How can i change the name of facebook page? [closed] - facebook

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I need to change the name of my facebook page.
Is it possible? Facebook doesn't allow to do this. But maybe someone had a successful experience?

There is no such a possibility

No, this is not possible as far as I know, at least not through an API. Refer to the help section at Facebook.


How can I get access to the Soundcloud API? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm trying to access the soundcloud api. I know you need to register an app and be approved to get a token. However it seems the link to do it is currently disabled. I'm wondering if there is alternative route I can try or email I can reach out to. Any insight on this is much appreciated!
As of the time of posting, you can't. On the right hand side of their API docs, "Register App" is crossed out and noted as Unavailable.
This is most likely due to the reason that they are cutting server load to reduce cost, as they run out of runway (VC funding).

Does Google update redirect URLs? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have shortened my URL on my e-commerce store to make them more SEO friendly however some of my original URL are in a good position on Google.
If I redirect my old URLs to my new URL will Google automatically update my old URLs to display my new URLs?
Yes, if you use permanent (301) redirects. That's pretty much the full answer.

What is my "App ID"? Where is it? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I signed up for Facebook APPS, now where is my app ID? Is it a number? Where do I find it? It's required for facebook moderation, and it asks for this app id, but it is nowhere to be found. Nowhere.
Go to List of apps should be on the left. The AppID/API Key should be right under the "Settings" header.

Facebook - Who can use my page tab app? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Quick one:
Is it only I as the app administrator who can add the app to a fan page OR can anyone who finds it use it on their fan page(s)?
Thanks in advance!
Only the page admins can add an app to a page
They can do this via the API or the 'Add page Tab' dialog

When iPhone Application Submitted Information Changes Reflects [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Fortunately our first application is in App Store now..
And in my itunesconnect account some of the fields are editable like screenshots, support url etc..
So, my question is if I update some of my screenshots or if I update the support url field when it will be reflects to itunes ?
Or it will directly reflects once I update my current application ?
Thanks in advance...
Yes, those will be reflected soon (from half-an-hour to a day).