How can I deploy an upgrade of my product which contains a file with version lower than the already deployed file? - deployment

I have a msi component which deploys a file MyFile.dll. I have a test machine in which my product already deployed MyFile.dll, which has version
Now I'm writing a major upgrade which will deploy a new version of MyFile.dll with version After execution on the test machine, MyFilee.dll is removed... I need to change or repair to correctly deploy it.
How can I force the deployment of MyFile.dll regardless of its injected version number?
PS: This is happening on our test machines only. The product we delivered to our users has files with version numbers consistent with release history.

There are several ways in Windows Installer to do this but they all have their complications. IMO I would just rebuild the same source code as the old DLL but with a newer higher version and keep it simple.

This is perfectly possible. As said here, you may specify the REINSTALLMODE property and set it to "amus" or "dmus" depending on whether you want to always overwrite files or simply overwrite files with different version:
<Wix ...>
<Product ...>
<Property Id="REINSTALLMODE" Value="amus" />
Note that you'll get this warning when compiling your installer though:
warning LGHT1076: ICE40: REINSTALLMODE is defined in the Property table. This may cause difficulties.

Downgrading a file isn't really straightforward and has issues. As pointed out earlier, you can change the component GUIDs and get this to work. However, it really depends on where your RemoveExistingProducts is sequenced. If its sequenced at a point where the older product is removed and the newer product is installed, then it might work.
There is not really a straight forward and documented way. All the available options are just hacks.
Is this just for your test environment?
If yes, then you could use REINSTALLMODE="amus" in the property table and achieve what you are looking to.
However, this is just for your testing and is not advised to be suggested to your end users.
Kiran Hegde


How to disable generating nunit-agent log file when running tests with nunit3-console

I have a question regarding the nunit3-console. When running tests through it I am observing a generation of log files like internal-trace and nunit-agent text files.
I was able to disable the generation of the internal-trace with the --trace=off option but for each run having the test .dll specified I am noticing a nunit-agentNumber.txt file generated.
My question is, is this a problem? More specifically for CI/CD and is there an option to disable this? Or clean it at least after each run.
Version 3.15 of the engine introduced a new internal feature, allowing code to change the level of debugging dynamically. (Not yet exposed to users, but intended to be eventually)
As a side effect, it looks as if empty log files are being created. For the moment, the only way to avoid this is to go back to the previous release.
A fix was created in the development code for version 4.0, but has not been ported back to the version 3 code. A bug report might help with that. :-)

Use TeamCity 9 REST API to turn on Versioned Settings

I like to turn on Versioned Settings for my TeamCity projects, so that it commits its configuration in XML to the source control. However now I am seeking to do some automation around project creation leveraging the REST API. However, I can't figure out a way to turn on Versioned Settings via this API. Does anyone know how to do this? Is it supported?
This is not a direct and full answer yet, because it does not use the REST API, but this is an (admittedly hacky) way to accomplished the same thing in an automated way—and perhaps it will lead to a way to do it more properly through the API. Turns out that the file which stores this configuration is config\projects\<project-id>\pluginData\plugin-settings.xml under the TeamCity Data Directory. The documentation, under the section on Direct Modifications of Configuration Files says,
The files under the config directory can be edited manually (unless explicitly noted). The changes will be taken into account without the server restart. TeamCity monitors these files for changes and rereads them automatically when modifications or new files are detected. Bear in mind that it is easy to break the physical or logical structure of these files, so edit them with extreme caution. Always back up your data before making any changes.
Please note that the format of the files can change with newer TeamCity versions, so the files updating procedure might need adjustments after an upgrade.
I found that if I write this XML to said configuration file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<versionedSettings rootId="Bitbucket" enabled="true" showChanges="true" buildSettings="PREFER_VCS" />
then it not only registered the setting, but actually went ahead and did the initial commit of the settings. That's a win, though I still wish I could do it through a more stable API. Note: this XML will be different depending on the precise setup of your version settings—this represents my preferred configuration.
If anyone knows how to take this to the next level by doing it through the API I would still appreciate it.
If it is an option to upgrade to TeamCity 10 (which it is for me), it appears that TeamCity 10 supports this though the REST API! I will confirm that it solved what I needed after doing the upgrade.

How do I disable automatic updates for Azure VM extensions?

We have a few VMs in Azure and we rely on the PowerShell DSC extension to deploy our code to the machines. I want to make sure that this extension is not updated automatically so that our code that uses functionality from this extension don't break without we knowing about it first.
The problem is that we have some deployment scripts that read the extension's status codes/messages and do custom logic based on them. When the extension was updated from (which is the version that the plugin was on when we first started using it) to the version, some of the status messages changed and our script stopped working. This completely broke our deployment process and we had to do an emergency update on our scripts to be compatible with v1.5. Now that version was released the same exact problem happened again. Some new status codes were added and I had to update our scripts or we would not have a working deployment pipeline.
Is it possible to specify a manual update process for these extensions? Their installation and update seem to be completely automated. Ideally, I'd like to be able to update them on a case by case basis after testing our scripts against the newer versions first, so that our deployment process is not halted because of that. Bonus points for anyone who manages to find up to date documentation or some kind of release notes document for this extension in particular, as I could find none... I was just surprised to see that version 1.7 was installed today when I got an error from our script, and was lucky to know exactly where to look for the status changes.
The default behavior for the DSC extension handler is to update to the latest version. If you want to tie yourself down to a specific version, then you can do so with the following cmdlet (currently there is no provision from the UI)
Set-AzureVMDscExtension -Version
Please note that we are also try to ensure updates do not cause issues. We are not there yet but we would certainly like to get there so everyone is automatically updated.

Is using GACUtil in your coding/svn/development workflow considered Bad Practice?

There's plenty of information/blogs/msdn articles around on NOT using GACUtil in your Deployment/Release scenarios and that MSI or another windows installer technology is a far better option.
However is it still appropriate to use GACUtil in your Development work flow.
We have a number of DLLs that are strong named & referenced from the GAC. In order to keep the development team in sync, once a new version of the GAC-able DLL is generated it's automatically added to all other developers GAC's as part of their daily trunk checkout. Workflow goes something like:
A Developers makes a change to one of our GAC-able assemblies, tests it locally, and once signed off, compiles a release version of the DLL
Release version is copied from \Project_DIR\bin\Release*.dll -> \COMPANY_GAC\Current*.dll
Other devs run our Source Control check out batch scripts which:
Check out newest versions of COMPANY_GAC\Current*.dll
Run GacUtil.exe on each DLL
This has worked for us up until now, but it's getting a little more complex with:
- Larger Team, more stringent management of GAC Changes.
- CLR2.0 & CLR4.0 compiled Company_Gac assemblies requiring different versions of GACUtil.exe
- Managing assemblies on Build/Integration Servers which have multiple feature branches (and hence having to hot-swap different GAC Dlls)
Should we be looking at something more robust that GACUtil & Scripts to manage this?
One consideration was to roll something ourselves in powershell to check the Assembly type and add the assemblies to the correct GAC. Has anyone done this?
Any other suggestions on how developers manage their GAC workflow would be welcome.
Not using gacutil.exe during deployment is an easy one: it isn't available on the target machine since it is a Windows SDK utility and it is not a re-distributable component.
Using it during development certainly isn't popular. Most typically you'd use a solution with the dependent projects included so that you'll automatically get the latest build with local deployment and no need for the GAC. That goes well up to a point, build times can require starting distributing swords when the solution gets too massive.
No magic solutions past that point, the GAC certainly helps to get build times down again. In general, churn in the foundation assemblies should start with minus 1000 points, they can cause a lot of pain. Save them up for only, say, weekly release updates. Off hand, there's also the core need to get all this stuff properly installed on the client machines. If nobody has focused on that yet, maybe now is a good time to get that solid. Which automatically gets debugged when everybody uses it to get the assemblies they need on their machine.

Can I control the location of .NET user settings to avoid losing settings on application upgrade?

I'm trying to customize the location of the user.config file. Currently it's stored with a hash and version number
I want to it be agnostic to the version of the application
Can this be done and how? What are the implications? Will the user lose their settings from the previous version after upgrading?
I wanted to add this quoted text as a reference for when i have this problem in the future. Supposedly you can instruct the ApplicationSettings infrastructure to copy settings from a previous version by calling Upgrade:
From Client Settings FAQ blog post: (archive)
Q: Why is there a version number in the user.config path? If I deploy a new version of my application, won't the user lose all the settings saved by the previous version?
A: There are couple of reasons why the
user.config path is version sensitive.
(1) To support side-by-side deployment
of different versions of an
application (you can do this with
Clickonce, for example). It is
possible for different version of the
application to have different settings
saved out.
(2) When you upgrade an
application, the settings class may
have been altered and may not be
compatible with what's saved out,
which can lead to problems.
However, we have made it easy to
upgrade settings from a previous
version of the application to the
latest. Simply call
ApplicationSettingsBase.Upgrade() and
it will retrieve settings from the
previous version that match the
current version of the class and store
them out in the current version's
user.config file. You also have the
option of overriding this behavior
either in your settings class or in
your provider implementation.
Q: Okay, but how do I know when to
call Upgrade?
A: Good question. In Clickonce, when
you install a new version of your
application, ApplicationSettingsBase
will detect it and automatically
upgrade settings for you at the point
settings are loaded. In non-Clickonce
cases, there is no automatic upgrade -
you have to call Upgrade yourself.
Here is one idea for determining when
to call Upgrade:
Have a boolean setting called
CallUpgrade and give it a default
value of true. When your app starts
up, you can do something like:
if (Properties.Settings.Value.CallUpgrade)
Properties.Settings.Value.CallUpgrade = false;
This will ensure that Upgrade() is
called only the first time the
application runs after a new version
is deployed.
i don't believe for a second that it could actually work - there's no way Microsoft would provide this ability, but the method is there just the same.
To answer the first question, you technically can put the file wherever you want, however you will have to code it yourself, as the default place the file goes to is the first of your two examples. (link to how to do it yourself)
As for the second question, it depends on how you deploy the application. If you deploy via a .msi, then there are two hashes in the properties of the setup project (that the msi is built from), the 'upgrade code' and the 'product code'. These determine how the msi can be installed, and if it upgrades, overwrites, or installs beside any other version of the same application.
For instance, if you have two versions of your software and they have different 'upgrade' codes, then to windows they are completely different pieces of software regardless of what the name is. However if the 'upgrade' code is the same, but the 'product' code is different then when you try to install the 2nd msi it will ask you if you want to upgrade, at which time it is supposed to copy the values from the old config to a new config. If both values are the same, and the version number didn't change then the new config will be in the same location as the old config, and it won't have to do anything. MSDN Documentation
ClickOnce is a little bit different, because its based more off of the ClickOnce version # and URL path, however I have found that as long as you continue to 'Publish' to the same location the new version of the application will continue to use the existing config. (link to how ClickOnce handles updates)
I also know there is a way to manually merge configs during the install of the msi using custom install scripts, but I don't remember the exact steps to do it... (see this link for how to do it with a web.config)
The user.config file is stored at
C:\Documents and Settings>\<username>\[Local Settings\]Application Data\<companyname>\<appdomainname>_<eid>_<hash>\<version>
<C:\Documents and Settings> is the user data directory, either non-roaming (Local Settings above) or roaming.
<username> is the user name.
<companyname> is the CompanyNameAttribute value, if available. Otherwise, ignore this element.
<appdomainname> is the AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName. This usually defaults to the .exe name.
<eid> is the URL, StrongName, or Path, based on the evidence available to hash.
<hash> is a SHA1 hash of evidence gathered from the CurrentDomain, in the following order of preference:
1. StrongName
2. URL:
If neither of these is available, use the .exe path.
<version> is the AssemblyInfo's AssemblyVersionAttribute setting.
Full description is here
(I'd add this as a comment to #Amr's answer, but I don't have enough rep to do that yet.)
The info in the MSDN article is very clear and appears to still apply. However it fails to mention that the SHA1 hash is written out base 32 encoded, rather than the more typical base 16.
I believe the algorithm being used is implemented in ToBase32StringSuitableForDirName, which can be found here in the Microsoft Reference Source.