Swift Rounding up Double - swift

I am trying to round a double up to a whole number,
var numberOfBottles = totalVolume / volumeEachBottles
for example numberOfBottles = 275.0 / 250.0
that would give me 1.1, I need it to round up to 2

var numberOfBottles = totalVolume / volumeEachBottles

There is a built-in global function called ceil which does exactly this:
var numberOfBottles = ceil(totalVolume/volumeEachBottles)
This returns 2, as a Double.
ceil is actually declared in math.h and documented here in the OS X man pages. It is almost certainly more efficient than any other approach.
Even if you need an Int as your final result, I would start by calculating ceil like this, and then using the Int constructor on the result of the ceil calculation.

import Foundation
var numberOfBottles = 275.0 / 250.0
var rounded = ceil(numberOfBottles)

In case you are looking for rounding it to a whole number and use it in the UI then this can be useful. Just add this as the last thing in your file or in a own file:
extension Double {
func roundToInt() -> Int{
return Int(Darwin.round(self))
And use it like this if you like to have it in a textlabel:
currentTemp.text = "\(weatherData.tempCelsius.roundToInt())"
Or print it as an Int:


How can I round double values with E

I have a number, like 4.99999999951e+001
I wish I could round this number like 5.000000000e+001
How can I manipulate the double value with out interfering the exponent part.
All double values have an exponent part. Don't get confused by any printout artifacts, especially from the debugger outputs.
Double has round and rounded methods, you can use them like this
let value = 4.99999999951e+001
let rounded = value.rounded() // or other modes, e.g. .rounded(.toNearestOrAwayFromZero)
You could use this Extension for rounding Double values.
extension Double {
func roundTo(places: Int) -> Double {
let divisor = pow(10.0, Double(places))
return (self * divisor).rounded() / divisor
let v = 3.56789
v.roundTo(places: 1)
I use this in nearly every Project.
try to use round() func
var x = 3.7
x.round() output is // 4

Swift - rounding numbers

I am trying to round a number in swift, and I found a solution using this:
func roundTo(number: Double, precision: Int) -> Double {
var power: Double = 1
for _ in 1...precision {
power *= 10
let rounded = Double(round(power * number)/power)
return rounded
I have a model class, lets call it MyObject.
class: My Object {
var preciseNumber: Double?
I am fetching a number for example:
var myNumber = 10,0123456789
I use my roundTo function to round it so I have 10,0123456 (7 numbers after the decimal point).
When I print a statement:
print("myNumber rounded: \(roundTo(myNumber, precision: 7))") //10,0123456 as a result. Great!
Then next I want to assing rounded myNumber to my class variable preciseNumber so:
let roundedNumber = roundTo(myNumber, precise: 7)
print("Rounded number is: \(roundedNumber)") // 10,01234567 as result
self.preciseNumber = roundedNumber
print("Precise number is now: \(self.preciseNumber)") // 10,01234599999997 as result
What might be causing this? I want to be as precise as possible.
So it sounds like your issue is being able to compare floating point numbers. The best way to do this is to instead find the degree of precision you need. So rather than just checking numOne == numTwo use something like abs(one - two) <= 0.000001
You can create a Swift operator to handle this for you pretty easily:
// `===` is just used as an example
func === (one: Double, two: Double) -> Bool {
return abs(one - two) <= 0.000001
Then you can just check numOne === numTwo and it will use a better floating point equality check.
There is also a power function that will help simplify your rounding function:
let power = pow(10.0, precision)

How to find max value for Double and Float in Swift

Current learning Swift, there are ways to find max and min value for different kind of Integer like Int.max and Int.min.
Is there a way to find max value for Double and Float? Moreover, which document should I refer for this kind of question? I am currently reading Apple's The Swift Programming Language.
As of Swift 3+, you should use:
While there’s no Double.max, it is defined in the C float.h header, which you can access in Swift via import Darwin.
import Darwin
let fmax = FLT_MAX
let dmax = DBL_MAX
These are roughly 3.4 * 10^38 and 1.79 * 10^308 respectively.
But bear in mind it’s not so simple with floating point numbers (it’s never simple with floating point numbers). When holding numbers this large, you lose precision in a similar way to losing precision with very small numbers, so:
let d = DBL_MAX
let e = d - 1.0
let diff = d - e
diff == 0.0 // true
let maxPlusOne = DBL_MAX + 1
maxPlusOne == d // true
let inf = DBL_MAX * 2
// perhaps infinity is the “maximum”
inf == Double.infinity // true
So before you get into some calculations that might possibly brush up against these limits, you should probably read up on floating point. Here and here are probably a good start.
AV's answer is fine, but I find those macros hard to remember and a bit non-obvious, so eventually I made Double.MIN and friends work:
extension Double {
static var MIN = -DBL_MAX
static var MAX_NEG = -DBL_MIN
static var MIN_POS = DBL_MIN
static var MAX = DBL_MAX
Don't use lowercase min and max -- those symbols are used in Swift 3.
Just write
let mxFloat = MAXFLOAT
You will get the maximum value of a float in Swift.
Also CGFloat.infinity, Double.infinity or just .infinity can be useful in such situations.
Works with swift 5
public extension Double {
/// Max double value.
static var max: Double {
return Double(greatestFiniteMagnitude)
/// Min double value.
static var min: Double {
return Double(-greatestFiniteMagnitude)

INFINITY in Swift Lang

According to Apple's documentation, Swift doesn't support preprocessor directives. In C/Objective-c the "INFINITY" definition is very useful for some checks.
So, How do I get a number that never is less that another?
There is already buildin infinity and also a check function. And you could also directly compare them with <.
var infinity = Double.infinity
var isInfinite = infinity.isInfinite
var someDouble = 234432.0
if someDouble < infinity {
println("Less than")
} else {
println("Small than")
// And the answer is Less than.
For integer values, you should use Int.max.
var highestNumber = Int.max
//if you need negative infinity
var lowestNumber = Int.min
Using NSIntegerMax instead of Int.max or -1 * NSIntegerMax instead of Int.min is equivalent, but less pretty. (Thanks #Charlesism)
Perhaps you can try finite, for example,
let x:CDouble = 0.1
finite(x) // which return a CInt
For Float values,
import UIKit
typealias Space = Float
var MaxSpaceSize = Space.infinity
var space:Space = 1100
space = space * 2

Should conditional compilation be used to cope with difference in CGFloat on different architectures?

In answering this earlier question about getting a use of ceil() on a CGFloat to compile for all architectures, I suggested a solution along these lines:
var x = CGFloat(0.5)
var result: CGFloat
#if arch(x86_64) || arch(arm64)
result = ceil(x)
result = ceilf(x)
// use result
(Background info for those already confused: CGFloat is a "float" type for 32-bit architecture, "double" for 64-bit architecture (i.e. the compilation target), which is why just using either of ceil() or ceilf() on it won't always compile, depending on the target architecture. And note that you don't seem to be able to use CGFLOAT_IS_DOUBLE for conditional compilation, only the architecture flags...)
Now, that's attracted some debate in the comments about fixing things at compile time versus run time, and so forth. My answer was accepted too fast to attract what might be some good debate about this, I think.
So, my new question: is the above a safe, and sensible thing to do, if you want your iOS and OS X code to run on 32- and 64-bit devices? And if it is sane and sensible, is there still a better (at least as efficient, not as "icky") solution?
Building on your solution, and if you use it in several places, then a little extension might make it more palatable:
extension CGFloat {
var ceil: CGFloat {
#if arch(x86_64) || arch(arm64)
return ceil(x)
return ceilf(x)
The rest of the code will be cleaner:
var x = CGFloat(0.5)
var f : CGFloat = 0.5
var result : CGFloat
result = CGFloat(ceil(Double(f)))
Tell me what I'm missing, but that seems pretty simple to me.
Note that with current version of Swift the solution below is already implemented in the standard library and all mathematical functions are properly overloaded for Double, Float and CGFloat.
Ceil is an arithmetic operation and in the same way as any other arithmetic operation, there should be an overloaded version for both Double and Float.
var f1: Float = 1.0
var f2: Float = 2.0
var d1: Double = 1.0
var d2: Double = 2.0
var f = f1 + f2
var d = d1 + d2
This works because + is overloaded and works for both types.
Unfortunately, by pulling the math functions from the C library which doesn't support function overloading, we are left with two functions instead of one - ceil and ceilf.
I think the best solution is to overload ceil for Float types:
func ceil(f: CFloat) -> CFloat {
return ceilf(f)
Allowing us to do:
var f: Float = 0.5
var d: Double = 0.5
var f: Float = ceil(f)
var d: Double = ceil(d)
Once we have the same operations defined for both Float and Double, even CGFloat handling will be much simpler.
To answer the comment:
Depending on target processor architecture, CGFloat can be defined either as Float or a Double. That means we should use ceil or ceilf depending on target architecture.
var cgFloat: CGFloat = 1.5
//on 64bit it's a Double
var rounded: CGFloat = ceil(cgFloat)
//on 32bit it's a Float
var rounded: CGFloat = ceilf(cgFloat)
However, we would have to use the ugly #if.
Another option is to use clever casts
var cgFloat: CGFloat = 1.5
var rounded: CGFloat = CGFloat(ceil(Double(cgFloat))
(casting first to Double, then casting the result to CGFloat)
However, when we are working with numbers, we want math functions to be transparent.
var cgFloat1: CGFloat = 1.5
var cgFloat2: CGFloat = 2.5
// this works on both 32 and 64bit architectures!
var sum: CGFloat = cgFloat1 + cgFloat 2
If we overload ceil for Float as shown above, we are able to do
var cgFloat: CGFloat = 1.5
// this works on both 32 and 64bit architectures!
var rounded: CGFloat = ceil(cgFloat)