How to get Instagram post URL from Facebook Graph media_id - facebook

I'm using Instagram Mentions API and was able to obtain FB media_id for couple Instagram posts.
I need media_id to get post content via /user/mentioned_media. Unfortunately that endpoint does not provide ig_id or shortcode or permalink which I need.
Is there a way to get Instagram Post URL with FB Graph API media_id?

It seems like you can get media metadata (and all comments/replies) when someone #-mentions you in a non-owned-media comment by using a query like below.
You would use your own instagram business account id for the first number (the path component), and you'd use the comment_id you received from the webhook comment-mention notification as the second number:

Yes, there is a way you can get Instagram post URL associated with a media if you know the media id.
You can also get more information (all its fields and edges) on media. See the docs here
You can get the Instagram post URL by making a GET request to /{ig-media-id}
Sample Request:
GET{{media_id}}?fields=permalink, shortcode&access_token={{ACCESS_TOKEN}}
Sample Response:
"permalink": "",
"shortcode": "Clxsi5Pol2_",
"id": "17xxx59557977xxx"
The value of the permalink is the valid public URL for the post.
You can also use the shortcode returned to construct the URL by concatenating the shortcode to


Get photo from post using Facebook graph API

I am attempting to display the latest post from a public Facebook page on a website using the graph API.
Using the following URL, I am able to get the latest posts data:
Which returns:
"data": [
"story": "MYPAGENAME added a new photo.",
"created_time": "2017-08-20T19:00:00+0000",
"id": "MYID"
The post in question displays on the Facebook page with a photo included, but there is not 'photo' object (or anything similar) returned in the API data. How do I access the picture URL for this post? Thanks in advance.
This request will fetch posts and the media information for the first image for each post.
Sometimes posts contain multiple images. If you'd like to support that you need to fetch the subattachments also:
Note that this method usually only provides image URLs that are up to 720px wide. If you want higher resolution imagery, you need to access data[0][0][0] to get the actual image ID which you can then use to perform an additional query /IMAGE_ID_HERE?fields=images to obtain the higher resolution image. Increment the numbers to get additional posts and images inside each post.

How to obtain the live video id of a facebook live video?

I am trying to access the live views count of a live video that is live through a Facebook Page. I am using the ID that I am obtaining from the API request {page-id}/videos/uploaded When I am using that video id and making a GET request of {video-id}?fields='live_views its showing error code of 100 with the message as:
(#100) Tried accessing nonexisting field (live_views) on node type (Video)
I have the following permissions:
'manage_pages', 'publish_pages', 'business_management', 'read_insights', 'user_videos'
I am making the GET request using user_access_token.
I am using Graph API Version 2.8.
Please let me know if I am using the wrong ID. IF yes, then how can i get the live_video_id of a live video posted in page?
To get the live views count of a video a fan page, you need:
An app created at facebook developer
A user access token (for testing, e.g. by calling
The fan page id
With this you can call graph API in the following format:<fan_page_id>/live_videos?access_token=<access_token>?fields=live_views
Of course, you may add more elements in fields parameter if you need more information. Here Facebook's Graph API explorer helps:
When you add status to fields parameter, "LIVE" means, it's currently live, "VOD" means it has already finished.
If you try to implement a WebHook for it, let me now if it works. Thanks.
To get live views you need to call the api with the live video id, which you get from calling, page id can initially be either the page-id or name
Sample response:
"title": "hello world 2",
"status": "LIVE",
"embed_html": "...,
"id": "123123" // this is the live video id
After you have retrieved the live video id you can call this endpoint to get the live_views edge${live_id}fields=live_views&access_token=${access_token}
sample response:
"live_views": 1,
"id": "123123"
Docs for endpoint 1:
Docs for endpoint 2:
However I understand the confusion since live_views is not listed under the second endpoint as a reaction nor even is it a reaction, so either it a mistake in facebook docs or a mistake in the graph API, either the solution provided works.
Yes you do need to go through an app review to get the permission for tracking streams

php instagram how to search photo , like on sepcifics tag name*****1.*****427.05*************************42421&scope=likes+comments+relationships+basic
I use Tag pink in this api for search photo and like it show my upload details.
But I want search other user photo and like which have pink tag
I'm geting this Error.>>
{"pagination": {"deprecation_warning": "next_max_id and min_id are deprecated for this endpoint; use min_tag_id and max_tag_id instead"},
"meta": {"code": 200},
"data": []}
this all I used But this is not solution..
Looks like you are in Sandbox mode? You will only see your posts (and your sandbox approved users) in API response, and total posts returned is restricted to 20 in sandbox mode. Here is more info on sandbox mode:
Use instagram app to add a photo with #pink and then check API, you will see just that post. Once you get your app reviewed by instagram and approved, you will get all data in response, not just yours.
You API call should look just like this:
You should not have scope=likes+comments+relationships+basic, scope should be specified during authentication to get access_token, and for tags API, you need public_content scope.

Commenting on Facebook Page Ratings (Reviews) via Graph API

Long time lurker first time poster...
We are working with Facebooks API's to integrate into our web application and we are able to pull a Companies Page Rating via the {open_graph_story} parameter in the {page-id}/ratings section, however we cannot find a way to comment/reply to the rating. The documentation states:
"If a person has rated your page and a story has been generated, you can follow up with the person by posting to the story's comment node." (
however when we pull the variables we retrieve no ID to reference for a comment. This is what we receive back from our authenticated account:
"data": [
{ "created_time": "2014-07-16T05:52:50+0000", "reviewer": { "id": "100000237096397", "name": "Romey Salazar" }, "rating": 5, "review_text": "Great job guys!!!!" } ],
Does anyone know how to retrieve the id for the rating itself so we can append a comment via API? Or some other way to reply/comment to a FB Page Rating?
When you have some ratings/review comments on your page and if you want to post comment to individual review comments as the Page Owner, you can follow the steps below.
1) Below request returns the json object of rating and reviews.{YOUR_PAGE_ID}/ratings?field=open_graph_story&access_token={YOUR_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN}
The response json will contain ID field for each and every rating/review comments.
2) Using the ID, trigger the below request to post a comment on the rating as the Page Owner. You will need Page access token with manage_pages and publish_pages privilege.{ID_OF_THE_RATING}/comments?message=Thanks for your rating&access_token={YOUR_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN}
These requests can be tested using Facebook Graph API Explorer
You need to request the open_graph_story field with the ratings endpoint. This will return the open_graph_story data which includes an id. You can then post to the comments endpoint of this story.
You have to make http get request on{PageID}/ratings?fields=open_graph_story&access_token={PageAccessToken}
to get detailed response.
Make sure the parameter is "fields" not "field"

Facebook API For Pulling Reviews

Has anyone seen a full example of how to pull facebook reviews using the graph api.
According to the docs:
A page access token is required to retrieve this data.
I have code that asks a user to login already and gets an auth token which I can use to post a message to their facebook feed. Is there an additional step I need to do to be able to read their reviews/ratings?
Here is an example of the code to post to their feed/page.
response ="{page_id}/feed", {
:message => message,
:access_token => auth_token
If you're referring to Page Ratings (different from App Reviews!), then the endpoint is
GET /{page_id}/ratings
as described here: You'll need a Page Access Token for this.
Where I get a little bit confused is that you mention that you want to
read their reviews/ratings
In that case it's something else, because afaik it's currently not possible to query the User's Page ratings via Graph API or FQL. It's was only possible to query App Reviews via FQL (see (Update: FQL is no longer available since 2016)
You need to set permission in the app to access the {GET /{page_id}/ratings} API. The permission is common for
and the permission name is "pages_read_user_content"