Read-only properties of protocols in Swift - swift

From the "Learn the Essentials of Swift" playground, there's an example protocol:
protocol ExampleProtocol {
var simpleDescription: String { get }
func adjust()
There's a short passage after this example that reads:
Note: The { get } following the simpleDescription property indicates that it is read-only, meaning that the value of the property can be viewed, but never changed.
Additionally an example is given of a class conforming to this protocol:
class SimpleClass: ExampleProtocol {
var simpleDescription: String = "A very simple class."
var anotherProperty: Int = 69105
func adjust() {
simpleDescription += " Now 100% adjusted."
var a = SimpleClass()
let aDescription = a.simpleDescription
However how does this class conform to the protocol? What's stopping me from mutating simpleDescription? What don't I understand?

There's no way to specify in a protocol that you must have a read-only property. Your protocol asks for a simpleDescription property, and allows but does not require a setter.
Note also that the only reason you may mutate simpleDescription is because you know your a is of type SimpleClass. If we have a variable of type ExampleProtocol instead...
var a: ExampleProtocol = SimpleClass()
a.simpleDescription = "newValue" //Not allowed!

Protocols place requirements on object's interface, but do not restrict implementation from providing more operations than that.
In this example, the protocol requires a readable simpleDescription property and adjust() method. The class provides that, so it conforms to the protocol. In other words, this protocol says implementation must have get operation, but it does not prohibit them from also having set.
You will not be able to mutate simpleDescription via that protocol interface, because it does not provide such operation, but nothing prevents you from mutating it through different interface — in this example, the interface of the implementing class.

Found this and thought it may be of interest in addition to the excellent answer already provided:
If a protocol requires a property to be gettable and settable, that property requirement cannot be fulfilled by a constant stored property or a read-only computed property. If the protocol only requires a property to be gettable, the requirement can be satisfied by any kind of property, and it is valid for the property to be also settable if this is useful for your own code.
Excerpt From: Apple Inc. “The Swift Programming Language (Swift 2.2).” iBooks.


Why am I allowed to set a read only property of a protocol using a struct that inherits said protocol?

I'm following a tutorial on the protocol oriented programming paradigm in which I'm confused by something I thought was rather simple which is read only properties of protocols or getters and setters. My understanding is that a read only property is signified by using the keyword 'get' when declaring a variable within a protocol. I was excited so I quickly coded created a playground to see if my thinking was accurate however it appears that I can still change the property which I thought was read only. What am I doing wrong to make it a true read only property to where I can't set it?
protocol FullName {
var firstName: String {get set}
var lastName: String {get set}
var readOnlyProperty: String {get}
struct OuttaBeerOuttaHere: FullName {
var firstName: String
var lastName: String
var readOnlyProperty: String = "Jack! Jack!...Line from Titanic"
var leonardoDicaprio = OuttaBeerOuttaHere.init(firstName: "Leonardo", lastName: "Dicaprio", readOnlyProperty: "WTF")
print(leonardoDicaprio.readOnlyProperty) //prints "WTF"
leonardoDicaprio.readOnlyProperty = "what now"
print(leonardoDicaprio.readOnlyProperty) //prints "what now"
What am I doing wrong to make it a true read only property to where I can't set it?
There is a difference between a protocol (a set of rules) and the type (i.e. your struct) that adopts the protocol.
Your protocol rule says that readOnlyProperty should be readable.
Your struct obeys by making it readable, and also makes it writable. That is not illegal, so all is well — and readOnlyProperty in your struct is read-write.
What would have been illegal would be the inverse, i.e. for the protocol to declare a property read-write but the adopter to declare it read-only. That situation didn't arise in your example, but if it had, the compiler would have stopped you.
Your protocol doesn't declare readOnlyProperty as a read-only property. It only requires that implementations of that protocol have at least gettable readOnlyProperty property. To allow mutations of that property or not is up to implementation itself.
From Docs
Here’s an example of a protocol with a single instance property requirement:
protocol FullyNamed {
var fullName: String { get }
The FullyNamed protocol requires a conforming type to provide a
fully-qualified name. The protocol doesn’t specify anything else about
the nature of the conforming type—it only specifies that the type must
be able to provide a full name for itself. The protocol states that
any FullyNamed type must have a gettable instance property called
fullName, which is of type String
it's a requirement from the protocol not a define

Swift: Is it possible to add a protocol extension to a protocol?

Lets say I have two protocols:
protocol TheirPcol {}
protocol MyPcol {
func extraFunc()
What I want to do is to create a protocol extension for 'TheirPcol' which lets extraFunc() work on anything which conforms to 'TheirPcol'. So something like this:
extension TheirPcol : MyPcol { // Error 'Extension of protocol 'TheirPcol' cannot have an inheritance clause.
func extraFunc() { /* do magic */}
struct TheirStruct:TheirPcol {}
let inst = TheirStruct()
The kicker in this is that 'TheirPcol', 'TheirStruct' are all handled by an external API which I do not control. So I'm passed the instance 'inst'.
Can this be done? Or am I going to have to do something like this:
struct TheirStruct:TheirPcol {}
let inst = TheirStruct() as! MyPcol
It seems there are two use-cases of why you may want to do what you are doing. In the first use-case, Swift will allow you to do what you want, but not very cleanly in the second use-case. I'm guessing you fall into the second category, but I'll go through both.
Extending the functionality of TheirPcol
One reason why you might want to do this is simply to give extra functionality to TheirPcol. Just like the compiler error says, you cannot extend Swift protocols to conform to other protocols. However, you can simply extend TheirPcol.
extension TheirPcol {
func extraFunc() { /* do magic */ }
Here, you are giving all objects that conform to TheirPcol the method extraFunc() and giving it a default implementation. This accomplishes the task of extending functionality for the objects conforming to TheirPcol, and if you want it to apply to your own objects as well then you could conform your objects to TheirPcol. In many situations, however, you want to keep MyPcol as your primary protocol and just treat TheirPcol as conforming to MyPcol. Unfortunately, Swift does not currently support protocol extensions declaring conformance to other protocols.
Using TheirPcol objects as if they were MyPcol
In the use case (most likely your use case) where you really do need the separate existence of MyPcol, then as far as I am aware there is no clean way to do what you want yet. Here's a few working but non-ideal solutions:
Wrapper around TheirPcol
One potentially messy approach would be to have a struct or class like the following:
struct TheirPcolWrapper<T: TheirPcol>: MyPcol {
var object: T
func extraFunc() { /* Do magic using object */ }
You could theoretically use this struct as an alternative to casting, as in your example, when you need to make an existing object instance conform to MyPcol. Or, if you have functions that accept MyPcol as a generic parameter, you could create equivalent functions that take in TheirPcol, then convert it to TheirPcolWrapper and send it off to the other function taking in MyPcol.
Another thing to note is if you are being passed an object of TheirPcol, then you won't be able to create a TheirPcolWrapper instance without first casting it down to an explicit type. This is due to some generics limitations of Swift. So, an object like this could be an alternative:
struct TheirPcolWrapper: MyPcol {
var object: MyPcol
func extraFunc() { /* Do magic using object */ }
This would mean you could create a TheirPcolWrapper instance without knowing the explicit type of the TheirPcol you are given.
For a large project, though, both of these could get messy really fast.
Extending individual objects using a child protocol
Yet another non-ideal solution is to extend each object that you know conforms to TheirPcol and that you know you wish to support. For example, suppose you know that ObjectA and ObjectB conform to TheirPcol. You could create a child protocol of MyPcol and then explicitly declare conformance for both objects, as below:
protocol BridgedToMyPcol: TheirPcol, MyPcol {}
extension BridgedToMyPcol {
func extraFunc() {
// Do magic here, given that the object is guaranteed to conform to TheirPcol
extension ObjectA: BridgedToMyPcol {}
extension ObjectB: BridgedToMyPcol {}
Unfortunately, this approach breaks down if there are a large number of objects that you wish to support, or if you cannot know ahead of time what the objects will be. It also becomes a problem when you don't know the explicit type of a TheirPcol you are given, although you can use type(of:) to get a metatype.
A note about Swift 4
You should check out Conditional conformances, a proposal accepted for inclusion in Swift 4. Specifically, this proposal outlines the ability to have the following extension:
extension Array: Equatable where Element: Equatable {
static func ==(lhs: Array<Element>, rhs: Array<Element>) -> Bool { ... }
While this is not quite what you are asking, at the bottom you'll find "Alternatives considered", which has a sub-section called "Extending protocols to conform to protocols", which is much more what you're trying to do. It provides the following example:
extension Collection: Equatable where Iterator.Element: Equatable {
static func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
// ...
Then states the following:
This protocol extension would make any Collection of Equatable elements Equatable, which is a powerful feature that could be put to good use. Introducing conditional conformances for protocol extensions would exacerbate the problem of overlapping conformances, because it would be unreasonable to say that the existence of the above protocol extension means that no type that conforms to Collection could declare its own conformance to Equatable, conditional or otherwise.
While I realize you're not asking for the ability to have conditional conformances, this is the closest thing I could find regarding discussion of protocols being extended to conform to other protocols.

Setting a delegate generates a compile error

I want to use a strategy pattern to register a set of objects that implement a protocol. When I set this up, I get a compile error when trying to set the delegate that is part of the protocol.
For discussion purposes, I have slightly reworked the DiceGame from the Swift eBook's Delegation chapter. The changes of significance are:
protocol DiceGame - declares a delegate
class SnakesAndLadders implements DiceGame (and therefore the protocol and delegate)
class Games holds 3 instances of SnakesAndLadders as
1) a concrete class of SnakesAndLadders
2) a 'let' constant of protocol DiceGame
3) a 'var' variable of protocol DiceGame
We can set the delegate fine if we use the concrete class (snakesAndLadders). However, there is a compile error if we use 'let' to hold it as a protocol (diceGameAsLet) but it compiles if we hold the variable as a 'var' (diceGameAsVar).
It is easy to work around, however, the delegate itself never changes so should be held as a 'let' constant, as it is only the internal property that changes. I must not understand something (possibly subtle but significant) about protocols and how they work and should be used.
class Dice
func roll() -> Int
return 7 // always win :)
protocol DiceGame
// all DiceGames must work with a DiceGameDelegate
var delegate:DiceGameDelegate? {get set}
var dice: Dice {get}
func play()
protocol DiceGameDelegate
func gameDidStart( game:DiceGame )
func gameDidEnd( game:DiceGame )
class SnakesAndLadders:DiceGame
var delegate:DiceGameDelegate?
let dice = Dice()
func play()
private func playGame()
print("Playing the game here...")
class Games : DiceGameDelegate
let snakesAndLadders = SnakesAndLadders()
// hold the protocol, not the class
let diceGameAsLet:DiceGame = SnakesAndLadders()
var diceGameAsVar:DiceGame = SnakesAndLadders()
func setupDelegateAsClass()
// can assign the delegate if using the class
snakesAndLadders.delegate = self
func setupDelegateAsVar()
// if we use 'var' we can assign the delegate
diceGameAsVar.delegate = self
func setupDelegateAsLet()
// We are not changing the dice game so want to use 'let', but it won't compile
// we are changing the delegate, which is declared as 'var' inside the protocol
diceGameAsLet.delegate = self
// MARK: - DiceGameDelegate
func gameDidStart( game:DiceGame )
print("Game Started")
func gameDidEnd( game:DiceGame )
print("Game Ended")
DiceGame is a heterogeneous protocol that you're using as a type; Swift will treat this type as a value type, and hence (just as for a structures), changing its mutable properties will mutate also the instance of the protocol type itself.
If you, however, add the : class keyword to the DiceGame protocol, Swift will treat it as a reference type, allowing you to mutate members of instances of it, without mutating the instance itself. Note that this will constraint the protocol as conformable to only by class types.
protocol DiceGame: class { ... }
With the addition of the above, the mutation of immutable diceGameAsLet:s properties will be allowed.
In this context, it's worth mentioning that the : class keyword is usually used to constrain protocols used as delegates (e.g., DiceGameDelegate in your example) as conformable to only by class types. With this additional constraint, the delegates can be used as types to which the delegate owner (e.g. some class) only hold a weak reference, useful in contexts where a strong reference to the delegate could create a retain cycle.
See e.g. the 2nd part of this answer for details.
The issue is that when you store something as a Protocol, even if it is a class, swift considers them to be a value type, instead of the reference type you are expecting them to be. Therefore, no part of it is allowed to be changed. Take a look at this reference for more information.

How to represent an optional Bool (Bool?) in Objective-C?

I am trying to write a protocol in swift
#objc protocol RestAPIManagerDelegate {
optional func credentialValidated(isValid: Bool?)
But I am getting following error:
'Method cannot be marked #objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C'
Any suggestion?
The problem is this type declaration:
`isValid: Bool?`
That is perfectly fine in Swift. But you cannot expose it to Objective-C, because Objective-C does not have any notion of an Optional BOOL - a BOOL in Objective-C is basically just a number, a primitive C datatype (what we call a scalar).
Here's another way of looking at it. In an interchange with Objective-C, you can use a Swift Optional anywhere that Objective-C can say nil - indeed, to a large extent Swift Optional exists exactly in order to deal with the possibility that Objective-C will say nil or that you might need to say nil to Objective-C. But a BOOL in Objective-C can never be nil - it can only be YES or NO (Swift true or false).
So you have three choices:
Take away the #objc that exposes all this to Objective-C
Remove the Optional and just declare that type a Bool
Use an object type. For example, declare the type as AnyObject? (or NSNumber?). This will work because Swift will bridge a Bool to an NSNumber (including as it passes into an AnyObject), and Objective-C will deal just fine with an Optional AnyObject or Optional NSNumber because those are object types, not scalars.
Object-C does not have the concept of optionals, try to remove the "?" from your declaration
It's OK to use NSNumber? instead, but there is another way.
You can create OptionalBool enum and use it instead of Bool? for compatibility with Objective-C.
Creating OptionalBool enum in Swift code:
#objc enum OptionalBool: Int {
case none
case yes
case no
#objc protocol RestAPIManagerDelegate {
#objc optional func credentialValidated(isValid: OptionalBool)
Using OptionalBool in Objective-C code:
#interface RestAPIManagerHandler () <RestAPIManagerDelegate>
#implementation RestAPIManagerHandler
- (void)credentialValidatedWithIsValid:(enum OptionalBool)isValid {
switch (isValid) {
case OptionalBoolYes:
case OptionalBoolNo:
case OptionalBoolNone:
Swift Bool are converted in NSNumber so for example if a Swift method returns [Bool] and if you receive this array in Objective-C code, it become a NSArray <NSNumber *>. And if you give this array to a Swift method which receives a [Bool] as parameter, the conversion will be done automatically.
If you are wanting to just do a protocol in Swift, for use within Swift, without optionals you can do this:
public protocol Note {
var content: [ContentType] {get}
func insertNote(note: Note) -> Bool
That will force a class to implement a method that returns a Bool and have an array of some class called ContentType.
If you want to make the method optional, you must specify the objc keyword as you have done, regardless if you are interoperating with Objective-C or not. At that point, everything else should work in your example.
#objc protocol RestAPIManagerDelegate {
optional func credentialValidated(isValid: Bool?)
From Apples documentation:
Optional protocol requirements can only be specified if your protocol is marked with the #objc attribute.
This attribute indicates that the protocol should be exposed to Objective-C code and is described in Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C. Even if you are not interoperating with Objective-C, you need to mark your protocols with the #objc attribute if you want to specify optional requirements.
Note also that #objc protocols can be adopted only by classes, and not by structures or enumerations. If you mark your protocol as #objc in order to specify optional requirements, you will only be able to apply that protocol to class types.
The example given by Apple:
#objc protocol CounterDataSource {
optional func incrementForCount(count: Int) -> Int
optional var fixedIncrement: Int { get }

Why use class only protocols in Swift?

Can anyone please explain class only protocols to me in Swift. I understand what protocols are and why we use them. I also understand that its recommended to use class only protocols when we use reference type objects in it and want to limit the protocol conformation to classes only. However, I can't find any good answer to support that recommendation. Why is it recommended? What is the drawbacks of using normal protocols in that case.
One use case:
You have a "delegate" protocol and someone wants to have a weak property of that protocol type. weak can only be used on reference types; therefore, the protocol must be class-only.
Another use case used to be to extend reference types to adopt protocols. You can't extend AnyObject itself (to inherit from another protocol, or for any other reason) but you have any reference types you want adopt a protocol inherited from AnyObject.
For example, having class equality based on unique identity is often a perfectly fine solution, so you could adopt EquatableObject:
public protocol EquatableObject: AnyObject, Equatable { }
public extension EquatableObject {
static func == (class0: Self, class1: Self) -> Bool {
class0 === class1
But now, we have protocol extension constraints (using where clauses), so instead of extending AnyObject, we can extend the protocol, and use AnyObject as a constraint. It looks backwards but operates identically, and removes the need for our own protocol. 🥳
public extension Equatable where Self: AnyObject {
static func == (class0: Self, class1: Self) -> Bool {
class0 === class1