CREATE TABLE "dbo"."NPIData_HCP_PracticeAddress"(
[NPI] [varchar](55) NULL,
[ProviderPracticeAddress1] [varchar](255) NULL,
[ProviderPracticeAddress2] [varchar](255) NULL,
[ProviderPracticeCity] [varchar](55) NULL,
[ProviderPracticeState] [varchar](55) NULL,
[ProviderPracticePostalCode] [varchar](55) NULL,
[ProviderPracticePhone] [varchar](55) NULL,
[ProviderPracticeFax] [varchar](55) NULL
Try your CREATE TABLE statement like below by removing those square brackets []. In Oracle you use double quotes "" for escaping. See!4/44c7d
CREATE TABLE "NPIData_HCP_PracticeAddress"(
NPI varchar(55) NULL,
ProviderPracticeAddress1 varchar(255) NULL,
ProviderPracticeAddress2 varchar(255) NULL,
ProviderPracticeCity varchar(55) NULL,
ProviderPracticeState varchar(55) NULL,
ProviderPracticePostalCode varchar(55) NULL,
ProviderPracticePhone varchar(55) NULL,
ProviderPracticeFax varchar(55) NULL
I found the next psql command:
CREATE TABLE #cdmDatabaseSchema.PERSON (
person_id integer NOT NULL,
gender_concept_id integer NOT NULL,
year_of_birth integer NOT NULL,
month_of_birth integer NULL,
day_of_birth integer NULL,
birth_datetime TIMESTAMP NULL,
race_concept_id integer NOT NULL,
ethnicity_concept_id integer NOT NULL,
location_id integer NULL,
provider_id integer NULL,
care_site_id integer NULL,
person_source_value varchar(50) NULL,
gender_source_value varchar(50) NULL,
gender_source_concept_id integer NULL,
race_source_value varchar(50) NULL,
race_source_concept_id integer NULL,
ethnicity_source_value varchar(50) NULL,
ethnicity_source_concept_id integer NULL );
What is the symbol # located just after CREATE TABLE for? Is there any special meaning/advantage to its use?
I am installing revive ad server on Ubuntu 20.4 which is having MySQL Version 8.0.23. The Log I got from file /var/debug.log is
[Last executed query: CREATE TABLE `bv_banners` (`bannerid` MEDIUMINT(9) AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, `campaignid` MEDIUMINT(9) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `contenttype` ENUM('gif','jpeg','png','html','swf','dcr','rpm','mov','txt') DEFAULT 'gif' NOT NULL, `pluginversion` MEDIUMINT(9) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `storagetype` ENUM('sql','web','url','html','network','txt') DEFAULT 'sql' NOT NULL, `filename` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `imageurl` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `htmltemplate` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, `htmlcache` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, `width` SMALLINT(6) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `height` SMALLINT(6) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `weight` TINYINT(4) DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, `seq` TINYINT(4) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `target` VARCHAR(16) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `url` TEXT NOT NULL, `alt` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `statustext` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `bannertext` TEXT NOT NULL, `description` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `adserver` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `block` INT(11) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `capping` INT(11) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `session_capping` INT(11) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `compiledlimitation` TEXT NOT NULL, `acl_plugins` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `append` TEXT NOT NULL, `bannertype` TINYINT(4) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `alt_filename` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `alt_imageurl` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `alt_contenttype` ENUM('gif','jpeg','png') DEFAULT 'gif' NOT NULL, `comments` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `updated` DATETIME NOT NULL, `acls_updated` DATETIME DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL, `keyword` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, `transparent` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `parameters` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, `status` INT(11) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `ext_bannertype` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, `prepend` TEXT NOT NULL, `iframe_friendly` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (bannerid)) ENGINE = INNODB]
[Native message: Invalid default value for 'acls_updated']
I got to know adserver is not officially supporting mysql version 8. But some people are able to run fine. I want to know how.
Here is the refrence I got
I want to run this.
Thanks in advance.
set sql_mode='40'' to sql_mode=''
in 5 files;
and use table type INNODB
This trick works for me. I am calling this as a trick because it is not officially supported.
I got solution from github.
Here is the refrence
My source table, which is located in an Azure SQL Server Data Warehouse, has a column named Upline with the data type varbinary(1000). In the destination table, located in the same Azure SQL Server Data Warehouse, the data type and column name are the same. My issue is in the Azure Data Flow that is populating the destination table.
Instead of inserting the data into the sink table in the data flow, it is creating a new table in my data warehouse. Here is the create statement for the table that is being created with
CREATE TABLE [Common].[T_7be15bb497654f0c8eeb82459912f178]
[EmployeeSK] [int] NULL,
[EmployeeLastName] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[EmployeeFirstName] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[EmploymentStatus] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[HireDate] [date] NULL,
[OriginalHireDate] [date] NULL,
[TerminationDate] [date] NULL,
[CurrentPosition] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[PreviousPosition] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[WorkAssignmentEffectiveStart] [date] NULL,
[Region] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[District] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[Site] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[OnSiteDepartment] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[DepartmentName] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[ManagerDayForceEmployeeNumber] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[Upline] [varbinary](max) NULL,
[Lvl] [int] NULL,
[dimStartDate] [date] NULL,
[dimEndDate] [date] NULL,
[dimIsCurrent] [int] NULL,
[dimHash] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[r7ace46966877481a90d6f8039c6524b5] [int] NULL
As you can see from the picture (if you can see the picture), the table is giving the column Upline a varbinary(max) data type. Why is this happening? How can I stop it from happening? When I take this column out of the source and destination tables it works successfully. However, I need the column. The data flow has these activities: source, select, derived column, surrogate key, and sink. It is doing very simple stuff and the Upline is not being changed in the derived column.
Here is the error message from the pipeline that runs the data flow:
"Found an implicit conversion from VarBinary(Max) to VarBinary(1000) that requires ANSI truncation warning. This is not supported. Use the CONVERT function explicitly to execute this request." There is no convert function in the derived column activity so I can't do the suggestion it gives.
The max length of the data in the column is 24 (found using Select len(max(Upline))FROM [source table]).
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I found a work around. In the create statement of the destination table I changed varbinary(1000) to be varbinary(max) and, at the end, I replaced this ending:
with this:
Now, the whole create statement looks like this:
CREATE TABLE [Common].[dimEmployee_temp]
[EmployeeSK] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[DayForceEmployeeNumber] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL,
[ConaEmployeeNumber] [char](10) NULL,
[EmployeeLastName] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[EmployeeFirstName] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[EmploymentStatus] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[HireDate] [date] NULL,
[OriginalHireDate] [date] NULL,
[TerminationDate] [date] NULL,
[CurrentPosition] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[PreviousPosition] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[WorkAssignmentEffectiveStart] [date] NULL,
[Region] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[District] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Site] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[OnSiteDepartment] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[DepartmentName] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[UnionName] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[ManagerDayForceEmployeeNumber] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Upline] [varbinary](max) NULL,
[Lvl] [int] NULL,
[dimStartDate] [date] NOT NULL,
[dimEndDate] [date] NULL,
[dimIsCurrent] [int] NOT NULL,
[dimHash] [nvarchar](256) NULL
This doesn't help me understand what is going on in the Azure data flow, but it does run successfully and insert into the table.
I am new to Postgresql, I am trying to create this table actually just following a similar mysql table. But I keep getting this error for ENUM()
Below is the query for creating the table structure:
id bigint NOT NULL,
userid character varying(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
password character varying(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
firstname text NOT NULL,
middlename text NOT NULL,
lastname text NOT NULL,
email character varying(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
gender enum('Male','Female') NOT NULL,
dob date NOT NULL,
mobile character varying(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
telephone character varying(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
city character varying(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
address text NOT NULL,
shippingaddress text NOT NULL,
PIN character varying(255) NOT NULL,
shipping_PIN character varying(255) NOT NULL,
area character varying(255) NOT NULL,
shipping_area character varying(255) NOT NULL,
previouscart text NOT NULL,
updatedon timestamp(0) NOT NULL,
is_deleted enum('0','1') NOT NULL
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
ENUM is a user-defined datatype. You can use CREATE TYPE syntax to create your enum and then use it in the schema to create table.
CREATE TYPE your_enum2 AS ENUM('0','1');
CREATE TYPE your_enum1 AS ENUM('male','female');
Followed by the CREATE TABLE statement,
id bigint NOT NULL,
userid character varying(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
password character varying(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
firstname text NOT NULL,
middlename text NOT NULL,
lastname text NOT NULL,
email character varying(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
gender your_enum1 NOT NULL,
dob date NOT NULL,
mobile character varying(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
telephone character varying(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
city character varying(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
address text NOT NULL,
shippingaddress text NOT NULL,
PIN character varying(255) NOT NULL,
shipping_PIN character varying(255) NOT NULL,
area character varying(255) NOT NULL,
shipping_area character varying(255) NOT NULL,
previouscart text NOT NULL,
updatedon timestamp(0) NOT NULL,
is_deleted your_enum2 NOT NULL
Refer postgresql docs for more information on enum creation and usage.
You don't need an enum for this (and I personally think one never needs an enum - but that's off topic).
You should either implement this as a check constraint:
id bigint NOT NULL,
userid varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
password varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
firstname text NOT NULL,
middlename text NOT NULL,
lastname text NOT NULL,
email varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
gender text NOT NULL,
dob date NOT NULL,
mobile varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
telephone varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
city varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
address text NOT NULL,
shippingaddress text NOT NULL,
pin varchar(255) NOT NULL,
shipping_pin varchar(255) NOT NULL,
area varchar(255) NOT NULL,
shipping_area varchar(255) NOT NULL,
previouscart text NOT NULL,
updatedon timestamp(0) NOT NULL,
is_deleted integer NOT NULL,
constraint check_gender check (gender in ('Male', 'Female')),
constraint check_deleted flag check (is_deleted in (0,1))
However, for is_delete should better be a proper boolean column - then you also don't need a check constraint for that column.
Postgres - like many other DBMS - is case sensitive when comparing strings. So with the above constraint you won't be able to store 'male' into the gender column.
Unrelated but: if you were assuming that varchar(255) has some magic performance benefits compared to e.g. varchar(300) then you are wrong. The maximum length of a varchar column does not influence the performance or the space requirements when storing the values.
I want to create a table in a PostgreSQL database to store user data (Account info, contact info, geographical info). I have typed out the following SQL and I am wondering is it acceptable for PostgreSQL (in terms of best practices, data types, and lengths)?
username VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
password VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL,
email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
active VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
resetComplete VARCHAR(3) DEFAULT 'No',
firstName VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
middleName VARCHAR(20),
lastName VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
primaryPhone VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
primaryPhoneExt VARCHAR(10),
altPhone VARCHAR(50),
altPhoneExt VARCHAR(10),
fax VARCHAR(50),
legalAddress1 VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
legalAddress2 VARCHAR(25),
legalCity VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
legalState VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
legalZip VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,
legalCountry VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
mailAddress1 VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
mailAddress2 VARCHAR(25),
mailCity VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
mailState VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
mailCountry VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL
The PostgreSQL side of the table looks ok. You could consider changing the varchar(x) types to text (check out this answer). The PRIMARY KEY can be introduced as userID SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, ... although this has no effect on the table structure.
Best practises cannot be commented on more without knowing your full table structure but those considerations are mostly not PostgreSQL specific anyway.