How to determine absolute orientation - accelerometer

I have a xyz accelerometer and magnetometer. Now I want to determine the orientation of the device using both. The problem I see is that depending on the device orientation, I'd need to use the sensors in different order.
Let me give an example. If I have the device facing me then changes in both the roll and pitch can be determined with the accelerometer. For yaw I use the magnetometer.
But if I put the device horizontally (ie. turn it 90º, facing the ceiling) then any change in the up vector (now horizontal) isn't notice, as the accelerometer doesn't detect any change. This can now be detected with the magnetometer.
So the question is, how to determine when to use one or the other. Is this enough with both sensors or do I need something else?

The key is to use the cross product of the two vectors, gravity and magnetometer. The cross product gives a new vector perpendicular to them both. That means it is horizontal (perpendicular to down) and 90 degrees away from north. Now you have three orthogonal vectors which define orientation. It is a little ugly because they are not all perpendicular but that is easy to fix. If you then cross this new vector back with the gravity vector that gives a third vector perpendicular to the gravity vector and the magnet plane vector. Now you have three perpendicular vectors which defines your 3D orientation coordinate system. The original accelerometer (gravity) vector defines Z (up/down) and the two cross product vectors define the east/west and north/south components of the orientation.

Here is some documentation that walks through this project. As is clear from other answers, the math can be tricky.

I think the question "how to determine when to use one or the other" is misguided. You should always use both sensors for orientation. There are cases where one of them is useless. However, these are edge cases.

If I understand you correctly, you'll need something to detect pitch (tilting) and orientation according to the cardinal points (North, East, South and West).
The pitch can be read from the accelerometer.
The orientation according to the cardinal points can be read from a compass.
Combining the output from these two sensors correctly with the right math in your software will most likely give you the absolute orientation.
I think it's doable that way.
Good luck.

In the event you still need absolute orientation you can check this break out board from Adafruit: The nice thing about this is board is that it has an ARM Cortex-M0 processor to do all of the calculations for you.


iPhone iOS is it possible to create a rangefinder with 2 laser pointers and an iPhone?

I'm working on an IPhone robot that would be moving around. One of the challenges is estimating distance to objects- I don't want the robot to run into things. I saw some very expensive (~1000$) laser rangefinders, and would like to emulate one using iPhone.
I got one or two camera feeds and two laser pointers. The laser pointers are mounted about 6 inches apart, at an angle The angle of lasers in relation to the cameras is known. The Angle of cameras to each other is known.
The lasers are pointing ahead of cameras, creating 2 dots on a camera feed. Is it possible to estimate the distance to the dots by looking at the distance between the dots in a camera image?
The lasers form a trapezoid from the
/wall \
/ \
/laser mount \
As the laser mount gets closer to the wall, the points should be moving further away from each other.
Is what I'm talking about feasible? Has anyone done something like that?
Would I need one or two cameras for such calculation?
If you just don't want to run into things, rather than have an accurate idea of the distance to them, then you could go "dambusters" on it and just detect when the two points become one - this would be at a known distance from the object.
For calculation, it is probaby cheaper to have four lasers instead, in two pairs, each pair at a different angle, one pair above the other. Then a comparison between the relative differences of the dots would probably let you work out a reasonably accurate distance. Math overflow for that one, though.
In theory, yes, something like this can work. Google "light striping" or "structured light depth measurement" for some good discussions of using this sort of idea on a larger scale.
In practice, your measurements are likely to be crude. There are a number of factors to consider: the camera intrinsic parameters (focal length, etc) and extrinsic parameters will affect how the dots appear in the image frame.
With only two sample points (note that structured light methods use lines, etc), the environment will present difficulties for distance measurement. Surfaces that are directly perpendicular to the floor (and direction of travel) can be handled reasonably well. Slopes and off-angle walls may be detectable, but you will find many situations that will give ambiguous or incorrect distance measures.

iPhone 3D compass

I am trying to build an app for the iPhone 4 which enables the user to "point" at a hardcoded destination and a dot appears where the destination is located.
First, i use the compass to make a horizontal compass(this will cover the left/right rotation):
// Heading
nowHeading = heading.trueHeading;
// Shift image (horizontal compass)
float shift = bearing - nowHeading; = CGPointMake(shift+160,;
I shift the dot 160 pixels because the screen is 320 pixels width. My question is now, how can I expand this code to handle up and down? Meaning that if i point the phone down in the table, the dot wont show.. I have to point (like taking a picture) at the destination in order for it to be drawn on the screen. I've already implemented the accelerator. But i don't know how to unite these components to solve my problem.
Bearing should depend on the field of vision of the camera. For iPhone 4 the horizontal angular view is 47.5 so 320 points/47.5 = xxx points per degree, use that to shift horizontally. You also have to add an adaptive filter to the accelerometers, you can get one from the AccelerometerGraph project from Apple.
You have the rotation in one axis (bearing) you should get the rotation on the other two from the accelerometers. The atan2 of two axis give you the rotation on the third. Go to UIAcceleration and imagine an axis physically piercing the device if that helps and do double xAngle = atan2(acceleration.y, acceleration.z); So once you have the rotation upside down you can repeat what you did for the horizontal with the vertical field of view, eg: 60 for the iPhone.
That is going to be one rough implementation :) but achieving smooth movement is difficult. One thing you can do is use the gyros to get a faster response and correct their signal periodically with the accelerometers. See this talk for the troubles ahead: Sensor Fusion on Android Devices. Here is a website dedicated to the Kalman Filter. If you dare with Quaternions I recommend "Visualizing Quaternions" from Andrew J. Hanson.
It sounds like you are trying to do a style of Augmented Reality. If that. Is the case there are several libraries and sample code suggested here:
Augmented Reality

iphone - core motion (relative rotation)

Is there a way to obtain a relative rotation from core motion?
What I need is: how much it rotated in one axis and which direction (+ sign = anti-clockwise, - = clockwise, according to the right-hand rule).
I have found the property rotationRate, but I am now sure how I would extract the angle out of it, as this is giving me radians per second.
I have done all kind of stuff on the last days but nothing is giving me stable values. I have tried to do a timed sample of core motion data, using a NSTimer and calculate the difference between two samples, so I would have how much it rotated since the last sample, but from times to times it gives me crazy numbers like 13600 degrees even when the iPhone is resting on the table.
Any thoughts on how this can be accomplished?
There is indeed. You can get what you're looking for by drilling down into the properties of CMMotionManager, through CMDeviceMotion and finally to CMAttitude. The attitude of the device is defined as:
the orientation of a body relative to
a given frame of reference.
In the case of DeviceMotion's CMAttitude, that frame of reference is established by the framework when starting device motion updates. From that point in time on, the attitude of the device is reported relative to that reference frame (not relative to the previous frame).
The CMAttitude class provides some handy built in functionality to convert a CMAttitude to a form that is actually useful for something, like Euler Angles, a rotation matrix, or a quaternion. You sound like you're looking for the Euler Angle representation (Pitch, Yaw, Roll).
The answer provided above isn't quite accurate, though it's probably sufficient to answer this question. Core Motion tries to determine the device's absolute attitude at all times, meaning that the definition of the axes can vary depending on the device's orientation. For example, if the device is face-up, then pitch up/down is a rotation about the y-axis, but if the device is in landscape orientation, then pitch is a rotation about the z-axis (perpendicular to the plane of the screen). This is somewhat helpful if your application will only be used in one orientation, or you want a delta like the question asked for, but makes it excessively complicated if you want to know absolute orientation.

Getting level of rotation with UIAccleration

Games like FroggyJump for iPhone figure out the rotation of the iphone. I'm getting confused with the acceleration values. How do I calculate the level of rotation? I suppose I need to consider when the iphone isn't perfectly upright.
Thank you.
I'm also wanting to use the new Core Motion framework with the "Device Motion" for iPhone 4 for extra precision. I guess I'll have to use that low pass filter for the other devices.
It's the yaw.
Having given Froggy Jump a quick go, I think it's likely directly using the accelerometer's x value as the left/right acceleration on the frog. If it is stationary, you can think of an accelerometer as giving you the vector that points upward into space, relative to the local axes. For something like a ball rolling or anything else accelerating due to tilt, you want to use the values directly.
For anything that involves actually knowing angles, you're probably best picking the axis around which you want to detect rotation then using the C function atan2f on the accelerometer values for the other two axes. With just an accelerometer, there are some scenarios in which you can't detect rotation — for example, if the device is flat on a table then an accelerometer can't detect yaw. The general rule is that rotations around the gravity vector can't be detected with an accelerometer alone.

Calibrating code to iphone acellerometer and gyro data

I'm concepting an iPhone app that will require precise calibration to the iPhones accelerometer and gyro data. I will have to simulate specific movements that I would eventually like to execute code. (Think shake-to-shuffle, or undo).
Is there a good way of doing this already? or something you can come up with? Perhaps some way to generate a time/value graph of the movement data as it is being captured?
Movement data being captured - see the accelerometer graph sample app, which shows the data in real time:
The data is pretty noisy - the gyro and accelerometer aren't good enough right now to be able to track where the phone is in local 3d space, for example. The rotation, however, is very solid, and the orientation of the device can be pretty accurately tracked. You may have the best results making gestures out of rotation data instead of movement along an axis. Or, basic direction like shakes along an axis will work as Jacob Jennings said.
A good starting point for accelerometer gesture recognition is this tutorial by Kevin Bomberry at AblePear:
He sets a blanket threshold for the absolute value of acceleration on any axis. I would generate an 'event' for the axis that had the highest acceleration during the break of the threshold (Z POSITIVE, X NEGATIVE, etc), and push these on an 'event history' queue. At the end of each didAccelerate call, evaluate the queue for patterns that match a gesture, for example:
X POSITIVE, X NEGATIVE, X POSITIVE, X NEGATIVE might be considered a 'shake' along that axis. This should provide a couple different gesture commands.
See the following for a simple queue category addition to NSMutableArray:
How do I make and use a Queue in Objective-C?