Is OLAP the right approach - olap-cube

I have a requirement to develop a reporting solution for a system which has a large number of data items, with a significant number of these being free text fields. Almost any value in the tables are needed for access to a team of analysts who carry out reporting, analysis and data provision.
It has been suggested that an OLAP solution would be appropriate for the delivery of this, however the general need is to get records not aggregates and each cube would have a large number of dimensions (~150) and very few measures (number of records, length of time). I have been told that this approach will let us answer any questions we ask of it, however we do not have repeated business questions that much but need to list the raw records out.
Is OLAP really a logical way to go with this or will the cubes take too long to process and limit the level of access to the data that the user require?


Calculating and reporting Data Completeness

I have been working with measuring the data completeness and creating actionable reports for out HRIS system for some time.
Until now i have used Excel, but now that the requirements for reporting has stabilized and the need for quicker response time has increased i want to move the work to another level. At the same time i also wish there to be more detailed options for distinguishing between different units.
As an example I am looking at missing fields. So for each employee in every company I simply want to count how many fields are missing.
For other fields I am looking to validate data - like birthdays compared to hiring dates, threshold for different values, employee groups compared to responsibility level, and so on.
My question is where to move from here. Is there any language that is better than any of the others when dealing with importing lists, doing evaluations on fields in the lists and then quantify it on company and other levels? I want to be able to extract data from our different systems, then have a program do all calculations and summarize the findings in some way. (I consider it to be a good learning experience.)
I've done something like this in the past and sort of cheated. I wrote a program that ran nightly, identified missing fields (not required but necessary for data integrity) and dumped those to an incomplete record table that was cleared each night before the process ran. I then sent batch emails to each of the different groups responsible for the missing element(s) to the responsible group (Payroll/Benefits/Compensation/HR Admin) so the missing data could be added. I used .Net against and Oracle database and sent emails via Lotus Notes, but a similar design should work on just about any environment.

Amazon Redshift for SaaS application

I am currently testing Redshift for a SaaS near-realtime analytics application.
The queries performance are fine on a 100M rows dataset.
However, the concurrency limit of 15 queries per cluster will become a problem when more users will be using the application at the same time.
I cannot cache all aggregated results since we authorize to customize filters on each query (ad-hoc querying)
The requirements for the application are:
queries must return results within 10s
ad-hoc queries with filters on more than 100 columns
From 1 to 50 clients connected at the same time on the application
dataset growing at 10M rows / day rate
typical queries are SELECT with aggregated function COUNT, AVG with 1 or 2 joins
Is Redshift not correct for this use case? What other technologies would you consider for those requirements?
This question was also posted on the Redshift Forum.
I'm cross-posting my answer for others who find this question via Google. :)
In the old days we would have used an OLAP product for this, something like Essbase or Analysis Services. If you want to look into OLAP there is an very nice open source implementation called Mondrian that can run over a variety of databases (including Redshift AFAIK). Also check out Saiku for an OSS browser based OLAP query tool.
I think you should test the behaviour of Redshift with more than 15 concurrent queries. I suspect that it will not be user noticeable as the queries will simply queue for a second or 2.
If you prove that Redshift won't work you could test Vertica's free 3-node edition. It's a bit more mature than Redshift (i.e. it will handle more concurrent users) and much more flexible about data loading.
Hadoop/Impala is overly complex for a dataset of your size, in my opinion. It is also not designed for a large number of concurrent queries or short duration queries.
Shark/Spark is designed for the case where you data is arriving quickly and you have a limited set of metrics that you can pre-calculate. Again this does not seem to match your requirements.
Good luck.
Redshift is very sensitive to the keys used in joins and group by/order by. There are no dynamic indexes, so usually you define your structure to suit the tasks.
What you need to ensure is that your joins match the structure 100%. Look at the explain plans - you should not have any redistribution or broadcasting, and no leader node activities (such as Sorting). It sounds like the most critical requirement considering the amount of queries you are going to have.
The requirement to be able to filter/aggregate on arbitrary 100 columns can be a problem as well. If the structure (dist keys, sort keys) don't match the columns most of the time, you won't be able to take advantage of Redshift optimisations. However, these are scalability problems - you can increase the number of nodes to match your performance, you just might be surprised of the costs of the optimal solution.
This may not be a serious problem if the number of projected columns is small, otherwise Redshift will have to hold large amounts of data in memory (and eventually spill) while sorting or aggregating (even in distributed manner), and that can again impact performance.
Beyond scaling, you can always implement sharding or mirroring, to overcome some queue/connection limits, or contact AWS support to have some limits lifted
You should consider pre-aggregation. Redshift can scan billions of rows in seconds as long as it does not need to do transformations like reordering. And it can store petabytes of data - so it's OK if you store data in excess
So in summary, I don't think your use case is not suitable based on just the definition you provided. It might require work, and the details depend on the exact usage patterns.

Why to build a SSAS Cube?

I was just searching for the best explanations and reasons to build a OLAP Cube from Relational Data. Is that all about performance and query optimization?
It will be great if you can give links or point out best explanations and reasons for building a cube, as we can do all the things from relational database that we can do from cube and cube is faster to show results.Is there any other explanation or reasons?
There are many reasons why you should use a cube for analytical proccessing.
Speed. Olap wharehouses are read only infrastractures providing 10 times faster queries than their oltp counterparts. See wiki
Multiple data integration. On a cube you can easily use multiple data sources and do minimal work with many automated tasks (especially when you use SSIS) to intergrate them on a single analysis system. See elt process
Minimum code. That is, you need not write queries. Even though you can write MDX - the language of the cubes in SSAS, the BI Studio does most of the hard work for you. On a project I am working on, at first we used SSRS to provide reports for the client. The queries were long and hard to make and took days to implement. Their SSAS equivalent reports took us half an hour to make, writing only a few simple queries to trasform some data.
A cube provides reports and drill up-down-through, without the need to write additional queries. The end user can traverse the dimension automatically, as the aggregations are already stored in the warehouse. This helps as the users of the cube need only traverse its dimensions to produce their own reports without the need to write queries.
Is is part of the Bussiness Intelligence. When you make a cube it can be fed to many new technologies and help in the implementation of BI solutions.
I hope this helps.
If you want a top level view, use OLAP. Say you have millions of rows detailing product sales and you want to know your monthly sales totals.
If you want bottom-level detail, use OLTP (e.g. SQL). Say you have millions of rows detailing product sales and want to examine one store's sales on one particular day to find potential fraud.
OLAP is good for big numbers. You wouldn't use it to examine string values, really...
It's bit like asking why using JAVA/C++ when we can do everything with Assembly Language ;-) Building a cube (apart from performance) is giving you the MDX language; this language has higher level concepts than SQL and is better with analytic tasks. Perhaps this question gives more info.
My 2 centavos.

PostgreSql and retrieving real time business statistics leads to too long queries : a solution?

We have a national application & the users would like to have accurate business statistics regarding some tables.
We are using tomcat, Spring Ws & hibernate on top of that.
We have thought of many solutions :
plain old query for each user request. The problem is those tables contains millions of records. Every query will take many seconds at least. Solution never used.
the actual solution used: create trigger. But it is painful to create & difficult to maintain (no OO, no cool EDI, no real debug). The only helping part is the possibility to create Junit Test on a higher level to verify the expected result. And for each different statistic on a table we have to create an other trigger for this table.
Using the quartz framework to consolidate data after X minutes.
I have learned that databases are not designedfor these heavy and complicated queries.
A separate data warehouse optimize for reading only queries will be better. (OLAP??)
But I don't have any clue where to start with postGresql. (pentaho is the solution or just a part?)
How could we extract data from the production database ? Using some extractor ?
And when ?Every night ?
If it is periodically - How will we manage to maintain near real time statistics if the data are just dumped on our datawarehouse one time per day ?
"I have learn that databases are NOT DESIGNED for these heavy and complicated queries."
Well you need to unlearn that. A database was designed for just these type of queries. I would blame bad design of the software you are using before I would blame the core technology.
I seems i have been misunderstood.
For those who think that a classic database is design for even processing real-time statistic with queries on billions datas, they might need to read articles on the origin of OLAP & why some people bother to design products around if the answer for performance was just a design question.
"I would blame bad design of the software you are using before I would blame the core technology."
By the way, im not using any software (or pgadmin counts ?). I have two basic tables, you cant make it more simple,and the problem comes when you have billions datas to retreve for statistics.
For those who think it is just a design problm, im glad to hear their clever answer (no trigger i know this one) to a simple problem :
Imagine you have 2 tables: employees & phones. An employee may have 0 to N phones.
Now let say that you have 10 000 000 employees & 30 000 000 phones.
You final users want to know in real time :
1- the average number of phones per user
2-the avegarde age of user who have more than 3 phones
3-the averagae numbers of phones for employees who are in the company for more than 10 years
You have potentially 100 users that want those real time statistics at anytime.
Of course, any queries dont have to take more than 1/4 sec.
Incrementally summarize the data..?
The frequency depends on your requirements, and in extreme cases you may need more hardware, but this is very unlikely.
Bulk load new data
Calculate new status [delta] using new data and existing status
Merge/update status
Insert new data into permanent table (if necessary)
NOTIFY wegotsnewdata
StarShip3000 is correct, btw.

Are document databases good for storing large amounts of Stock Tick data? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I was thinking of using a database like mongodb or ravendb to store a lot of stock tick data and wanted to know if this would be viable compared to a standard relational such as Sql Server.
The data would not really be relational and would be a couple of huge tables. I was also thinking that I could sum/min/max rows of data by minute/hour/day/week/month etc for even faster calculations.
Example data:
500 symbols * 60 min * 60sec * 300 days... (per record we store: date, open, high,low,close, volume, openint - all decimal/float)
So what do you guys think?
Since when this question was asked in 2010, several database engines were released or have developed features that specifically handle time series such as stock tick data:
InfluxDB - see my other answer
With MongoDB or other document-oriented databases, if you target performance, the advices is to contort your schema to organize ticks in an object keyed by seconds (or an object of minutes, each minute being another object with 60 seconds). With a specialized time series database, you can query data simply with
SELECT open, close FROM market_data
WHERE symbol = 'AAPL' AND time > '2016-09-14' AND time < '2016-09-21'
I was also thinking that I could sum/min/max rows of data by minute/hour/day/week/month etc for even faster calculations.
With InfluxDB, this is very straightforward. Here's how to get the daily minimums and maximums:
SELECT MIN("close"), MAX("close") FROM "market_data" WHERE WHERE symbol = 'AAPL'
GROUP BY time(1d)
You can group by time intervals which can be in microseconds (u), seconds (s), minutes (m), hours (h), days (d) or weeks (w).
Time-series databases are better choices than document-oriented databases for storing and querying large amounts of stock tick data.
The answer here will depend on scope.
MongoDB is great way to get the data "in" and it's really fast at querying individual pieces. It's also nice as it is built to scale horizontally.
However, what you'll have to remember is that all of your significant "queries" are actually going to result from "batch job output".
As an example, Gilt Groupe has created a system called Hummingbird that they use for real-time analytics on their web site. Presentation here. They're basically dynamically rendering pages based on collected performance data in tight intervals (15 minutes).
In their case, they have a simple cycle: post data to mongo -> run map-reduce -> push data to webs for real-time optimization -> rinse / repeat.
This is honestly pretty close to what you probably want to do. However, there are some limitations here:
Map-reduce is new to many people. If you're familiar with SQL, you'll have to accept the learning curve of Map-reduce.
If you're pumping in lots of data, your map-reduces are going to be slower on those boxes. You'll probably want to look at slaving / replica pairs if response times are a big deal.
On the other hand, you'll run into different variants of these problems with SQL.
Of course there are some benefits here:
Horizontal scalability. If you have lots of boxes then you can shard them and get somewhat linear performance increases on Map/Reduce jobs (that's how they work). Building such a "cluster" with SQL databases is lot more costly and expensive.
Really fast speed and as with point #1, you get the ability to add RAM horizontally to keep up the speed.
As mentioned by others though, you're going to lose access to ETL and other common analysis tools. You'll definitely be on the hook to write a lot of your own analysis tools.
Here's my reservation with the idea - and I'm going to openly acknowledge that my working knowledge of document databases is weak. I’m assuming you want all of this data stored so that you can perform some aggregation or trend-based analysis on it.
If you use a document based db to act as your source, the loading and manipulation of each row of data (CRUD operations) is very simple. Very efficient, very straight forward, basically lovely.
What sucks is that there are very few, if any, options to extract this data and cram it into a structure more suitable for statistical analysis e.g. columnar database or cube. If you load it into a basic relational database, there are a host of tools, both commercial and open source such as pentaho that will accommodate the ETL and analysis very nicely.
Ultimately though, what you want to keep in mind is that every financial firm in the world has a stock analysis/ auto-trader application; they just caused a major U.S. stock market tumble and they are not toys. :)
A simple datastore such as a key-value or document database is also beneficial in cases where performing analytics reasonably exceeds a single system's capacity. (Or it will require an exceptionally large machine to handle the load.) In these cases, it makes sense to use a simple store since the analytics require batch processing anyway. I would personally look at finding a horizontally scaling processing method to coming up with the unit/time analytics required.
I would investigate using something built on Hadoop for parallel processing. Either use the framework natively in Java/C++ or some higher level abstraction: Pig, Wukong, binary executables through the streaming interface, etc. Amazon offers reasonably cheap processing time and storage if that route is of interest. (I have no personal experience but many do and depend on it for their businesses.)