moving pacman in swift - swift

i am brand new to swift and i am trying to program a pacman. i am trying to move the pacman to the direction of the swipe, so far i have managed to move it to the edges of the screen, the problem is that when i try to move it not from the edge of the screen but in the middle of the swipe action, it just goes to the edge of the screen and moves to the swipe direction, here is the code for one direction:
var x =
for var i = x; i > 17; i--
var origin: CGPoint =
var move = CABasicAnimation(keyPath:"position.x")
move.speed = 0.13
move.fromValue = NSValue(nonretainedObject:
move.toValue = NSValue(nonretainedObject: i)
view.layer.addAnimation(move, forKey: "position") = i
the thing is that i know the problem which is when i swipe to the direction that i want the for loop will not wait for the animation to stop but it will finish the loop in less than a second and i need sort of delay here or other code.

This was an interesting question, so I decided to make an example in SpriteKit. There isn't any collision detection, path finding or indeed even paths. It is merely an example of how to make 'Pac-Man' change direction when a swipe occurs.
I have included the GameScene below:
class GameScene: SKScene {
enum Direction {
case Left
case Right
case Up
case Down
lazy var openDirectionPaths = [Direction: UIBezierPath]()
lazy var closedDirectionPaths = [Direction: UIBezierPath]()
lazy var wasClosedPath = false
lazy var needsToUpdateDirection = false
lazy var direction = Direction.Right
lazy var lastChange: NSTimeInterval = NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970
var touchBeganPoint: CGPoint?
let pacmanSprite = SKShapeNode(circleOfRadius: 15)
override func didMoveToView(view: SKView) {
let radius: CGFloat = 15, diameter: CGFloat = 30, center = CGPoint(x:radius, y:radius)
func createPaths(startDegrees: CGFloat, endDegrees: CGFloat, inout dictionary dic: [Direction: UIBezierPath]) {
var path = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: center, radius: radius, startAngle: startDegrees.toRadians(), endAngle: endDegrees.toRadians(), clockwise: true)
dic[.Right] = path
for d: Direction in [.Up, .Left, .Down] {
path = path.pathByRotating(90)
dic[d] = path
createPaths(35, 315, dictionary: &openDirectionPaths)
createPaths(1, 359, dictionary: &closedDirectionPaths)
pacmanSprite.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame), CGRectGetMidY(self.frame))
pacmanSprite.fillColor = UIColor.yellowColor()
pacmanSprite.lineWidth = 2
if let path = openDirectionPaths[.Right] {
pacmanSprite.path = path.CGPath
pacmanSprite.strokeColor = UIColor.blackColor()
// Blocks to stop 'Pacman' changing direction outside of a defined path?
//375/25 = 15 width
//666/37 = 18 height
override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<NSObject>, withEvent event: UIEvent) {
touchBeganPoint = positionOfTouch(inTouches: touches)
override func touchesEnded(touches: Set<NSObject>, withEvent event: UIEvent) {
if let touchStartPoint = touchBeganPoint,
touchEndPoint = positionOfTouch(inTouches: touches) {
if touchStartPoint == touchEndPoint {
let degrees = atan2(touchStartPoint.x - touchEndPoint.x,
touchStartPoint.y - touchEndPoint.y).toDegrees()
var oldDirection = direction
switch Int(degrees) {
case -135...(-45): direction = .Right
case -45...45: direction = .Down
case 45...135: direction = .Left
default: direction = .Up
if (oldDirection != direction) {
needsToUpdateDirection = true
override func touchesCancelled(touches: Set<NSObject>!, withEvent event: UIEvent!) {
touchBeganPoint = nil
override func update(currentTime: CFTimeInterval) {
/* Called before each frame is rendered */
if let nodes = self.children as? [SKShapeNode] {
for node in nodes {
let p = node.position
let s = node.frame.size
//let s = node.size
if p.x - s.width > self.size.width {
node.position.x = -s.width
if p.y - s.height > self.size.height {
node.position.y = -s.height
if p.x < -s.width {
node.position.x = self.size.width + (s.width / 2)
if p.y < -s.height {
node.position.y = self.size.height + (s.height / 2)
if needsToUpdateDirection || NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970 - lastChange > 0.25 {
if let path = wasClosedPath ? openDirectionPaths[direction]?.CGPath : closedDirectionPaths[direction]?.CGPath {
node.path = path
wasClosedPath = !wasClosedPath
lastChange = NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970
// MARK:- Helpers
func positionOfTouch(inTouches touches: Set<NSObject>) -> CGPoint? {
for touch in (touches as! Set<UITouch>) {
let location = touch.locationInNode(self)
return location
return nil
func updateDirection() {
if !needsToUpdateDirection {
func actionForDirection() -> SKAction {
let Delta: CGFloat = 25
switch (direction) {
case .Up:
return SKAction.moveByX(0.0, y: Delta, duration: 0.1)
case .Down:
return SKAction.moveByX(0.0, y: -Delta, duration: 0.1)
case .Right:
return SKAction.moveByX(Delta, y: 0.0, duration: 0.1)
return SKAction.moveByX(-Delta, y: 0.0, duration: 0.1)
let action = SKAction.repeatActionForever(actionForDirection())
pacmanSprite.runAction(action, withKey: "Move")
needsToUpdateDirection = false
The repository can be found here
I have added the MIT license, so you can fork this repository if you wish. I hope this helps.


SKAction not running when button is held

I am working/practicing with SpriteKit and making a directional pad for controls. It works to move the character, except for the SKAction. I have the actions in the Actions.sks file that based off what button is pressed determines the action that is called. When I press the button the character moves fine, but when I hold it the character glides and the walking animation is stuck on the first frame until I release. What I am trying to do is have the character move if the button is pressed, and continue moving(with walking animation) when the button is held. I am trying to make it look like the gameboy era games.
class GameScene: SKScene {
var player = SKSpriteNode()
var playerSpeed: CGFloat = 0
var previousTimeInterval:TimeInterval = 0
let buttonNorth = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Directional_Button")
let buttonSouth = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Directional_Button")
let buttonEast = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Directional_Button2")
let buttonWest = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Directional_Button2")
var moveAtEndOfRelease:Bool = true
var isPressing = false
var currentState = MoveStates.n
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
self.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)
// Make sure you can get teh player from the scene file
if let somePlayer = self.childNode(withName: "player") as? SKSpriteNode {
player = somePlayer
// Set physics
player.physicsBody?.isDynamic = false
} else {
print("No player")
let widthHalf:CGFloat = self.view!.bounds.width / 2
let heightHalf:CGFloat = self.view!.bounds.height / 2
buttonNorth.position = CGPoint(x: -widthHalf + 80, y: -heightHalf + 100)
buttonSouth.position = CGPoint(x: -widthHalf + 80, y: -heightHalf + 40)
buttonSouth.yScale = -1
buttonWest.position = CGPoint( x: -widthHalf + 30, y: -heightHalf + 70)
buttonEast.position = CGPoint( x: -widthHalf + 130, y: -heightHalf + 70)
buttonNorth.xScale = 0.4
buttonNorth.yScale = 0.4
buttonSouth.xScale = 0.4
buttonSouth.yScale = 0.4
buttonSouth.zRotation = CGFloat(Double.pi)
buttonEast.xScale = 0.4
buttonEast.yScale = 0.4
buttonEast.zRotation = CGFloat(Double.pi)
buttonWest.xScale = 0.4
buttonWest.yScale = 0.4
override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {
//player.position = CGPoint(x: player.position.x + playerSpeedx, y: player.position.y + playerSpeedy)
if (isPressing) {
func move(facing: Facing, x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat) {
let walkAnimation = SKAction(named: "walk\(facing)")!
let moveAction = SKAction.moveBy(x: x, y: y, duration: 1)
let group =[walkAnimation, moveAction])
// Run the actions
func moveSide(facing: Facing, x: CGFloat) {
let walkAnimation = SKAction(named: "walk\(facing)")!
let moveAction = SKAction.moveBy(x: x, y: 0, duration: 1)
let group =[walkAnimation, moveAction])
// Run the actions
func moveUpDown(facing: Facing, y: CGFloat) {
let walkAnimation = SKAction(named: "walk\(facing)")!
let moveAction = SKAction.moveBy(x: 0, y: y, duration: 1)
let group =[walkAnimation, moveAction])
// Run the actions
func moveOnRelease() {
switch (currentState) {
case .n:
moveUpDown(facing: .Back, y: 1)
case .s:
moveUpDown(facing: .Front, y: -1)
case .e:
moveSide(facing: .Right, x: 1)
case .w:
moveSide(facing: .Left, x: -1)
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch in (touches ) {
let location = touch.location(in: self)
if (buttonNorth.frame.contains(location)) {
currentState = MoveStates.n
buttonNorth.texture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "Directional_Button_Lit")
isPressing = true
} else if (buttonSouth.frame.contains(location)) {
currentState = MoveStates.s
buttonSouth.texture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "Directional_Button_Lit")
isPressing = true
} else if (buttonEast.frame.contains(location)) {
currentState = MoveStates.e
buttonEast.texture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "Directional_Button2_Lit")
isPressing = true
} else if (buttonWest.frame.contains(location)) {
currentState = MoveStates.w
buttonWest.texture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "Directional_Button2_Lit")
isPressing = true
override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
if (moveAtEndOfRelease == true) {
buttonNorth.texture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "Directional_Button")
buttonSouth.texture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "Directional_Button")
buttonEast.texture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "Directional_Button2")
buttonWest.texture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "Directional_Button2")
isPressing = false
The reason it is stuck on the first frame is because the action is being called on every update i believe. You could check to see if the animation is already running, if so do not run it again.
To do this, for each run action give it a name.
So could be, withKey: "moveside"). Then, you can check to see if the action is already running or not like this if (player.action(forKey: "moveside") == nil). Finally, add in code to remove all other actions (like current movement or animations).
Putting it altogether:
if (player.action(forKey: "moveside") == nil) {
player.removeAllActions(), withKey: "moveside")

How to fix: Calling a node by name (generated by func) won't work

I'm currently working on my first test game in which the player have to jump over some randomly generated bars.
I wrote a func which should generate the bars outside of my scene.
My problem at the moment is that when I'm trying to call the created bars with "self.childNode(withName:)" xCode is telling me "Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value".
I've already read the Apple Documentation for "childNode(withName:)" and added "//" before the name of the node. In addition I used the stackoverflow search but I can't find anything that solved my problem.
// GameScene.swift
// PlaxerJump
import SpriteKit
import AVFoundation
class GameScene: SKScene {
let bottom1 = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Bottom")
let bottom2 = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Bottom")
let player = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Player")
var velocity = CGFloat(0)
var onGround = true
var value = CGFloat(5)
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
// Hintergrund
self.backgroundColor = SKColor.lightGray
bottom1.anchorPoint =
bottom1.position =
bottom1.zPosition = 1
bottom2.anchorPoint =
bottom2.position = CGPoint(x: bottom1.size.width - 1, y: 0)
bottom2.zPosition = 1
// Spieler
player.position = CGPoint(x: player.size.width / 2 + 20, y: bottom1.size.height + player.size.height / 2)
player.zPosition = 2
addBalken(xScale: 1.5, yScale: 1, name: "ba1", xPoint: 0)
func addBalken(xScale: CGFloat, yScale: CGFloat, name: String, xPoint: CGFloat) {
let balken = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Balken")
balken.anchorPoint =
balken.position = CGPoint(x: self.size.width + (2 * balken.size.width) + xPoint, y: bottom1.size.height - 16)
balken.zPosition = 1
balken.xScale = xScale
balken.yScale = yScale = name
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
if onGround == true {
velocity = -16
onGround = false"Jump.wav", waitForCompletion: false))
override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {
player.zRotation -= CGFloat(Double.pi * 5) / 180
velocity += 0.6
player.position.y -= velocity
if player.position.y <= bottom1.size.height {
player.position.y = bottom1.size.height
velocity = 0
onGround = true
bottom1.position.x -= 4
bottom2.position.x -= 4
if bottom1.position.x < -bottom1.size.width {
bottom1.position.x = bottom2.position.x + bottom2.size.width
} else if bottom2.position.x < -bottom2.size.width {
bottom2.position.x = bottom1.position.x + bottom1.size.width
let balke1 = self.childNode(withName: "//ba1") as! SKSpriteNode
balke1.position.x -= value
if balke1.position.x < self.size.width {
balke1.position.x = self.size.width + (2 * balke1.size.width)
value = CGFloat(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(value)))
I just want to call the node so I can use it to implement the bars in the game.
Change this line of code:
addBalken(xScale: 1.5, yScale: 1, name: "//ba1", xPoint: 0)
addBalken(xScale: 1.5, yScale: 1, name: "ba1", xPoint: 0)
The // only applies when searching for the node, so keep these characters in this line:
let balke1 = self.childNode(withName: "//ba1") as! SKSpriteNode
I think the root cause of your problem is that you forgot to call addChild in your addBalken function. Simply creating a node isn't enough. The node must also be added to the scene as well. So this is the final code:
func addBalken(xScale: CGFloat, yScale: CGFloat, name: String, xPoint: CGFloat) {
let balken = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Balken")
balken.anchorPoint =
balken.position = CGPoint(x: self.size.width + (2 * balken.size.width) + xPoint, y: bottom1.size.height - 16)
balken.zPosition = 1
balken.xScale = xScale
balken.yScale = yScale = name
//add the node to the scene

Bounce rays with enumerateBodies alongRayStart

I want to trace the path where a bullet will move in my SpriteKit GameScene.
I'm using "enumerateBodies(alongRayStart", I can easily calculate the first collision with a physics body.
I don't know how to calculate the angle of reflection, given the contact point and the contact normal.
I want to calculate the path, over 5 reflections/bounces, so first I:
Cast a ray, get all the bodies it intersects with, and get the closest one.
I then use that contact point as the start of my next reflection/bounce....but I'm struggling with what the end point should be set to....
What I think I should be doing is getting the angle between the contact point and the contact normal, and then calculating a new point opposite to that...
var points: [CGPoint] = []
var start: CGPoint = renderComponent.node.position
var end: CGPoint = crossHairComponent.node.position
var closestNormal: CGVector = .zero
for i in 0...5 {
closestNormal = .zero
var closestLength: CGFloat? = nil
var closestContact: CGPoint!
// Get the closest contact point.
self.physicsWorld.enumerateBodies(alongRayStart: start, end: end) { (physicsBody, contactPoint, contactNormal, stop) in
let len = start.distance(point: contactPoint)
if closestContact == nil {
closestNormal = contactNormal
closestLength = len
closestContact = contactPoint
} else {
if len <= closestLength! {
closestLength = len
closestNormal = contactNormal
closestContact = contactPoint
// This is where the code is just plain wrong and my math fails me.
if closestContact != nil {
// Calculate intersection angle...doesn't seem right?
let v1: CGVector = (end - start).normalized().toCGVector()
let v2: CGVector = closestNormal.normalized()
var angle = acos( * (180 / .pi)
let v1perp = CGVector(dx: -v1.dy, dy: v1.dx)
if( > 0) {
angle = 360.0 - angle
angle = angle.degreesToRadians
// Set the new start point
start = closestContact
// Calculate a new end point somewhere in the distance to cast a ray to, so we can repeat the process again
let x = closestContact.x + cos(angle)*100
let y = closestContact.y + sin(-angle)*100
end = CGPoint(x: x, y: y)
// Add points to array to draw them on the screen
I guess you are looking for something like this right?
1. Working code
First of all let me post the full working code. Just create a new Xcode project based SpriteKit and
In GameViewController.swift set
scene.scaleMode = .resizeFill
Remove the usual label you find in GameScene.sks
Replace Scene.swift with the following code
import SpriteKit
class GameScene: SKScene {
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
self.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(edgeLoopFrom: frame)
var angle: CGFloat = 0
override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {
drawRayCasting(angle: angle)
angle += 0.001
private func drawRayCasting(angle: CGFloat) {
let colors: [UIColor] = [.red, .green, .blue, .orange, .white]
var start: CGPoint = .zero
var direction: CGVector = CGVector(angle: angle)
for i in 0...4 {
guard let result = rayCast(start: start, direction: direction) else { return }
let vector = CGVector(from: start, to: result.destination)
// draw
drawVector(point: start, vector: vector, color: colors[i])
// prepare for next iteration
start = result.destination
direction = vector.normalized().bounced(withNormal: result.normal.normalized()).normalized()
private func rayCast(start: CGPoint, direction: CGVector) -> (destination:CGPoint, normal: CGVector)? {
let endVector = CGVector(
dx: start.x + direction.normalized().dx * 4000,
dy: start.y + direction.normalized().dy * 4000
let endPoint = CGPoint(x: endVector.dx, y: endVector.dy)
var closestPoint: CGPoint?
var normal: CGVector?
physicsWorld.enumerateBodies(alongRayStart: start, end: endPoint) {
stop:UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) in
guard start.distanceTo(point) > 1 else {
guard let newClosestPoint = closestPoint else {
closestPoint = point
normal = normalVector
guard start.distanceTo(point) < start.distanceTo(newClosestPoint) else {
normal = normalVector
guard let p = closestPoint, let n = normal else { return nil }
return (p, n)
private func drawVector(point: CGPoint, vector: CGVector, color: SKColor) {
let start = point
let destX = (start.x + vector.dx)
let destY = (start.y + vector.dy)
let to = CGPoint(x: destX, y: destY)
let path = CGMutablePath()
path.move(to: start)
path.addLine(to: to)
let line = SKShapeNode(path: path)
line.strokeColor = color
line.lineWidth = 6
extension CGVector {
init(angle: CGFloat) {
self.init(dx: cos(angle), dy: sin(angle))
func normalized() -> CGVector {
let len = length()
return len>0 ? self / len :
func length() -> CGFloat {
return sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
static func / (vector: CGVector, scalar: CGFloat) -> CGVector {
return CGVector(dx: vector.dx / scalar, dy: vector.dy / scalar)
func bounced(withNormal normal: CGVector) -> CGVector {
let dotProduct = self.normalized() * normal.normalized()
let dx = self.dx - 2 * (dotProduct) * normal.dx
let dy = self.dy - 2 * (dotProduct) * normal.dy
return CGVector(dx: dx, dy: dy)
init(from:CGPoint, to:CGPoint) {
self = CGVector(dx: to.x - from.x, dy: to.y - from.y)
static func * (left: CGVector, right: CGVector) -> CGFloat {
return (left.dx * right.dx) + (left.dy * right.dy)
extension CGPoint {
func length() -> CGFloat {
return sqrt(x*x + y*y)
func distanceTo(_ point: CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
return (self - point).length()
static func - (left: CGPoint, right: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
return CGPoint(x: left.x - right.x, y: left.y - right.y)
2. How does it work?
Lets have a look at what this code does. We'll start from the bottom.
3. CGPoint and CGVector extensions
These are just simple extensions (mainly taken from Ray Wenderlich's repository on GitHub) to simplify the geometrical operations we are going to perform.
4. drawVector(point:vector:color)
This is a simple method to draw a vector with a given color starting from a given point.
Nothing fancy here.
private func drawVector(point: CGPoint, vector: CGVector, color: SKColor) {
let start = point
let destX = (start.x + vector.dx)
let destY = (start.y + vector.dy)
let to = CGPoint(x: destX, y: destY)
let path = CGMutablePath()
path.move(to: start)
path.addLine(to: to)
let line = SKShapeNode(path: path)
line.strokeColor = color
line.lineWidth = 6
5. rayCast(start:direction) -> (destination:CGPoint, normal: CGVector)?
This method perform a raycasting and returns the ALMOST closest point where the ray enter in collision with a physics body.
private func rayCast(start: CGPoint, direction: CGVector) -> (destination:CGPoint, normal: CGVector)? {
let endVector = CGVector(
dx: start.x + direction.normalized().dx * 4000,
dy: start.y + direction.normalized().dy * 4000
let endPoint = CGPoint(x: endVector.dx, y: endVector.dy)
var closestPoint: CGPoint?
var normal: CGVector?
physicsWorld.enumerateBodies(alongRayStart: start, end: endPoint) {
stop:UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) in
guard start.distanceTo(point) > 1 else {
guard let newClosestPoint = closestPoint else {
closestPoint = point
normal = normalVector
guard start.distanceTo(point) < start.distanceTo(newClosestPoint) else {
normal = normalVector
guard let p = closestPoint, let n = normal else { return nil }
return (p, n)
What does it mean ALMOST the closets?
It means the the destination point must be at least 1 point distant from the start point
guard start.distanceTo(point) > 1 else {
Ok but why?
Because without this rule the ray gets stuck into a physics body and it is never able to get outside of it.
6. drawRayCasting(angle)
This method basically keeps the local variables up to date to properly generate 5 segments.
private func drawRayCasting(angle: CGFloat) {
let colors: [UIColor] = [.red, .green, .blue, .orange, .white]
var start: CGPoint = .zero
var direction: CGVector = CGVector(angle: angle)
for i in 0...4 {
guard let result = rayCast(start: start, direction: direction) else { return }
let vector = CGVector(from: start, to: result.destination)
// draw
drawVector(point: start, vector: vector, color: colors[i])
// prepare next direction
start = result.destination
direction = vector.normalized().bounced(withNormal: result.normal.normalized()).normalized()
The first segment has starting point equals to zero and a direction diving my the angle parameter.
Segments 2 to 5 use the final point and the "mirrored direction" of the previous segment.
update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval)
Here I am just calling drawRayCasting every frame passing the current angle value and the increasing angle by 0.001.
var angle: CGFloat = 0
override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {
drawRayCasting(angle: angle)
angle += 0.001
6. didMove(to view: SKView)
Finally here I create a physics body around the scene in order to make the ray bounce over the borders.
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
self.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(edgeLoopFrom: frame)
7. Wrap up
I hope the explanation is clear.
Should you have any doubt let me know.
There was a bug in the bounced function. It was preventing a proper calculation of the reflected ray.
It is now fixed.

My initial pipes are different from the following pipes

I'm making a game where the ball is suppose to go through some pipes, and when the player touches the pipes, the game stops. Kind of like flappy bird. The only problem I have is that the initial pipes blocks the entire screen, while the rest of the pipes are placed and randomized exactly as I want. How is this possible?
This is the ball class:
import SpriteKit
struct ColliderType {
static let Ball: UInt32 = 1
static let Pipes: UInt32 = 2
static let Score: UInt32 = 3
class Ball: SKSpriteNode {
func initialize() { = "Ball"
self.zPosition = 1
self.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)
self.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius: self.size.height /
self.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = false
self.physicsBody?.categoryBitMask = ColliderType.Ball
self.physicsBody?.collisionBitMask = ColliderType.Pipes
self.physicsBody?.contactTestBitMask = ColliderType.Pipes |
This is the Random Class:
import Foundation
import CoreGraphics
public extension CGFloat {
public static func randomBetweenNumbers(firstNum: CGFloat, secondNum:
CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
return CGFloat(arc4random()) / CGFloat(UINT32_MAX) * abs(firstNum -
secondNum) + firstNum
This is the GameplayScene:
import SpriteKit
class GameplayScene: SKScene {
var ball = Ball()
var pipesHolder = SKNode()
var touched: Bool = false
var location =
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {
if (touched) {
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event:
UIEvent?) {
touched = true
for touch in touches {
location = touch.location(in:self)
override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event:
UIEvent?) {
touched = false
override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event:
UIEvent?) {
for touch in touches {
location = touch.location(in: self)
func initialize() {
func createBall() {
ball = Ball(imageNamed: "Ball")
ball.position = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
func createBackgrounds() {
for i in 0...2 {
let bg = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "BG")
bg.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)
bg.zPosition = 0 = "BG"
bg.position = CGPoint(x: 0, y: CGFloat(i) * bg.size.height)
func moveBackgrounds() {
enumerateChildNodes(withName: "BG", using: ({
(node, error) in
node.position.y -= 15
if node.position.y < -(self.frame.height) {
node.position.y += self.frame.height * 3
func createPipes() {
pipesHolder = SKNode() = "Holder"
let pipeLeft = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Pipe")
let pipeRight = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Pipe") = "Pipe"
pipeLeft.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)
pipeLeft.position = CGPoint(x: 350, y: 0)
pipeLeft.xScale = 1.5
pipeLeft.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOf: pipeLeft.size)
pipeLeft.physicsBody?.categoryBitMask = ColliderType.Pipes
pipeLeft.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = false
pipeLeft.physicsBody?.isDynamic = false = "Pipe"
pipeRight.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)
pipeRight.position = CGPoint(x: -350, y: 0)
pipeRight.xScale = 1.5
pipeRight.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOf: pipeRight.size)
pipeRight.physicsBody?.categoryBitMask = ColliderType.Pipes
pipeRight.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = false
pipeRight.physicsBody?.isDynamic = false
pipesHolder.zPosition = 5
pipesHolder.position.y = self.frame.height + 100
pipesHolder.position.x = CGFloat.randomBetweenNumbers(firstNum:
-250, secondNum: 250)
let destination = self.frame.height * 3
let move = SKAction.moveTo(y: -destination, duration:
let remove = SKAction.removeFromParent()[move, remove]), withKey: "Move")
func spawnObstacles() {
let spawn ={ () -> Void in
let delay = SKAction.wait(forDuration: TimeInterval(1.5))
let sequence = SKAction.sequence([spawn, delay]), withKey: "Spawn")
func moveNodeToLocation() {
// Compute vector components in direction of the touch
var dx = location.x - ball.position.x
// How fast to move the node. Adjust this as needed
let speed:CGFloat = 0.1
// Scale vector
dx = dx * speed
ball.position = CGPoint(x:ball.position.x+dx, y: 0)

My nodes are not colliding, am I missing something in my code?

I followed many different tutorials on collision and created my own game where i want to declare a collision between a coin and a player. However, after implementing the collision code my two nodes are not responding to the collision...can someone help me out please?
import SpriteKit
import GameplayKit
// Collision categories
enum ColliderType: UInt32 {
case playerCase = 1
case coinCase = 2
case borderCase = 3
class GameScene: SKScene, SKPhysicsContactDelegate {
let player = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed:"block")
let buttonDirLeft = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "left")
let buttonDirRight = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "right")
let coins = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "coins")
let background = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "background")
var pressedButtons = [SKSpriteNode]()
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
self.physicsWorld.contactDelegate = self
//score label
let points = SKLabelNode(text: "0")
points.position = CGPoint(x: 530, y: 260)
points.zPosition = 6
points.fontColor =
points.fontSize = 50
//Set Background
background.zPosition = 1
background.position = CGPoint(x: frame.size.width / 2, y: frame.size.height / 2)
background.size.width = 580
background.size.height = 320
// Player
player.position = CGPoint(x: 250, y: 40)
player.zPosition = 2
player.texture?.filteringMode = .nearest
// player!.collisionBitMask = 0 //
player.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius: player.size.height / 2.0)
player.physicsBody?.isDynamic = false
player.physicsBody?.allowsRotation = false
player.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = false
player.physicsBody!.categoryBitMask = ColliderType.playerCase.rawValue
player.physicsBody!.contactTestBitMask = ColliderType.coinCase.rawValue
player.physicsBody!.collisionBitMask = ColliderType.coinCase.rawValue
// button left
buttonDirLeft.position = CGPoint(x: 30, y: 35)
buttonDirLeft.zPosition = 4
buttonDirLeft.size.width = 270
buttonDirLeft.size.height = 320
buttonDirLeft.alpha = 0.0
// button right
buttonDirRight.position = CGPoint(x: 530, y: 35)
buttonDirRight.zPosition = 4
buttonDirRight.size.width = 270
buttonDirRight.size.height = 320
buttonDirRight.alpha = 0.0
// setting border around game
let borderBody = SKPhysicsBody(edgeLoopFrom: self.frame)
borderBody.friction = 0
self.physicsBody = borderBody
//repeat coing spawning
SKAction.wait(forDuration: 1.0)])))
//coin settings
func random() -> CGFloat {
return CGFloat(Float(arc4random()) / 0xFFFFFFFF)
func random(min: CGFloat, max: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
return random() * (max - min) + min
//spawn coins
func spawnCoins() {
// 2
let coins = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "coins")
coins.zPosition = 2
coins.size.width = 40
coins.size.height = 40
let action = SKAction.moveTo(y: -350, duration: TimeInterval(random(min: 1, max: 5)))
let remove ={coins.removeFromParent(); print("coins removed from scene")})
let sequence = SKAction.sequence([action,remove])
coins.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOf: coins.size )
coins.physicsBody?.isDynamic = false
coins.physicsBody!.affectedByGravity = false
coins.physicsBody!.categoryBitMask = ColliderType.coinCase.rawValue
coins.physicsBody!.contactTestBitMask = ColliderType.playerCase.rawValue
coins.physicsBody!.collisionBitMask = ColliderType.playerCase.rawValue
coins.size.width = 20
coins.size.height = 20 = "coins"
// coins.physicsBody!.collisionBitMask = 0
coins.position = CGPoint(x: frame.size.width * random(min: 0, max: 1), y: frame.size.height + coins.size.height/2)
override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {
// Called before each frame is rendered
/* Called before each frame is rendered */
if pressedButtons.index(of: buttonDirLeft) != nil {
player.position.x -= 3.0
if pressedButtons.index(of: buttonDirRight) != nil {
player.position.x += 3.0
// Update entities
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch: AnyObject in touches {
let location = touch.location(in: self)
let previousLocation = touch.previousLocation(in: self)
for button in [buttonDirLeft, buttonDirRight] {
// I check if they are already registered in the list
if button.contains(location) && pressedButtons.index(of: button) == nil {
override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch: AnyObject in touches {
let location = touch.location(in: self)
let previousLocation = touch.previousLocation(in: self)
for button in [buttonDirLeft, buttonDirRight] {
// if I get off the button where my finger was before
if button.contains(previousLocation)
&& !button.contains(location) {
// I remove it from the list
let index = pressedButtons.index(of: button)
if index != nil {
pressedButtons.remove(at: index!)
// if I get on the button where I wasn't previously
else if !button.contains(previousLocation)
&& button.contains(location)
&& pressedButtons.index(of: button) == nil {
// I add it to the list
override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch: AnyObject in touches {
let location = touch.location(in: self)
let previousLocation = touch.previousLocation(in: self)
for button in [buttonDirLeft, buttonDirRight] {
if button.contains(location) {
let index = pressedButtons.index(of: button)
if index != nil {
pressedButtons.remove(at: index!)
else if (button.contains(previousLocation)) {
let index = pressedButtons.index(of: button)
if index != nil {
pressedButtons.remove(at: index!)
override func touchesCancelled(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch: AnyObject in touches {
let location = touch.location(in: self)
let previousLocation = touch.previousLocation(in: self)
for button in [buttonDirLeft, buttonDirRight] {
if button.contains(location) {
let index = pressedButtons.index(of: button)
if index != nil {
pressedButtons.remove(at: index!)
else if (button.contains(previousLocation)) {
let index = pressedButtons.index(of: button)
if index != nil {
pressedButtons.remove(at: index!)
func didBeginContact(contact: SKPhysicsContact){
Contact will happen only if at least one body is dynamic. So either set your player or coin to be dynamic and if everything else is set correctly (if categories are set properly and didBeginContact method implementation is correct) your bodies will now collide / make contacts. If you are interested only in contacts, set collision bit mask to 0.