Create Map in Scala using loop - scala

I am trying to create a map after getting result for each items in the list. Here is what I tried so far:
val sourceList: List[(Int, Int)] = ....
val resultMap: Map[Int, Int] = for(srcItem <- sourceList) {
val result: Int = someFunction(srcItem._1)
Map(srcItem._1 -> result)
But I am getting type mismatch error in IntelliJ and I am definitely not writing proper syntax here. I don't think I can use yield as I don't want List of Map. What is correct way to create Map using for loop. Any suggestion?

The simplest way is to create the map out of a list of tuples:
val resultMap = => (item._1, someFunction(item._1))).toMap
Or, in the monadic way:
val listOfTuples = for {
(value, _) <- sourceList
} yield (value, someFunction(value))
val resultMap = listOfTuples.toMap
Alternatively, if you want to avoid the creation of listOfTuples you can make the transformation a lazy one by calling .view on sourceList and then call toMap:
val resultMap = sourceList.view
.map(item => (item._1, someFunction(item._1)))
Finally, if you really want to avoid generating extra objects you can use a mutable Map instead and append the keys and values to it using += or .put


Extend / Replicate Scala collections syntax to create your own collection?

I want to build a map however I want to discard all keys with empty values as shown below:
def safeFiltersMap(
map: Map[String, String],
accumulator: Map[String,String] = Map.empty): Map[String, String] = {
if(map.isEmpty) return accumulator
val curr = map.head
val (key, value) = curr
if(value.nonEmpty) accumulator + (key->value)
else accumulator
Now this is fine however I need to use it like this:
val safeMap = safeFiltersMap(Map("a"->"b","c"->"d"))
whereas I want to use it like the way we instantiate a map:
val safeMap = safeFiltersMap("a"->"b","c"->"d")
What syntax can I follow to achieve this?
The -> syntax isn't a special syntax in Scala. It's actually just a fancy way of constructing a 2-tuple. So you can write your own functions that take 2-tuples as well. You don't need to define a new Map type. You just need a function that filters the existing one.
def safeFiltersMap(args: (String, String)*): Map[String, String] =
Map(args: _*).filter {
result => {
val (_, value) = result
Then call using

Scala create immutable nested map

I have a situation here
I have two strins
val keyMap = "anrodiApp,key1;iosApp,key2;xyz,key3"
val tentMap = "androidApp,tenant1; iosApp,tenant1; xyz,tenant2"
So what I want to add is to create a nested immutable nested map like this
tenant1 -> (andoidiApp -> key1, iosApp -> key2),
tenant2 -> (xyz -> key3)
So basically want to group by tenant and create a map of keyMap
Here is what I tried but is done using mutable map which I do want, is there a way to create this using immmutable map
case class TenantSetting() {
val requesterKeyMapping = new mutable.HashMap[String, String]()
val requesterKeyMapping = keyMap.split(";")
.map { keyValueList => keyValueList.split(',')
.map(keyValuePair => (keyValuePair[0],keyValuePair[1]))
val config = new mutable.HashMap[String, TenantSetting]
.map { keyValueList => keyValueList.split(',')
.map { keyValuePair =>
val requester = keyValuePair[0]
val tenant = keyValuePair[1]
if (!config.contains(tenant)) config.put(tenant, new TenantSetting)
config.get(tenant).get.requesterKeyMapping.put(requester, requesterKeyMapping.get(requester).get)
The logic to break the strings into a map can be the same for both as it's the same syntax.
What you had for the first string was not quite right as the filter you were applying to each string from the split result and not on the array result itself. Which also showed in that you were using [] on keyValuePair which was of type String and not Array[String] as I think you were expecting. Also you needed a trim in there to cope with the spaces in the second string. You might want to also trim the key and value to avoid other whitespace issues.
Additionally in this case the combination of map and filter can be more succinctly done with collect as shown here:
How to convert an Array to a Tuple?
The use of the pattern with 2 elements ensures you filter out anything with length other than 2 as you wanted.
The iterator is to make the combination of map and collect more efficient by only requiring one iteration of the collection returned from the first split (see comments below).
With both strings turned into a map it just needs the right use of groupByto group the first map by the value of the second based on the same key to get what you wanted. Obviously this only works if the same key is always in the second map.
def toMap(str: String): Map[String, String] =
.collect { case Array(key, value) => (key.trim, value.trim) }
val keyMap = toMap("androidApp,key1;iosApp,key2;xyz,key3")
val tentMap = toMap("androidApp,tenant1; iosApp,tenant1; xyz,tenant2")
val finalMap = keyMap.groupBy { case (k, _) => tentMap(k) }
Printing out finalMap gives:
Map(tenant2 -> Map(xyz -> key3), tenant1 -> Map(androidApp -> key1, iosApp -> key2))
Which is what you wanted.

Converting command line argument key=value pair to Map in scala

in my main program i receive inputs like -
key1=value1 key2=value2
Now what I want is to create a map out of it. I know the imperative way of doing this where I would get Array[String] that can be foreach and then split by "=" and then key and value can be used to form a Map.
is there a good functional and readable way to achieve this?
Also It will be great if I can avoid mutable Map and I want to avoid initial Dummy value initialization.
def initialize(strings: Array[String]): Unit = {
val m = collection.mutable.Map("dummy" -> "dummyval")
s => {
val keyVal:Array[String] = s.split("=")
m += keyVal(0) -> keyVal(1)
you can just use toMap().
However, converting from array to tuple is not quite trivial:
How to convert an Array to a Tuple?
scala> val ar = Array("key1=value1","key2=value2")
ar: Array[String] = Array(key1=value1, key2=value2)
scala> ar.collect(_.split("=") match { case Array(x,y) => (x,y)}).toMap
res10: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,String] = Map(key1 -> value1, key2 -> value2)
Maybe you have to call Function.unlift for intellij
val r = ar.collect(Function.unlift(_.split("=") match { case Array(x, y) => Some(x, y)})).toMap
similar to above but using only 'map'"=")).map(a=>(a(0), a(1))).toMap
You can use Scopt to do the command line argument parsing in a neat way.

Scala - Getting sequence id of elements during map

Scala newbie question.
I want to map a list to another list but I want to every object to know its sequence number.
In the following simple code, what is the right alternative to the usage of var v?
class T (s: String, val sequence:Int)
val stringList = List("a","b","C")
var v = 0
val tList = => { v=v+1; new T(s, v);})
You can use zipWithIndex to get a tuple for each element containing the actual element and the index, then just map that tuple to your object:
List("a", "b", "C")
.map(e => new T(e._1, e._2))
val tList = List.tabulate(stringList.length)(idx => new T(stringList(idx), idx))

Creating a Map by reading elements of List in Scala

I have some records in a List .
Now I want to create a new Map(Mutable Map) from that List with unique key for each record. I want to achieve this my reading a List and calling the higher order method called map in scala.
records.txt is my input file
Expected Output :
Map(0-> 100,Surender,2015-01-27, 1 -> 100,Surender,2015-01-30,2 ->101,Raja,2015-02-19)
Scala Code :
object SampleObject{
def main(args:Array[String]) ={
val mutableMap = scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,String]()
var i:Int =0
val myList=Source.fromFile("D:\\Scala_inputfiles\\records.txt").getLines().toList;
val resultList= { x =>
mutableMap(i) =x.toString()
But I am getting output like below
Map(1 -> 101,Raja,2015-02-19)
I want to understand why it is keeping the last record alone .
Could some one help me?
val mm: Map[Int, String] = Source.fromFile(filename).getLines
.map({ case (line, i) => i -> line })(collection.breakOut)
Here the (collection.breakOut) is to avoid the extra parse caused by toMap.
(for {
(line, i) <- Source.fromFile(filename).getLines.zipWithIndex
} yield i -> line).toMap
where we read each line, associate an index value starting from zero and create a map out of each association.