Reading a text file in scala, one line after the other, not iterated - scala

I'm trying to open a text file with Scala, read the first line, then the second, then the third.
All samples I've found online want to read/buffer the entire file into a list or array and then access the individual lines from that construct.
This code doesn't work as described above(of course).
It reads the entire file into "first" since "file" is a BufferedStream and getLines fetches all lines, as it should.
object ScalaDemo {
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
val file = io.Source.fromFile("TextFile.txt");
// -----------------------------------------------
// read text from file, line by line, no iterator
// -----------------------------------------------
val first = file.getLines().mkString;
val second = file.getLines().mkString;
val third = file.getLines().mkString;
// Close the file
What idiom/function can I use to read one line at a time... without using a list/array as an intermediate step.

As stated in comments, .mkString will fetch all the elements that the iterator would return and concatenate them in a single string.
The option of #Régis Jean-Gilles is probably the best if you already know that you always have at least three lines in the file.
Another option is to call getLines() followed by grouped(3) to get an iterator that groups elements into blocks of 3. A call to next() will give you a list with at most three elements (it can have less if the iterator has only two elements left to return for example).
val ite = io.Source.fromFile("textfile.txt").getLines().grouped(3)
//list with the first three elements, if any -
//otherwise an empty list if the file is empty
val list = if(ite.hasNext()) else Nil
At least it does ensure that you won't have a NoSuchElementException at runtime if there is less than 3 lines in the file.

I believe you should also properly close the file after reading to release the resources. Below is the code you are looking for :
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
var itr = Source.fromFile("input.txt")
var buffer = itr.getLines()
var line1 =
var line2 =
var line3 =
var line4 =
println("line1 "+line1+" \nline2 "+line2+" \nline3 "+line3+" \nline4 "+line4)


Chunk file into multiple streams in scala

I have a use case in my program where I need to take a file, split them equally N times and upload them remotely.
I'd like a function that takes, say a File and output a list of BufferedReader. To which I can just distribute them and send them to another function which uses some API to store them.
I've seen examples where authors utilize the .lines() method of a BufferedReader:
def splitFile: List[Stream] = {
val temp = "Test mocked file contents\nTest"
val is = new ByteArrayInputStream(lolz.getBytes)
val br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is))
// Chunk the file into two sort-of equal parts.
// Stream 1
val test = br.lines().skip(1).limit(1)
// Stream 2
val test2 = br.lines().skip(2).limit(1)
List(test, test2)
I suppose that the above example works, it's not beautiful but it works.
My questions:
Is there a way to split a BufferedReader into multiple list of streams?
I don't control the format of the File, so the file contents could potentially be a single line long. Wouldn't that just mean that .lines() just load all that into a Stream of one element?
It will be much easier to read the file once, and then split it up. You're not really losing anything either, since the file read is a serial operation anyway. From there, just devise a scheme to slice up the list. In this case, I group everything based on its index modulo the number of desired output lists, then pull out the lists. If there are fewer lines than you ask for, it will just place each line in a separate List.
val lines: List[String] = br.lines
val outputListQuantity: Int = 2
val data: List[List[String]] = lines.zipWithIndex.groupBy(_._2 % outputListQuantity}.
Well, if you don't mind reading the whole stream into memory, it's easy enough (assuming, that file contains text - since you are talking about Readers, but it would be the same idea with binary):
.map { chunk => new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(chunk)) }
But that seems to sorta defeat the purpose: if the file is small enough to be loaded into memory entirely, why bother splitting it to begin with?
So, a more practical solution is a little bit more involved:
def splitFile(
input: InputStream,
chunkSize: Int
): Iterator[InputStream] = new AbstractIterator[InputStream] {
var hasNext = true
def next = {
val buffer = new Array[Byte](chunkSize)
val bytes =
hasNext = bytes == chunkSize
new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer, 0, bytes max 0)

Spark: Transforming JSON files to correct format

I've 100+ million records stored in files with the following JSON structure (real data has way more columns, rows and is also nested)
The function is unable to parse this since the records aren't on multiple lines but on one big line. The solution below solves this problem, but is a big performance killer. What would be the best way, performance wise, to handle this issue in Apache Spark?
val rdd = sc.wholeTextFiles("s3://some-bucket/**/*")
val validJSON = rdd.flatMap(_._2.replace("}{", "}\n{").split("\n"))
val df =
This is a riff on Antot's answer, which should handle nested JSON
.foldLeft((false, Vector.empty[Char], Vector.empty[String])) {
case ((true, charAccum, strAccum), '{') => (false, Vector('{'), strAccum :+ charAccum.mkString);
case ((_, charAccum, strAccum), '}') => (true, charAccum :+ '}', strAccum);
case ((_, charAccum, strAccum), char) => (false, charAccum :+ char, strAccum)
Basically what it does is split the data into a Vector[Char], and uses foldLeft to aggregate the input into substrings. The trick is to keep track of just enough information about the previous character to figure out if a { marks the start of a new object.
I used this input to test it (basically the OP's sample input, with a nested object thrown in):
val input = """{"id":"2-2-3","key":{ "test": "value"}}{"id":"2-2-3","key":"value"}{"id":"2-2-3","key":"value"}{"id":"2-2-3","key":"value"}{"id":"2-2-3","key":"value"}"""
And got this result, which looks good:
Vector({"id":"2-2-3","key":{ "test": "value"}},
The problem with the original approach is the call _._2.replace("}{", "}\n{", which creates another huge string from the input one, with new line chars inserted, which is then split once again into an array.
An improvement is possible by minimizing the creation of intermediate strings and retrieving the target ones as soon as possible. For this, we can play a bit with substrings:
val validJson = rdd.flatMap(rawJson => {
// functions extracted to make it more readable.
def nextObjectStartIndex(fromIndex: Int):Int = rawJson._2.indexOf('{', fromIndex)
def currObjectEndIndex(fromIndex: Int): Int = rawJson._2.indexOf('}', fromIndex)
def extractObject(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): String = rawJson._2.substring(fromIndex, toIndex + 1)
// the resulting strings are put in a local buffer
val buffer = new ListBuffer[String]()
// init the scanning of the input string
var posStartNextObject = nextObjectStartIndex(0)
// main loop terminates when there are no more '{' chars
while (posStartNextObject != -1) {
val posEndObject = currObjectEndIndex(posStartNextObject)
val extractedObject = extractObject(posStartNextObject, posEndObject)
posStartNextObject = nextObjectStartIndex(posEndObject)
buffer += extractedObject
Please note that this approach would work only if the objects in the input JSON are not nested, supposing that all curly braces separate objects of same level.

How to add line number into each line?

suppose these are my data:
‘Maps‘ and ‘Reduces‘ are two phases of solving a query in HDFS.
‘Map’ is responsible to read data from input location.
it will generate a key value pair.
that is, an intermediate output in local machine.
’Reducer’ is responsible to process the intermediate.
output received from the mapper and generate the final output.
and i want to add a number to every line like below output:
1,‘Maps‘ and ‘Reduces‘ are two phases of solving a query in HDFS.
2,‘Map’ is responsible to read data from input location.
3,it will generate a key value pair.
4,that is, an intermediate output in local machine.
5,’Reducer’ is responsible to process the intermediate.
6,output received from the mapper and generate the final output.
save them to file.
i've tried:
object DS_E5 {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
var i=0
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("prep").setMaster("local")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val sample1 = sc.textFile("data.txt")
but its output is like blew :
Vector((1,‘Maps‘ and ‘Reduces‘ are two phases of solving a query in HDFS.))
How can i edit my code to generate an output like my favorite output?
zipWithIndex is what you need here. It maps from RDD[T] to RDD[(T, Long)] by adding an index on the second position of the pair.
.map { case (line, i) => i.toString + ", " + line }
or using string interpolation (see a comment by #DanielC.Sobral)
.map { case (line, i) => s"$i, $line" }
By calling val sample1 = sc.textFile("data.txt") you are creating a new RDD.
If you need just an output, you can try to use next code:
sample1.zipWithIndex().foreach(f => println(f._2 + ", " + f._1))
Basically, by using this code, you will do this:
Using .zipWithIndex() will return new RDD[(T, Long)], where (T, Long) is a Tuple, T is a previous RDD elements datatype (java.lang.String, I believe) and Long is an index of element in RDD.
You performed transformation, now you need to make an action. foreach, in this case, suits very well. What is basically does: it applies your statement to every element in current RDD, so we just call quickly formatted println.

How to read input from a file and convert data lines of the file to List[Map[Int,String]] using scala?

My Query is, read input from a file and convert data lines of the file to List[Map[Int,String]] using scala. Here I give a dataset as the input. My code is,
def id3(attrs: Attributes,
examples: List[Example],
label: Symbol
) : Node = {
level = level+1
// if all the examples have the same label, return a new node with that label
if(examples.forall( x => x(label) == examples(0)(label))){
new Leaf(examples(0)(label))
} else {
for(a <- attrs.keySet-label){ //except label, take all attrs
("Information gain for %s is %f".format(a,
// find the best splitting attribute - this is an argmax on a function over the list
var bestAttr:Symbol = argmax(attrs.keySet-label, (x:Symbol) =>
// now we produce a new branch, which splits on that node, and recurse down the nodes.
var branch = new Branch(bestAttr)
for(v <- attrs(bestAttr)){
val subset = examples.filter(x=> x(bestAttr)==v)
if(subset.size == 0){
// println(levstr+"Tiny subset!")
// zero subset, we replace with a leaf labelled with the most common label in
// the examples
val m =
val mostCommonLabel = => (x,m.count(_==x))).maxBy(_._2)._1
branch.add(v,new Leaf(mostCommonLabel))
else {
// println(levstr+"Branch on %s=%s!".format(bestAttr,v))
level = level-1
object samplet {
def main(args: Array[String]){
var attrs: sample.Attributes = Map()
attrs += ('0 -> Set('abc,'nbv,'zxc))
attrs += ('1 -> Set('def,'ftr,'tyh))
attrs += ('2 -> Set('ghi,'azxc))
attrs += ('3 -> Set('jkl,'fds))
attrs += ('4 -> Set('mno,'nbh))
val examples: List[sample.Example] = List(
'0 -> 'abc,
'1 -> 'def,
'2 -> 'ghi,
'3 'jkl,
'4 -> 'mno
// obviously we can't use the label as an attribute, that would be silly!
val label = 'play
But How I change this code to - accepting input from a .csv file?
I suggest you use Java's io / nio standard library to read your CSV file. I think there is no relevant drawback in doing so.
But the first question we need to answer is where to read the file in the code? The parsed input seems to replace the value of examples. This fact also hints us what type the parsed CSV input must have, namely List[Map[Symbol, Symbol]]. So let us declare a new class
class InputFromCsvLoader(charset: Charset = Charset.defaultCharset()) {
def getInput(file: Path): List[Map[Symbol, Symbol]] = ???
Note that the Charset is only needed if we must distinguish between differently encoded CSV-files.
Okay, so how do we implement the method? It should do the following:
Create an appropriate input reader
Read all lines
Split each line at the comma-separator
Transform each substring into the symbol it represents
Build a map from from the list of symbols, using the attributes as key
Create and return the list of maps
Or expressed in code:
class InputFromCsvLoader(charset: Charset = Charset.defaultCharset()) {
val Attributes = List('outlook, 'temperature, 'humidity, 'wind, 'play)
val Separator = ","
/** Get the desired input from the CSV file. Does not perform any checks, i.e., there are no guarantees on what happens if the input is malformed. */
def getInput(file: Path): List[Map[Symbol, Symbol]] = {
val reader = Files.newBufferedReader(file, charset)
/* Read the whole file and discard the first line */
/** Reads all lines in the CSV file using [[]] There are many ways to do this and this is probably not the prettiest. */
private def inputWithHeader(reader: BufferedReader): List[Map[Symbol, Symbol]] = {
(JavaConversions.asScalaIterator(reader.lines().iterator()) foldLeft Nil.asInstanceOf[List[Map[Symbol, Symbol]]]){
(accumulator, nextLine) =>
parseLine(nextLine) :: accumulator
/** Parse an entry. Does not verify the input: If there are less attributes than columns or vice versa, zip creates a list of the size of the shorter list */
private def parseLine(line: String): Map[Symbol, Symbol] = (Attributes zip (line split Separator map parseSymbol)).toMap
/** Create a symbol from a String... we could also check whether the string represents a valid symbol */
private def parseSymbol(symbolAsString: String): Symbol = Symbol(symbolAsString)
Caveat: Expecting only valid input, we are certain that the individual symbol representations do not contain the comma-separation character. If this cannot be assumed, then the code as is would fail to split certain valid input strings.
To use this new code, we could change the main-method as follows:
def main(args: Array[String]){
val csvInputFile: Option[Path] = args.headOption map (p => Paths get p)
val examples = (csvInputFile map new InputFromCsvLoader().getInput).getOrElse(exampleInput)
// ... your code
Here, examples uses the value exampleInput, which is the current, hardcoded value of examples if no input argument is specified.
Important: In the code, all error handling has been omitted for convenience. In most cases, errors can occur when reading from files and user input must be considered invalid, so sadly, error handling at the boundaries of your program is usally not optional.
Try not to use null in your code. Returning Option[T] is a better option than returning null, because it makes "nullness" explicit and provides static safety thanks to the type-system.
The return-keyword is not required in Scala, as the last value of a method is always returned. You can still use the keyword if you find the code more readable or if you want to break in the middle of your method (which is usually a bad idea).
Prefer val over var, because immutable values are much easier to understand than mutable values.
The code will fail with the provided CSV string, because it contains the symbols TRUE and FALSE which are not legal according to your programs logic (they should be true and false instead).
Add all information to your error-messages. Your error message only tells me what that a value for the attribute 'wind is bad, but it does not tell me what the actual value is.
Read a csv file ,
val datalines = Source.fromFile(filepath).getLines()
So this datalines contains all the lines from the csv file.
Next, convert each line into a Map[Int,String]
val datamap ={ line =>
line.split(","){ case (word, idx) => idx -> word}.toMap
Here, we split each line with ",". Then construct a map with key as column number and value as each word after the split.
Next, If we want List[Map[Int,String]],
val datamap ={ line =>
line.split(","){ case (word, idx) => idx -> word}.toMap

Modifying a large file in Scala

I am trying to modify a large PostScript file in Scala (some are as large as 1GB in size). The file is a group of batches, with each batch containing a code that represents the batch number, number of pages, etc.
I need to:
Search the file for the batch codes (which always start with the same line in the file)
Count the number of pages until the next batch code
Modify the batch code to include how many pages are in each batch.
Save the new file in a different location.
My current solution uses two iterators (iterA and iterB), created from Source.fromFile("").getLines. The first iterator (iterA) traverses in a while loop to the beginning of a batch code (with being called each time as well). iterB then continues searching until the next batch code (or the end of the file), counting the number of pages it passes as it goes. Then, it updates the batch code at iterA's position, an the process repeats.
This seems very non-Scala-like and I still haven't designed a good way to save these changes into a new file.
What is a good approach to this problem? Should I ditch iterators entirely? I'd preferably like to do it without having to have the entire input or output into memory at once.
You could probably implement this with Scala's Stream class. I am assuming that you don't mind
holding one "batch" in memory at a time.
import scala.annotation.tailrec
def isBatchLine(line:String):Boolean = ...
def batchLine(size: Int):String = ...
val it = Source.fromFile("").getLines
// cannot use it.toStream here because of SI-4835
def inLines = Stream.continually(i).takeWhile(_.hasNext).map(
// Note: using `def` instead of `val` here means we don't hold
// the entire stream in memory
def batchedLinesFrom(stream: Stream[String]):Stream[String] = {
val (batch, remainder) = stream span { !isBatchLine(_) }
if (batch.isEmpty && remainder.isEmpty) {
} else {
batchLine(batch.size) #:: batch #::: batchedLinesFrom(remainder.drop(1))
def newLines = batchedLinesFrom(inLines dropWhile isBatchLine)
val ps = new""))
newLines foreach ps.println
If you not in pursuit of functional scala enlightenment, I'd recommend a more imperative style using java.util.Scanner#findWithinHorizon. My example is quite naive, iterating through the input twice.
val scanner = new Scanner(inFile)
val writer = new BufferedWriter(...)
def loop() = {
// you might want to limit the horizon to prevent OutOfMemoryError
Option(scanner.findWithinHorizon(".*YOUR-BATCH-MARKER", 0)) match {
case Some(batch) =>
val pageCount = countPages(batch)
writePageCount(writer, pageCount)
case None =>
May be you can use span and duplicate effectively. Assuming the iterator is positioned on the start of a batch, you take the span before the next batch, duplicate it so that you can count the pages, write the modified batch line, then write the pages using the duplicated iterator. Then process next batch recursively...
def batch(i: Iterator[String]) {
if (i.hasNext) {
assert( == "batch")
val (current, next) = i.span(_ != "batch")
val (forCounting, forWriting) = current.duplicate
val count = forCounting.filter(_ == "p").size
println("batch " + count)
Assuming the following input:
val src = Source.fromString("head\nbatch\np\np\nbatch\np\nbatch\np\np\np\n")
You position the iterator at the start of batch and then you process the batches:
val (head, next) = src.getLines.span(_ != "batch")
This prints:
batch 2
batch 1
batch 3