Change content of button on waterfall display - buildbot

In buildbot's waterfall page, the buttons show the status of each build step. If the step runs, it simply shows 'Ran'. I want to edit this to give better info to the user. Where can I add this change from?

From the documentation of buidlbot 8.12, the keyword parameters of all buildsteps
This will be used to describe the command (on the Waterfall display) while the command is still running. It should be a single imperfect-tense verb, like compiling or testing. The preferred form is a list of short strings, which allows the HTML displays to create narrower columns by emitting a tag between each word. You may also provide a single string.
This will be used to describe the command once it has finished. A simple noun like compile or tests should be used. Like description, this may either be a list of short strings or a single string.
In the python definitions of your buildsteps, you should set the descriptionDone
keyword parameter to an appropriate description for the completion of each buildstep.


vscode extension how to display a form

I wish to create a VSCode extension with an entry form on it - some way of input. So far I have only seen document processing or output for an extension.
How can you display a form of input fields in a vscode extension?
How much data do they need to enter? If it's not much, you should be able to handle it with a series of InputBoxes
showInputBox(options?: InputBoxOptions): Thenable<string>
Opens an input box to ask the user for input.
The returned value will be undefined if the input box was canceled (e.g. pressing ESC). Otherwise the returned value will be the string typed by the user or an empty string if the user did not type anything but dismissed the input box with OK.
Parameter Description
options?: InputBoxOptions
Configures the behavior of the input box.
Returns Description
A promise that resolves to a string the user provided or to undefined in case of dismissal.
The Visual Studio Code API does not have any native methods to display forms to collect input. You can however, chain together Input Boxes, Quick Picks, etc... You can find all these methods under vscode.window.(...).
If these do not satisfy your needs you can implement a webview which allows you to render integrated HTML in Visual Studio Code and trade messages with the extension.
The most simple aproach would be to simple send all collected data from the form to the extension once you hit the submit button or something similar.
You have a nice little tutorial on how to do that here.
Another approach is to see how far you can go with editing JSON objects in settings.json. I thought I would need a form for 8-10 fields, but it turns out that I can create a settings template that has a series of labels and and entry fields (with type validation).

MS Word 2007 - How to set up placeholder text to mimic text but not formatting

I'm probably biting off more than I can chew with this particular problem, but I'll try to be as specific as possible in case it's within my scope. Disclaimer: I'm not terribly experienced with MS Word, beyond simple data entry/some formatting, and I have absolutely zero experience working with macros or VBasic. Unfortunately, I'm afraid the solution to my problem will come in the form of one of those last two.
What I want to do is to have placeholder text throughout my template document that will change content but not formatting when the first instance of it is changed. Basically, I'm writing a template for support manuals for a software suite. Each app has certain similar features like the menu bar, data entry screen, diagnostic log screen, transaction history, etc., so I am pre-writing those sections and using placeholders when I need to insert certain app specific properties.
I started off using the Insert->Quick Parts->Document Property->Subject tool which I used as a placeholder for the app name. I set the Property to [Subject] and then used Insert->Quick Parts->Field->Subject throughout the document, wherever I needed to include the app name. This worked fine in this case because the app name will always be capitalized. I simply change the text in the first [Subject] (which is content controlled) and update the fields throughout the document, and they all match nicely, easy-peasy, work done, go home and drink beer, right?
Not quite.
Our software handles part tracking via scanners and SQL Server, so while the interface and menu in the apps remains largely unchanged, the parts they track change from app to app. Because of this, I need to change the part name when I reference it within the text of the manuals; for example, if I'm working in and our TP is tracked by the roll, I need every mention of [Component] to be changed to roll. If I'm working in, I need [Component] to say bulb.
My first efforts went toward creating a custom doc property called Component using the Advanced tab under the Document Properties dropmenu. I then created a plaintext content control around my first [Component] titled Component and made my next [Component] a field with modified code: {COMPONENT * MERGEFORMAT}. This comes from copying what I can find when [Subject] works. This didn't work at all; updating the text in the first CC doesn't change the Content doc prop, and my fields return "!Undefined Bookmark, COMPONENT".
I got close to what I need by using the [Comments] doc property, set initially to [Component]. I used it just like [Subject], but (this is when I realized that capitalization was going to be an issue) when I mention my [component] in-text, as often as not, I need to to be lowercase instead of upper.
I've looked on MS's forums and a few others as well as here on SO, and I can't find anyone who's trying to do the same thing, much less an answer to how. Please keep in mind when answering, it would be a great help to me if you would include step-by-step instructions on how to enter/implement the code you provide because, as I mentioned, I have no idea how to go about editing macros/VBasic for MS Word.
To restate and summarize my overall question: How can I use a placeholder that displays the text "[Component]" so that, when I change the first instance of [Component] to something else, say "hopper", every subsequent instance of [Component] is updated to hopper but maintains its current capitalization and formatting scheme?
Apologies for the length of the request, but I wanted to make sure I explained the situation as accurately as possible. Thanks in advance for your consideration and responses.
I managed to solve this one after a couple extra hours of tinkering. I didn't need macros or VBasic, either.
On the first instance of [component] I created a plain-text content control to act as a container (not a necessity, but it makes it look nicer. Will likely cause a problem eventually, but for now, it's working as intended) and bookmarked it. Then, for all other instances of [container] I selected each and used Insert->Quick Parts->Field->Ref with the following field code:
REF Text1 \*Lower
Where "Text1" is my bookmark and "*Lower" indicates all lower case. The *Lower can be replaced with *Upper or *FirstCap to indicate all upper case or capitalize the first letter respectively. Now, each field reflects the text of the first with the capitalization appropriate to each field's location within the document. Just like using the doc prop with [Subject], ^a -> f9 is needed to update all fields within the document.

Cascading input control is empty while accessing a Jasper Report

I call a jasper report through an independent URL through which I pass one of the input controls needed to run the report.
E.g. http:// localhost:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&standAlone=true&reportUnit=xyz&ParentFolderUri=abcd&j_username=xyz&j_password=xyz&parameter1=value1& . . .
As you can see in the above independent URL, I pass the JasperServer username and password, reportUnit name and location and other mandatory parameters, along with the report input parameter, i.e., "parameter1" which can have a value like "value1".
I used a mandatory, read-only and visible input control for this input value. Its value would come from the independent URL, showed in the box but was read-only and hence could not be changed.
The report was working absolutely fine upto this point.
But the tragedy began when my client rejected this idea. He wanted a completely invisible input control to my report and the input value would be passed through the independent URL, just like illustrated above.
And then my client asked me to refer to this and made me work on cascading input controls.
Recently I added a cascading input control to this report. The input control type is a single select query, which utilizes two parameters that I pass to the report through the independent URL.
Now when the Jasper server responds to the independent URL with the input parameters, all the other static parameters work properly, except for the cascaded one.
When I click the select box of the cascaded input, I can see the desired options for a second, and then, it just goes empty while I'm viewing the select list.
But when I make the "Parameter1" input control visible, the cascading input control works!
And then I turn in invisible, the cascading input control turns into a beast that does things by itself and not listen to his master.
I am not able to understand why this is happening. Could anybody please provide me a solution to this?
I have found a temporary solution for this.
I made the "Parameter1" input control visible and read only.
Next, I used a stylesheet and defined a style rule that would affect that input control's display on the web page, making "display: none".
I passed the name of the stylesheet through the URL. So this stylesheet is used for the report.
Now, the "Parameter1" input control is invisible to the end user and my report still runs with no one knowing it's just a fix.

Are there ways to work around the limitations of the Open Graph action story attachment caption template?

There are 3 specific limitations of open graph action attachment captions that I'm trying to work around. I'm referring to the attachment caption that is configurable in the Action configuration page (e.g.<app-id>/opengraph/action_type/<action-type-id>).
I can't find a way to insert newlines or line breaks. I'm guessing this is probably by design, but it seems like a reasonable thing to be able to do.
If the action can be applied to more than one object type, you can't use fields from either object in the caption template. If you do, the caption "breaks" (displays incorrectly) when you reference a field from an object that is unset.
For example, action "drive" could be associated with "car" or "truck". If the caption is {car.model}, then it breaks for trucks. Related to this post. Ideally I'd like to be able to do something like ({car.model} OR {truck.make}).
Optional action/object fields can't be used in the caption, because if they're ever unset, the caption "breaks" just as in #2 above.
When I say the caption "breaks," I mean that it displays incorrectly. It seems to go into a debug mode where it displays fieldName fieldValue pairs for various fields from the object/action.
Are there any workarounds for these 3 issues?
Note that I'm not dealing with aggregations, just the actual action Open Graph post.
UPDATE: It looks like Facebook just pushed a change within the last day to allow multiple lines of caption. That solves item #1. Item #2 and #3 are still outstanding.
UPDATE 2: For #2, if you only put a single template item per-line (e.g. {someobject.somefield}), it seems to work OK. If that option is unset, that line doesn't display. However, if you put more than one field, it seems to resort to the "breaking" behavior. This might also work for #3, haven't tried yet.
As stated in the updates above:
Facebook made a change to allow multiple lines of caption. That solves item #1 directly, and items #2 & 3 indirectly...
For #2 & #3, if you only put a single template item per-line (e.g. {someobject.somefield}), it seems to work OK. If that option is unset, that line doesn't display. However, if you put more than one field, it seems to resort to the "breaking" behavior. This might also work for #3, haven't tried yet.

How to change the SSRS input parameters position in report

My SSRS report contains 7 input parameters and while running my report the size of the parameter(i.e. length) is increasing.
One of my input parameter(drop down list) may contain 100 characters so the size is not constant but i want to place all parameters in 2 lines or 3 lines(in a row).
Now it is coming 2 parameters per a row
Please advice
As gbn indicates, it's not easy to change the built in report server method of presenting the parameters. SSRS likes to always use two parameters per line, presented in the order that they exist in the report (which must match the dependency order.)
So the alternatives that gbn mentions: Both involve building a "Wrapper" application: some custom code or a web page that you can code however you like to get the parameters. Then you call Reporting Services, either in code or by passing a formatted URL with your parameters. The report can be displayed in a frame, new window, or passed as a stream to where ever you'd like.
The URL access is pretty straightforward and reliable: I often use it either by hand (to create "favorites") or in code.
For what you are looking for, these might be more work than you expected, but they will be extremely flexible for your interface.
You can certainly do that, just right click on the RDL file in the solution explorer and select view code. then move the XML tags named <ReportParameter Name="Nameofparameter"> under <ReportParameters> according to where ever you want to position. And then save it. thats it!!!
The report parameters are kind of floating in values of 2, so if u have 4 report parameters then it will be shown as 1,2 next line 3,4. Best of luck!!
Use ASP.NET for the paramaters and a ReportViewer control or URL access to render. Seriously.
I don't know of any option to present parameters any way other then the default
I believe you could try using jQuery. The report parameters are rendered in a table under a div tag with class sqlrv-ParameterContainer. Write a jQuery or JavaScript function that will extract the full innerHTML from this div ie. the table content and then extract the table row information like the <label> or <input> tags.
Create your desired table structure with <table><tr><td>{extracted sections}</td><td></td></tr></table> or leave it to your requirement...
Then just append this new HTML structure in place of the original default structure.
In jQuery it will be like
which will give you the entire table structure that comes inside the parameter. Use XML parsing and get the input controls and all. Extract these controls as-is, don't change anything.
$(".sqlrv-ParameterContainer table").remove(); // it will remove the SSRS rendered default table from DOM
$(".sqlrv-ParameterContainer table").appendChild('<table><tr>......</tr></table>'); // Append your custom html structure here....
This was something that came to my mind quickly... I would suggest you test it... :)
This doesn't help the OP with SSRS-2008 but in case it helps others - Microsoft have improved this in SSRS 2016 - parameters can now be easily managed via the GUI in Report Builder / Visual studio: