Master Data Services (MDS) login name checking error - master-data-services

when I try to add a user to MDS and check the login name, the service can't resolve it. It adds a dollar sign ($) to the end of the login name, and the full name, e-mail address... cells are empty in the users details table. In case of few users it works correctly but sometimes not. Maybe there is a problem with the AD sync, but how can I fix it? Please help!

I had a similar problem. The cause was IIS Application Pool was set up under my username. However, my password had changed. Since the Application Pool could not authenticate the "admin", it could not check the active directory thus not being able to find the user.
I updated the application admin to a service account with a permanent password which fixed the issue for me.

Just try to use full name instead of the login name and it should resolve.
EG: “John Smith” not “jsmith” .
It is working for me and you don’t have to change computer name.


RDP MSTSC no logon screen?

Good day to you all!
Guys tell me what I can not find, in short, there is a domain theme - right-click on the account = change password, check the box: The user must change the password... Type a temporary password for example 123456
Ideally and on many DC machines with mstsc or other client, type in the address of the RDS machine, 1. A logon window appears and then you are asked to enter your login and password, we enter our login and password 123456, then in the same logon it asks you to change your password... This is configured in the GPO and so on, but here's the thing, there are controllers or PCs which terminal server is configured so that the logon window is not issued and immediately at the above request to change the password this window is issued:
In short! Here's the solution!
Make an account that will not be in any group of the domain, or rather make the group empty and put it the main user, removing even from the group domain users.
We add this user to the remote desktop group on the farm gateway only.
Then we write in ANY client properties of this user together with login, password, domain, ONLY in the gateway section.
In the same connection settings write the PC (usually the 1st PC in the farm), which needs to connect.
Everything. Profit. Thank you all. The solution was found by the collective mind of my team, for which she and I, including a BIG THANK YOU! login with github issue: mail is already used by an existing user

I got the following error when login into
You're not authorized to access this page. Please contact the administrator.
Reason : You can't sign up because email '' is already used by an existing user. This means that you probably already registered with another account.
It seems the issue is that the github handle of the above account got changed as some point!
Please use in order to contact administrator of

"Failed to push application, host taken" error even after giving permission

My teammate is seeing a "Failed to push application, host taken" error even after I have added her as a user on the domain I have created.
One thing I noticed is that the Roles field for the domain shows only Manager, Auditor and Billing Manager. I have enabled all of those.
I have added my teammate as a Developer in the particular "Space" where the app runs.
I believe you can only use the same url (host and domain) connected to two different apps in the same space. In this case, you will get round robin between the two apps. If you want the team mate to replace the existing app, she needs to push her app to the same app name and the same space as your original app
Try adding a unique word at the end of your application name. By default, the application name becomes the first part of the url - which needs to be globally unique.
Also, please make sure she is logged into the same space as the existing app.

Unable to connect Eclipse IDE with hana cloud trial account

I am trying to connect SAP HANA trial account with eclipse IDE
I am using a direct internet connection with following settings :
I am using the same credentials (emailID and password when logging into HANA cockpit). I am not sure what am I doing wrong here.
your account name should be the same as you wrote but you have to add "trial" suffix to it
your username is the same as your account name just you should exclude "trial" suffix.
according to your screenshot it should be like this
account name : p1940990208trial
user name : p1940990208
You've specified p1940990208 as account name (visible in the second screen shot), while in reality your account is p1940990208trial. Please fix that and try it out again - I'm pretty sure it's gonna work fine.
Best wishes,
I had the same problem - the instructions on the SAP site are a bit confusing. When you add in the details on the first screen it is your accountID with the trial suffix and then your account id plus the password associated with it. Once you have authenticated then you use the database user you set up to the database.

Use Powershell to change password on login

At the moment I'm building a login Script on powershell basis.
This login script should be able to change the users Password on login and change it back to the original on logout.
Problem here being that I want to change a Password of a domain user, the same user as the one who is logged in obviously
Now I found some neat stuff like the old, net.exe. but it all says I don't have the rights to change the password in the Domain.
I really can't believe that this is something impossible cause the user himself can change the password too.
Otherwise I'd have to find out how to run a login script with a domain admin...
ok I'll try to explain our setup we have a so called VMware View environment, in which every user can login once. now we have the problem that there are accounts with generally known passwords, and some people find it highly amusing to steal others sessions. I've thought about it and making a little script that changes and then resets the password would be a neat little solution. I hope I was of help^^
It would be really helpfull if I could get some thoughts on this
Thanks in advance
This link might help you.
Also, according to the link above, you need to be on the domain controller to use net to change password (or supply the "/domain" option).