vscode extension how to display a form - visual-studio-code

I wish to create a VSCode extension with an entry form on it - some way of input. So far I have only seen document processing or output for an extension.
How can you display a form of input fields in a vscode extension?

How much data do they need to enter? If it's not much, you should be able to handle it with a series of InputBoxes
From https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/extensionAPI/vscode-api
showInputBox(options?: InputBoxOptions): Thenable<string>
Opens an input box to ask the user for input.
The returned value will be undefined if the input box was canceled (e.g. pressing ESC). Otherwise the returned value will be the string typed by the user or an empty string if the user did not type anything but dismissed the input box with OK.
Parameter Description
options?: InputBoxOptions
Configures the behavior of the input box.
Returns Description
A promise that resolves to a string the user provided or to undefined in case of dismissal.

The Visual Studio Code API does not have any native methods to display forms to collect input. You can however, chain together Input Boxes, Quick Picks, etc... You can find all these methods under vscode.window.(...).
If these do not satisfy your needs you can implement a webview which allows you to render integrated HTML in Visual Studio Code and trade messages with the extension.
The most simple aproach would be to simple send all collected data from the form to the extension once you hit the submit button or something similar.
You have a nice little tutorial on how to do that here.

Another approach is to see how far you can go with editing JSON objects in settings.json. I thought I would need a form for 8-10 fields, but it turns out that I can create a settings template that has a series of labels and and entry fields (with type validation).


Pressing Enter on a date input in Cypress

I have an app with some input fields that I'm trying to automate. The gist of these fields is that I should be able to double click a field, type in a new value, then press Enter to submit that value, which sends a PUT request and also closes the input field. This works for any input type except date.
So far I've tried:
Using cy.type('{enter}'). This gives Typing into a date input with cy.type() requires a valid date in the format 'yyyy-MM-dd'. You passed: {enter}
Using cy.trigger() to send out a keydown event for the enter key. This works, as in it closes the input field successfully but it somehow doesn't send the PUT request.
Pressing enter on the parent Element. Same as using cy.trigger()
Strangely enough, manually opening the input field myself, typing a date and pressing enter will send the request just fine. It seems to me like there's some issue with programmatically pressing enter to submit the field without Cypress interpreting this as my attempt to actually type an invalid character into the date field. The docs do specifically say that no special characters are allowed in a date field.
Can't post any code as this is corporate.
I have tried to let it work, but it simply can't be done at the moment. Something like this should work:
it.only('test', function () {
But it doesn't so I started to dig into the pile of issues and found this one:
https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/3405 . It is about a different input type, but I believe it is related to your problem.
Unfortunately this problem is still present in Cypress 9.5. One possible work-around is to directly trigger the Javascript keyup or keydown event that you are listening for.
.trigger('keydown', {
key: 'Enter',
This works for me, but as you pointed out might not in all situations. It depends entirely on how your app is listening for Enter in the first place and on which element.
Another possible option is to call .submit() on the form that wraps the input. If you're testing a component, you could create your own wrapper component that contains a form in order to trigger the submit.
You should remove 'date' attribute like below:
I used something like that in my code, and it worked properly
cy.get('get-your-input').invoke('removeAttr', 'type')type('2022-12-01{enter}').trigger('change');
cy.get('get-your-input').invoke('attr', 'value', '2022-12-01').trigger('change');
cy.get('get-your-input').invoke('attr', 'type', 'date');
Please add date plus enter keystroke in the type: cy.get("#date").type("02-02-2022{enter}");

Live search combo in Ext JS 4.2.2

I'm trying to implement a live search combo. It suppose to work like this:
When I enter a character into the combo field I read the current value and send it as a parameter to the store's url. In the backend the parameter is used to return any value from the database that contains it, so the store behind the combo gets filled only with those filtered values.
As I continue to enter characters into the combo, the parameter should be updated and sent again to the backend and so on, getting like this a smaller and smaller store.
I tryied to achieve this behaviour using the combo's event keypress, even keyup, but the problem is it's impossible for me to get access to the current value from the combo field.
For example, when I entered the "for" string into the combo, how can I obtain this value using the combo object? comboName.getValue() doesn't work, it returns nothing "".
I already saw the live combo example here: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.2/#!/example/form/forum-search.html but doesnt help me at all.
So my big question is: how do i get the current value while still editing the combo's field?
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
You should be able to use
Where comboName is your combo box. Are neither working- I note in your post you state getValues() which is an improper method. You may want to also check whether when you're referring to your combo box object, that the reference is actually correct. The first argument from the key events is actually the object itself, so you should be able to do, e.g.
var value = comboBox.getValue() || comboBox.getRawValue();
Swapping you the value getting method as appropriate.
I found that the combo already has a quick search behaviour, I just have to set queryMode on 'remote' and some other small configurations. More details here:
Ext Js 4.2.2 combobox queryMode

Alter input of form before it is submitted

I'm creating a multilingual Drupal site and trying to implement a search function, that only displays results in the current language, that the user is viewing the site through.
Using Drupals own searchfunction at /search/node it is possible to select which language to search for through the "Advanced search" options, and it works perfectly. However, I dont want to expose these language selectboxes, I just want it to only search in the current language automatically.
What's the best option to do this?
I have one solution where I create a hook_form_alter function, that sets the #default_value in the language selectboxes to the current language, and then I hide the whole "advanced options" with in css. This doesnt seem very right though.
I think the most clean solution would be to hook into Drupals form-processing process and append ex "language:en" to the input text, but I cannot get this to work.
Does anyone know if it is possible via one of the Drupal form related alter functions, to get a hold of the input text and alter it before drupal does its final processing of it?
To answer your question specifically, while using 'hook_form_alter', you have a referenced variable called '$form_state'. This stores the values in the form, and any change there will be passed further.
I think setting a default value and hiding the field is a good solution as any, only, if you are hiding it you should do it server side, while altering the form. The same field you are setting the default value to. like this:
$fieldname['#type'] = 'hidden'.

Cascading input control is empty while accessing a Jasper Report

I call a jasper report through an independent URL through which I pass one of the input controls needed to run the report.
E.g. http:// localhost:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&standAlone=true&reportUnit=xyz&ParentFolderUri=abcd&j_username=xyz&j_password=xyz&parameter1=value1& . . .
As you can see in the above independent URL, I pass the JasperServer username and password, reportUnit name and location and other mandatory parameters, along with the report input parameter, i.e., "parameter1" which can have a value like "value1".
I used a mandatory, read-only and visible input control for this input value. Its value would come from the independent URL, showed in the box but was read-only and hence could not be changed.
The report was working absolutely fine upto this point.
But the tragedy began when my client rejected this idea. He wanted a completely invisible input control to my report and the input value would be passed through the independent URL, just like illustrated above.
And then my client asked me to refer to this and made me work on cascading input controls.
Recently I added a cascading input control to this report. The input control type is a single select query, which utilizes two parameters that I pass to the report through the independent URL.
Now when the Jasper server responds to the independent URL with the input parameters, all the other static parameters work properly, except for the cascaded one.
When I click the select box of the cascaded input, I can see the desired options for a second, and then, it just goes empty while I'm viewing the select list.
But when I make the "Parameter1" input control visible, the cascading input control works!
And then I turn in invisible, the cascading input control turns into a beast that does things by itself and not listen to his master.
I am not able to understand why this is happening. Could anybody please provide me a solution to this?
I have found a temporary solution for this.
I made the "Parameter1" input control visible and read only.
Next, I used a stylesheet and defined a style rule that would affect that input control's display on the web page, making "display: none".
I passed the name of the stylesheet through the URL. So this stylesheet is used for the report.
Now, the "Parameter1" input control is invisible to the end user and my report still runs with no one knowing it's just a fix.

Dynamically add fields to input dialog

Is it possible to somehow add input fields to an input dialog (inputdlg()) in MATLAB when a specific event occurs, e.g. the user types in a certain value in one of the existing fields...?
Or is there any other 'hacky' way to achieve this so that the user doesn't have to click "OK" and I have to code to reopen another input dialog which contains more input fields..
inputdlg is not a built in function, so you might as well copy it, call it by another name and change its functionality.