Why Realm "to many" relationship having always the same reference? - swift

Why is the realm-list containing the very same elements instead of different ones ?
As you can see in the picture below, there are two relam-objects (UndoMemoryNameEntry and NameEntry). The first one contains a list of 8 elements. The list's element-type is of type NameEntry !
My last NameEntry object is written with currentScorePlayer=1 and currentScoreMe=15 as you can see in the picture below:
The list in UndoMemoryNameEntry is correctly inserted the last NameEntry object. You find the insertion-code further down...
But now the problem: Why are all the existing list-elements as well changed to the newest inserted element ???? As you can see in the picture below, all the elements are unfortunately identical to the last one added - why ??????
If I change the NameEntry to the following :
And inserting at index=0 to the list, then the List changes to :
Why are all the elments changed ? And not just the inserted one ??? Thanks for any help on this !
My two realm-objects are :
class NameEntry: Object {
dynamic var playerName = ""
dynamic var isMyAdversary: Bool = false
dynamic var currentScorePlayer: Int = 0
dynamic var currentScoreMe: Int = 0
and the List :
class UndoMemoryNameEntry: Object {
dynamic var undoPlayerName = ""
let NameEntryList = List<NameEntry>()
The following code creates the Realm-List :
// query rlm for existing object (with name adversary
let undoPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "undoPlayerName == %#", adversaryName)
let undoPlayerName = rlm.objects(UndoMemoryNameEntry).sorted("undoPlayerName", ascending: true).filter(undoPredicate)
// if undoPlayerName object does not exist - then create it!
if (undoPlayerName.count < 1) {
let undoEntry = UndoMemoryNameEntry()
undoEntry.undoPlayerName = adversaryName
The following code adds a "NameEntry"-Element in the List :
let undoPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "undoPlayerName == %#", plaNameLab)
let undoPlayerName = rlm.objects(UndoMemoryNameEntry).sorted("undoPlayerName", ascending: true).filter(undoPredicate)
if (undoPlayerName.count == 1) {
var undoEntry = undoPlayerName[0] as UndoMemoryNameEntry
undoEntry.NameEntryList.insert(entry, atIndex: 0)
The above code-excerts work perfectly - except that the realm-List always changes all its elements to the one just inserted.

I finally found a solution:
First of all rearrange the two realm objects as follows:
class NameEntry: Object {
dynamic var playerName = ""
dynamic var currentScorePlayer: Int = 0
dynamic var currentScoreMe: Int = 0
// the undo-list is better placed in the first object...
let undoEntryList = List<UndoMemoryNameEntry>()
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "playerName"
class UndoMemoryNameEntry: Object {
dynamic var undoPlayerName = ""
dynamic var currentScorePlayer: Int = 0
dynamic var currentScoreMe: Int = 0
// no primary key here since the undoEntry will have several items with the same undoPlayerName
Then when adding a "NameEntry"-Element in the List :
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "playerName == %#", plaNameLab)
let playerName = rlm.objects(NameEntry).sorted("playerName", ascending: true).filter(predicate)
if (playerName.count == 1) {
var entry = playerName[0] as NameEntry
// you need to create a new list object first !!!!!!!!!!!!
// ...in my initial example, this creation was missing !!!!!!
var siblingEntry = UndoMemoryNameEntry()
siblingEntry.undoPlayerName = plaNameLab
siblingEntry.currentScorePlayer = entry.currentScorePlayer
siblingEntry.currentScoreMe = entry.currentScoreMe
// insert new list-element
entry.undoEntryList.insert(siblingEntry, atIndex: 0)
// alternatively choose append if you want to add the element at the end of the list
// or choose the "ringbuffer-solution" given in the add-on below if you want to restrict the number of list-elements to ringbuffer-size !
// ...
Add-on: If you want to create a ringbuffer having only a limited number of list-elements:
// create ringbuffer of 20 elements (20th element will be newest)
let ringBufferSize = 20
let undoPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "undoPlayerName == %#", plaNameLab)
if (entry.undoEntryList.filter(undoPredicate).sorted("undoPlayerName").count < ringBufferSize) {
else {
// entry.undoEntryList.replace(ringBufferSize-1, object: siblingEntry)
for index in 0..<ringBufferSize-1 {
let tempEntry1 = rlm.objects(UndoMemoryNameEntry).filter(undoPredicate).sorted("undoPlayerName")[index] as UndoMemoryNameEntry
let tempEntry2 = rlm.objects(UndoMemoryNameEntry).filter(undoPredicate).sorted("undoPlayerName")[index+1] as UndoMemoryNameEntry
tempEntry1.currentScorePlayer = tempEntry2.currentScorePlayer
tempEntry1.currentScoreMe = tempEntry2.currentScoreMe
let tempEntry = rlm.objects(UndoMemoryNameEntry).filter(undoPredicate).sorted("undoPlayerName")[ringBufferSize-1] as UndoMemoryNameEntry


Is there a way to concatenate the name of a var in swift?

var object1 = "C_active.scn"
var object86 = "Soap.scn"
var object41 = "image.scn"
var object9 = "NaCl.scn"
Name of different .SCN files
public func addBox(sceneView: ARSCNView) {
let imagePlaneScene = SCNScene(named: "art.scnassets/" + object1)
let imagePlaneNode = imagePlaneScene?.rootNode.childNode(withName: "object1", recursively: true)
imagePlaneNode?.position = positioner
I have a code reader that gives me a number and from that Int I have to place a specific .SCN file. I don't want to add 100 if statements like I do below. Is the some way to concatenate a string with a Int and turn that into a var in swift? (The numbers after each object is the number I receive from my code reader)
if(coding == 1) {
} else if(coding == 2) {
} else {
Something like
var("object" + coding) -> coding41 (Var)
Why don't you just use a dictionary to store your file names?
var object: [Int: String] = [1: "C_active.scn", 9: "NaCl.scn" ...]
When you need a particular filename, just use the number key attached to that string.
print(object[9]) //Prints "NaCl.scn"

Dictionary in Dictionary value search

I am downloading information from a Firebase database and it is being inputted via a for loop into:
static var Reports = [String:[String:String]]()
I need to figure out a way to search the inside values for a certain string
I have messed around with this but can't seem to get it inside the inside dictionary (If that makes sense)
for values in Reports.count {
if let item = Reports["favorite drink"] {
I need to have a search string then a number of times the value appears like so:
func findString(dict Dictionary) -> Int {
var ReportsLevel1 = 0
(for loop I'm guessing)
search here for string
return ReportsLevel1
Tip: the outside dictionary keys are not set in stone, they depend on what time and date the report was submitted
To find out the numberOfTimes in which "yourSearchString" appears you can do as follows
var numberOfTimes = 0
for internalDictionary in reports.values
for value in internalDictionary.values
if (value == "yourSearchString") { numberOfTimes += 1 }
let numberOfTimes = reports.flatMap { internalDictsArray in internalDictsArray.value.filter { $0.value == "yourSearchString" } }.count

databaseReference.observe(DataEventType.value, with:{(DataSnapshot) not working properly all the time

func checkPaid(utilityId : String) -> Int{
var amount:String = ""
var status = 0
print("inside new function ")
print ("\(utilityId) inside new function ")
self.databaseRefPayment.observe(DataEventType.value, with:{(DataSnapshot) in
if DataSnapshot.childrenCount > 0 {
for payments in DataSnapshot.children.allObjects as! [DataSnapshot]{
var paymentsObject = payments.value as? NSDictionary
if(paymentsObject!["month"] as! String == monthCheck && paymentsObject!["year"] as! String == monthCheck && paymentsObject!["utilityid"] as! String == utilityId as! String){ */
if(paymentsObject!["utilityId"] as! String == utilityId){
amount = paymentsObject!["amount"] as! String
print("Ypur program is working perfect")
status = 1
return status
The above function is filtering the data present in payments node based on the value for utilityId getting passed in the function . But the strange thing is observe(DataEventType.value, with:{(DataSnapshot) this event is not getting triggered all the time . Its just skipping that portion unnecessarily . I am very new to firebase and getting really mad with these kind of unpredicted behaviours . Please help me in this . feel free to ask for any clarifications .
The firebase executes firebase query functions in different thread , so after u call check paid(), it runs the checkpaid() firebase query in another thread,and it will return from the function , eventhough ur query is running in the background..so it will seem like,checkpaid() is not working , but actually it's running on another thread.
I think you first fetch all the required data from payment, and store it in a list , and then use that list to compare with utility.
Every time this function is called it adds/resets the Key-Value Observer for whichever child node you are observing it doesn't actually check the value unless it is changed. I believe it is your intention to call checkPaid(utilityId:) to check the child is 'paid' by some means. There is no need to add a KVO if you are directly reading the value for a single snapshot. consider the following:
func checkPaid(utilityId: String) -> Bool {
//Assume it is not paid if we cannot verify it.
var isPaid = false
//Create a new reference to Firebase Database
var ref: DatabaseReference!
ref = Database.database().reference().child(utilityId)
//Get the values for the child, test if it is paid or not.
ref.queryOrderedByValue().observeSingleEvent(of: .value) { (snapshot) in
if (snapshot.value is NSNull) {
print("No Child With \(utilityId) Exists")
} else {
//child with utilityId exists, in case multiple utilityId's exist with the same value..
for child in snapshot.children.allObjects as! [DataSnapshot] {
if let values = child.value as? [String : AnyObject] {
let uid = child.key //utilityId
var month:String = ""
var year:String = ""
var amount:String = ""
//var amount:Double = 0.0
//get values from parent
if let m = values["month"] as? String {
month = m
if let y = values["year"] as? String {
year = y
if let a = values["amount"] as? String {
amount = a
if let a = values["amount"] as? Double {
amount = a
if ((month == monthCheck) && (year == monthCheck)) {
isPaid = true
return isPaid
I am making one assumption here; that utilityId is the key for the child.
if you have parent nodes to utilityId you'll have to transverse those as well when you reference the database:
ref = Database.database().reference().child(utilities).child(utilityId) ..etc
If you need a KVO to update a local property I suggest adding/calling it in viewDidLoad, it's completion handler should take care of updating whichever properties are updated when they change in Firebase.

Swift diff realm.io without fetching it in advance

I was wondering if there is a possibility in realm.io (swift) to select all items from one "table" that are not in the other one.
Lets say you have 2 classes:
class A: Object {
dynamic var id: Int = 0
dynamic var text: String = ""
class B: Object {
dynamic var id: Int = 0
dynamic var value: Bool = false
Is it possible to get an result of items from A who's id is not present in B?
There is actually a very simple way to do this using NSPredicate on Realm filter API.
func fetch() throws -> [A] {
do {
// Create Realm
let realm = try Realm()
// Get B objects from Realm and put their IDs to [Int] array
let IdB: [Int] = realm.objects(B).map { $0.id }
// Create predicate
// Filter all items where property id is not present in array IdB
let predicateFilter = NSPredicate(format: "NOT (id IN %#)", IdB)
// Get all A objects from array using predicateFilter
let objectsA = realm.objects(A).filter(predicateFilter)
// Return the [A] array
return objectsA.map { $0 }
} catch {
// Throw an error if any
throw error
Also note that all objects from fetched using Realm are lazy loaded which means that this method is also very fast. From the documentation:
All queries (including queries and property access) are lazy in Realm. Data is only read when the properties are accessed.

xpages typeahead autocomplete

i couldnt do aautocopmlete edit box. i want to take names from another database. i wrote my code to typeahead's value list. but it dont work. i am using same server but different database.anybody help me ? here is my code:
//Getting the view containing a document for each of the employees
var searchView:NotesView = session.getDatabase("servername","test/application name.nsf")
// Creating a Lotus Notes search query. Notice the reference to lupkey!
var query = "(FIELD Ad Soyad CONTAINS *" + lupkey +"*)";
// Creating an array to store hits in
var searchOutput:Array = ["å","åå"];
// Doing the actual search
var hits = searchView.FTSearch(query);
var entries = searchView.getAllEntries();
var entry = entries.getFirstEntry();
//Sort the array manually, since Notes doesn't want to sort them alphabetically
for (i=0; i<hits; i++) {
entry = entries.getNextEntry();
// Build the resulting output HTML code
var result = "<ul><li><span class='informal'>Suggestions:</span></li></ul>";
var limit = Math.min(hits,20);
for (j=0; j<limit; j++) {
var name = searchOutput[j].toString();
var start = name.indexOfIgnoreCase(lupkey)
var stop = start + lupkey.length;
//Make the matching part of the name bold
name = name.insert("</b>",stop).insert("<b>",start);
result += "<li>" + name + "</li>";
result += "</ul>";
return result;
There are plenty of issues with your code:
the query can't return any result since your field has a space in it
Do you really need an FTSearch to return values and not a sorted view?
the typeahead -as the name suggest- presents values that match left to right and not somewhere substring. If you need that you need to roll your own typeahead function using Ajax
The typeahead function doesn't take a parameter, so your lupkey doesn't go anywhere. The function needs to return all values and XPages will do the matching
Instead of copying one by one into an array for sorting, copy the returning Vector() into a TreeSet(). This is one line, sorts it and removes duplicates
To get it working check this example based on dojo, previously asked here. You will need the REST control
i do it like that
var directoryTypeahead = function (searchValue:string) {
// update the following line to point to your real directory
//var directory:NotesDatabase = session.getDatabase(database.getServer(), "names.nsf");
var directory:NotesDatabase = session.getDatabase(database.getServer(), "org/test.nsf");
var allUsers:NotesView = directory.getView("SVFHP2");
var matches = {};
var includeForm = {
Person: true,
Group: true
searchValue = searchValue.replace("I","i")
var matchingEntries:NotesViewEntryCollection = allUsers.getAllEntriesByKey(searchValue, false);
var entry:NotesViewEntry = matchingEntries.getFirstEntry();
var resultCount:int = 0;
while (entry != null) {
var matchDoc:NotesDocument = entry.getDocument();
var matchType:string = matchDoc.getItemValueString("Form");
//if (includeForm[matchType]) { // ignore if not person or group
var fullName:string = matchDoc.getItemValue("Name").elementAt(0) + " " + matchDoc.getItemValue("Title").elementAt(0);
if (!(matches[fullName])) { // skip if already stored
var matchName:NotesName = session.createName(fullName);
matches[fullName] = {
cn: matchName.getCommon(),
photo: matchDoc.getItemValueString("Photo"),
job: matchDoc.getItemValueString("sum"),
email: matchDoc.getItemValueString("email"),
// }
/*if (resultCount > 15) {
entry = null; // limit the results to first 10 found
else {*/
entry = matchingEntries.getNextEntry(entry);