how to call simple addition function in c file from javascript through native client - google-chrome-app

I have installed **naclsdk** with stable pepper35 version.
i found getting started tutorial for c++ but i cant find any simple tutorial for c.As i new to chrome-native client it will be helpful if any one tells how to call simple c function from javascript through chrome browser because i need to call already existing c algorithm functions from javascript and i need to update graph using that returned value.i tried some examples but i cant understand.. i need to call in javascript like var ans = pexe_instance.Addition(5,6)

The Native Client SDK has a few examples that are written in C. Take a look at:
Passing messages back and forth between Native Client and JavaScript is easiest with ppapi_simple. The life.c example shows how to handle messages in the ProcessEvent function:
void ProcessEvent(PSEvent* event) {
switch(event->type) {
struct PP_Var var = event->as_var;


How to get result from QQuickWebEngineView::runJavaScript

I'm trying to execute javascript on QQuickWebEngineView object in c++ and get returned value. In QML it's easy
view.runJavaScript("document.documentElement.outerHTML", function(result){//do smth})
in c++ method signature for executing js is this:
void runJavaScript(const QString&, const QJSValue & = QJSValue());
and I believe I could use QJSValue to get returned data, but I'm not finding anything on how to use it... maybe someone has an example of how to use QJSValue here. Thanks.

Office JavaScript API: selecting a range in Word for Mac

I'm working on a side project using the Microsoft Office JavaScript APIs. I have some functionality working to select a range in order to scroll to a particular position within a document. This works as expected in Office for the web, but in Office for Mac I get the following error when calling context.sync().then():
Unhandled Promise Rejection: RichApi.Error: ItemNotFound
I can't find any documentation on that particular error, and I'm not sure how to troubleshoot what I might be doing wrong. What am I missing? Like I said, this works in the web interface.
Here is minimal sample of code that demonstrates the problem:
function UI(context) {
this.context = context;
UI.prototype.initialize = function() {
var paragraphs = this.context.document.body.paragraphs;
document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', () => {
this.context.sync().then(() => {
UI.prototype.goToRange = function(range) {;
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
Office.onReady(() => { => {
return context.sync().then(() => {
new UI(context).initialize();
The only thing I can think of is that maybe the reference to the paragraph client object becomes "stale" in some sense, perhaps based on some resource limits that are lower in the Mac application than in the online interface? (That would be counterintuitive to me, but it's the only thing that comes to mind.)
I think I figured out the problem. I stumbled upon a hint while putting together the minimum code sample in the question; I removed a little too much code at first and encountered the following error:
Unhandled Promise Rejection: RichApi.Error: The batch function passed
to the ".run" method didn't return a promise. The function must return
a promise, so that any automatically-tracked objects can be released
at the completion of the batch operation.
I believe the issue is that, at least in Word for Mac, you can't use the context object provided by in an asynchronous event listener. I'm guessing this is because, as the above error states, some state has been released after resolving the promise returned. I can get the code to work by adding a dedicated call to (and using the fresh context provided) inside the event listener.
It is still a little odd that it works just fine in the browser. Presumably, the same state is not released as aggressively in the browser-based version.

How to customize addContentItemDialog to restrict files over 10mb upload in IBM Content Navigator

I am customizing ICN (IBM Content Navigator) 2.0.3 and my requirement is to restrict user to upload files over 10mb and only allowed files are .pdf or .docx.
I know I have to extend / customize the AddContentItemDialog but there is very less detail on exactly how to do it, or any video on it. I'd appreciate if someone could guide.
I installed the development environment but I am not sure how to extend the AddContentItemDialog.
public void applicationInit(HttpServletRequest request,
PluginServiceCallbacks callbacks) throws Exception {
I want to also know how to roll out the changes to ICN.
This can be easily extended. I would suggest to read the ICN red book for the details on how to do it. But it is pretty standard code.
Regarding rollout the code to ICN, there are two ways:
- If you are using plugin: just replace the Jar file on the server location and restart WAS.
- If you are using EDS: you need to redeploy the web service and restart WAS.
Hope this helps.
Although there are many ways to do this, one way indeed is tot extend, or augment the AddContentItemDialog as you qouted. After looking at the (rather poor IBM documentation) i figured you could probably use the onAdd event/method
Dojo/Aspect#around allows you to do exactly that, example:
require(["dojo/aspect", "ecm/widget/dialog/AddContentItemDialog"], function(aspect, AddContentItemDialog) {
aspect.around(AddContentItemDialog.prototype, "onAdd", function advisor(original) {
return function around() {
var files = this.addContentItemGeneralPane.getFileInputFiles();
var containsInvalidFiles = dojo.some(files, function isInvalid(file) {
var fileName =;
var extensionOK = fileName.endsWith(".pdf") || fileName.endsWith(".docx");
var fileSizeOK = file.size <= 10 * 1024 * 1024;
return !(extensionOK && fileSizeOK);
if (containsInvalidFiles) {
alert("You can't add that :)");
original.apply(this, arguments);
Just make sure this code gets executed before the actual dialog is opened. The best way to achieve this, is by wrapping this code in a new plugin.
Now on creating/deploying plugins -> The easiest way is this wizard for Eclipse (see also a repackaged version for newer eclipse versions). Just create a new arbitrary plugin, and paste this javascript code in the generated .js file.
Additionally it might be good to note that you're only limiting "this specific dialog" to upload specific files. It would probably be a good idea to also create a requestFilter to limit all possible uses of the addContent api...

What are the options for REST frameworks in D? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 3 years ago.
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I would like to use d to create a RESTful web application.
What are the most actively maintained and contributed projects that are worth considering? A short comparison of these web frameworks with pluses and minuses will be nice.
My search lead me to only one project, which seems like an excellent framework:
Are there other projects which are minimal in nature like sinatra?
I've heard good things about vibe.d
Though, I've never personally used it because I wrote my own libraries well before vibe came out.
vibe is better documented, so you might be better off going there, but here's how my libraries work:
cgi.d is the base web interface (use -version=embedded_httpd when compiling to use its own web server instead of CGI if you want), and I offer some RESTy stuff in a separate file called web.d. It depends on cgi.d, dom.d, characterencodings.d, and sha.d. You might also want database.d and mysql.d for connecting to a mysql database.
The way web.d works is you just write functions and it automatically maps them to url and formats data.
The source code to that portion is:
import arsd.web;
class MySite : ApiProvider {
export int addSomeNumbers(int a, int b) { return a+b; }
mixin FancyMain!MySite;
web.d automatically generates the form you see there, parses the url into the types given, and formats the return value into either html, json, or sometimes other things (for example, objects can be made into tables).
There is also an envelopeFormat url param that can wrap it in more json, best for machine consumption:
web.d.php in my github shows one way you can consume it, and web.d itself automatically generates javascript functions to call from the client:
MySite.addSomeNumbers(10, 20).get(function(answer) { alert("Server replied: " + answer); });
answer would be of the type returned by the D function.
If you don't want/need the automatic function wrapping, cgi.d alone gives access to the basic info and writing functions:
void requestHandler(Cgi cgi) {
// there's cgi.get["name"],["name"], or cgi.request("name"), kinda like php
cgi.write("hello ", cgi.request("name"));
mixin GenericMain!requestHandler;
But yeah, most the documentation that exists for my library is just me talking about it on forums... I think once you've done one function it isn't hard to figure out, but I'm biased!
edit: copy/paste from my comment below since it is pretty relevant to really getting RESTy:
I actually did play with the idea of having urls map to objects and the verbs go through: web.d also includes an ApiObject class which goes: /obj/name -> new Obj("name"); and then calls the appropriate methods on it. So GET /obj/name calls (new Obj("name")).GET();, same for POST, PUT, etc. Then /obj/name/foo calls (new Obj("name").foo(); with the same rules as I described for functions above.
But I don't use it as much as the plain functions for one because it is still somewhat buggy.... and it is still somewhat buggy because I don't use it enough to sit down and fit it all! lol
You use it by writing an ApiObject class and then aliasing it into the ApiProvider:
import arsd.web;
class MySite : ApiProvider {
export int addSomeNumbers(int a, int b) { return a+b; }
alias MyObject obj; // new, brings in MyObject as /obj/xxx/
And, of course, define the object:
class MyObject : ApiObject {
CoolApi parent;
string identifier;
this(CoolApi parent, string identifier) {
this.parent = parent;
this.identifier = identifier;
/* you might also want to load any existing object from a database or something here, using the identifier string, and initialize other members */
// for now to show the example, we'll just initialize data with dummy info = 8; = "MyObject/" ~ identifier;
/* define some members as a child struct so we can return them later */
struct Data {
int id;
string name;
Element makeHtmlElement() {
// for automatic formatting as html
auto div = Element.make("div");
import std.conv;
div.addChild("span", to!string(id)).addClass("id");
div.appendText(" ");
div.addChild("span", name).addClass("name");
return div;
Data data;
export Data GET() {
return data;
export Data POST(string name) {
parent.ensureGoodPost(); // CSRF token check = name;
// normally, you'd commit the changes to the database and redirect back to GET or something like that, but since we don't have a db we'll just return the modified object
return data;
// property accessors for the data, if you want
export int id() {
mixin FancyMain!MySite;
Then you can access it:
BTW the trailing slash is mandatory: this is one of the outstanding bugs I haven't gotten around to fixing yet. (The trailing slash code is more complicated than it should be, making this harder to fix that it might look.)
Anyway, you can see the object rendered itself as html via makeHtmlElement. This is a good time to showcase other formats:
table, also try csv, and of course, json
or for machine consumption:
and the property is available too:
Another major outstanding bug is that the automatically generated Javascript functions can't access child objects at all. They only work on functions on the top level ApiProvider. Another bug that is harder to fix than it might seem, and I'm not particularly driven to do so because the top-level functions can do it all anyway. Of course, you could make the URLs yourself on the xmlhttprequest and access it that way.
Let's also demo POST by slapping together a quick form:
you can submit something and see the POST handler indeed reset the name. (BTW note the action has that trailing slash: without it, it silently redirects you! I really should fix that.)
Anyway, bugs notwithstanding, the core of it works and might be the closest thing to full blown REST D has right now.
At the moment of writing this text there is no framework for building true RESTful web services that I know of. However, you should be able to easily build one on top of vibe.d or Adam's web modules that he already mentioned above.
You can take a look at what I'm building. Still extremely alpha, but I'm attempting to build a Rails-like framework in D:
I know this is a really late answer, but I figured someone might come by this one day, since it has been so long and a lot of changes has happened within the D community, especially towards web development.
With Diamond you can write RESTful web applications without hacking something together, since it supports it within the framework.
You can try Hunt Framework.
routes setting
GET /user/{id} user.detail
app/UserController.d souce code:
module app.controller.UserController;
import hunt.framework;
class User
int id;
string name;
class UserController : Controller
mixin MakeController;
JsonResponse detail(int id)
auto user = new User; = id; = "test";
return new JsonResponse(user);
Request http://localhost:8080/user/123
"id": 123,
"name": "test"

methodAccessException when passing variables from ViewModel to ViewModel on WP7 using anonymous object (MVVMCross)

I've created an app using MVVMCross, the IOS and Android versions are working but when I tried to "port" to WP7 and I ran into the following problem:
throw methodAccessException.MvxWrap("Problem accessing object - most likely this is caused by an anonymous object being generated as Internal - please see");
As mentioned in the answer to my other question about this (on Android) you have to set an InternalsVisibleTo attribute in the AssemblyInfo.cs for WP7. So I did:
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Cirrious.MvvmCross.WindowsPhone")]
But this doesn't make any difference. I use the following code to send two variables form my BeckhoffViewModel to my BeckhoffSensorViewModel.
public IMvxCommand BeckhoffSensor1
return new MvxRelayCommand(kvpSens1);
private void kvpSens1()
RequestNavigate<BeckhoffSensorViewModel>(new { VarType = "short", Variable = ".countertest" });
public BeckhoffSensorViewModel(string VarType, string Variable)
_vartype = VarType;
_variable = Variable;
Anything I'm overlooking? I also looked at the other stackoverflow topic mentioned in the exception but couldn't really understand it.
The anonymous class will most definitely be created as internal by the compiler - which is why you need the line [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Cirrious.MvvmCross.WindowsPhone")]
Can you check that the AssemblyInfo.cs file definitely being linked into the project (and that this is the project containing the ViewModel/anonymous-class code)?
If that is the case, can you check the methodAccessException to see what the message is?
If that doesn't help, can you use a tool like Reflector to check the internalVisible attribute is actually present on the core/application assembly?