I'm using Microsoft's ActiveDirectory module to retrieve and manipulate our domain users, and I need to easily determine the parent OU of the objects I'm retrieving. I've tried using -split ',' or .Split(','), but I keep running into issues with certain objects that have commas in them.
There is no public exposed DN parser method or class built in to the .Net libraries. It does exist because it has to be there for how some of the DirectoryServices classes seem to work, but I don't know how to call it from Powershell and it's not documented.
There is the fairly popular DNParser library on NuGet, which is a .Net library for parsing and manipulating distinguished names.
First, download the package file from NuGet. The package will be called "dnparser.1.3.3.nupkg" for example, but it's just a ZIP file. Extract the contents to a folder. The package is a single library, so all we need is .\dnparser.1.3.3\lib\net5.0\CPI.DirectoryServices.dll for Powershell v5 or .\dnparser.1.3.3\lib\netstandard1.1\CPI.DirectoryServices.dll for Powershell v6+. You only need that library. Nothing else in the package is strictly necessary.
# Load the library
Add-Type -Path 'C:\Path\To\dnparser.1.3.3\lib\netstandard1.1\CPI.DirectoryServices.dll'
Get-ADUser -Filter 'Enabled -eq "True"' |
Select-Object -First 10 |
ForEach-Object {
$DN = [CPI.DirectoryServices.DN]::new($_.DistinguishedName)
DistinguishedName = $DN.ToString()
ParentOU = $DN.Parent.ToString()
} |
Format-List *
You can also create the object with New-Object if you prefer that.
$DN = New-Object -TypeName CPI.DirectoryServices.DN -ArgumentList $_.DistinguishedName
There are other methods and properties in the class, but this is enough for what I need.
Warning: I have learned that DNParser, designed around RFC 2253, uses UTF-8 for encoding hex characters, while I think at least some instances of Active Directory use ISO-8859-1 (Western Latin). In short, you may have hex-escaped characters in Active Directory like ü which are escaped as \FC. These may translate to the UTF-8 unprintable character in DNParser � or \EF\BF\BD because they're in an invalid range in UTF-8. The UTF-8 equivalent would be \C3\BC, but that's ó in ISO-8859-1. There does not appear to be a way to force disable this behavior.
You could use this small helper function to parse out the RelativeDistinguishedName components in order:
function Parse-DistinghuishedName {
# See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/desktop/ldap/distinguished-names
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
begin {
function _UnescapeSpecial([string]$value) {
# replace all special characters formatted as BackSlash-TwoDigitHexCode
$match = ([regex]'(?i)\\([0-9a-f]{2})').Match($value)
while ($match.Success) {
$value = $value -replace "\\$($match.Groups[1].Value)", [char][convert]::ToUInt16($match.Groups[1].Value, 16)
$match = $match.NextMatch()
# finally, replace all backslash escaped characters
$value -replace '\\(.)', '$1'
process {
foreach ($dn in $DistinguishedName) {
$hash = [ordered]#{}
# split the string into separate RDN (RelativeDistinguishedName) components
$dn -split ',\s*(?<!\\,\s*)' | ForEach-Object {
$name, $value = ($_ -split '=', 2).Trim()
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($value)) {
$value = _UnescapeSpecial $value
switch ($name) {
'O' { $hash['Organization'] = $value }
'L' { $hash['City'] = $value }
'S' { $hash['State'] = $value }
'C' { $hash['Country'] = $value }
'ST' { $hash['StateOrProvince'] = $value }
'UID' { $hash['UserId'] = $value }
'STREET' { $hash['Street'] = $value }
# these RDN's can occur multiple times, so add as arrays
'CN' { $hash['Name'] += #($value) }
'OU' { $hash['OrganizationalUnit'] += #($value) }
'DC' { $hash['DomainComponent'] += #($value) }
$dnHash = Parse-DistinghuishedName 'CN=R\fchmann\, Heinz ,OU=Test,OU=SubOU,DC=North America,DC=Fabrikam,DC=COM'
would result in an ordered Hashtable:
Name Value
---- -----
Name {Rühmann, Heinz}
OrganizationalUnit {Test, SubOU}
DomainComponent {North America, Fabrikam, COM}
To get the parent OU name, you just index into the .OrganizationalUnit element:
$dnHash.OrganizationalUnit[0] # --> 'Test' (top parent OU)
$dnHash.OrganizationalUnit[-1] # --> 'SubOU' (direct OU)
I need to in powershell
-Ask the user for a 2-digit number
-Validate this number is two numeric digits
-Take into account leading zeroes
-If the number is invalid, have the user try again
It seemed that using
$2digit = read-host
$2digit -match "[0-9][0-9]"
was working but it stopped out of nowhere. Any advice?
You are probably getting an a false result when you entered more than 2 characters.
This is because you have not specified length.
$2digit = read-host
($2digit.Length -le 2) -and ($2digit -match "[0-9][0-9]")
You can also change your regex pattern
$2digits -match "^[0-9][0-9]$"
^ - start of string or line
$ - end of string or line
I was able to figure it out
do {
write-host -nonewline "Enter the two digit number: "
$2d = read-host
$value = $2d -as [Double]
$ok = $value -ne $NULL
if ( -not $ok ) { write-host "!!ERROR:You must enter numeric values!!" }
until ( $ok )
if ($2d.Length -eq 2){$holder = $true}
elseif($2d.Length -ne 2){Write-host "!!ERROR:The number must be 2 digits!!"}
while ( $holder -ne $true )
The first do loop will verify that the input is numeric and the second do loop will check it to be 2 numbers.
Regular expressions are your friend. This will only accept digits 0-9 with a length of two. Anything else will not be accepted.
do {
$input = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter the two digit number(0-9)'
if ( $input -match '^\d{2}$' ) {
Write-Host "The value must be a two digit number; $input is invalid"
} while ( $true )
Since the default Windows PowerShell console fonts don't support Emojis, I'd like to display their surrogate pair hexadecimal codes and ideally also their Unicode character names for debugging purposes.
I know how to convert Emojis to a byte arrays, but I haven't figured out how to convert them to surrogate pair hexadecimal codes and Unicode character names.
$ThumbsUp = "👍"
$Bytes = [system.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($ThumbsUp)
# output
What I need is the following output:
$Hex = 0x1F44D
$CharName = "Thumbs Up Sign"
I.e., the following command should convert the hexadecimal value back to an Emoj:
# output
Maybe the following script (a part of my broader project) could help. The script defines fairly sophisticated Get-CharInfo function.
Example: 'r Ř',0x1F44D|chr -OutUni -OutHex -OutStr -IgnoreWhiteSpace
r Ř👍
Char CodePoint Category Description
---- --------- -------- -----------
r {U+0072, 0x72} LowercaseLetter Latin Small Letter R
Ř {U+0158, 0xC5,0x98} UppercaseLetter Latin Capital Letter R With Caron
👍 {U+1F44D, 0xF0,0x9F,0x91,0x8D} So THUMBS UP SIGN (0xd83d,0xdc4d)
# ↑ UFF-8 ↑ name ↑ surrogates
The code (comment-based help at the end of the function body):
# Get-CharInfo function. Activate dot-sourced
# . .\_get-CharInfo_2.1.ps1
# Comment-based help at the end of the function body
# History notes at the very end of the script
if ( -not ('Microsofts.CharMap.UName' -as [type]) ) {
Add-Type -Name UName -Namespace Microsofts.CharMap -MemberDefinition $(
switch ("$([System.Environment]::SystemDirectory -replace
'\\', '\\')\\getuname.dll") {
{Test-Path -LiteralPath $_ -PathType Leaf} {#"
[DllImport("${_}", ExactSpelling=true, SetLastError=true)]
private static extern int GetUName(ushort wCharCode,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] System.Text.StringBuilder buf);
public static string Get(char ch) {
var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(300);
UName.GetUName(ch, sb);
return sb.ToString();
default {'public static string Get(char ch) { return "???"; }'}
function Get-CharInfo {
# named or positional: a string or a number e.g. 'r Ř👍'
# pipeline: an array of strings and numbers, e.g 'r Ř',0x1f44d
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
# + Write-Host Python-like Unicode literal e.g. \u0072\u0020\u0158\U0001F44D
# + Write-Host array of hexadecimals e.g. 0x0072,0x0020,0x0158,0x0001F44D
# + Write-Host concatenated string e.g. r Ř👍
# choke down whitespaces ( $s -match '\s' ) from output
# from https://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt
[string]$UnicodeData = 'D:\Utils\CodePages\UnicodeData.txt'
begin {
Set-StrictMode -Version latest
if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $UnicodeData) ) { $UnicodeData = '::' }
Function ReadUnicodeRanges {
if ($Script:UnicodeFirstLast.Count -eq 0) {
$Script:UnicodeFirstLast = #'
128,128,Cc-Control,Padding Character
129,129,Cc-Control,High Octet Preset
153,153,Cc-Control,Single Graphic Character Introducer
13312,19903,Lo-Other_Letter,CJK Ideograph Extension A
19968,40956,Lo-Other_Letter,CJK Ideograph
44032,55203,Lo-Other_Letter,Hangul Syllable
94208,100343,Lo-Other_Letter,Tangut Ideograph
101632,101640,Lo-Other_Letter,Tangut Ideograph Supplement
131072,173789,Lo-Other_Letter,CJK Ideograph Extension B
173824,177972,Lo-Other_Letter,CJK Ideograph Extension C
177984,178205,Lo-Other_Letter,CJK Ideograph Extension D
178208,183969,Lo-Other_Letter,CJK Ideograph Extension E
183984,191456,Lo-Other_Letter,CJK Ideograph Extension F
196608,201546,Lo-Other_Letter,CJK Ideograph Extension G
983040,1048573,Co-Private_Use,Plane 15 Private Use
1048576,1114109,Co-Private_Use,Plane 16 Private Use
'# | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter ',' |
ForEach-Object {
First = [int]$_.First
Last = [int]$_.Last
Category = $_.Category
Description= $_.Description
foreach ( $FirstLast in $Script:UnicodeFirstLast) {
if ( $FirstLast.First -le $ch -and $ch -le $FirstLast.Last ) {
$out.Category = $FirstLast.Category
$out.Description = $FirstLast.Description + $nil
$AuxHex = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
$AuxStr = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
$AuxUni = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
$Script:UnicodeFirstLast = #()
$Script:UnicodeDataLines = #()
function ReadUnicodeData {
if ( $Script:UnicodeDataLines.Count -eq 0 -and (Test-Path $UnicodeData) ) {
$Script:UnicodeDataLines = #([System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines(
$UnicodeData, [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8))
$DescrLine = $Script:UnicodeDataLines -match ('^{0:X4}\;' -f $ch)
if ( $DescrLine.Count -gt 0) {
$u0, $Descr, $Categ, $u3 = $DescrLine[0] -split ';'
$out.Category = $Categ
$out.Description = $Descr + $nil
function out {
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true )] $ch,
[Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]$nil=''
if (0 -le $ch -and 0xFFFF -ge $ch) {
[void]$AuxHex.Add('0x{0:X4}' -f $ch)
$s = [char]$ch
[void]$AuxUni.Add('\u{0:X4}' -f $ch)
$out = [pscustomobject]#{
Char = $s
CodePoint = ('U+{0:X4}' -f $ch),
(([System.Text.UTF32Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($s) |
ForEach-Object { '0x{0:X2}' -f $_ }) -join ',')
Category = [System.Globalization.CharUnicodeInfo]::GetUnicodeCategory($ch)
Description = [Microsofts.CharMap.UName]::Get($ch)
if ( $out.Description -eq 'Undefined' ) { ReadUnicodeRanges }
if ( $out.Description -eq 'Undefined' ) { ReadUnicodeData }
} elseif (0x10000 -le $ch -and 0x10FFFF -ge $ch) {
[void]$AuxHex.Add('0x{0:X8}' -f $ch)
$s = [char]::ConvertFromUtf32($ch)
[void]$AuxUni.Add('\U{0:X8}' -f $ch)
$out = [pscustomobject]#{
Char = $s
CodePoint = ('U+{0:X}' -f $ch),
(([System.Text.UTF32Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($s) |
ForEach-Object { '0x{0:X2}' -f $_ }) -join ',')
Category = [System.Globalization.CharUnicodeInfo]::GetUnicodeCategory($s, 0)
Description = '???' + $nil
if ( $out.Description -eq ('???' + $nil) ) { ReadUnicodeData }
} else {
Write-Warning ('Character U+{0:X4} is out of range' -f $ch)
$s = $null
if (( $null -eq $s ) -or
( $IgnoreWhiteSpace.IsPresent -and ( $s -match '\s' ))
) {
} else {
process {
#if ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose']) {
# Write-Warning "InputObject $InputObject, type = $($InputObject.GetType().Name)"
if ( ($InputObject -as [int]) -gt 0xFFFF -and
($InputObject -as [int]) -le 0x10ffff ) {
$InputObject = [string][char]::ConvertFromUtf32($InputObject)
if ($null -cne ($InputObject -as [char])) {
#Write-Verbose "A $([char]$InputObject) InputObject character"
out $([int][char]$InputObject) ''
} elseif ( $InputObject -isnot [string] -and
$null -cne ($InputObject -as [int])) {
#Write-Verbose "B $InputObject InputObject"
out $([int]$InputObject) ''
} else {
$InputObject = [string]$InputObject
#Write-Verbose "C $InputObject InputObject.Length $($InputObject.Length)"
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $InputObject.Length; ++$i) {
if ( [char]::IsHighSurrogate($InputObject[$i]) -and
(1+$i) -lt $InputObject.Length -and
[char]::IsLowSurrogate($InputObject[$i+1])) {
$aux = ' (0x{0:x4},0x{1:x4})' -f [int]$InputObject[$i],
# Write-Verbose "surrogate pair $aux at position $i"
out $([char]::ConvertToUtf32($InputObject[$i], $InputObject[1+$i])) $aux
} else {
out $([int][char]$InputObject[$i]) ''
end {
if ( $OutStr.IsPresent -or $PSBoundParameters['Verbose']) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta -Object $($AuxStr -join '')
if ( $OutHex.IsPresent -or $PSBoundParameters['Verbose']) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan -Object $($AuxHex -join ',')
if ( $OutUni.IsPresent -or $PSBoundParameters['Verbose']) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -Object $($AuxUni -join '')
Return basic information about supplied Unicode characters.
Return information about supplied Unicode characters:
- as a PSCustomObject for programming purposes,
- in a human-readable form, and
- with optional additional output to the Information Stream.
Properties of the output PSCustomObject are as follows:
Char The character itself (if renderable)
CodePoint [string[]]Unicode CodePoint, its UTF-8 byte sequence
Category General Category (long name or abbreviation)
Description Name (and surrogate pair in parentheses if apply).
An array of characters, strings and numbers (in any combination)
can be piped to the function as parameter $InputObject, e.g as
"ΧАB",[char]4301,191,0x1F3DE | Get-CharInfo
or (the same in terms of decimal numbers) as
935,1040,66,4301,191,127966 | Get-CharInfo
On the other side, the $InputObject parameter supplied named
or positionally must be of the only base type: either a number
or a character or a string.
The same input as a string:
Get-CharInfo -InputObject 'ΧАBჍ¿🏞'
-Verbose implies all -OutUni, -OutHex and -OutStr
[Object[]] (an array like [PSCustomObject[]])
The UnicodeData.txt file (if used) must be saved locally
from https://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt
(currently Unicode 13.0.0)
The UnicodeData.txt file is not required however, in such case,
Get-CharInfo function could be return inaccurate properties
Category and Description for characters above BMP, see Example-3.
Unicode® Standard Annex #44: Unicode Character Database (UCD)
# full (first three lines are in the Information Stream)
'r Ř👍'|Get-CharInfo -OutUni -OutHex -OutStr -IgnoreWhiteSpace
r Ř👍
Char CodePoint Category Description
---- --------- -------- -----------
r {U+0072, 0x72} LowercaseLetter Latin Small Letter R
Ř {U+0158, 0xC5,0x98} UppercaseLetter Latin Capital Letter R W...
👍 {U+1F44D, 0xF0,0x9F,0x91,0x8D} So THUMBS UP SIGN (0xd83d,0...
# shortened version of above (output is the same)
'r Ř👍'|chr -Verbose -IgnoreWhiteSpace
# inaccurate (inexact) output above BMP if missing UnicodeData.txt
'r Ř👍'|chr -Verbose -IgnoreWhiteSpace -UnicodeData .\foo.bar
r Ř👍
Char CodePoint Category Description
---- --------- -------- -----------
r {U+0072, 0x72} LowercaseLetter Latin Small Letter R
Ř {U+0158, 0xC5,0x98} UppercaseLetter Latin Capital Letter R W...
👍 {U+1F44D, 0xF0,0x9F,0x91,0x8D} OtherSymbol ??? (0xd83d,0xdc4d)
Tested: Windows 8.1/64bit, Powershell 4
Windows 10 /64bit, Powershell 5
Windows 10 /64bit, Powershell Core 6.2.0
Windows 10 /64bit, Powershell Core 7.1.0
Set-Alias -Name chr -Value Get-CharInfo
Origin by: http://poshcode.org/5234
License: CC0
Activate dot-sourced like this (apply a real path instead of .\):
. .\Get-CharInfo.ps1
Improved by: https://stackoverflow.com/users/3439404/josefz
(to version 2)
Partial answer - I only know how to get the UTF-32 code point:
$ThumbsUp = "👍"
$utf32bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF32.GetBytes( $ThumbsUp )
$codePoint = [System.BitConverter]::ToUint32( $utf32bytes )
"0x{0:X}" -f $codePoint
For the character names, you could possibly find an answer here:
Finding out Unicode character name in .Net
Here's a simple script to get the name. Note emojis are two surrogate chars. Making a hash is faster than using where-object, even for one search of a 34,626 line file.
# idChar.ps1
if (! (test-path $psscriptroot\UnicodeData.txt)) {
wget http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt -outfile UnicodeData.txt
$unicode = import-csv $psscriptroot\UnicodeData.txt -Delimiter ';' -Header hexcode,
$unicode | % { $hash = #{} } { $hash[[int]('0x' + $_.hexcode)] = $_ }
Examples (control v to paste in console, not right click, to use psreadline's paste function):
.\idChar 👍
hexcode name
------- ----
.\idChar —
hexcode name
------- ----
2014 EM DASH
When I used (Get-WmiObject win32_physicalmedia).serialnumber the output was in hex. Example: 31323334353637383930. Then then I used the code below
$t=(Get-WmiObject win32_physicalmedia).serialnumber
$t -split '(.{2})' |%{ if ($_ -ne "") { $pass+=[CHAR]([CONVERT]::toint16("$_",16)) }}
write host $pass
The output was: 1234567890. The problem is that 1234567890 is not the serial number -- the real serial number is 2143658709. I need a script to swap the number $input "1234567890" to $output "214365768709".
this presumes your SN string is an even number of characters, and that the real number simply reverses the character pairs.
$InString = '1234567890'
$OutString = ''
foreach ($Index in 0..($InString.Length / 2))
$CurPos = $Index * 2
$OutString += $InString[$CurPos + 1] + $InString[$CurPos]
output = 2143658709
I think this is called "middle endian" format, where every two bytes are reversed: middle-endian
Coming from a post here: WMI Win32_PhysicalMedia SMART ID in Vista and 7 Permissions
The intention of my script is to filter out the name and phone number from both text files and add them into a hash table with the name being the key and the phone number being the value.
The problem I am facing is
$name = $_.Current is returning $null, as a result of which my hash is not getting populated.
Can someone tell me what the issue is?
Contents of File1.txt:
234 east 2nd street
Raleigh nc 12345
Contents of File2.txt:
2531 10th Avenue
Seattle WA 93413
Sample Code:
$hash = #{}
Switch -regex (Get-content -Path C:\Users\svats\Desktop\Fil*.txt)
'^[a-z]+$' { $name = $_.current}
'^\d{10}' {
$phone = $_.current
write-host "Nothing matched"
Remove the current property reference from $_:
$hash = #{}
Switch -regex (Get-content -Path C:\Users\svats\Desktop\Fil*.txt)
'^[a-z]+$' {
$name = $_
'^\d{10}' {
$phone = $_
$hash.Add($name, $phone)
$name = $phone = $null
default {
Write-Host "Nothing matched"
Mathias R. Jessen's helpful answer explains your problem and offers an effective solution:
it is automatic variable $_ / $PSItem itself that contains the current input object (whatever its type is - what properties $_ / $PSItem has therefore depends on the input object's specific type).
Aside from that, there's potential for making the code both less verbose and more efficient:
# Initialize the output hashtable.
$hash = #{}
# Create the regex that will be used on each input file's content.
# (?...) sets options: i ... case-insensitive; m ... ^ and $ match
# the beginning and end of every *line*.
$re = [regex] '(?im)^([a-z]+|\d{10})$'
# Loop over each input file's content (as a whole, thanks to -Raw).
Get-Content -Raw File*.txt | foreach {
# Look for name and phone number.
$matchColl = $re.Matches($_)
if ($matchColl.Count -eq 2) { # Both found, add hashtable entry.
$hash.Add($matchColl.Value[0], $matchColl.Value[1])
} else {
Write-Host "Nothing matched."
# Output the resulting hashtable.
A note on the construction of the .NET [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex] object (or [regex] for short), [regex] '(?im)^([a-z]+|\d{10})$':
Embedding matching options IgnoreCase and Multiline as inline options i and m directly in the regex string ((?im) is convenient, in that it allows using simple cast syntax ([regex] ...) to construct the regular-expression .NET object.
However, this syntax may be obscure and, furthermore, not all matching options are available in inline form, so here's the more verbose, but easier-to-read equivalent:
$re = New-Object regex -ArgumentList '^([a-z]+|\d{10})$', 'IgnoreCase, Multiline'
Note that the two options must be specified comma-separated, as a single string, which PowerShell translates into the bit-OR-ed values of the corresponding enumeration values.
other solution, use convertfrom-string
{street:234 east 2nd street}
{city:Raleigh nc 12345}
{street:2531 10th Avenue}
{city:Seattle WA 93413}
{street:2531 Avenue}
{city:Seattle WA 93413}
Get-Content -Path "c:\temp\file*.txt" | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | select name, phone