Is there a way to achieve parallel scrolling of two tableview? - iphone

Let's say, i have two tableview inside a scrollview. After i scrolled up & down tableview1, and then touch and swipe to scroll the scrollview horizontally to tableview2, i want tableview2 to have the same vertical (up & down) position as tableview1. is there any way to achieve that?

You can put code in the UITableViews' viewWillDisplay: methods that grabs the other table view's scroll position (called a "content offset" in scroll view parlance) and calls setContentOffset:animated:. This way, whenever either scroll view will appear on the screen, it will automatically scroll to the other view's position.


UIScrollView in iOS doesn't response scroll to top

I have two UIScrollViews, one is horizental, the other is like page on the horizontal view. I want to click the status bar and have the vertical scrollView scroll to the top, but it doesn't work.
I searched for some information that said I must set UIScrollView.scrollsToTop=NO, but it doesn't work. Could somebody tell me why?
The scroll view only scrolls to the top if there is a single scroll view present with the scrollsToTop property set to YES.
Make sure it's set to NO on your horizontal scroll view and all the child, vertical scroll views contained within. Then, using the horizontal scroll view's delegate, as one vertical scroll view leaves the visible area, toggle the property to NO and toggle the incoming vertical scroll view's property to YES.

UIScrollView inside UITableView

i got a tableview and as a header i use amongst other things a scrollview.
All work ok in terms of scrolling apart from the fact that when i scroll down (or up) the tableview the scrollview "loses" the x,y coordinates.
for example if i scroll the scrollview on the headerview right to left (or vice versa) then the scrollOffset.x gets a value.
if i start scrolling the tableview then this value goes back to zero (although the scrollview doesnt lose the paging). If i go back to the scrollview and start scrolling again the scrollOffset.x gets its correct value again.
Anyway to "keep" the scrollOffset.x value when i scroll the tableview?
Considering that a tableView is a scrollView subclassed it seems like the problem is that scrollOffset.x is set by whichever scrollView you're currently scrolling inside of. Try adding tags to your table view and scroll view and add a variable to keep up with the scrollOffset.x for only the scrollView in your header.

horizontal scroll view that snaps

I am looking for a way so that when I swipe left or right on a horizontal scroll view it will snap to one of the elements in the center, assuming that three elements (in this case a UIImageView) will be shown at once. How do I do this?
Turn on the pagingEnabled property for UIScrollView
If the value of this property is YES, the scroll view stops on multiples of the scroll view’s bounds when the user scrolls. The default value is NO.
You can set it programatically or in interface builder.

Two UIScrollView's on top of each other?

I'm working on a iphone game, and part of it includes a section where you scroll horizontally through a list of images (which have transparent backgrounds).
but I also want to be able to vertically scroll and change the background image, without the image in the horizontal scroll view changing.
I have the horizontal scrollview working now, and I've placed a second scrollview behind it for the vertical scrollview, but obviously the vertical scrollview doesn't catch the up/down swipes.
Is there some way to push vertical swipes through to the second scrollview, but catch the horizontal swipes on the first?
IF you implement the scrollViewDidScroll Delegate for the first scroll view and catch the scroll offset, you can pass the same to the second scroll and control how the offset moves on the second scroll.

4 directional scrollview with paging

I need to implement a scroll view which (on a button press) will page either up, left, down or right depending on which button was pressed. Also the user can indefinately page in the same direction which will load the views in a kind of carousel. So I have 3 viewControllers.... viewController 1 is shown first....The user presses left, it shows viewController2, left again shows viewController3, left again is back to viewController 1 etc. and the same for up,down,right.
Does anyone know a good way to implement this? Im open to all suggestions.
Many thanks
Edit - second attempt at a clear explanation:
Consider this matrix.
This 3x4 matrix is the content area of your scroll view. With paging enabled, your scroll view will stop on one of these "cells", e.g. 2,1. That portion of the scroll view will be visible.
If you want each "cell" to be controlled by it's own view controller, then pre-generate all the view controllers (and their views), and then add all of their views as subviews to the scrollView.
You would populate this scroll view with whatever view you wanted to show at any given location. Set the frame of each view relative to the scrollview's origin. So if the cells were 320 pixels wide and 480 pixels tall, the frame for cell 1,3 would be CGRectMake(1*320, 3*480, 320,480).
When the scrollView ends deceleration, you can get it's contentOffset property, do some arithmetic and figure out which cell you're in.
To get the wrap-around effect, you'll have to do some trickery. You might put an extra cell at the end of each row and column, and if you find yourself in that cell, just set the scrollviews' contentOffset to the corresponding cell at the beginning of the row or column.