Measuring vertical movement of non-fixed Android device - android-sensors

My goal is to make an Android mobile app (SDK16+) that measures road quality while riding a bike.
I have found a Sensor fusion demo for Android that I assume will do all the measurements for me.
How can I get only the vertical movement when the phone is not fixed in a certain orientation?

The problem
The problem here is that you have two systems of coordinates, the dx, dy, dz, of your device and the wX, wY, wZ of the world around you. The relationship between the two changes as you move your device around.
Another way to formulate your question would be to say:
Given a sensor reading [dx, dy, dz], how do I find the component of the reading which is parallel to wZ?
A solution
Luckily, the orientation sensors (such as Android's own ROTATION_VECTOR sensor) provide the tools for transformation between these two coordinate systems.
For example, the output of the ROTATION_VECTORsensor comes in the form of an axis-angle representation of the rotation your device has from some certain "base" rotation fixed in the world frame (see also: Quaternions).
Android the provides the method SensorManager#getRotationMatrixFromVector(float[] R, float[] rotationVector), which takes axis-angle representation from your sensor and translates it into a rotation matrix. A rotation matrix is used to transform a vector given in one frame of reference to another (in this case [ World -> Device ]).
Now, you want to transform a measurement in the device frame into the world frame? No problem. One nifty characteristic of rotation matrices is that the inverse of the rotation matrix is the rotation matrix of the opposite transformation ([Device -> World] in our case). Another, even niftier thing is that the inverse of a rotation matrix simply is it's transpose.
So, your code could follow the lines of:
public void findVerticalComponentOfSensorValue() {
float[] rotationVectorOutput = ... // Get latest value from ROTATION_VECTOR sensor
float[] accelerometerValue = ... // Get latest value from ACCELEROMETER sensor
float[] rotationMatrix = new float[9]; // Both 9 and 16 works, depending on what you're doing with it
SensorManager.getRotationMatrixFromVector(rotationMatrix, rotationVectorOutput);
float[] accelerationInWorldFrame = matrixMult(
// Make your own methods for the matrix operations or find an existing library
accelerationInWorldFrame[2] // This is your vertical acceleration
Now, I'm not saying this is the best possible solution, but it should do what you're after.
Strapping a device that uses sensor fusion including a magnetometer to a metal frame may produce inconsistent results. Since your compass heading doesn't matter here, I'd suggest using a sensor fusion method that doesn't involve the magnetometer.


ARKit project point with previous device position

I'm combining ARKit with a CNN to constantly update ARKit nodes when they drift. So:
Get estimate of node position with ARKit and place a virtual object in the world
Use CNN to get its estimated 2D location of the object
Update node position accordingly (to refine it's location in 3D space)
The problem is that #2 takes 0,3s or so. Therefore I can't use sceneView.unprojectPoint because the point will correspond to a 3D point from the device's world position from #1.
How do I calculate the 3D vector from my old location to the CNN's 2D point?
unprojectPoint is just a matrix-math convenience function similar to those found in many graphics-oriented libraries (like DirectX, old-style OpenGL, Three.js, etc). In SceneKit, it's provided as a method on the view, which means it operates using the model/view/projection matrices and viewport the view currently uses for rendering. However, if you know how that function works, you can implement it yourself.
An Unproject function typically does two things:
Convert viewport coordinates (pixels) to the clip-space coordinate system (-1.0 to 1.0 in all directions).
Reverse the projection transform (assuming some arbitrary Z value in clip space) and the view (camera) transform to get to 3D world-space coordinates.
Given that knowledge, we can build our own function. (Warning: untested.)
func unproject(screenPoint: float3, // see below for Z depth hint discussion
modelView: float4x4,
projection: float4x4,
viewport: CGRect) -> float3 {
// viewport to clip: subtract viewport origin, divide by size,
// scale/offset from 0...1 to -1...1 coordinate space
let clip = (screenPoint - float3(viewport.x, viewport.y, 1.0))
/ float3(viewport.width, viewport.height, 1.0)
* float3(2) - float3(1)
// apply the reverse of the model-view-projection transform
let inversePM = (projection * modelView).inverse
let result = inversePM * float4(clip.x, clip.y, clip.z, 1.0)
return float3(result.x, result.y, result.z) / result.w // perspective divide
Now, to use it... The modelView matrix you pass to this function is the inverse of ARCamera.transform, and you can also get projectionMatrix directly from ARCamera. So, if you're grabbing a 2D position at one point in time, grab the camera matrices then, too, so that you can work backward to 3D as of that time.
There's still the issue of that "Z depth hint" I mentioned: when the renderer projects 3D to 2D it loses information (one of those D's, actually). So you have to recover or guess that information when you convert back to 3D — the screenPoint you pass in to the above function is the x and y pixel coordinates, plus a depth value between 0 and 1. Zero is closer to the camera, 1 is farther away. How you make use of that sort of depends on how the rest of your algorithm is designed. (At the very least, you can unproject both Z=0 and Z=1, and you'll get the endpoints of line segment in 3D, with your original point somewhere along that line.)
Of course, whether this can actually be put together with your novel CNN-based approach is another question entirely. But at least you learned some useful 3D graphics math!

Mapping outside quaternions to Unity

I'm trying to map rotations from a sensor into Unity using Quaternions, and I cannot
seem to figure out why rotations do not map correctly.
I'm using the Adafruit BNO055 to pull absolute orientation in the form of Quaternions. The
source for their Quaternion implementation can be found here. From what I understand about
Quaternions, which is almost nothing, I should be able to pull a Quaternion out of the sensor and
pump it into any GameObject inside Unity so that they share the same orientation. If I had a loop
set up that read the Quaternion data from the sensor and pumped it into Unity, the GameObject should
rotate exactly like the sensor in the physical world. Unfortunately, this is not happening.
An example of the data sent from the sensor to Unity
w: 0.903564
x: 0.012207
y: 0.009094
z: -0.428223
Is the Quaternion sent from the sensor not equal to the Quaternions used in Unity? If not, how
would I go about getting these mapped correctly?
Thanks in advance for any help!
When I have created a Quaternion from an external sensor in a comma separated list, this works for me:
parts = SensorReceivedText.Split(',');
float x = Convert.ToSingle(parts[0]);
float y = Convert.ToSingle(parts[1]);
float z = Convert.ToSingle(parts[2]);
float w = Convert.ToSingle(parts[3]);
Quaternion rotation = new Quaternion(x, y, z, w);
Just for example of diffrent conversions (including Unity and OpenGL)
I don't know your device and coordinates notation, but you can recover it making some experiments with orientation.
The main problem of conversion, that conversion matrix may contain MIRRORING (-1 matrix component). And can't be solved just rearanging rotation axes.

Calculating Lean Angle with Core Motion

I have a record session for my application. When user started a record session I start collecting data from device's CMMotionManager object and store them on CoreData to process and present later. The data I'm collecting includes gps data, accelerometer data and gyro data. The frequency of data is 10Hz.
Currently I'm struggling to calculate the lean angle of device with motion data. It is possible to calculate which side of device is land by using gravity data but I want to calculate right or left angle between user and ground regardless of travel direction.
This problem requires some linear algebra knowledge to solve. For example for calculation on some point I must calculate the equation of a 3D line on a calculated plane. I am working on this one for a day and it's getting more complex. I'm not good at math at all. Some math examples related to the problem is appreciated too.
It depends on what you want to do with the collected data and what ways the user will go with that recording iPhone in her/his pocket. The reason is that Euler angles are no safe and especially no unique way to express a rotation. Consider a situation where the user puts the phone upright into his jeans' back pocket and then turns left around 90°. Because CMAttitude is related to a device lying flat on the table, you have two subsequent rotations for (pitch=x, roll=y, yaw=z) according to this picture:
pitch +90° for getting the phone upright => (90, 0, 0)
roll +90° for turning left => (90, 90, 0)
But you can get the same position by:
yaw +90° for turning the phone left (0, 0, 90)
pitch -90° for making the phone upright (-90, 0, 90)
You see two different representations (90, 90, 0) and (-90, 0, 90) for getting to the same rotation and there are more of them. So you press Start button, do some fancy rotations to put the phone into the pocket and you are in trouble because you can't rely on Euler Angles when doing more complex motions (s. gimbal lock for more headaches on this ;-)
Now the good news: you are right linear algebra will do the job. What you can do is force your users to put the phone in always the same position e.g. fixed upright in the right back pocket and calculate the angle(s) relative to the ground by building the dot product of gravity vector from CMDeviceMotion g = (x, y, z) and the postion vector p which is the -Y axis (0, -1, 0) in upright position:
g • x = x*0 + y*(-1) + z*0 = -y = ||g||*1*cos (alpha)
=> alpha = arccos (-y/9.81) as total angle. Note that gravitational acceleration g is constantly about 9.81
To get the left-right lean angle and forward-back angle we use the tangens:
alphaLR = arctan (x/y)
alphaFB = arctan (z/y)
If you can't rely on having the phone at a predefined postion like (0, -1, 0) in the equations above, you can only calculate the total angle but not the specific ones alphaLR and alphaFB. The reason is that you only have one axis of the new coordinate system where you need two of them. The new Y axis y' will then be defined as average gravity vector but you don't know your new X axis because every vector perpedicular to y' will be valid.
So you have to provide further information like let the users walk a longer distance into one direction without deviating and use GPS and magnetometer data to get the 2nd axis z'. Sounds pretty error prone in practise.
The total angle is no problem as we can replace (0, -1, 0) with the average gravity vector (pX, pY, pZ):
g•p = xpX + ypY + zpZ = ||g||||p||*cos(alpha) = ||g||^2*cos(alpha)
alpha = arccos ((xpX + ypY + z*pZ) / 9.81^2)
Two more things to bear in mind:
Different persons wear different trowsers with different pockets. So the gravity vector will be different even for the same person wearing other clothes and you might need some kind of normalisation
CMMotionManager does not work in the background i.e. the users must not push the standby button
If I understand your question, I think you are interested in getting the attitude of your device. You can do this using the attitude property of the CMDeviceMotion object that you get from the deviceMotion property of the CMMotionManager object.
There are two different angles that you might be interested in the CMAttitude class: roll and pitch. If you imagine your device as an airplane with the propeller at the top (where the headphone jack is), pitch is the angle the plane/device would make with the ground if the plane were in a climb or dive. Meanwhile, roll is the angle that the "wings" would make with the ground if the plane were to be banking or in mid barrel roll.
(BTW, there is a third angle called yaw that I think is not relevant for your question.)
The angles will be given in radians, but it's easy enough to convert them to degrees if that's what you want (by multiplying by 180 and then dividing by pi).
Assuming I understand what you want, the good news is that you may not need to understand any linear algebra to capture and use these angles. (If I'm missing something, please clarify and I'd be happy to help further.)
UPDATE (based on comments):
The attitude values in the CMAttitude object are relative to the ground (i.e., the default reference frame has the Z-axis as vertical, that is pointing in the opposite direction as gravity), so you don't have to worry about cancelling out gravity. So, for example, if you lie your device on a flat table top, and then roll it up onto its side, the roll property of the CMAttitude object will change from 0 to plus or minus 90 degrees (+- .5pi radians), depending on which side you roll it onto. Meanwhile, if you start it lying flat and then gradually stand it up on its end, the same will happen to the pitch property.
While you can use the pitch, roll, and yaw angles directly if you want, you can also set a different reference frame (e.g., a different direction for "up"). To do this, just capture the attitude in that orientation during a "calibration" step and then use CMAttitude's multiplyByInverseOfAttitude: method to transform your attitude data to the new reference frame.
Even though your question only mentioned capturing the "lean angle" (with the ground), you will probably want to capture at least 2 of the 3 attitude angles (e.g., pitch and either roll or yaw, depending on what they are doing), potentially all three, if the device is going to be in a person's pocket. (The device could rotate in the pocket in various ways if the pocket is baggy, for example.) For the most part, though, I think you will probably be able to rely on just two of the three (unless you see radical shifts in yaw throughout the course of a recording session). So for example, in my jeans pocket, the phone is usually nearly vertical. Thus, for me, pitch would vary a whole bunch as I, say, walk, sit or run. Roll would vary whenever I change the direction I'm facing. Meanwhile, yaw would not vary much at all (unless I do kart-wheels, which I can't!). So yaw can probably be ignored for me.
To summarize the main point: to use these attitude angles, you don't need to do any linear algebra, nor worry about gravity (although you may want to use this for other purposes, of course).
UPDATE 2 (based on Kay's new post):
Kay just replied and showed how to use gravity and linear algebra to make sure your angles are unique. (And, btw, I think you should give the bounty to that post, fwiw.)
Depending on what you want to do, you may want to use this math. You would want to use the linear algebra and gravity if you need a standardized way of "talking about" and/or comparing attitudes over the course of your recording session. If you just want to visualize them, you can probably still get away with not using the increased complexity. (For example, visualizing (pitch=90, roll=0, yaw=0) should be the same as visualizing (pitch=0, roll=90, yaw=90).) In my approach above, while you could have multiple ways of referring to the "same" attitude, none of them is actually wrong, per se. They will still give you the angles relative to the ground.
But the fact that the gyroscope can switch from one valid description of an attitude to another means that what I wrote above about getting away with only 2 of the 3 components needs to be corrected: because of this, you will need to capture all three components, no matter what. Sorry.

Getting level of rotation with UIAccleration

Games like FroggyJump for iPhone figure out the rotation of the iphone. I'm getting confused with the acceleration values. How do I calculate the level of rotation? I suppose I need to consider when the iphone isn't perfectly upright.
Thank you.
I'm also wanting to use the new Core Motion framework with the "Device Motion" for iPhone 4 for extra precision. I guess I'll have to use that low pass filter for the other devices.
It's the yaw.
Having given Froggy Jump a quick go, I think it's likely directly using the accelerometer's x value as the left/right acceleration on the frog. If it is stationary, you can think of an accelerometer as giving you the vector that points upward into space, relative to the local axes. For something like a ball rolling or anything else accelerating due to tilt, you want to use the values directly.
For anything that involves actually knowing angles, you're probably best picking the axis around which you want to detect rotation then using the C function atan2f on the accelerometer values for the other two axes. With just an accelerometer, there are some scenarios in which you can't detect rotation — for example, if the device is flat on a table then an accelerometer can't detect yaw. The general rule is that rotations around the gravity vector can't be detected with an accelerometer alone.

How to determine absolute orientation

I have a xyz accelerometer and magnetometer. Now I want to determine the orientation of the device using both. The problem I see is that depending on the device orientation, I'd need to use the sensors in different order.
Let me give an example. If I have the device facing me then changes in both the roll and pitch can be determined with the accelerometer. For yaw I use the magnetometer.
But if I put the device horizontally (ie. turn it 90º, facing the ceiling) then any change in the up vector (now horizontal) isn't notice, as the accelerometer doesn't detect any change. This can now be detected with the magnetometer.
So the question is, how to determine when to use one or the other. Is this enough with both sensors or do I need something else?
The key is to use the cross product of the two vectors, gravity and magnetometer. The cross product gives a new vector perpendicular to them both. That means it is horizontal (perpendicular to down) and 90 degrees away from north. Now you have three orthogonal vectors which define orientation. It is a little ugly because they are not all perpendicular but that is easy to fix. If you then cross this new vector back with the gravity vector that gives a third vector perpendicular to the gravity vector and the magnet plane vector. Now you have three perpendicular vectors which defines your 3D orientation coordinate system. The original accelerometer (gravity) vector defines Z (up/down) and the two cross product vectors define the east/west and north/south components of the orientation.
Here is some documentation that walks through this project. As is clear from other answers, the math can be tricky.
I think the question "how to determine when to use one or the other" is misguided. You should always use both sensors for orientation. There are cases where one of them is useless. However, these are edge cases.
If I understand you correctly, you'll need something to detect pitch (tilting) and orientation according to the cardinal points (North, East, South and West).
The pitch can be read from the accelerometer.
The orientation according to the cardinal points can be read from a compass.
Combining the output from these two sensors correctly with the right math in your software will most likely give you the absolute orientation.
I think it's doable that way.
Good luck.
In the event you still need absolute orientation you can check this break out board from Adafruit: The nice thing about this is board is that it has an ARM Cortex-M0 processor to do all of the calculations for you.