Why do some Facebook urls not return their Facebook page id through graph api? - facebook

For most Facebook urls, a call to the graph api with a query string parameter of ids set to the url, returns the Facebook page of that url correctly....
https://www.facebook.com/AdvantageInsulationNY: {
id: "XXXXXX",
about: "about"
However, some simply return the url as the value of the id element...
https://www.facebook.com/winetreefarm: {
id: "https://www.facebook.com/winetreefarm"
I can't find an explanation of why this page does not return its page id or how to obtain the id (knowing the url) through the graph api.
I can get the id utilizing FQL, but only when sending the url as http (not https) and I want to use the graph api.
There is another question similar to this here: Facebook Graph API - get ID for a URL?
But none of these answers fit my situation (there is a like button on the page).
Any ideas?

I figured it out. This has to do with page restrictions and the token you are using. Because the page is marked as alcohol content its not viewable to anyone, so just my app token isn't good enough. If I access it with the user token, then I get the full information.


How to get Instagram post URL from Facebook Graph media_id

I'm using Instagram Mentions API and was able to obtain FB media_id for couple Instagram posts.
I need media_id to get post content via /user/mentioned_media. Unfortunately that endpoint does not provide ig_id or shortcode or permalink which I need.
Is there a way to get Instagram Post URL with FB Graph API media_id?
It seems like you can get media metadata (and all comments/replies) when someone #-mentions you in a non-owned-media comment by using a query like below.
You would use your own instagram business account id for the first number (the path component), and you'd use the comment_id you received from the webhook comment-mention notification as the second number:
Yes, there is a way you can get Instagram post URL associated with a media if you know the media id.
You can also get more information (all its fields and edges) on media. See the docs here
You can get the Instagram post URL by making a GET request to /{ig-media-id}
Sample Request:
GET https://graph.facebook.com/v15.0/{{media_id}}?fields=permalink, shortcode&access_token={{ACCESS_TOKEN}}
Sample Response:
"permalink": "https://www.instagram.com/p/Clxsi5Pol2_/",
"shortcode": "Clxsi5Pol2_",
"id": "17xxx59557977xxx"
The value of the permalink is the valid public URL for the post.
You can also use the shortcode returned to construct the URL by concatenating the shortcode to https://www.instagram.com/p/.

Facebook graph API {post-id}/likes returns empty data

This request returns an empty array: graph.facebook.com/773227196065108/likes, but this request returns a normal array: graph.facebook.com/576234822476425/likes.
First post - post from user, second post - post from page.
How do I get a normal result in the first case?
http://graph.facebook.com/773227196065108 returns
error: {
message: "An access token is required to request this resource.",
type: "OAuthException",
code: 104
since its a user post and probably not public, you will have to access it using a proper access token on behalf of the user . also the number of likes obtained via graph api is dependant on the the privacy settings of people who liked the post .
the second post is one from a page and is public, so its directly accessible for you .
773227196065108 is a user whereas 576234822476425 is a page. Public page posts can be inspected in the API, public user posts have certain restrictions applied to them such as, the queried user must be using the application as well. If the queried user isn't using the querying application the response will be empty.
In addition /me/likes/773227196065108 will not work as /me/likes are only for pages not posts.

How to get all facebook pages id associated with my account?

I want to get the statistics of all the pages associated with my account on facebook, i have the code to get the statistics of a page, i just want to get the page id of all the pages associated with my account, how can i do this?
Please help.
You'll need to request the manage_pages permission (more details here), once you have the aquired the permission, all you have to do is make a request to :
The return value will be a JSON with all the pages/applications that are associated with your account.
You can also use this great tool that facebook provides - The Graph API Explorer (/me/accounts) to explore what other information you can retrieve without having to write a single line of code :P very useful.
FB.api('/me/accounts', function(response) {
for (id in response.data)
page = data[id];
You can use Javascript API to do this, read more :http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/javascript/

Facebook graph API: ID of user profile picture

Is there a way to get the ID of the picture that is the current profile picture for a user?
Edit: OK, seems there is no trivial way to get the ID!
However, it appears from random testing that every user has a single album with attribute type="profile", and the first image in this album is always the profile picture, so it is possible to get the ID of the profile picture that way. Can some more experienced with Facebook confirm that this is indeed always the case?
You can get the users public profile photo from the following url:
The answer seems to be yes
e.g., the photos in an album have an ID (the profile photo is a different object though, which a different FB ID). An ID for every object is a core concept of FB's new graph API: Every object in the social graph has a unique ID.
Indeed, data request i have ever made through the FB Graph API returns (when successful) a response in the form of a JSON array, comprised of nested ID-Value pairs, e.g. the education field from a User object:
"education": [
"school": {
"id": "126533127390327",
"name": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology"
"year": {
"id": "140829239279495",
"name": "1992"
"concentration": [
"id": "192578844099494",
"name": "Computer Science"
"type": "College"
The profile photo is a connection of the User object (i.e., every FB object has Fields and Connections).
According to the table in the relevant FB Developer Page, a call to the Graph API requesting picture (user's profile photo(s)) returns a string which is the URL for the user's profile picture.
But why doesn't this same call return the user's profile photo ID?
The reason i suppose is that the URL returns:
Graph API : User Properties
The user's profile photo is not there, but in an adjacent node:
Graph API : User : Connections : picture
(See FB Documentation for Graph API structure here).
When you make that API call, examine the Request Headers, and in particular, the Request URL; when you do, you'll see something like this:
The string between the underscores (100005743929541) is the user ID. this is easy to verify by making another call to the Graph API. From your browser location bar (assuming you are logged into Facebook) just enter:
So again, the first item in that JSON string is the user's FB ID. Given that, it seems to me that if user profile ID does indeed have its own ID, then that string (user's FB ID) plus the two smaller adjacent strings of integers on either end of the ID, should be it--in other words, 32093_100005743929541_5467982 in the Request URL above.
Finally, perhaps the best way to answer this is by using the new Graph API Explorer. (I just tried to verify this, but my requests are hanging.)
There is one more simple way to accomplish this task.
Fetch all facebook albums by https://graph.facebook.com/me/albums?access_token=.
Loop into the albums and check if object type == 'profile'.
Get the value of object cover_photo where type == 'profile'.
This value of cover_photo is the id of profile pic of the user.
You can check it by https://graph.facebook.com/<cover_photo value>?access_tokne=
I don't know if you still need this but this is the way I did it in PHP:
$albumsfb = $facebook->api('/me/albums/?fields=type');
$albumsfb = $albumsfb['data'];
foreach ($albumsfb as $albumfb) {
if ($albumfb['type']=='profile'){
$albumprofile = $albumfb['id'];
$photoprofilefb = $facebook->api('/'.$albumprofile.'/?fields=cover_photo');
$photoprofilefb = $photoprofilefb['cover_photo'];
$photoprofilefb = $facebook->api('/'.$photoprofilefb);
$fotoperfilfburl = $photoprofilefb['source'];
Instead of "me", put the user id that you want?
SOCIAL-ID = Facebook returned social id.
small|normal|album|large|square = size of image.
I recently tried to like one of my friend's profile pictures from the Graph API explorer
Here's how I got the id of his current profile pic:
If you have used the Graph API explorer, you might be aware of the above line of code that's generated in the textEntry when you tick the checkboxes. The limit size is up to you, I just kept it 1 to receive the JSON object quickly (without the limit, it took me 5 minutes to get the JSON object containing a lot of information).
So here are the things you need to check in the Graph API (maintain the order):
Within Friends Albums
Within Albums Name and Photos (Within Photos the id and name of the photo)
I made a PHP script to like all the profile pictures of my friends :)

Retrieve Facebook users that like a URL / web page via Open Graph

Is there a way to retrieve the list of Facebook users that have clicked the like button on an external website?
E.g. there is a domain example.com which has been confirmed via Facebook Insights to belong to fbUser1 (using OG meta tags).
Somewhere on example.com there is a page with multiple XFBL like buttons, each one pointing to a further specific URL on example.com, e.g. example.com/xyz, example.com/abc etc.
What I'd like to get is the list of users that liked example.com/xyz and of those who liked example.com/abc.
My intuitive approach would be to look at graph.facebook.com/123456789/likes (where the number is the ID of the domain taken from FB insights), but this always returns an empty dataset:
"data": [
I've also tried getting an OAuth access token from https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?type=client_cred&client_id=APPID&client_secret=APPSECRET (where APPID and APPSECRET are taken from a FB application that is marked as owning the domain using OG meta tags), but that makes no difference.
I'd also be interested in a non-OpenGraph (i.e. JS SDK, FQL etc.) solution.
EDIT: Using the following code (according to WideBlade's answer below) still gives me an empty list of likes (the second query never returns):
var objectsQuery = "select id from object_url where url in ('http://example.com/xyz', 'http://example.com/abc', 'http://example.com/123')";
var likesQuery = "select object_id from like where object_id = {0}";
FB.Data.query(objectsQuery).wait(function (objectRows) {
FB.Array.forEach(objectRows, function (objectRow) {
FB.Data.query(likesQuery, objectRow.object_id).wait(function (likeRows) {
FQL Should do the trick.
$facebook->api_client->fql_query('SELECT user_id FROM like WHERE object_id="OBJECTID"');
Here is the link.
Some general info about FQL.
FQL is initiated using the JavaScript SDK, in this way.
If you can post some sample code-I can try and give some more specific help.
A note should be made-once you've got the user ID's, you can just query the names and get them in a list.
EDIT: To get the URL of an object you should query this table using fql.
This cannot be done. Facebook does not allow you to query for specific user ID's of people who have liked a certain page. This is because of privacy concerns.
See the disclaimer on this page https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/like/