Is it possible to be able to drag an Image from the slider (vertical orientation) to a pre-specified drop zone.
I have added an OnDragStart event to the images and it fires. But seems something is stopping it from dropping.
I am working on a screen of a game, and I want this behaviour: when you swipe in any place of the screen (even over a button) you can scroll, but at the same time you can click in any button.
Now I have a big empty image occupying the whole screen that can capture the drag events, but since raycast is ON, click events are not passing down to the elements below in the hierarchy. So buttons are not working.
Which is the proper way of achieving this?
When I mouseover button it works fine. But when I clicked and enter inside the credits scene and came back the default width of the credits button changed and not reset to normal position.
It should return to normal position whenever if I clicked the button and enters into any scene and return to the current scene.
After having long conversation, this is the summary and solution.
Naveen was using Unity's default animation transitions for buttons.
As, he only needed highlighted transition, he only added that animation which scales the button. But, no animation was added for the normal state. As a result, when he was switching the canvas, the scale of the button was already increased and stayed there.
There can be multiple solutions, but here's mine.
Just add keyframes in normal state, which keeps the button in normal scale.
I need it because the image is small and it's difficult to touch it on the mobile device. So I need to have bigger area of interactable zone but the image should stay small.
I believe the most proper way to make such button is like this:
Create a new Button, remove default child Text.
Set Width and Height of Button as you need for hitzone size.
Add Vertical Layout Group component to the Button.
Set Padding of the Vertical Layout Group to desirable difference between hitzone and visuals.
Remove default Image component. Set alpha of default Image component to zero.
Put your Image as child of Button.
Fix tint: drag (or otherwise set) the child Image to Target Graphic field of Button.
You need to set it up so that the image is inside a button object. Like this:
This way you can have the Button as big as you want and the Image can be any size. If you don't need the Button background image just make the color transparent in the image componenent of the Button object.
A surprisingly better way (in terms of ease and performance) is to add a text child element, even if you already have one. Leave the text empty and resize it however you like. It doesn't add any alpha.
Unity now have Raycast Padding property on Image component, edit these padding values will allow you to have more interactable zone for your button image. Note that you use negative value to extend the click zone.
Image raycast padding
My question is simple:
1- For a Multitouch table interface, with html5 on a web browser (chrome, firefox, ...)
2- I am using Hammer.js
3- I added a container (div) that you can move, drag, expand (resize)
4- Inside this "div" I added an image slider (like royalslider)
The Problem is:
When rotate this "div", I want to slide this image slider, the browser only recognize left, right, up, down. ¿But what about diagonal gesture or another one?
---> Check this example image here <----
Please Help!
In the picture below, I have drawn on the element I am trying to figure out how to make. It is a cross between a UISlider and a UIProgressview. It has the style and look of a UIProgressview, but has a ...slider like a UISlider. How would I make one of these regularly? Nearly every music player has them... :|
Are you talking about the volume slider or the track progress?
If it is the volume slider, its just the normal UISlider.
And if you're talking about the track progress, then it is also a UISlider. The difference is that every time a second passes in the track, it updates the position of the slider relative to the position in the track. Then when the user slides the slider it updates the position of the track relative to the position of the slider
Hope this helps