Use 2 arrays in one loop - powershell

I want to use 2 arrays in one loop, but I am failing each time to find out how?
$hosts = ",,"
$vmotionIPs = ",,"
foreach ($host in $hosts) ($vmotionIP in $vmotionIPs)
New-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $host-VirtualSwitch myvSwitch `
-PortGroup VMotion -IP $vmotionIP -SubnetMask `
-VMotionEnabled $true
I know the above syntax is wrong but I just hope it conveys my goal here.

The most straightforward way is to use a hashtable:
$hosts = #{
"" = "" # Here is the name and is the value
"" = ""
"" = ""
# Now we can iterate the hashtable using GetEnumerator() method.
foreach ($hostaddr in $hosts.GetEnumerator()) { # $host is a reserved name
New-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $hostaddr.Name -VirtualSwitch myvSwitch `
-PortGroup VMotion -IP $$hostaddr.Value -SubnetMask `
-VMotionEnabled $true

First, your arrays aren't arrays. They're just strings. To be arrays you'll need to specify them as:
$hosts = "","","";
$vmotionIPs = "","","";
Second, $host is a reserved variable. You should avoid using that.
Third, I'm assuming you want the first host to use the first vmotionIP, the second host to use the second vmotionIP, etc.
So, the standard way to do this is to do this:
$hosts = "","","";
$vmotionIPs = "","","";
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $hosts.Count; $i++) {
New-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $hosts[$i] `
-VirtualSwitch myvSwitch `
-PortGroup VMotion `
-IP $vmotionIPs[$i] `
-SubnetMask `
-VMotionEnabled $true;
Or you can use the hashtable method #AlexanderObersht describes. This method changes the least about your code, however.

Thank you for your information. What you suggested worked for me some other script but i ended up achieving this using the following.
first i generated a series of ip addresses like this
$fixed = $host1.Split('.')[0..2]
$last = [int]($host.Split('.')[3])
$max = Read-Host "Maximum number of hosts that you want to configure?"
$max_hosts = $max - 1
$hosts =
$last..($last + $max_hosts) | %{
[string]::Join('.',$fixed) + "." + $_
and then i did
$vMotion1_ip1 = Read-Host "the 1st vmotion ip of the 1st host?"
$fixed = $vMotion1_ip1.Split('.')[0..2]
$last = [int]($vMotion1_ip1.Split('.')[3])
$max_hosts = $max - 1
$vMotions =
$last..($last + $max_hosts) | %{
[string]::Join('.',$fixed) + "." + $_
$first = [string]::Join('.',$fixed) + "." + $_
foreach ($vmhost in $vMotions) {write-host "$vmhost has the following network ("$first$(($last++))", "")"}
not exactly like this but something along this way.

Thank you all for your answers. I ended up using the do while instead. This allows us to loop through as many as arrays as we want at the same time or include multiple arrays in one loop.
$hosts = #("","","")
$vmotionIPs = #("","","")
[int]$n = 0
$vmhost = $hosts[$n]
$vmotionIP = $vmotionIPs[$n]
New-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $vmhost-VirtualSwitch myvSwitch -PortGroup VMotion -IP $vmotionIP -SubnetMask -VMotionEnabled $true
} while ($n -lt $hosts.count)


Hash Table, Multiples values in Key, Foreach Loop Powershell

I have filled the keys with the necessary values,
Every key will have multiples values
$vms = #{}
$vms.template += $templateName
$ += $vmName
$vms.EsxiHostName += $esxiHostName
$vms.datastore += $datastoreName
$ += $networkName
$vms.FolderLocation += $folderName
$vms.vCPU += $vCPU
$vms.CoresPerCPU += $vmCores
$vms.Memory += $vmRam
$vms.IP += $vmIP
$vms.SubnetMask += $vmMask
$vms.gateway += $vmGateway
$vms.DNS1 += $vmDns1
$vms.DNS2 += $vmDns2
$vms.Description += $vmDescription
$vms.TrendMicroScanDay += $tmscanday
$vms.inventory_billing_owner += $inventoryBillingOwner
And now what I want to do is something like this because I want to use these variables in another commands.
foreach ($vm in $vms) {
#Assign Variables
$VCTemplate = $vm.template
$VMName = $vm.Name
$VMHost = $vm.EsxiHostName
$Datastore = $vm.datastore
$NetworkName = $
$FolderLocation = $vm.FolderLocation
$vCPU = $vm.vCPU
$CoresPerCPU = $vm.CoresPerCPU
$Memory = $vm.Memory
$VMIP = $vm.IP
$SubnetMask = $vm.SubnetMask
$GW = $vm.Gateway
$DNS1 = $vm.DNS1
$DNS2 = $vm.DNS2
$Description = $VM.Description
$TrendMicroScanDay = $VM.TrendMicroScanDay
$inventory_billing_owner = $VM.inventory_billing_owner
It seems foreach loop doesn't work this way and I try to find information about it but was not possible
Someone know how can I work with a Foreach Loop and a Hash Table with multiples values per key?
Thanks Mclayton for answer, I tried your solutions
First I want to send you what is inside of $vms
PS C:\Users\me\Desktop> $vms
Name Value
---- ----- SubnetMask {,} description {TEST, Test 2}
Memory {4, 8}
name {Name1, Test 2}
vCPU {4, 8}
ip {,} datastore {vsanDatastore, vsanDatastore} dns2 {,}
gateway {,}
template {ESSQLTEMPLATE01, WIN 10 Template}
FolderLocation {Office Domain, SysAdmin LAB}
TrendMicroScanDay {Day5, Day5}
CoresPerCPU {4, 8}
dns1 {,}
EsxiHostName {es1esxi01p, es1esxi02p}
network {servers, data2}
Then with the first option running this for test
for($i = 0; $i -lt $vms.template.Length; $i++ )
$VCTemplate = $vms.template[$i];
$VMName2 = $vms.Name[$i];
PS C:\Users\me\Desktop> $VCTemplate
WIN 10 Template
I'm getting the second value, maybe I didn’t understand what you were saying
And with the second option, I was thinking what to use in the foreach ($something in $something_else)
but I ran this:
$vm3 = #()
$vm3 += new-object PSCustomObject -Property ([ordered] #{
Template = $vms.template
Name = $
EsxiHostName = $vms.EsxiHostName
datastore = $vms.datastore
network = $
FolderLocation = $vms.FolderLocation
vCPU = $vms.vCPU
CoresPerCPU = $vms.CoresPerCPU
Memory = $vms.Memory
IP = $vms.IP
SubnetMask = $vms.SubnetMask
gateway = $vms.gateway
DNS1 = $vms.DNS1
DNS2 = $vms.DNS2
Description = $vms.Description
TrendMicroScanDay = $vms.TrendMicroScanDay
foreach ($vm in $vm3)
write-host 'This is '$vm.template
And this was the result
PS C:\Users\me\Desktop> foreach ($vm in $vm3)
write-host 'This is '$vm.template
This is ESSQLTEMPLATE01 WIN 10 Template
In your code, $vms is a single hashtable object, and if you foreach() over a single object the loop will only run once. The fact that all of $vms's properties (e.g. $vms.template) are arrays doesn't make any difference to this.
If you really need to use a single hastable with properties that are parallel arrays, what you'll need to do is something like:
for($i = 0; $i -lt $vms.template.Length; $i++ )
$VCTemplate = $vms.template[$i];
$VMName = $vms.Name[$i];
... etc ...
... now do stuff with the $i'th vm ...
write-host $vmName;
but a better alternative would be to create $vms as an array of objects with #() (note round brackets not squiggly ones) - e.g.
$vms = #()
foreach( $something in $something_else )
$vms += new-object PSCustomObject -Property ([ordered] #{
Template = $something.template
Name = $
... etc ...
and then you can iterate over $vms:
foreach ($vm in $vms)
write-host $vm.Name

Powershell Wrong output

guys i need help here, i want to return the $Location002 and $Location003 content look what is in output
$Location = "westus2"
$Location002 = "westeurope"
$Location003 = "eastasia"
[int]$VMCount = Read-Host "How many VMs?"
1..$VMCount | ForEach-Object {
$i = $_
# define name for VM, will be used for other resources
if ($i -eq 1) {
$locname = "$Location"
Write-Output $locname
else {
$locname = $("Location00" + "$i")
Write-Output $locname
output :
PS C:\Users\Marouane\Desktop\testpowershell> c:\Users\Marouane\Desktop\testpowershell\test.ps1
How many VMs?: 3
PS C:\Users\Marouane\Desktop\testpowershell>
i need to output westeurope and eastasia
Using a separate variable for each value in a group or list of things is a bit of an anti-pattern, you'll want to put them all in an array together instead:
# Define array of possible locations
# `$Locations[0]` will resolve to `westus2`
# `$Locations[1]` will resolve to `westeurope`, etc.
$Locations = #(
[int]$VMCount = Read-Host "How many VMs?"
1..$VMCount | ForEach-Object {
# Define the VM name
$name = "VirtualMachine$_"
# Pick next location from the $Locations array
# the % ensures we "wrap around" when we reach the end
$location = $Locations[($_ - 1) % $Locations.Length]
# Output a new object with Name + Chosen Location
VMName = $name
Location = $location
Output for 3 VMs:
How many VMs?: 3
VMName Location
------ --------
VirtualMachine1 westus2
VirtualMachine2 westeurope
VirtualMachine3 eastasia
This is not how I would do it, but the more immediate problem is you're assigning a concatenated string to $location and writing to the output stream. I think what you want to do is reference the value of the earlier variable.
There are some clever syntaxes for that. I struggle to remember them. However below would be a start.
$Location = "westus2"
$Location002 = "westeurope"
$Location003 = "eastasia"
[int]$VMCount = Read-Host "How many VMs?"
1..$VMCount | ForEach-Object {
$i = $_
# define name for VM, will be used for other resources
if ($i -eq 1) {
$name = "$VMName"
$locname = "$Location"
Write-Output $locname
else {
$name = "$VMName" + "00" + "$i"
$locname = (Get-Variable ("Location00" + "$i")).Value
Write-Output $locname
Update With Alternative:
I'm still not sure what the goal is, but based on the original sample it would seem there's a 1 to 1 relationship between the location# and the VM number. That said if you go past the number of VMs you would have to adjust this to pick according to the intended pattern...
$Locations = 'westus2', 'westeurope', 'eastasia'
[int]$VMCount = Read-Host 'How many VMs?'
For( $i = 0; $i -lt $VMCount ; ++$i )
Further Update:
Respective to Mathias's good answer :
$Locations = 'westus2', 'westeurope', 'eastasia'
[int]$VMCount = Read-Host 'How many VMs?'
For( $i = 0; $i -lt $VMCount ; ++$i )
$Locations[ $i % $Locations.Count ]
Using the modulus operator in this pattern is very efficient for distributing one list over another. I wrote a small post about My Modulus Obsession with this and some other uses.
You'll need to retrieve the variable's content with Get-Variable. You can also avoid the extra step of making an $i variable and instead use the automatic variable $_
$Location = "westus2"
$Location002 = "westeurope"
$Location003 = "eastasia"
[int]$VMCount = Read-Host "How many VMs?"
1..$VMCount | ForEach-Object {
# define name for VM, will be used for other resources
if ($_ -eq 1) {
$name = "$VMName"
$locname = "$Location"
Write-Output $locname
else {
$name = "$VMName" + "00" + "$_"
$locname = "Location00" + "$_"
Write-Output (get-variable $locname).value

how to use a FOR loop variable to help define another variable

I am new to powershell scripts and not sure how to achieve the below:
$finalArray = #()
$tempArray0 = 'A'
$tempArray1 = 'B'
$tempArray2 = 'C'
FOR (i=0; i -eq 5; i++) {$finalArray += $tempArray[i]}
Output Should be:
If the variable name is itself variable, you'll have to use the Get-Variable cmdlet to retrieve its value:
$finalArray = #()
$tempArray0 = 'A'
$tempArray1 = 'B'
$tempArray2 = 'C'
for($i=0; $i -le 2; $i++) {
$finalArray += (Get-Variable "temparray$i" -ValueOnly)
If you want to create variables with variable names, use the New-Variable cmdlet:
$Values = 'A','B','C'
for($i = 0; $i -lt $Values.Count; $i++){
New-Variable -Name "tempvalue$i" -Value $Values[$i]
which would result in:
PS C:\> $tempvalue1
Although the above will solve the example you've presented, I can think of very few cases where you wouldn't be better of using a [hashtable] instead of variable variable names - they're usually an over-complication, and you'll end up with unnecessary code anyways because you need to calculate the variable names at least twice (during creation and again when reading the value).
From the comments, it sounds like you're trying to generate input for a password generator. This can be simplified grossly, without resorting to variable variable names:
# Create a hashtable and generate the characters
$CharArrays = #{
Numbers = 0..9
# Generate some letters for the password
$PasswordChars = $CharArrays['Letters'] |Get-Random -Count 10
# Generate a few digits
$PasswordChars += $CharArrays['Numbers'] |Get-Random -Count 4
# Shuffle them around a bit
$PasswordChars = $PasswordChars |Sort-Object {Get-Random}
# Create your password
$Password = $PasswordChars -join ''

PowerShell - Password Generator - How to always include number in string?

I have the following PowerShell script that creates a random string of 15 digits, for use as an Active Directory password.
The trouble is, this works great most of the time, but on some occasions it doesn't use a number or symbol. I just get 15 letters. This is then not usable as an Active Directory password, as it must have at least one number or symbol in it.
$punc = 46..46
$digits = 48..57
$letters = 65..90 + 97..122
$YouShallNotPass = get-random -count 15 `
-input ($punc + $digits + $letters) |
% -begin { $aa = $null } `
-process {$aa += [char]$_} `
-end {$aa}
Write-Host "Password is $YouShallNotPass"
How would I amend the script to always have at least one random number or symbol in it?
Thank you.
You could invoke the Get-Random cmdlet three times, each time with a different input parameter (punc, digit and letters), concat the result strings and shuffle them using another Get-Random invoke:
(Get-Random -Count 15 -InputObject ([char[]]$yourPassword)) -join ''
However, why do you want to reinvent the wheel? Consider using the following GeneratePassword function:
And to ensure, it contains at least one random number (you already specify the number of symbols):
do {
$pwd = [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GeneratePassword(15,2)
} until ($pwd -match '\d')
As suggested by jisaak, there is no 100% guaranty that the Membership.GeneratePassword Method generates a password that meets the AD complexity requirements.
That's why I reinvented the wheel:
Function Create-String([Int]$Size = 8, [Char[]]$CharSets = "ULNS", [Char[]]$Exclude) {
$Chars = #(); $TokenSet = #()
If (!$TokenSets) {$Global:TokenSets = #{
L = [Char[]]'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' #Lower case
N = [Char[]]'0123456789' #Numerals
S = [Char[]]'!"#$%&''()*+,-./:;<=>?#[\]^_`{|}~' #Symbols
$CharSets | ForEach {
$Tokens = $TokenSets."$_" | ForEach {If ($Exclude -cNotContains $_) {$_}}
If ($Tokens) {
$TokensSet += $Tokens
If ($_ -cle [Char]"Z") {$Chars += $Tokens | Get-Random} #Character sets defined in upper case are mandatory
While ($Chars.Count -lt $Size) {$Chars += $TokensSet | Get-Random}
($Chars | Sort-Object {Get-Random}) -Join "" #Mix the (mandatory) characters and output string
}; Set-Alias Create-Password Create-String -Description "Generate a random string (password)"
The Size parameter defines the length of the password.
The CharSets parameter defines the complexity where the character U,
L, N and S stands for Uppercase, Lowercase, Numerals and Symbols.
If supplied in lowercase (u, l, n or s) the returned string
might contain any of character in the concerned character set, If
supplied in uppercase (U, L, N or S) the returned string will
contain at least one of the characters in the concerned character
The Exclude parameter lets you exclude specific characters that might e.g.
lead to confusion like an alphanumeric O and a numeric 0 (zero).
To create a password with a length of 8 characters that might contain any uppercase characters, lowercase characters and numbers:
Create-Password 8 uln
To create a password with a length of 12 characters that that contains at least one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one number and one symbol and does not contain the characters OLIoli01:
Create-Password 12 ULNS "OLIoli01"
For the latest New-Password version: use:
Install-Script -Name PowerSnippets.New-Password
Command to Generate Random passwords by using existing funciton:
x = Length of the password
y = Complexity
General Error:
Unable to find type []. Make sure that the assembly that contains this type is loaded.
Run the below command:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.web;
Another solution:
function New-Password() {
[int] $Length = 10,
[bool] $Upper = $true,
[bool] $Lower = $true,
[bool] $Numeric = $true,
[string] $Special
$lowerChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
$numericChars = "0123456789"
$all = ""
if ($Upper) { $all = "$all$upperChars" }
if ($Lower) { $all = "$all$lowerChars" }
if ($Numeric) { $all = "$all$numericChars" }
if ($Special -and ($special.Length -gt 0)) { $all = "$all$Special" }
$password = ""
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Length; $i++) {
Write-Host "password: [$password]"
$password = $password + $all[$(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum $all.Length)]
$valid = $true
if ($Upper -and ($password.IndexOfAny($upperChars.ToCharArray()) -eq -1)) { $valid = $false }
if ($Lower -and ($password.IndexOfAny($lowerChars.ToCharArray()) -eq -1)) { $valid = $false }
if ($Numeric -and ($password.IndexOfAny($numericChars.ToCharArray()) -eq -1)) { $valid = $false }
if ($Special -and $Special.Length -gt 1 -and ($password.IndexOfAny($Special.ToCharArray()) -eq -1)) { $valid = $false }
if (-not $valid) {
$password = New-Password `
-Length $Length `
-Upper $Upper `
-Lower $Lower `
-Numeric $Numeric `
-Special $Special
return $password
Flexible enough to set length, turn on/of upper, lower, and numeric, and set the list of specials.
My take on generating passwords in PowerShell, based on what I've found here and in the Internets:
#Requires -Version 4.0
param (
Mandatory = $false,
HelpMessage = "Minimum password length"
[int]$MinimumLength = 24,
Mandatory = $false,
HelpMessage = "Maximum password length"
[int]$MaximumLength = 42,
Mandatory = $false,
HelpMessage = "Characters which can be used in the password"
[string]$Characters = '1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM##%*-_+:,.'
(1..(Get-Random -Minimum $MinimumLength -Maximum $MaximumLength) `
| %{ `
$Characters.GetEnumerator() | Get-Random `
}) -join ''
I preferred this over using System.Web, not to introduce dependencies, which could change with .Net / .Net Core versions.
My variation also allows random password length (in specified range), is fairly concise (apart from the parameters section, which is quite verbose, to enforce some validations and provide defaults) and allows character repetitions (as opposite to the code in the question, which never repeats the same character).
I understand, that this does not guarantee a digit in the password. This however can be addressed in different ways. E.g. as was suggested, to repeat the generation until the password matches the requirements (contains a digit). My take would be:
Generate a random password.
If it does not contain a digit (or always):
Use a random function to get 1 random digit.
Add it to the random password.
Randomize the order of the result (so the digit is not necessarily always at the end).
Assuming, that the above script would be named "Get-RandomPassword.ps1", it could look like this:
$pass = .\Get-RandomPassword.ps1
$pass += (0..9 | Get-Random)
$pass = (($pass.GetEnumerator() | Get-Random -Count $pass.Length) -join '')
Write-Output $pass
This can be generalized, to enforce using any character category:
$sets = #('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', '0123456789', '()-_=+[{]};:''",<.>/?`~')
$pass = .\Get-RandomPassword.ps1 -Characters ($sets -join '')
foreach ($set in $sets) {
$pass += ($set.GetEnumerator() | Get-Random)
$pass = (($pass.GetEnumerator() | Get-Random -Count $pass.Length) -join '')
Write-Output $pass
I wrote a secure password generator function in PowerShell, maybe this will be useful to someone.
Similar to the accepted answer, this script also uses Get-Random (twice), and also regular expression matching to ensure the output is secure.
The difference in this script is that the password length can also be randomised.
(To hard set a password length, just set the MinimumPasswordLength and MaximumPasswordLength values to the the same length.)
It also allows an easy to edit character set, and also has a regex to ensure a decent password has been generated with all of the following characteristics:
(?=.*\d) must contain at least one numerical character
(?=.*[a-z]) must contain at least one lowercase character
(?=.*[A-Z]) must contain at least one uppercase character
(?=.*\W) must contain at least one non-word character
The answer to your question about always including a number in your generated output can be solved by checking the output with a regex match (just use the parts of the regex that you need, based on the explanations above), the example here checks for uppercase, lowercase, and numerical:
$Regex = "(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])"
do {
$Password = ([string]($AllowedPasswordCharacters |
Get-Random -Count $PasswordLength) -replace ' ')
} until ($Password -cmatch $Regex)
Here is the full script:
Function GeneratePassword
$MinimumPasswordLength = 12
$MaximumPasswordLength = 16
$PasswordLength = Get-Random -InputObject ($MinimumPasswordLength..$MaximumPasswordLength)
$AllowedPasswordCharacters = [char[]]'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!?##£$%^&'
$Regex = "(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\W)"
do {
$Password = ([string]($AllowedPasswordCharacters |
Get-Random -Count $PasswordLength) -replace ' ')
} until ($Password -cmatch $Regex)
I had the same issue here is the snippet I used to create my alphanumerical password its simple all I have done is used ASCII regex replace to make it nice.
Function Password-Generator ([int]$Length)
# Generate passwords just call password-generator(lenght of password)
$Assembly = Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web
$RandomComplexPassword = [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GeneratePassword($Length,2)
$AlphaNumericalPassword = $RandomComplexPassword -replace '[^\x30-\x39\x41-\x5A\x61-\x7A]+'
Write-Output $AlphaNumericalPassword
I've created this. You can choose how many Pwd to create
$howoften = Read-Host "How many would you like to create: "
$i = 0
(-join(1..42 | ForEach {((65..90)+(97..122)+(".") | % {[char]$_})+(0..9)+(".") | Get-Random}))
} until ($i -match $howoften)
To change the length of the pwd simply edit the "42" in line 4
(-join(1..**42** | ForEach ...

Checking for a range in Powershell

I'm trying to write a script that will get an IP address of a computer and check to see whether it falls in a specific range of IPs. So for example, if the IP of the machine is, the script will check to see if it falls between the range to So far, my script is only able to get IPs of remote machines, but I just can't figure out how I would check if the IP is in a specific range. I'd appreciate any suggestions. Thank you.
It might be easiest to let .NET do the work - there's an IPAddress class that can parse them to their numeric values for comparison. Here's a function that you can drop into your profile (or add to a module, or however you prefer to add PS functions):
function IsIpAddressInRange {
[string] $ipAddress,
[string] $fromAddress,
[string] $toAddress
$ip = []::Parse($ipAddress).GetAddressBytes()
$ip = [system.BitConverter]::ToUInt32($ip, 0)
$from = []::Parse($fromAddress).GetAddressBytes()
$from = [system.BitConverter]::ToUInt32($from, 0)
$to = []::Parse($toAddress).GetAddressBytes()
$to = [system.BitConverter]::ToUInt32($to, 0)
$from -le $ip -and $ip -le $to
Usage looks like:
PS> IsIpAddressInRange "" "" ""
PS> IsIpAddressInRange "" "" ""
i write a little function to do this:
function Test-IpAddressInRange {
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)][ipaddress]$from,
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true)][ipaddress]$to,
[Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $true)][ipaddress]$target
$f=$from.GetAddressBytes()|%{"{0:000}" -f $_} | & {$ofs='-';"$input"}
$t=$to.GetAddressBytes()|%{"{0:000}" -f $_} | & {$ofs='-';"$input"}
$tg=$target.GetAddressBytes()|%{"{0:000}" -f $_} | & {$ofs='-';"$input"}
return ($f -le $tg) -and ($t -ge $tg)
test result:
PS C:\> Test-IpAddressInRange "" "" ""
PS C:\> Test-IpAddressInRange "" "" ""
PS C:\> Test-IpAddressInRange "" "" ""
PS C:\>
It's easy if mask is
in this case you can do something like this:
$a = [ipaddress]""
10..20 -contains $a.IPAddressToString.split('.')[3]
For different submask you have to check each ip's octect.
If you're into the whole brevity thing, here is a functional hybrid of AndyHerb's comment and E.Z. Hart's answer:
function IsIpAddressInRange {
[System.Version] $IPAddress,
[System.Version] $FromAddress,
[System.Version] $ToAddress
$FromAddress -le $IPAddress -and $IPAddress -le $ToAddress
IsIpAddressInRange "" "" ""
IsIpAddressInRange "" "" ""
IsIpAddressInRange "" "" ""
IsIpAddressInRange "" "" ""
For seeing if an IP is in range to, for example, you can use regex and the -match operator
$ip -match "192\.168\.1\.0?(1\d)|20"
The 0? is to allow a leading 0.
Similarly, for any range, you can use a regex.
For very simple range, use string split on . and operate on the components.
Came across this one when googling, rather high hit. Just wanted to say that at least in powershell 4 and 5 it's a lot easier:
$range = ""
$ipStart,$ipEnd = $range.Split("-")
$ipCheck = ""
($ipCheck -ge $ipStart) -AND ($ipCheck -le $ipEnd)
This is not working, if you give an IP within range