOT to share the user id with you "unless" they (the users) authorize your application.
And guess can't even get the list of the users who are using YOUR application! (You can only get the count!)
Check this answer.